Frederik C schreef:
En in weerwil van de nummers die vanochtend door Lazard zijn gegokt...hier de nummers die ik persoonlijk meer vertrouw, van Coinz.
Posted by: coinstarz
In reply to: None
Date:6/27/2006 2:31:48 PM
Post #of 2355
iPlex sales number for 2nd Q (May 25 - June 30) could pass 120+/-. I think 3Q number will be much better since some big insurance companies start to cover iPlex in July plus ENDO meeting positive impact. iPlex can be safely used in infants for 3 years. HV is much better than Increlex. The fact speaks itself. The support is around 1.65. This is a great entry day for INSM.
However, don't trade INSM. You buy, it drops. You short, it goes up. ik zijn 120 nog steeds conservatief vind, gegeven het feit dat er minimaal 2 batches van 5,000 vials zijn verzonden, hetgeen overeenkomt met 280 patienten!
Geluk, F.