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wat is novagold?aandelen goud,of aandelen van goudmijnen?en wat is de prijs ? ik ben wel nieuwsgierig naar goud en zilver,want de grondstof prijzen gaan stijgen(denk ik)
Novagold de naam zegt het zelf is een goudmijn +zilver +koper
Ze hebben verschillende projecten in Canada en Alaska.

het eerste en voornaamste is Galore creek deze bevat 13,5 mln ons goud 160 mln ons zilver en 12 miljard pond koper en dit alles volledig eigendom van Novagold.

Dan Donlin creek 25 mln ons goud in Alaska dit voor 70% eigendom van Novagold een van de grootste in Noord Amerika.De andere 30% behoren toe aan Placer Dome nu overgenomen door Barrick.

Het Ambler project deze bevat goud,koper,zink en zilver.0.82 mln ons goud 64mln ons zilver 3,3miljard pond koper en 4,4miljard pond zink.
Dit project is voor 51% eigendom van Novagold en 49% van Rio Tinto.

En als laatste Rock Creek en Nome Gold 3mln ons goud en Nome 100mln ons goud.Deze gaan eind dit jaar in productie.

Novagold is genoteerd op TSX en AMEX onder ticker symbool NG.


Simi doet niks.Ik blijf gewoon op mijn aandelen Novagold zitten.
....with respect to the Barrick offer.
Hoe kan je voor een opportunistische dief als Barrick respect hebben?

Don't let Barrick steal NovaGold to feed the gold suppression scheme

Who Ya Gonna Call . Ghostbusters? No -Goldbusters!

By Bill Murphy, Chairman
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
Wednesday, August 9, 2006

I could not resist that title, one based on the Bill Murray (not to be confused with Bill Murphy) movie "Ghostbusters," for an obvious reason now to be explained -- along with my sudden trip to Vancouver.

Last evening I had the pleasure of having dinner with Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse, president and CEO of NovaGold Resources. As most of must know, Nova is suddenly fighting a hostile takeover bid from Barrick Gold.

In days of yore Rick, born in Belgium, was head of exploration for Placer Dome before deciding to build his own company. He was very aware that the former chairman of Placer, John Willson, was one of GATA's first corporate supporters. (When Willson retired, Placer went anti-GATA and began to hedge its gold production at around $300 per ounce.)

At the moment the most significant happening in the gold world is Barrick's bid for Nova. For many reasons this cannot be allowed to succeed at a price less than $30 per share. (Nova this week has been trading a little below $17.) For their own interest and the interest of a free gold price, all gold shareholders, whether they own Nova shares or not, must OPPOSE Barrick's bid.

Here's why:

* Placer Dome got fouled up and only fiddled around with some of the NovaGold properties in which they were joint partners.

* Having taken over Placer Dome, Barrick was like a breath of fresh air to NovaGold because it promised to spend a lot of money to drill the properties at an aggressive pace.

* NovaGold laid out the entire deal to Barrick, and all was hunky-dory for Nova's shareholders until, OUT OF NOWHERE, Barrick launched a hostile takeover bid -- and while Van Nieuwenhuyse was on vacation in Italy.

* Barrick's hedge book is mega-toxic and so the company is desperate for the unhedged gold in the ground at NovaGold, with which Barrick would extricate itself from a nightmare. Taking over NovaGold will help Barrick immensely. This cannot be allowed to happen UNLESS Barrick has to pay so much that it impairs their credit situation:

* * *

TORONTO (Standard & Poor's) July 25, 2006 -- Standard & Poor's Rating Services today said it placed its 'A-' long-term corporate credit and senior unsecured debt ratings on Barrick Gold Corp. on CreditWatch with negative implications after the company announced an unsolicited US$1.53 billion takeover of NovaGold Resources Inc. (unrated). The 'A-2' CP rating on Barrick is affirmed.

The CreditWatch stems from the increased risk in Barrick's conservative financial profile, which is currently supported by large cash balances that contribute to low net debt leverage.

"The company has stated that it would fund the acquisition of NovaGold with cash and debt, which will weaken its funds flow to debt metrics," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Donald Marleau.

The assets to be acquired are development properties that generate no appreciable cash flow, nor will they without substantial development capital expenditures. On the other hand, the assets will enhance Barrick's operating profile over the longer term by increasing reserves and resources in Alaska and British Columbia, which are areas of low political risk. In addition, the acquisition of NovaGold adds the 30% of the Donlin Creek development project that Barrick did not already own, while the parallel acquisition of Pioneer Metals Corp. (unrated) for C$65 million will consolidate Barrick's land position around NovaGold's Galore Creek project in northern British Columbia.

Standard & Poor's expects to resolve the CreditWatch within a few weeks. The rating outcome will take into account the probability of Barrick successfully completing the NovaGold acquisition as proposed and the resultant effects on the company's financial profile.

* * *

* If Barrick is forced to pay up, it will severely hurt the company's credit standing and ability to hang in there with the increasingly vulnerable Gold Cartel.

* The flagship property of NovaGold is Donlin Creek in Alaska, a 28.5-million ounce resource. That is the figure the company is allowed to use due to stringent filing requirements. Barrick knows that the gold at Donlin Creek is closer to 50 MILLION OUNCES because Barrick played good guy to Nova to learn everything before turning to their usual bad-guy drill. Barrick KNOWS!

* Some of the smartest people I know tell me that anything under $30 per share for NovaGold can be considered practically theft by Barrick and an insult to deserving NovaGold shareholders. In response to NovaGold's appeal to GATA, we ask the entire GATA ARMY and to the whole gold world to make sure that Barrick is unable to takeover NovaGold for anything less than that price. GATA consultant Adrian Douglas, a substantial NovaGold shareholder, puts it in perspective:

* * *


Here are some thoughts on Barrick's hostile bid for NovaGold.

NovaGold's board is planning to send an e-mail detailing its assessment of the Barrick offer (whether the offer is fair) and advising shareholders whether to sell their shares to Barrick.

But Barrick is not the Barrick of old. It is no longer a company that has some rumors floating around its hedging practices. It is a company where some detailed facts are now available about its complicity in the suppression of the gold price. First and foremost is Barrick's own confession to manipulating the gold price on behalf of the central banks, as admitted in a filing in U.S. District Court in New Orleans, cited in this GATA dispatch:


That GATA dispatch also cites a speech by William R. White of the Bank for International Settlements that admits the central bank scheme to suppress the gold price.

A report by the Chevreux brokerage house of Credit Agricole confirms many of the findings of GATA.

A recent report by the International Monetary Fund -- www.gata.org/node/4123 -- confirms what GATA has claimed for many years: that central banks treat gold in the vault and gold receivables as the same line item. This means that gold loaned out or swapped to be sold into the market to suppress the gold price has been "invisible: to gold market participants, as it still appears on the central banks' balance sheet as if it were in the bank vault. This gives a totally erroneous and deceptive impression of an abundant supply of gold when in fact mine supply cannot meet demand.

The scheme to suppress gold is FACT and PUBLIC RECORD. It has been admitted by key officials. Barrick's involvement in the scheme is also FACT. Barrick admitted to it when it told the federal court that it was acting on behalf of the central banks and wanted to share their immunity from suit.

GATA consultant Robert K. Landis pointed out in his essay at GoldenSexant.com (March 24, 2006, "Now They Tell Us: BIS Confirms Rigging Gold Prices," www.goldensextant.com/ ) that because there is a public record that the BIS and central banks manipulate the gold price when they feel it is "useful," gold company executives have a fiduciary responsibility to declare this to their shareholders when issuing a prospectus for new offerings of shares and securities.

By extension I would say that Novagold has a fiduciary duty to inform its
By extension I would say that Novagold has a fiduciary duty to inform its shareholders of the background of Barrick and its activities as essential information in helping them decide on Barrick's hostile offer.

This is where I see that GATA can assist NovaGold -- providing the company and its shareholders with appropriate information so that the company will not fail to uphold its responsibility to shareholders.

If gold had only kept pace with inflation it would now be at $2,000 per ounce, quite apart from the upward influence on the price of shrinking supply and increasing demand. A gold price like that would value NovaGold at $145 per share, not the $14.5 offered by Barrick.

That is, Barrick is complicit in the scheme that has caused NovaGold to be 90 percent undervalued.

So it is unthinkable then that Barrick should be allowed to acquire NovaGold at that price.



* * *

* If Barrick is forced to pay up for NovaGold, it will be a landmark deal that will affect the takeover of other gold companies. The price of gold is going to go nuts in the years ahead. The only reason the price of gold is not at least twice what it is today is because of the heinous and corrupt Gold Cartel. They must not be allowed to profit from this corruption.

* Thanks to NovaGold, GATA now has the practical opportunity to capitalize on all we have accomplished over the years. Many of our supporters have rightly suggested doing this and doing that and doing some other thing -- much of which we have already done, in many cases to no avail, as we have gone to the financial and mining industry establishment to correct the wrongs. In this case we don't need the establishment. We need only NovaGold shareholders. We need only to make everyone aware of what is going on here, and that is JUST WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO.

GATA is asking that our entire ARMY mobilize to win the day for all of us.

* Barrick is going to pay a dear price for being what it is and for what it has done to help the Gold Cartel keep the gold price down. For starters, and we are only warming up, GATA would like the ARMY to contact NovaGold's major shareholders to oppose the Barrick offer for the reasons cited above.

With just the following, we can reach around 30 percent of NovaGold's shareholders:

Sprott Asset Management Inc 4.65%

Snyder Capital Management LP 3.78%

Royce & Associates Inc. 3.09%

NWQ Investment Management Co. LLC 3.04%

Wells Fargo & Co. 2.61%

Neuberger Berman LLC 11.03%

Blackrock Inc. 1.81%

This is VERY doable if you all will make an effort. Take a little time and contact these firms and fill them in for their own benefit.

What struck me the most during my meeting with Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse was a conversation he had with his 8-year-old son, who said of Barrick: "Dad, this means they lied to you." Rick could not disagree. Even more, his son is a big "Star Wars" fan and in his world and NovaGold's, Barrick is now the Evil Empire and it must be defeated.

NovaGold has requested GATA's "Force" to defeat the Evil Empire of the Gold Cartel and its agent, Barrick Gold. We are warming up to do just that.
BW)(CT-GATA) Don't Let Barrick Acquire NovaGold before
Closing Gold Short, GATA Says

Business Editors

MANCHESTER, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 14, 2006--Barrick Gold Corp.'s attempt to acquire NovaGold Resources Inc. at
a huge discount to the value of the latter company's metal
in the ground is the next battlefield in the struggle to liberate the price of gold, the Gold Anti-Trust Action
Committee says.

Barrick's short position of about 12 million ounces of
gold,believed to have been borrowed from central banks,
long has been a major suppressing force against the gold
price and against the price of gold mining shares, GATA
says. Meanwhile, according to GATA, NovaGold is believed to
have access to as much as 50 million ounces of gold at
its Donlin Creek property in Alaska and another 18 million
or more ounces at its Galore Creek property in British
Columbia. Galore Creek is also estimated to hold 13.4
billion pounds of copper.

If Barrick acquires NovaGold without first
substantially reducing its short position in gold, GATA
says, the gold price will remain suppressed along with
the price of gold mining shares. But, GATA adds, if
Barrick is forced into a substantial reduction of its
short position before acquiring NovaGold, the gold price
may rise sharply and take mining shares with it.

GATA notes that much of the increase in the price of
gold in recent years has been attributed to the reduction
of hedges, the closing of short positions, by gold
producers. Further, defending itself against the gold
price-fixing lawsuit brought by coin and bullion dealer Blanchard & Co. in U.S. District Court in New Orleans,
Barrick claimed in 2003 that it is the agent of central
banks in the gold market and should share their immunity
from suit.

A copy of Barrick's claim to be an agent of central
banks in the gold market can be found on the Internet here:


Barrick has offered to pay $14.50 per share for
NovaGold, which lately has been trading above $16.50.

GATA urges NovaGold shareholders not to tender their
shares toBarrick before Barrick closes its short position in gold. GATA also urges advocates of a free market in gold to purchase NovaGold shares as long as Barrick maintains its
short position. These, GATA says, may be the strongest blows that can be struck right now against the gold price
suppression scheme.

GATA's appeals to oppose NovaGold's acquisition
by Barrick can be found on the Internet here:


and here:


GATA is a non-profit civil rights and educational organization established in 1999 to expose and oppose
price-fixing in the precious metals markets. It has 3,000 supporters around the world. It is recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue service as tax-exempt under Section
501-c-3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and so
donations to the organization are federally tax-deductible
in the United States.

More information about GATA can be found on the
Internet here:



CONTACT: Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee
Chris Powell, 860-646-0500, ext. 307
NovaGold sues Barrick over misuse of confidential information in bid for Pioneer

Monday, August 14, 2006


VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- NovaGold Resources Inc. today announced that it has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia against Barrick Gold Corp. The lawsuit claims, among other things, that in making a competing bid for Pioneer Metals Corp., Barrick misused confidential information belonging to NovaGold. The lawsuit seeks a court order that any shares of Pioneer purchased by Barrick under its bid are held under a constructive trust for the benefit of NovaGold.

Pioneer owns the subsurface mineral rights on the Grace property adjacent to NovaGold's Galore Creek project. On June 14, 2006, after unsuccessful negotiations with Pioneer to purchase the Grace claims directly, the NovaGold Board of Directors approved making an offer to acquire all the outstanding common shares of Pioneer. On June 16, NovaGold provided Barrick with certain non-public information about Galore Creek. The NovaGold offer for Pioneer was filed on June 19. On July 24, Barrick announced its own offer for Pioneer, coincident with the announcement of its hostile offer for NovaGold.

NovaGold President and Chief Executive Officer Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse said:

"NovaGold believes that Barrick has wrongfully used confidential information belonging to NovaGold in making its own bid for Pioneer. To protect the interests of our shareholders, NovaGold will take all necessary action to vigorously prosecute our claims against Barrick for its improper actions, and we will seek all appropriate relief from the court."
NovaGold President and Chief Executive Officer Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse said:

"NovaGold believes that Barrick has wrongfully used confidential information belonging to NovaGold in making its own bid for Pioneer. To protect the interests of our shareholders, NovaGold will take all necessary action to vigorously prosecute our claims against Barrick for its improper actions, and we will seek all appropriate relief from the court."

Als je vroeger goud steelde van iemand anders werd je koudweg koud gemaakt door een Smith&Wesson revolver.

Vandaag worden de Smith&Wessons vervangen door advocaten.

Barrick is niet meer dan een ordinaire dief.Kill him!!!


De dieven van Barrick beweren dat Donlin Creek waar zich de grootste golddeposit bevind voor 70% van hen is en 30% van Novagold.
Niets is minder waar het is wel degelijk 70% Nova en 30% Barrick.

Liegen, bedriegen en stelen staan blijkbaar hoog in het vaandel bij Barrick.

Barrick: GATA is spreading misleading information re: NovaGold bid
Dorothy Kosich
'22-AUG-06 06:17'

RENO, NV (Mineweb.com) --A top Barrick official Monday accused the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) of deliberately trying to mislead the investment community and the news media in Barrick’s bid to acquire Vancouver-based NovaGold.

In an exclusive interview with Mineweb, Barrick Senior Vice President Corporate Communications, Vince Borg, called GATA’s efforts to link the senior mining company’s unsolicited bid for NovaGold with Barrick’s hedgebook “misleading” and based on an “errant set of suppositions.”

GATA urged NovaGold shareholders, in an August 14 news release, “not to tender their shares to Barrick before Barrick closes its short position in gold.” The organization said that Barrick’s alleged short position of about 12 million ounces of gold “long has been a major suppressing force against the gold price and against the price of gold mining shares.”

Meanwhile, in a separate article, GATA Chairman Bill Murphy claimed that the major company “is desperate for the unhedged gold in the group at NovaGold, with which Barrick would extricate itself from a nightmare. Taking over NovaGold would help Barrick immensely.”

In an August 7th article, Chris Powell, Secretary-Treasurer for GATA, asserted: “If the acquisition of NovaGold is to be the mechanism by which Barrick obtains enough new gold to avoid closing the massive remainder of its hedge book, then the acquisition may be seen as another part of the gold-price suppression scheme.”

Powell then wrote, “Gold's partisans who are not Barrick shareholders -- and do ANY gold partisans own Barrick stock? -- might much prefer for Barrick to have to buy back its hedges out of above-ground gold in the short term, thereby pushing gold's price up, rather than to be able to cover them out of new production over the long term. Of course NovaGold shareholders might do a lot better that way as well.”

Borg responded that Barrick has had a no-hedge policy for the past three years. During the second quarter, Barrick eliminated the remainder of the Placer Dome hedgebook, in turn reducing its corporate gold sales by 7.7 million ounces in the year-to-date at a cost of $1.8 billion, of which $300 million remains to be paid. The corporate gold sales contract now stands at 2.8 million ounces with a goal of eliminating this position no later than the end of 2009.

Barrick has been net buyers of gold this year, buying 7.5 million ounces to settle Placer Dome’s hedgebook, according to Borg. And, he added, the company doesn’t “need to acquire NovaGold to deal with its hedgebook.”

Nevertheless, Borg said Barrick will continue to use gold hedgebooks to finance development of new mines. The company has assigned a 9.8 million ounces hedgebook to two new mining projects, specifically aimed at return of capital, and project financing activities to diminish mining project risk.

Even if Barrick quickly acquired NovaGold, Borg explained NovaGold’s ounces could not impact Barrick’s current hedgebook because Nova will not have mines in production for several years.

Borg said GATA’s allegations that the company wants NovaGold for the purpose of reducing Barrick’s hedgebook “are not based on any facts whatsoever” and strain GATA’s credibility with the investment community.

“Our shareholders call and say ‘What in the world are they (GATA) talking about?’” Borg added.

Instead, Borg suggested that GATA pay “more attention to the facts…rather than rant and rave rhetorically without any basis in fact.”

The Quarterly Hedge book review by Virtual Metals Research & Consulting found that global hedgebooks declined a total of 5.1 million ounces during the second quarter of this year. The cumulative fall for the first half of the year is estimated at 10 million ounces, leaving a total of 43 million ounces held in global hedgebooks. Barrick, AngloGold Ashanti and Newmont, accounted for 82% of the dehedging during the second quarter. Barrick’s decision to close out Placer Dome’s 7.7 million legacy hedge is equivalent, pro rata, to Latin American mine output, according to Mineweb correspondent Rhona O’Connell.

Last month, Barrick made a hostile all-cash bid of $1.3 billion for all the shares of NovaGold, and has also made a friendly all-cash offer for NovaGold’s Galore Creek project neighbor Pioneer Metals.
Barrick Senior Vice President Corporate Communications, Vince Borg,

Die kerels van Barrick kunnen harder liegen dan een paard kan schijten.
Sorry verder ga ik aan deze kerels geen woorden vuil maken.
NOVAGOLD seeks GATA's help in Hostile Barrick bid

NOTE: People who want to discuss the hostile Barrick take-over bid for NovaGold can go to the Novagold Forum
LeMetropoleCafe, August 08, 2006
by Bill Murphy

Last evening I had the pleasure of having dinner with Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse, president and CEO of NovaGold Resources, Inc. (AMEX, TSX: NG) As most of you must know, NovaGold is suddenly fighting a hostile takeover bid from Barrick Gold.

In days of yore Rick, born in Belgium, was head of exploration for Placer Dome before deciding to build his own company. He was very aware that the former chairman of Placer, John Willson, was one of GATA's first corporate supporters. (When Willson retired, Placer went anti-GATA and began to hedge its gold production at around $300 per ounce.)

At the moment the most significant happening in the gold world is Barrick's bid for NovaGold. For many reasons this cannot be allowed to succeed at a price less than $30 per share. (NovaGold this week has been trading a little below $17.) For their own interest and the interest of a free gold price, all gold shareholders, whether they own NovaGold shares or not, must OPPOSE Barrick's bid.

Here's why:

* Placer Dome got fouled up and only fiddled around with some of the NovaGold properties in which they were joint partners.

* Having taken over Placer Dome, Barrick was like a breath of fresh air to NovaGold because it promised to spend a lot of money to drill the properties at an aggressive pace.

* NovaGold laid out the entire deal to Barrick, and all was hunky-dory for Nova's shareholders until, OUT OF NOWHERE, Barrick launched a hostile takeover bid -- and while Van Nieuwenhuyse was on vacation in Italy.

* Barrick's hedge book is mega-toxic so the company is desperate for the unhedged gold in the ground at NovaGold, with which Barrick would extricate itself from a nightmare. Taking over NovaGold will help Barrick immensely. This cannot be allowed to happen UNLESS Barrick has to pay so much that it impairs their credit situation:

TORONTO (Standard & Poor's) July 25, 2006--

Standard & Poor's Rating Services today said it placed its 'A-' long-term corporate credit and senior unsecured debt ratings on Barrick Gold Corp. on CreditWatch with negative implications after the company announced an unsolicited US$1.53 billion takeover of NovaGold Resources Inc. (unrated). The 'A-2' CP rating on Barrick is affirmed.

The CreditWatch stems from the increased risk in Barrick's conservative financial profile, which is currently supported by large cash balances that contribute to low net debt leverage.

"The company has stated that it would fund the acquisition of NovaGold with cash and debt, which will weaken its funds flow to debt metrics," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Donald Marleau.

The assets to be acquired are development properties that generate no appreciable cash flow, nor will they without substantial development capital expenditures. On the other hand, the assets will enhance Barrick's operating profile over the longer term by increasing reserves and resources in Alaska and British Columbia, which are areas of low political risk. In addition, the acquisition of NovaGold adds the 30% of the Donlin Creek development project that Barrick did not already own, while the parallel acquisition of Pioneer Metals Corp. (unrated) for C$65 million will consolidate Barrick's land position around NovaGold's Galore Creek project in northern British Columbia.

Standard & Poor's expects to resolve the CreditWatch within a few weeks. The rating outcome will take into account the probability of Barrick successfully completing the NovaGold acquisition as proposed and the resultant effects on the company's financial profile.


* If Barrick is forced to pay up, it will severely hurt the company's credit standing and ability to hang in there with the increasingly vulnerable Gold Cartel.

* The flagship property of NovaGold is Donlin Creek in Alaska, a 28.5-million ounce resource. That is the figure the company is allowed to use due to stringent filing requirements. Barrick knows that the gold at Donlin Creek is closer to 50 MILLION OUNCES because Barrick played good guy to NovaGold to learn everything before turning to their usual bad-guy drill. Barrick KNOWS!

* Some of the smartest people I know tell me that anything under $30 per share for NovaGold can be considered practically theft by Barrick and an insult to deserving NovaGold shareholders. In response to NovaGold's appeal to GATA, we ask the entire GATA ARMY, and the whole gold world, to make sure Barrick is unable to take over NovaGold for anything less than that price. GATA consultant Adrian Douglas, a substantial NovaGold shareholder, puts it in perspective:

Dear Sir,

Public record shows that your fund/institution is a large holder of NovaGold shares. I would like to bring to your attention some very important information concerning Barrick Gold who has launched a hostile bid for NovaGold.

Barrick is a company where some detailed public domain hard facts are now available on it being complicit in the suppression of the gold price. First and foremost is Barrick’s own confession to manipulating the gold price on behalf of the central banks as admitted in a filing in US Federal court (http://www.gata.org/node/4279).

In this same GATA (Gold Anti Trust Action Committee) reference a speech by Mr. William R. White of the BIS is cited in which a scheme to suppress gold was admitted.

A report by Cheuvreux/Credit Agricole (http://www.gata.org/node/4270) confirms many of the findings of GATA. A recent report by the IMF www.gata.org/node/4123 confirms what GATA has claimed for many years that Central Banks treat gold in the vault and gold receivables as the same line item. This means that gold loaned out or swapped to be sold in the market to suppress the gold price has been "invisible" to gold market participants as it still appears on the Central Banks balance sheet as if it were in the bank vault. This gives a totally erroneous and deceptive impression of an abundant supply of gold when in fact mine supply can not meet demand.

The scheme to suppress gold is FACT. It has been admitted to by important key official figures. Barrick’s involvement in the scheme is also FACT. They admitted to it themselves in that they said they were acting on behalf of the Central banks who have immunity from prosecution.

Bob Landis pointed out in his article (March 24, 2006. Now They Tell Us: BIS Confirms Rigging Gold Prices www.goldensextant.com/ ) that the entering into the public record that the BIS and Central Banks do indeed manipulate the gold price when they feel it is "useful" means that Gold Company Executives have a fiduciary responsibility to declare this to their shareholders when issuing a prospectus for new offerings of shares and securities. By extension, it is reasonable to conclude that because any fund or institutional investment manager has a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of its investors he or she must be fully cognizant of the background of Barrick and what type of activities it has participated in as relevant and essential information in order to reach a decision with respect to the Barrick hostile offer.

If gold had only kept pace with inflation it would now be $2000/oz let alone being able to have its price
Nova zal voor Barrick eens alles op een rijtje zetten en eens netjes evalueren wat de waarde is van hun goud,zilver en koperdeposits.

Nu kan Barrick er eens een serieuz bod op uitbregen bvb. 50 CAD.


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