Zojuist nog even de CC teruggelezen op SA. Het antwoord op de vraag van deze analist is schrijnend en getuigd van onkunde.
Michiel Declercq
Yes. Hi. Thanks for taking my questions. The first one would be returning back a bit to the USO and the delay that you had there in or the fact that they want to have some more background information with the survey. I don't know if I can recall this correctly, but I think that during the pre-earnings call, the earliest timing that you would anticipate an outcome or a potential financial remuneration would be in the spring of 2025. Given the delays that you currently, yeah, that there are now, is this still realistic that there can be a temporary measure by then?
Herna Verhagen
On your question, the delay in Parliament means that they probably for the first time will discuss the future of Mail delivery in the Netherlands somewhere in spring. That means that I do not expect any bridging measures in spring 2025. And of course, we're looking together with the ministry into what could be the earliest moment to do something in those measures, but not to be expected spring 2025, that's too early. What we think will happen is that after the report of ACM, the discussion will start again in parliament on the future of Mail services in the Netherlands and that will lead to some measures. But the exact timeframe around that is difficult to give at this moment in time.
Met andere woorden; je hebt een verlieslatend onderdeel. Dat zie je al tijden aankomen. En je hoopt dat de politiek jou ergens in de tweede helft van 2025 misschien als je geluk hebt de hand gaat toesteken... maar dat weet je niet, afwachten.....Tja, en daar verdien je dan een miljoen per jaar voor. Triest.