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voda schreef op 3 juli 2012 16:30:

Farmaciereus krijgt boete van drie miljard wegens fraude

Het farmaceutisch bedrijf GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) heeft voor 3 miljard dollar een schikking getroffen in een van de grootste fraudezaken in de Amerikaanse farmaceutische sector. Dat is vandaag bekend geworden.

GSK zou onder meer de antidepressiva Paxil en Wellbutrin hebben aanbevolen aan patiënten voor wie de medicijnen oorspronkelijk niet waren bedoeld, onder meer kinderen en pubers.

Daarnaast zou de onderneming frauduleus hebben gehandeld rond het diabetesmedicijn Avandia.
gebrek aan integriteit is niet alleen een probleem van de bankenwereld.
LEIDEN, The Netherlands & SEATTLE, Jul. 04, 2012 -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- ProFibrix B.V., a leader in the development of innovative bioactive products to stop bleeding (hemostasis), will present the results of the company’s Fibrocaps Phase II (FC-002) trial, as well as the progress made by ProFibrix in its groundbreaking recombinant fibrinogen program at two international scientific conferences this week.
10th World Congress of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, July 1-5, Palais des Congres, Paris, France

Fibrocaps™, A Novel Fibrin Sealant, for Bleeding During Hepatic Resection: Results of a Phase 2, Randomized, Controlled Study
Presenter: Cornelis Verhoef MD, PhD, Division of Surgical Oncology, Erasmus University MC, Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, the Netherlands
Date: July 5, 2012
Presentation Time: 8:45 – 10:30; Location: Room 253

XXIInd International Fibrinogen Workshop, the Biennial Meeting of the International Society on Fibrinogen Research (IFRS), 4-6 July, Thistle Hotel, Brighton, UK

Recombinant Human Fibrinogen: Production and Characterization
Presenter: Jos Grimbergen, Bsc . Director R&D, ProFibrix BV, Leiden, the Netherlands
Date: July 5, 2012
Presentation Time: 16:45 – 17:45; Location: Renaissance Ballroom
'Nieuwe ontslaggolf bij Frans Sanofi'

Gepubliceerd op 5 jul 2012 om 10:10 | Views: 611

PARIJS (AFN) - De Franse farmaceut Sanofi gaat 1000 tot 2000 banen schrappen in Frankrijk. Dat meldde de Franse krant Le Figaro donderdag. De ontslagen vallen waarschijnlijk in de onderzoeksafdelingen, de productie en op het hoofdkantoor van het bedrijf.

De afgelopen drie jaar bracht Sanofi het aantal banen in Frankrijk al met duizenden terug. Bij het bedrijf werken wereldwijd circa 97.000 mensen, waarvan ongeveer een kwart in Frankrijk.

Sanofi ondervindt, evenals andere grote farmaceutische bedrijven, veel concurrentie van merkloze generieke medicijnen. Ook heeft de onderneming last van bezuinigingen in de gezondheidszorg.
MDxHealth breidt samenwerking met Merck uit

Gepubliceerd op 5 jul 2012 om 08:22 | Views: 346

LUIK (AFN) - MDxHealth heeft de samenwerking met farmacieconcern Merck uitgebreid. Dat maakte het biotechnologiebedrijf donderdag bekend, zonder financiële details te melden.

De samenwerking richt zich op de ontwikkeling en commercialisering van een diagnostische test van MDxHealth. Die test kan helpen bij het identificeren van patiënten met een hersentumor die baat hebben bij een behandeling die onder meer is gebaseerd op het geneesmiddel Cilengitide. Dat is een kandidaatmedicijn dat momenteel door Merck wordt ontwikkeld.
ublished: 12:23 CEST 06-07-2012 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB (publ) /XSTO: SOBI /ISIN: SE0000872095

Sobi files for NOMID indication for Kineret in US

Sobi has filed an application for Kineret® (anakinra) for the indication of neonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory disease (NOMID) with the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in the US. The filing is made under an Orphan Drug Designation for the indication cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes (CAPS), which was granted in 2010. If the application is granted priority review, Sobi expects a review period of 6-8 months.

The basis for the filing is a clinical trial initiated and conducted by Principal Investigator Dr Raphaela Goldbach-Mansky at the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), at NIH in Bethesda, MD. The trial which includes a majority of NOMID patients in the US has gathered extensive long-term treatment data.

"We are delighted to be taking this important step for infants, children and adults with NOMID" said Sobi CEO Geoffrey McDonough. "This is the outcome of a strong collaboration with the NIH and reflects our shared commitment to the orphan drug community and to supporting the pediatric rheumatology field."

"The awareness and understanding of NOMID has increased significantly in the last couple of years", said Mrs. Karen Durrant, President of The NOMID Alliance - a non-profit organization for patients with CAPS and other autoinflammatory diseases. "However, there is still an unmet medical need for these severely ill patients and an FDA approved therapy for this drug would greatly facilitate access to reimbursed medication."

About CAPS and NOMID
Cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes (CAPS) is a rare, autosomal dominant disease consisting of three autoinflammatory conditions of varying severity and oftentimes overlapping symptoms. At the milder end it is characterized by life-long, cold-induced inflammatory episodes of fever, rash and malaise. When of intermediate severity, it is typically associated with more intense and enduring flares and morbidity including progressive hearing loss and kidney failure secondary to amyloidosis (a condition where amyloid proteins are abnormally deposited in organs and/or tissues). In the most severe form (NOMID), it is associated with increased mortality and nearly continuous fevers, rash, chronic aseptic meningitis, sensorineural involvement, craniofacial abnormalities, and exuberant bone lesions. The incidence of NOMID is estimated to be less than 1:1,000,000 worldwide.

CAPS is characterized by uncontrolled overproduction of IL-1β. IL-1 induces a number of inflammatory responses such as fever, pain sensitization, bone and cartilage destruction and acute plasma protein response.

About Kineret
Kineret, which is part of Sobi's Core Products business line, is a recombinant protein drug approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Kineret blocks the biological activity of IL-1 by binding to the interleukin-1 type 1 receptor, which is expressed in a wide variety of tissues and organs. IL-1 is a key mediator of inflammation and driver of autoinflammatory diseases in both adults and children.

Healthcare professionals should refer to and rely upon the PDR (Physician's Desk Reference) or the corresponding national labeling texts.

For further information, please contact:
An van Es Johansson, Head of Clinical Development
Tel: +46 8 697 22 03

Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (Sobi)
Sobi is a leading integrated biopharmaceutical company dedicated to bringing innovative therapies and services to improve the health of rare disease patients and their families. The product portfolio comprises about 45 marketed products as well as projects in the late clinical phase. Key therapeutic areas are Inflammation and Genetics & Metabolism. In 2011, Sobi had revenues of SEK 1.9 billion and around 500 employees. The share (STO: SOBI) is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. More information is available at
LEIDEN, The Netherlands, July 6, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

HAL Allergy B.V. announced that it succeeded in extending its GMP contract manufacturing activities for clinical batch supply of both recombinant and viral products. The Dutch inspectorate granted the permit extension after inspection of the operational activities in the BSL2 clean rooms and development laboratory in June 2012.

In 2009 HAL Allergy opened its state-of-the-art production facility at the Bio Science Park in Leiden. In order to offer the competences of its pharmaceutical specialists to customers in need of reliable GMP services, the business was expanded into contract manufacturing. During the start up of this new business, the cooperation with the contract research organization Batavia Bioservices, for process know how and Yxion for engineering were crucial.

"The fact that the Dutch authorities extended our GMP permit, is a big step forward in our goal of becoming a key biotech service company. Our team of specialists offer our clients reliable and effective services. Modern production- and laboratory facilities and over 50 years experience in vaccine production will be key asset in partnerships with our customers" says Harry Flore, CEO of HAL Allergy.
Bayer begint inschrijving in BAY94-9027 de proef van de Fase II/III voor hemofilie A
Published on July 8, 2012 at 1:10 PM · No Comments

Gezondheidszorg van Bayer kondigde vandaag aan het bedrijf is begonnen om patiënten in een internationale proef van de Fase in te schrijven II/III om zijn onderzoekssamenstelling BAY94-9027 voor de behandeling van hemofilie A. te evalueren. PROTECT VIII (de Profylaxe in hemofilieA patiënten via direct pEgylated lang-handelt rFVIII) wordt proef ontworpen om te onderzoeken of BAY94-9027, een recombinante menselijke factor VIII (rFVIII), de duur van bescherming van kan verlengen aftapt en toestaat voor minder frequente Infusies wanneer prophylactically gebruikt, terwijl ook het hebben van de capaciteit om scherpe het aftappen gebeurtenissen te behandelen.

BAY94-9027 is gebouwd om de halveringstijd van rFVIII uit te breiden terwijl het bewaren van biologische activiteit door één enkele cysteine (aminozuur) plaats aan zijn oppervlakte op te nemen, die als gehechtheidsplaats voor polymeer een van de polyethyleenglycol (PIN) dient.

„Bayer blijft in onderzoek investeren dat innovatieve manieren kan verstrekken om geduldige zorg vooruit te gaan,“ bovengenoemde Pamela Cyrus, M.D., Ondervoorzitter en Hoofd, de Medische Zaken van de V.S., de Geneesmiddelen van de Gezondheidszorg Bayer. „Deze studie wordt ontworpen om de gevolgen van een lang-handelt rFVIII product in mensen met hemofilie A.“ te bepalen
LONDON--The European Medicines Agency said Monday it has been formally notified by Sanofi-aventis of its decision to withdraw its application for a centralized marketing authorization for the medicine Mulsevo [semuloparin sodium], 20 mg solution for injection, citing comments by regulatory agencies.
-Mulsevo was intended to be used for the primary prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy for locally-advanced or metastatic solid tumors.
-Application for the marketing authorization for Mulsevo was submitted to the Agency on Sept. 29, 2011.
-At the time of the withdrawal Mulsevo was under review by the Agency's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use.
-Write to Ian Walker at
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
July 09, 2012 09:30 ET (13:30 GMT)
© 2012 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


zulke dingen gebeuren ook.
OctoPlus schrijft af op Biolex

Gepubliceerd op 9 jul 2012 om 07:55 | Views: 412

LEIDEN (AFN) - Biotechnologiebedrijf OctoPlus schrijft 1,3 miljoen euro af op zijn licentiepartner Biolex Therapeutics. Biolex heeft in de Verenigde Staten een aanvraag ingediend tot ontbinding van de onderneming.

Door een contract met Biolex heeft OctoPlus een aandelenpositie van 1,83 procent in deze onderneming. ,,Met de vrijwillige aanvraag van Biolex tot ontbinding is er sprake van objectief bewijs van impairment van dit belang. Deze impairment zal worden verwerkt in de resultaten van OctoPlus over het eerste halfjaar 2012'', aldus OctoPlus maandag in een verklaring.

OctoPlus verwacht dat een curator bij Biolex wordt benoemd om de eigendommen van de onderneming te verkopen. De opbrengsten uit deze transactie zullen worden gebruikt om lopende verplichtingen af te wikkelen, waaronder uitstaande schulden aan crediteuren en investeerders.

Locteron is het belangrijkste product van Biolex. In de loop van 2011 heeft Biolex aan OctoPlus gevraagd om Locteron verder te ontwikkelen, in aanloop naar de Fase III klinische studies. Deze ontwikkelingswerkzaamheden zijn afgerond en in rekening gebracht aan Biolex, wat resulteerde in een debiteurenpositie van 1,9 miljoen euro.
Inspiration Biopharmaceuticals Reports Positive Interim Results from the Accur8 Phase 2/3 Study of OBI-1 in Acquired Hemophilia A at WFH 2012 World Congress

Company hosts symposium on hemophilia B, expands presence at premier global hemophilia meeting

PARIS, July 9, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Inspiration Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (Inspiration) today reported data from its ongoing Phase 2/3 study evaluating the efficacy of OBI-1, an investigational recombinant porcine factor VIII (FVIII), for the treatment of serious bleeds in people with acquired hemophilia A. According to the interim analysis, seven out of seven trial participants receiving OBI-1 experienced control and subsequent resolution of their bleeds. Edward Gomperts, MD, Attending Hematologist and Director of Clinical Research, Clinical Investigation Center at Children's Hospital Los Angeles and Consultant to Inspiration, presented the findings in an oral presentation at the 2012 World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) World Congress in Paris.

Acquired hemophilia A is a rare, sometimes life-threatening bleeding disorder that is caused by the development of autoantibodies (inhibitors) against FVIII, a key protein contributing to normal coagulation of blood. The antibodies render the native factor VIII ineffective in promoting clotting. Treatment of acquired hemophilia can be challenging, because the antibodies will attack any human form of FVIII. OBI-1 is designed to avoid recognition by antibodies to human FVIII. People with inhibitors to human FVIII may respond to porcine FVIII, replacing the missing step in their coagulation cascade.

"People with acquired hemophilia currently have limited treatment options to control serious bleeding episodes. These preliminary findings are encouraging and suggest that further investigation of the efficacy and safety of OBI-1 in this population is warranted," said Dr. Gomperts.

A second Accur8 Phase 2/3 clinical trial is also underway to evaluate OBI-1's ability to control bleeding in people with congenital hemophilia A with inhibitors and the safety of this drug in this population.

As part of Inspiration's expanded presence at the WFH World Congress, the company will host a symposium tomorrow entitled, "Hemophilia B: The Neglected Hemophilia," featuring a panel of experts exploring advancements in research, treatment and advocacy for hemophilia B, which is far less prevalent than hemophilia A.

Inspiration has a second product under development, which is a recombinant factor IX therapy being evaluated for the prevention and treatment of bleeding in people with hemophilia B and its safety profile in this population. This product is currently under regulatory review in both the U.S. and the EU.

"We are thrilled to be growing our presence and involvement at the WFH annual congress, the premier global scientific gathering for the hemophilia community," said John P. Butler, Chief Executive Officer of Inspiration. "Our goal as a company centers on broadening treatment choices, expanding global access to therapies and advancing innovation for people with all types of hemophilia. This meeting gives us an opportunity to connect face-to-face with leaders in the global hemophilia community, discuss their ongoing needs and determine the role Inspiration can play in improving the lives of people with hemophilia around the world."

Study Design and Results

The Accur8 Auto-antibody trial is an ongoing prospective, open label, Phase 2/3 study. The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of OBI-1 treatment for serious (life- or limb-threatening) bleeds in individuals age 18 and older with acquired hemophilia A, as measured by the control of bleeding 24 hours after initial OBI-1 dose administration.

The interim analysis presented today included data from the first seven trial participants with severe bleeds not controlled with bypassing agents who were enrolled and treated with OBI-1. To date, 15 subjects have been enrolled and completed treatment in the clinical trial. Participants received 200U/kg of OBI-1 on first injection and were subsequently dosed based on target FVIII levels. All seven subjects experienced successful control of bleeds at 24 hours and subsequent resolution of their bleeds. Therapeutic FVIII activity levels were achieved and maintained with intermittent OBI-1 administration based on FVIII levels. Of the adverse events reported during the study thus far five were serious, but these were not considered by investigators to be treatment-related. As part of the ongoing Accur8 Auto-antibody trial, adverse event data continues to be collected including the evaluation of inhibitors to porcine factor VIII.

RRR schreef op 9 juli 2012 20:48:

kijk....dit wordt big business vermoed ik:
da's mooi,RRR,vooral de naam van de firma ,je moet zeker een pilletje nemen en dan 100 rondjes parkeerplaats :-)
The Food and Drug Administration has approved Arena Pharmaceutical's anti-obesity pill Belviq, the first new prescription drug for long-term weight loss to enter the U.S.
Published: 08:30 CEST 10-07-2012 /Thomson Reuters /Source: Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB (publ) /XSTO: SOBI /ISIN: SE0000872095

Sobi enters Research Collaboration with Affibody within the IL-1 field

Sobi has signed a research collaboration and option agreement with the Swedish biotech company Affibody AB for the discovery and development of novel treatments for inflammatory diseases where Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is implicated.

The research will be based on Affibody's proprietary technology platforms Affibody® molecules and Albumod(TM) and includes up to five different targets within the IL-1 field. All targets are key proteins involved in the regulation of human immune and inflammatory processes. One project is a lead candidate for the inhibition of IL-1 beta at the preclinical phase, and the others are in discovery.

The agreement covers an initial two-year period during which Sobi has an option to enter into a licensing agreement with worldwide exclusive rights to any or all of the development projects. The agreement includes a payment by Sobi in the amount of SEK 12 M, of which SEK 2.5 M at signing and the remaining part to be paid over a 21-months period. In addition, the licensing agreement includes potential future milestones and royalty after the two year period.

The IL-1 segment offers a good fit with Sobi's commercial focus with Kineret® in the Inflammation therapeutic area, and with the Company's strategic biologics development capabilities. The research will be carried out by both companies and will be led by a joint steering committee. Affibody will have responsibility through the discovery phase, and Sobi for clinical development. Each company will bear their own costs. The agreement follows an earlier collaboration between the companies regarding a biological candidate which has recently been moved into IND-enabling studies.

"This agreement with Affibody deepens our collaboration by establishing a strategic alliance in the area of inflammation," says CEO Geoffrey McDonough. "We believe the Affibody® platform offers potentially unique therapeutic advantages, and the efficient translation from discovery to biologics development offered by our close association fits our innovation model very well. This alliance allows us to take a positive step toward a more robust presence in the inflammation field going forward."

"We are excited to extend our relationship with Sobi," says David Bejker, CEO of Affibody. "IL-1 biology offers a number of opportunities to address unmet medical needs and we believe that Sobi is in a good position to capitalize on this segment based on their capabilities and existing presence in the field."

About IL-1
The Interleukin 1 family is a group of pro-inflammatory cytokines that play a central role in the regulation of immune responses in the human body. The cytokines are produced by different cells such as macrophages, monocytes and fibroblasts, and via binding to cellular IL-1 receptors they participate in acute and chronic inflammatory reactions. In addition, the IL-1 system is also involved in several other biological functions, such as metabolic and hematopoietic activities. Recently, members of the IL-1 family have emerged as therapeutic targets for an expanding number of auto-inflammatory diseases where inhibition of IL-1 activity may form the basis for novel treatments.

Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (Sobi)
Sobi is a leading integrated biopharmaceutical company dedicated to bringing innovative therapies and services to improve the lives of rare disease patients. The product portfolio is primarily focused on Inflammation and on Genetics and Metabolism, and three late stage biological development projects within hemophilia and neonatology. Sobi also has a portfolio of more than 40 products which it commercializes on behalf of specialty and rare disease partners companies. In 2011, Sobi had revenues of SEK 1.9 billion and around 500 employees. The share (STO: SOBI) is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. More information is available at

About Affibody
Affibody is a Swedish biotech company focused on developing the next generation of biopharmaceuticals based on its unique proprietary technology platforms: Affibody® molecules and Albumod(TM). Affibody® molecules are a novel class of antibody mimetics. Albumod(TM) is designed to enhance the efficacy of biopharmaceuticals by extending their circulatory half-life. Affibody has ongoing commercial relationships with several companies including Algeta, Amylin, Sobi, GE Healthcare, and Thermo Fisher. The Company was founded in 1998 by researchers from the Royal Institute of Technology and the Karolinska Institute and is based in Stockholm, Sweden. Major shareholders in the Company include HealthCap and Investor Growth Capital. More information is available at

For further information, please contact:
-Åsa Stenqvist, Head of Communications and IR at +46 8 697 21 88
-Stephen James, Head of Drug Design and Development at +46 8 697 28 24

The information above has been published pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was released for public distribution on 10 July 2012 at 8.30 a.m. CET.
Ipsen (Paris:IPN) (Euronext: IPN; ADR: IPSEY)announced today that its partner Inspiration Biopharmaceuticals Inc. (Inspiration) was notified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that both clinical trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of IB1001, an investigational intravenous recombinant factor IX (rFIX) therapy for the treatment and prevention of bleeding episodes in people with hemophilia B, were placed on clinical hold.

The clinical hold impacts two ongoing IB1001 clinical trials – a phase III study evaluating the safety and efficacy of IB1001 to treat and prevent bleeding episodes in adults with hemophilia B, and a phase III study evaluating the safety and efficacy of IB1001 to treat and prevent bleeding episodes in previously treated pediatric subjects with hemophilia B. The adult study has completed its primary analysis period. Following the FDA's request, Inspiration has notified clinical sites in the U.S. to hold treatment of patients with IB1001. Inspiration is also sharing the FDA directive with regulators in countries outside of the U.S. where the studies are being conducted.

During the course of routine laboratory evaluations conducted as part of the ongoing phase III clinical trials, Inspiration observed, and reported to the FDA, a trend towards a higher proportion of IB1001 treated individuals developing a positive response to testing of antibodies to Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) protein, the product's host cell protein (HCP).

Small amounts of host cell protein are expected and documented in recombinant therapeutic products of all types. Nevertheless, the higher than expected rate of anti-CHO antibody development in people treated with IB1001 has led Inspiration to initiate a thorough investigation.

A total of 86 people with hemophilia B have received IB1001 in clinical studies and, to date, no adverse events (anaphylaxis or other serious allergic type reaction and nephrotic syndrome) related to the development of antibodies to CHO protein have been reported. Furthermore, no relationship has been demonstrated between the development of antibodies to CHO protein and the development of any antibodies to factor IX. Inspiration continues to follow subjects enrolled in clinical trials of IB1001 to collect safety-related information and will share this information with regulators.

While this finding may be a potential safety concern, no evidence suggests a change in the current overall clinical benefit and risk profile of IB 1001.

About Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder caused by low levels or the absence of a protein called a coagulation factor, essential for blood clotting. The two most common forms of hemophilia are types A and B. Hemophilia A is caused by a factor VIII deficiency and the congenital form occurs in ~1 out of every 5,000 male births. Hemophilia B is caused by factor IX deficiency and occurs in ~1 out of every 30,000 male births. Approximately 60% of persons with hemophilia have a severe condition, which results in frequent spontaneous bleeding episodes, in addition to serious bleeding after injuries. The annual market for hemophilia treatments is estimated at $8 billion worldwide.
Alnylam Presents New Pre-clinical Data with its RNAi Therapeutic Program in Hemophilia
Source News
Company Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
Date July 11, 2012

– Advances an RNAi Therapeutic Targeting Antithrombin for the Treatment of Hemophilia in its ‘Alnylam 5x15’ Product Strategy –

– Designates ALN-AT3, a Potent GalNAc-siRNA Conjugate Enabling Subcutaneous Administration, as Development Candidate –

– Demonstrates Pre-Clinical Proof of Concept in Animal Models of Hemophilia –

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jul. 11, 2012 -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALNY), a leading RNAi therapeutics company, announced today that it has presented new pre-clinical data with its RNAi therapeutic for the treatment of hemophilia at the World Federation of Hemophilia World Congress being held July 8-12, 2012 in Paris. Alnylam scientists presented data comparing robust RNAi-mediated silencing of protein C (PC) and antithrombin (AT), two natural anticoagulant proteins. Studies showed that AT, an endogenous inhibitor of thrombin generation, is the optimal anticoagulant target and Alnylam has now designated ALN-AT3, an RNAi therapeutic targeting AT, as the development candidate for its hemophilia program. ALN-AT3 utilizes Alnylam’s proprietary GalNAc-siRNA conjugate delivery approach enabling subcutaneous administration with the potential for a once-weekly or twice-monthly dosing regimen. In pre-clinical animal models of hemophilia, administration of ALN-AT3 resulted in increased thrombin generation demonstrating proof of concept for this novel strategy. Alnylam expects to file an investigational new drug (IND) application for ALN-AT3 in 2013.

“Our ‘Alnylam 5x15’ product development strategy is the foundation of our transformation from a platform company to a product company as we advance novel RNAi therapeutics with a focus on genetically defined targets for diseases where there are limited treatment options for patients and their caregivers. ALN-AT3 for the treatment of hemophilia is a key program within this strategic initiative. This effort has now advanced to development candidate status from a systematic examination of molecular targets, including AT and PC, and delivery approaches, including lipid nanoparticles and conjugates,” said Akshay K. Vaishnaw, M.D., Ph.D., Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of Alnylam. “We are very excited by our pre-clinical data with ALN-AT3 showing potent and durable AT knockdown with subcutaneous dosing. Further, we believe our new results demonstrate key proof of concept with this strategy as administration of ALN-AT3 was shown to improve thrombin generation in animal models of hemophilia. We anticipate filing an IND with ALN-AT3 in 2013.”

“New therapeutic options are needed in hemophilia to prevent bleeding and the associated pathology. Human genetic data on co-inheritance of thrombophilic traits in patients with hemophilia support the hypothesis that inhibition of endogenous anticoagulant proteins, such as AT, can improve hemostasis,” said Claude Négrier, M.D., head of the Hematology Department and director of the Haemophilia Comprehensive Care Centre at Edouard Herriot University Hospital in Lyon. “I am very encouraged by these new pre-clinical data with ALN-AT3 which support a novel approach for the treatment of hemophilia. Availability of a subcutaneously administered therapeutic, with long duration of action, could represent an exciting opportunity for hemophilia patients, including those with inhibitors to their replacement factor.”

These new results included studies performed to identify the optimal endogenous anticoagulant target and delivery modality for further RNAi therapeutic development in hemophilia. siRNA targeting both PC and AT were designed, synthesized, and evaluated in vivo, showing robust, dose-dependent silencing of the target mRNA. An RNAi therapeutic targeting AT was selected for further development. First, using a validated in silico model of human thrombin generation, knockdown of AT was found to generate significantly higher levels of thrombin in the absence of factor VIII as compared with knockdown of PC. In addition, exogenous supplementation of human plasma depleted of both factor IX and AT showed that an approximately 50% decrease in endogenous AT can significantly correct thrombin generation in a hemophilia setting. A GalNAc-siRNA conjugate was selected as the delivery modality for further development. Specifically, a large series of GalNAc-siRNA were designed and synthesized, leading to the selection of ALN-AT3 as the program’s development candidate. As a GalNAc-siRNA conjugate, ALN-AT3 achieves target gene knockdown with subcutaneous dose administration, a highly preferred mode of administration in the setting of hemophilia. Based on these results, Alnylam will be advancing ALN-AT3 for its hemophilia program in its “Alnylam 5x15” product strategy. Further efforts on ALN-APC, an RNAi therapeutic targeting PC, will therefore be stopped.

Additional data presented demonstrate that subcutaneous administration of ALN-AT3 results in potent, dose-dependent, and durable silencing of AT in pre-clinical models and that AT reduction can normalize thrombin generation in the setting of hemophilia, establishing proof of concept for this program. ALN-AT3 demonstrated potent activity in both mice and non-human primates, with an ED50 for AT plasma protein knockdown of approximately 1 mg/kg after a single subcutaneous dose. Studies showed a very durable response, where a single subcutaneous dose of ALN-AT3 achieved nadir knockdown of AT at about day 10, with effects lasting over 25 days. These data support a once-a-week or twice-a-month subcutaneous dosing paradigm. In studies performed in mouse models of hemophilia, ALN-AT3 was found to achieve dose-dependent knockdown of endogenous AT and to significantly increase thrombin generation. Specifically, in a mouse model of hemophilia, animals treated with ALN-AT3 showed a complete normalization of thrombin generation to levels found in wild-type mice. These results confirm the findings from human genetics where co-inheritance of prothrombotic traits in hemophilia patients is associated with improved hemostasis. Further, we believe these new data with ALN-AT3 establish clear pre-clinical proof of concept for this novel therapeutic strategy.
Mooie presentatie, redelijk wat aandacht voor Pharming.
één van de speerpunt van saturnus voor 2012

Zontomaatje schreef:


Staat die nu niet in 1 lijn met Neptons en Youranus?
even kijken wie er scherp was, oh nee foutje zit er nog niet zo lekker in, sorry
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