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Ja eens, die aandeeltjes zijn keurig netjes opgeveegd door IB.

15 augustus weer Institutional holdings.
geen woorden voor blijf zitten met de helft... geen zin meer die ook nog eens te verkopen..... achteraf ook meer geluk dan wijsheid dat ik de helft heb verkocht...... tja , win some looooooooosssse some, al met al ga ik pas weer kopen als de rechstzaak echt achter de rug is. Dus volgend jaar! achteraf allemaal heel duidelijk dat er toch voorkennis bestaat, wellicht zelfs tot in de courtrooms!Ze buiten deze rechtszaken vakkundig volg jaar weer een killing te maken ...als alles gesetteld is....weer een heel erg groot verlies(vooralsnog de helft van mijn porto papierenverlies en de de verkochte helft zwaar echt verlies)we gaan maar weer eens in de volgende scam....GTCB hoewel timing dus belangrijk is...op tijd ff uitstappen,dat is het lesje voor GTCB strakjes...
gr en een zwaar in het rood zijnde leg
Leg koop op de dips en sell op de nieuws.
Tjonge man


leguaan3 schreef:

geen woorden voor blijf zitten met de helft... geen zin meer die ook nog eens te verkopen..... achteraf ook meer geluk dan wijsheid dat ik de helft heb verkocht...... tja , win some looooooooosssse some, al met al ga ik pas weer kopen als de rechstzaak echt achter de rug is. Dus volgend jaar! achteraf allemaal heel duidelijk dat er toch voorkennis bestaat, wellicht zelfs tot in de courtrooms!Ze buiten deze rechtszaken vakkundig volg jaar weer een killing te maken ...als alles gesetteld is....weer een heel erg groot verlies(vooralsnog de helft van mijn porto papierenverlies en de de verkochte helft zwaar echt verlies)we gaan maar weer eens in de volgende scam....GTCB hoewel timing dus belangrijk is...op tijd ff uitstappen,dat is het lesje voor GTCB strakjes...
gr en een zwaar in het rood zijnde leg

crackedtooth schreef:

er word goed geprobeerd om hem onder de 1,30 te houden
zal vandaag nog interessante dag worden
1e en 2e poging met grote laat blokken mislukt

crackedtooth schreef:

er word goed geprobeerd om hem onder de 1,30 te houden
zal vandaag nog interessante dag worden

1e en 2e poging met grote laat blokken mislukt

1,34 bied loopt erg vol
we hebben steun van grotere jongen is mijn inschatting!
tot $1,67 staan er "slechts" ca. 18.000 in de laat, in verschillende kleine orders.
De eerste wat grotere laat daarna is van Merril Lynch met 20.000 stukken op $1,67
Ja ja, en de institutionals zitten er met minstens 20% bij. Ka ching $$$$.
Tjonge jonge, er zijn ratjes, ratten en RATTEN en wij krijgen les van de laatste categorie. Altijd nuttig zo'n lesje. INSM ligt lekker op de plank bij mij en ik laat ze lekker liggen tot 2007.

Trouwens, ik denk dat de lui die vanmorgen verkochten op een komma nul weinig nu wel rode vlekken in de nek hebben van woede en schaamte...

crupharm schreef:

tot $1,67 staan er "slechts" ca. 18.000 in de laat, in verschillende kleine orders.
De eerste wat grotere laat daarna is van Merril Lynch met 20.000 stukken op $1,67
Sinds jouw opmerking al meer dan 100.000 aandelen er doorheen gegaan in dat kwartier.
Jouw boekje is dus te optimistisch.


Do DD schreef:

Ja ja, en de institutionals zitten er met minstens 20% bij. Ka ching $$$$.
Tjonge jonge, er zijn ratjes, ratten en RATTEN en wij krijgen les van de laatste categorie. Altijd nuttig zo'n lesje. INSM ligt lekker op de plank bij mij en ik laat ze lekker liggen tot 2007.

Trouwens, ik denk dat de lui die vanmorgen verkochten op een komma nul weinig nu wel rode vlekken in de nek hebben van woede en schaamte...
Mijn mentale guru in barre tijden.

alles stroomt, niets blijft

psycho-pharma schreef:

[quote=Do DD]
Ja ja, en de institutionals zitten er met minstens 20% bij. Ka ching $$$$.
Tjonge jonge, er zijn ratjes, ratten en RATTEN en wij krijgen les van de laatste categorie. Altijd nuttig zo'n lesje. INSM ligt lekker op de plank bij mij en ik laat ze lekker liggen tot 2007.

Trouwens, ik denk dat de lui die vanmorgen verkochten op een komma nul weinig nu wel rode vlekken in de nek hebben van woede en schaamte...

Mijn mentale guru in barre tijden.

alles stroomt, niets blijft
eerder al gezien bij oa gtcb.. herinner die dag nog..down -40% ofozo op geen nieuws, zeer hoog volume... terug naar bijna -3% ofzo
ludwig mack
spreek je engels / heb je net het pr gelezen dan ? daaruit kun je je risico toch meten en dan zou ik nu zeker weer instappen ........


leguaan3 schreef:

geen woorden voor blijf zitten met de helft... geen zin meer die ook nog eens te verkopen..... achteraf ook meer geluk dan wijsheid dat ik de helft heb verkocht...... tja , win some looooooooosssse some, al met al ga ik pas weer kopen als de rechstzaak echt achter de rug is. Dus volgend jaar! achteraf allemaal heel duidelijk dat er toch voorkennis bestaat, wellicht zelfs tot in de courtrooms!Ze buiten deze rechtszaken vakkundig volg jaar weer een killing te maken ...als alles gesetteld is....weer een heel erg groot verlies(vooralsnog de helft van mijn porto papierenverlies en de de verkochte helft zwaar echt verlies)we gaan maar weer eens in de volgende scam....GTCB hoewel timing dus belangrijk is...op tijd ff uitstappen,dat is het lesje voor GTCB strakjes...
gr en een zwaar in het rood zijnde leg

Court Decision Means That Patent Dispute between Insmed and Tercica and Genentch Will Have to Be Resolved at Trial

E-mail | Print | | Disable live quotes Last Update: 2:15 PM ET Jul 5, 2006

GLENN ALLEN, Va., Jul 05, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- On Friday, June 30, 2006, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California issued a decision in the suit brought by Tercica Inc and Genentech, Inc against Insmed, Inc. (INSM : insmed inc com new
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2:04pm 07/05/2006

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INSM1.38, -0.16, -10.4%) and two of its subsidiaries alleging infringement of three U.S. patents. The Court ruled on issues of claim construction and on motions by both sides for partial summary judgment. The Court adopted some claim interpretations proposed by Plaintiffs and others proposed by Insmed. It also adopted some interpretations that were modifications of those proposed by the parties. The Court likewise granted certain motions for summary judgment and denied others. The Court's rulings do not fully resolve all of the pending issues regarding any of the three patents. The remaining issues will be resolved at trial, which is currently scheduled to commence on November 6, 2006. The decision does not have any impact on Insmed's ability to continue to sell IPLEX. (TM)
With respect to U.S. Patent No. 6,331,414 ("the '414 patent"), the Court granted Plaintiffs' Motion that Insmed infringes claims 1, 2, and 9 of the '414 patent. The Court found that due to disputes of material fact, Insmed's invalidity defenses will need to be resolved at trial and therefore denied Insmed's motion for summary judgment that the claims at issue are invalid. .
With respect to U.S. Patent No. 5,187,151 ("the '151 patent"), the Court granted Plaintiffs' motion for partial summary judgment that the patent was not invalidated by certain prior art. Because of the claim constructions it adopted and disputes of material fact, the Court denied Insmed's motion for summary judgment on non-infringement of the '151 patent. The question of infringement will now need to be resolved at trial. Also yet to be resolved is Insmed's defense that the '151 patent is unenforceable due to inequitable conduct.
With respect to U.S. Patent No. 5,258,287 ("the '287 patent"), the Court ruled on the scope of one disputed claim term. The issue of whether Insmed infringes the '287 patent or whether the claims at issue are valid remain to be resolved at trial.
The Court also granted Insmed's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of no infringement as to certain allegations made against Insmed, through its wholly owned subsidiary Celtrix related to activities that occurred prior Insmed's acquisition of Celtrix or prior to Insmed receiving FDA approval of IPLEX(TM)
Insmed CEO Dr. Geoffrey Allan stated: "We had anticipated that the Court's decisions would not resolve all the issues in this matter, which will be the subject of the upcoming trial. We believe the Court's interpretations seriously call into question the validity of the '414 patent' and look forward to presenting that evidence at trial. This decision also permits Insmed to continue to press its defenses of no infringement and unenforceability for the '151 patent' and no infringement and invalidity for the '287 patent.'"
ludwig mack
mooi bericht !
dank voor plaatsing.
kun je het ook bij insm bronnen van info, algemeen plaatsen, dank.


crackedtooth schreef:

Insmed from Unterburg

Insmed (INSM5,6,7,8,9 $1.54) Buy
Tercica, Inc. (TRCA5,8 $5.27) Under Perform
Court Issues Markman Ruling – Net Neutral for Both Sides; Looking Ahead to the

· It was announced today that the U.S. District Court for the Northern
District of California issued the Markman rulings on summary judgment and claim
construction in the on-going patent litigation between Insmed and Tercica.
Through these rulings, the Judge has laid out the definitions of the terms and
the parameters of the patents in the upcoming trial.

· The Court ruled to interpret the claims of the 414 patent (the
manufacturing of IGF-1) broadly during the trial. It has stated should the 414
patent be read interpreted as written, Insmed would be infringing on the patent.
However, it has also stated that it is disputable as to whether or not the
original inventors can claim production of IGF-1 at the time the patent was

· We believe this could be a key ruling as Insmed has always argued that
the 414 patent was built around a protein that was not bioactive at the time of
invention. Therefore, one could argue the patent is not completely enforceable.
We highlight that in the Markman Hearing, Judge Wilkins made several comments
to the same effect asking Tercica/Genentech why they did not write the patent
for a bioactive protein if they claim that they can indeed make it. We believe
come time for the trial in November, this issue of enablement will be key for
this particular patent.

· Additionally, the Court ruled that the 151 patent (method of use) is
not invalid. Consequently, Insmed will not be able to challenge the patent's
validity at the trial.

· Recall that we believe the 151 Patent could potentially provide a
moral victory for Insmed. In the original patent filing, a pivotal study was
referenced in which the effects of IGF-1 were observed in a hypoxic rat.
Although the first study was successful in showing results, the pivotal study
was repeated but failed. The company claims the USPTO was never informed of the
second study. Should Insmed win on this patent, there is the possibility of the
jury being negatively biased towards the other side as they continue to see the
rest of the case.

· There was no ruling on the 287 patent (composition of matter) as
neither Insmed nor Tercica filed any motions on it. We will await the trial for
a ruling on this patent.

· The judge presiding over the case returns from sabbatical on September
1. All pre-trial materials are due to be filed by September 27. Though the
trial is slated to start on November 5, we would not be surprised if the start
date were to slip. Once started however, the trial will last 2 weeks.

· We also point out that win, lose or draw, we are confident there will
be an appeals process. The next step would be to go to the Federal Circuit in
which decisions are made by a panel of judges. This process could take anywhere
from 12-18 months.

· Finally, long before the litigation comes to a final conclusion, we
believe Insmed will be established as a commercial organization. Even if Insmed
were to lose the current case, we suspect the judge is likely to stay any
royalties until the appeals process is complete or alternatively pay the royalty
into escrow.

· We believe the Markman ruling is a net neutral for both Tercica and
Insmed. We reiterate our Buy rating on INSM with a $3 PT and would take
advantage of this morning’s weakness to add to positions.

Court Decision Means That Patent Dispute between Insmed and Tercica and Genentch Will Have to Be Resolved at Trial
On Friday, June 30, 2006, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California issued a decision in the suit brought by Tercica Inc and Genentech, Inc against Insmed, Inc.(NASDAQ:INSM) and two of its subsidiaries alleging infringement of three U.S. patents. The Court ruled on issues of claim construction and on motions by both sides for partial summary judgment. The Court adopted some claim interpretations proposed by Plaintiffs and others proposed by Insmed. It also adopted some interpretations that were modifications of those proposed by the parties. The Court likewise granted certain motions for summary judgment and denied others. The Court's rulings do not fully resolve all of the pending issues regarding any of the three patents. The remaining issues will be resolved at trial, which is currently scheduled to commence on November 6, 2006. The decision does not have any impact on Insmed's ability to continue to sell IPLEX. (TM)

With respect to U.S. Patent No. 6,331,414 ("the '414 patent"), the Court granted Plaintiffs' Motion that Insmed infringes claims 1, 2, and 9 of the '414 patent. The Court found that due to disputes of material fact, Insmed's invalidity defenses will need to be resolved at trial and therefore denied Insmed's motion for summary judgment that the claims at issue are invalid. .

With respect to U.S. Patent No. 5,187,151 ("the '151 patent"), the Court granted Plaintiffs' motion for partial summary judgment that the patent was not invalidated by certain prior art. Because of the claim constructions it adopted and disputes of material fact, the Court denied Insmed's motion for summary judgment on non-infringement of the '151 patent. The question of infringement will now need to be resolved at trial. Also yet to be resolved is Insmed's defense that the '151 patent is unenforceable due to inequitable conduct.

With respect to U.S. Patent No. 5,258,287 ("the '287 patent"), the Court ruled on the scope of one disputed claim term. The issue of whether Insmed infringes the '287 patent or whether the claims at issue are valid remain to be resolved at trial.

The Court also granted Insmed's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of no infringement as to certain allegations made against Insmed, through its wholly owned subsidiary Celtrix related to activities that occurred prior Insmed's acquisition of Celtrix or prior to Insmed receiving FDA approval of IPLEX(TM)

Insmed CEO Dr. Geoffrey Allan stated: "We had anticipated that the Court's decisions would not resolve all the issues in this matter, which will be the subject of the upcoming trial. We believe the Court's interpretations seriously call into question the validity of the '414 patent' and look forward to presenting that evidence at trial. This decision also permits Insmed to continue to press its defenses of no infringement and unenforceability for the '151 patent' and no infringement and invalidity for the '287 patent.'"


IPLEX is approved in the United States as the only once daily treatment for children with short stature associated with severe primary IGF-I deficiency (Primary IGFD). IPLEX, a complex of recombinant human IGF-I and its binding protein IGFBP-3 (rhIGF-I/rhIGFBP-3), is the only FDA-approved IGF-I replacement therapy that also replaces deficient IGFBP-3 in these patients. The drug, which was launched in the second quarter of 2006, is also being investigated for various other indications with unmet medical needs, including severe insulin resistance, myotonic muscular dystrophy and HIV Associated Adipose Redistribution Syndrome (HARS). For more information about IPLEX please go to

About Insmed Incorporated

Insmed is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of drug candidates for the treatment of metabolic diseases and endocrine disorders with unmet medical needs. For more information, please visit The Company's leading product, IPLEX was approved as an orphan drug by the United States Food and Drug Administration in December 2005 for the treatment of growth failure in children with severe primary IGF-I deficiency (Primary IGFD) or with growth hormone (GH) gene deletion who have developed neutralizing antibodies to GH.

Statements included within this press release, which are not historical in nature, may constitute forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor provided by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements regarding our IPLEX utilization program, regulatory and business strategies, manufacturing capabilities, product costs, plans and objectives of management and growth opportunities for existing or proposed products. Such forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, including risks that product candidates may fail in the clinic or may not be successfully launched, marketed, manufactured or reimbursed, we may lack financial resources to complete development of product candidates, the FDA may interpret the results of our studies differently than we have, competing products may be more successful, demand for new pharmaceutical products may decrease, the biopharmaceutical industry may experience negative market trends and other risks detailed from time to time in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. As a result of these and other risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those described in this press release. For further information with respect to factors that could cause actual results to differ from expectations, reference is made to our reports filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The forward-looking statements made in this release are made only as of the date hereof and Insmed disclaims any intention or responsibility for updating predictions or financial guidance contained in this release.

Insmed Incorporated
Media: Natalie Wyeth, 202-835-9473
Investors: Tim Ryan, 212-477-9007, ext. l24

Source: Business Wire (July 5, 2006 - 2:15 PM EDT)

News by QuoteMedia
Nou Crack, eigenlijk dus gewoon sluiten op 1.56.
Het blijkt toch vaak dat de paniekverkopers uiteindelijk de losers zijn, die weer duurder mogen terugkopen.

nou ik noem het hetzelfde geintje als bij GTCB, kun je nagaan als je verkocht had op, day low...1,16
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