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New Russia-China oil pipeline comes online - Xinhua

China’s capacity for importing Russian crude from eastern Siberia has doubled to 30 million tpy (600,000 bpd) with the opening of a second pipeline, Xinhua state news agency reported last week. The second pipeline is expected to make Russia the single biggest oil supplier to China in 2018 in rivalry with Saudi Arabia. The new pipeline, with an annual throughput capacity of 15 million tpy (300,000 bpd), runs alongside the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline already in operation between Skovorodino in Siberia and Daqing in China’s Heilongjiang Province. The two lines cross the border at Mohe.

The pipelines in China are operated by state-run PetroChina.

ESPO has shipped 110 million tonnes (806.3 million barrels) of oil since it began operating in 2011, Xinhua said.

Xinhua said the introduction of the second line was “intended to deepen energy co-operation between China and Russia and serve the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative”.

China has been steadily increasing crude oil imports from wide-ranging global sources since the price crash in 2014, including Central Asia, the Middle East, South America and the US, while its domestic production has declined.

Imports in November topped 9 million bpd, including record purchases from the US averaging 289,000 bpd, shipping tracker ClipperData reported.

Much of the additional Russian imports will go to three major refineries operated in northeast China by PetroChina which are undergoing capacity upgrades, Reuters said. These are at Liaoyang, Dalian and Jilin.

The state major is investing US$880 million on doubling refining capacity to 400,000 bpd at its Liaoyang Petrochemical plant in Liaoning Province. The upgrade is anticipated to be completed this year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
The World Bank on crude oil prices

Mint reported that crude oil prices are at their highest since 2014. Given the importance of crude oil prices for India’s economic growth, what does the World Bank’s ‘Global Economic Prospects’ for 2018, released, have to say about them? Well, it forecasts average oil prices (a simple average of Dubai, Brent and West Texas Intermediate prices) to go up by another 9.4% this year, after a rise of 23.8% in 2017. For 2019, the prediction is for a much more sober rise of 1.7%.

For India, that will mean there won’t be a boost to the economy from lower oil prices in 2018 either. That makes it all the more imperative for other factors to contribute to the higher GDP growth of 7.3% expected by the World Bank. Exports could be a booster and many economists are pinning their hopes on the global economic recovery, but it’s noteworthy that the World Bank predicts global trade volume to rise by 4% this year, lower than the 4.3% growth notched up last year. Perhaps, as the World Bank expects, higher domestic investment demand and a repairing of damaged bank balance sheets will do the trick.

The World Bank report doesn’t have a break-up of the sources of growth in India, but it does have one for South Asian GDP, of which of course India accounts for the bulk. For South Asia as a whole, while consumption growth, both private and public, is expected to fall a bit in 2018, fixed investment growth is predicted to rise sharply, while the drag from negative net exports (exports minus imports) comes down a little. It is rather doubtful that, for India, investment demand is going to come back so soon and if oil prices remain high, it’s difficult to envisage the drag from net exports coming down too.

Chart 1 shows the growth in oil consumption since 2016, with predictions for 2018 taken from the International Energy Agency. Note that oil consumption growth is expected to slow this year in China and the OECD countries.

Chart 2 shows the World Bank average real price of crude oil in USD/barrel. Real oil prices are calculated as the nominal price deflated by the international manufacturers unit value index, in which 2010=100. The Bank says the 1970-2017 average for the real price of oil is USD 37.7 per barrel.

Source : Mint
Mostly flat crude oil prices and increasing global production through 2019 - EIA

EIA’s January Short-Term Energy Outlook forecasts Brent crude oil to average USD 60 per barrel (b) in 2018 and USD 61 per barrel in 2019, slightly higher than the $54/b average in 2017. In both 2018 and 2019, EIA expects total global crude oil production to be slightly greater than global consumption, with U.S. crude oil production increasing more than any other country. Because crude oil prices are expected to be relatively flat through 2019, U.S. gasoline prices are also expected to remain near current levels. EIA forecasts the U.S. average regular retail gasoline price will average $2.57/gallon (gal) in 2018 and $2.58/gal in 2019, slightly higher than the $2.42/gal average in 2017.

EIA forecasts the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil spot price will average $55/b in 2018 and $57/b in 2019, or $4/b and $5/b, respectively, lower than Brent prices. This price difference is expected to narrow from the $6/b average price difference seen in the fourth quarter of 2017 because current constraints on the capacity to transport crude oil from the Cushing, Oklahoma storage hub (the geographic location associated with the WTI price) to the U.S. Gulf Coast are expected to gradually lessen.

As Asian demand for crude oil and petroleum products increase, supply considerations to transport crude oil to Asia are increasingly part of the price formation for global crude oil benchmarks. EIA estimates that, absent significant pipeline constraints, moving crude oil from Cushing, Oklahoma, to the U.S. Gulf Coast typically costs about $3.50/b. Moving that crude oil from the United States to Asia costs approximately $0.50/b more than to ship Brent from the North Sea to Asia. Although more crude oil export infrastructure has been recently built, U.S. exporters must still use smaller, less-economic vessels or more complex shipping arrangements, which often add to costs.

EIA estimates that the implied global stock change (the difference between total world consumption and total world production) averaged 0.4 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2017, marking the first year of global inventory draws since 2013. EIA expects global inventories to increase by about 0.2 million b/d in 2018 and by about 0.3 million b/d in 2019.

Crude oil production from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) averaged 32.5 million b/d in 2017, a decrease of 0.2 million b/d from 2016. The decline was mainly a result of the November 2016 OPEC production agreement that aimed to limit OPEC crude oil output to 32.5 million b/d. OPEC and non-OPEC participants agreed on November 30, 2017, to extend the production cuts through the end of 2018 in an effort to reduce global oil inventories. EIA expects OPEC crude oil production to increase by 0.2 million b/d in 2018 and by an additional 0.3 million b/d in 2019 as it slowly returns to pre-agreement levels.

Crude oil production from the United States is expected to increase more than in any other country. U.S. crude oil production is forecast to average 10.3 million b/d in 2018, marking the highest annual average production in U.S. history, surpassing the previous record of 9.6 million b/d set in 1970. U.S. crude oil production is expected to continue increasing in 2019 to an average of 10.8 million b/d.

Global consumption of petroleum and other liquid fuels grew by 1.4 million b/d in 2017, reaching an average of 98.4 million b/d for the year. EIA expects consumption growth will average 1.7 million b/d in 2018 and 1.6 million b/d in 2019, driven by the countries outside of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Non-OECD consumption growth is expected to account for 1.2 million b/d and 1.3 million b/d of the growth in 2018 and 2019, respectively.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese oil product export surge shows risks to OPEC’s gains - Russell

Reuters reported that the standout feature of China’s crude oil and product trade data for December was the surge in exports of refined fuels to a record, but it already appears that this dynamic may not be sustainable. China shipped out 6.17 million tonnes of refined products in December, equivalent to about 1.6 million barrels per day, using the BP conversion factor of 8 barrels of product per tonne.

This was up 6.6 percent from November’s 5.79 million tonnes, and took the total for the year to 52.16 million tonnes, equivalent to about 1.14 million bpd.

The strength in December’s exports of products, which include gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, was most likely a reflection of strong crude imports in November, when 9.01 million bpd were brought in, the second highest on record.

The glut of crude available to Chinese refiners in November and December was also coupled with still strong margins for products across Asia.

The report said that the profit for processing a barrel of Dubai crude at a refinery in Singapore averaged USD 7.17 in December. This was above the current moving 365-day average of USD 7.05 a barrel, although it was down from a 2017 peak of USD 9.07 for the month of September.

This meant that Chinese refiners were able to take advantage of strong prices for products in December, while processing crude oil that was most likely bought in October, when the price of Middle East benchmark Oman crude was still around USD 55 a barrel.

However, but this dynamic has shifted fairly dramatically in recent weeks, with crude prices surging and refining margins dropping.

Oman crude futures ended at USD 67.10 a barrel on Jan. 12, the highest in just over three years, while the refinery margin DUB-SIN-REF dropped to USD 5.85 a barrel, close to the lowest since May last year.

Meanwhile, crude prices and refinery margins have an inverse relationship, with the profit from producing fuels tending to peak in the weeks after crude prices reach lows.

Source : Reuters
Crude prices will exceed forecasts - Goldman Sachs

Reuters quoted Goldman Sachs as saying that crude oil prices are likely to exceed its forecasts for the coming months due to rising demand and strong compliance to a production cuts. The investment bank sees Brent and West Texas Intermediate average price forecasts at USD 62 and USD 57.5 per barrel for 2018, respectively.

Brent crude prices consolidated recent gains at around USD 70 a barrel, a level not seen since 2014’s dramatic oil market slump.

Oil has been pushed higher by an effort led by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and Russia to withhold production since January last year. This, combined with healthy oil demand, has pushed up crude by almost 15 percent since early December.

The US bank said that “This rally has been driven first by robust fundamentals, with strong demand growth and high OPEC compliance accelerating.”

At the current oil price level, the forward curve is well above marginal costs across regions which could lead to a gradual increase in producer hedging and drilling activity, Goldman said.

Source : Reuters
OPEC produceerde meer in december ondanks akkoord
Wereldwijde groei van vraag in 2017 verhoogd.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Organisatie voor olieproducerende landen, kortweg OPEC, heeft in december meer olie opgepompt, ondanks het akkoord om de productie te beperken. Dit maakte het oliekartel donderdag bekend.

In de laatste maand van 2017 steeg de productie van het kartel met 42.000 vaten per dag naar een gemiddelde van 32,42 miljoen vaten per dag. De stijging werd veroorzaakt door een toegenomen productie in Nigeria, Angola en Algerije, zei het kartel.

Ondanks de hogere productie liet OPEC weten dat het proces van het uitbalanceren van de oliemarkt op koers bleef, wat de voornaamste reden was van de productiebeperkende maatregelen. Het kartel sprak van een verkrapping van het aanbod en lagere voorraden wereldwijd, wat volgens OPEC te danken is aan het akkoord, in combinatie met een gestegen vraag.

Opwaarts bijstelling vraag

OPEC verhoogde donderdag in het rapport ook de wereldwijde vraag naar olie in heel 2017 met 43.000 vaten olie per dag tot een groei van gemiddeld 1,57 miljoen vaten per dag. De opwaartse bijstelling was het resultaat van beter dan verwacht data uit Europa en China. De gemiddelde vraag naar olie kwam met deze bijstelling uit op ruwweg 97 miljoen vaten olie per dag voor 2017.

Voor 2018 verwacht de organisatie nog altijd een stijging van de vraag van ongeveer 1,53 miljoen vaten per dag.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Amerikaanse olievoorraden omlaag
Benzinevoorraden hoger.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten zijn vorige week gedaald. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van de Energy Information Administration.

In de week eindigend op 12 januari daalden de olievoorraden met 6,9 miljoen vaten tot circa 412,7 miljoen vaten.

De benzinevoorraden stegen daarentegen met 3,6 miljoen vaten tot circa 240,9 miljoen vaten, terwijl de voorraden stookolie afnamen met 3,9 miljoen vaten tot 139,2 miljoen vaten.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen daalde van 95,3 naar 93,0 procent.

Het rapport verscheen een dag later dan gebruikelijk, omdat maandag in Amerika Martin Luther King Day werd gevierd.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Olieprijs sluit fractioneel lager
Olievoorraden lieten sterkere daling zien.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De olieprijs is donderdag licht lager gesloten.

De februari-future voor een vat ruwe olie sloot op de New York Mercantile Exchange 0,02 dollar lager op 63,95 dollar.

Oliekartel OPEC liet weten in december meer olie uit de grond te hebben gehaald. In de laatste maand van 2017 steeg de productie van het kartel met 42.000 vaten per dag naar een gemiddelde van 32,4 miljoen vaten per dag. De stijging werd veroorzaakt door een toegenomen productie in Nigeria, Angola en Algerije, zei het kartel.

Toch ligt het plan van een productiebeperking volgens OPEC nog altijd mooi op koers.

Het kartel verhoogde donderdag in het rapport de wereldwijde vraag naar olie in heel 2017 met 43.000 vaten olie per dag tot een groei van gemiddeld 1,57 miljoen vaten per dag. De gemiddelde vraag naar olie kwam met deze bijstelling uit op ruwweg 97 miljoen vaten olie per dag voor 2017.

Voor dit jaar verwacht de organisatie nog altijd een stijging van de vraag van ongeveer 1,53 miljoen vaten per dag.

Verder stonden de Amerikaanse olievoorraden op de rol. Een dag later dan normaal, aangezien maandag een vrije dag in Amerika was vanwege de viering van Martin Luther King Day.

Afgelopen week daalden de voorraden ruwe olie met 6,9 miljoen vaten tot circa 412,7 miljoen vaten. Dat was flink meer dan de 2,3 miljoen vaten waarop analisten hadden gerekend. De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen daalde van 95,3 naar 93,0 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
'Olieproductie VS neemt dit jaar fors toe'

Gepubliceerd op 19 jan 2018 om 10:46 | Views: 1.486

New York WTI spot 18 jan
63,95 -0,02 (-0,03%)

Royal Dutch Shell A 14:30
28,49 -0,18 (-0,63%)

PARIJS (AFN) - De olieproductie in de Verenigde Staten neemt dit jaar naar verwachting sterk toe, gestimuleerd door de stijgende prijzen. Dat biedt tegenwicht aan de productiebeperkingen die de OPEC samen met onder meer Rusland heeft doorgevoerd, schrijft het Internationaal Energie Agentschap (IEA) in zijn maandrapport over de mondiale oliemarkt.

De productiegroei in de VS doet volgens de denktank, die veel westerse regeringen adviseert over hun energiebeleid, denken aan de ,,onstuimige'' periode tussen 2013 en 2015. In die jaren voerden met name de Amerikanen hun productie zo sterk op dat een overaanbod ontstond en de olieprijzen zwaar onder druk kwamen te staan.

Zo'n vaart zal het volgens het IEA nu niet lopen, aangezien vraag en aanbod op de oliemarkt dit jaar naar verwachting ,,ruwweg in balans'' zullen zijn. Dat komt mede doordat de OPEC-landen en hun bondgenoten volgens het IEA blijk van een opmerkelijke discipline waar het gaat om de inperking van hun productie. Afspraken daarover gelden nog minimaal tot eind 2018.


De ontwikkelingen in de VS noemt het IEA ,,net zo opmerkelijk''. 's Werelds grootste economie lijkt volgens de denktank op koers te liggen om oliegrootmachten als Saudi-Arabië en Rusland voorbij te steken en ook 's werelds grootste olieproducent te worden.

Een troost voor de landen die hun productie nu in toom houden en dus marktaandeel inleveren, is dat zij afgelopen jaar wel konden profiteren van aantrekkende prijzen. Hoewel zij minder olie oppompten, hielden zij daar per saldo meer aan over, aldus het IEA.
mss in heel NL gaan fakkelen ?
dan gaat de olieprijs omhoog ?

In de stad Groningen lopen ongeveer
10.000 mensen mee in een fakkeloptocht
uit protest tegen de gaswinning in de
provincie.Aanleiding is de relatief
krachtige beving van vorige week in
Zeerijp,met een kracht van 3,4.
Olieprijs lager gesloten
Zorgen over Amerikaanse schalie-olie productie.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De prijs voor een vat ruwe olie is vrijdag lager gesloten, nadat zorgen over een productietoename van Amerikaanse schalie-olie opnieuw aanwakkerden door een rapport van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap.

De februari-future voor een vat ruwe olie sloot op de New York Mercantile Exchange 0,9 procent, ofwel 0,58 dollar, lager op 63,37 dollar. Op weekbasis was er sprake van een verlies van circa 1,5 procent.

"De rek lijkt er even uit na een rally van dertig procent over de afgelopen drie maanden", aldus strateeg Rob Haworth van U.S. Bank Wealth Management.

Op donderdag werd al bekend dat oliekartel OPEC in december meer olie uit de grond heeft gehaald. In de laatste maand van 2017 steeg de productie van het kartel met 42.000 vaten per dag naar een gemiddelde van 32,4 miljoen vaten per dag. De stijging werd veroorzaakt door een toegenomen productie in Nigeria, Angola en Algerije, zei het kartel.

Het maandelijkse olierapport van het Internationaal Energie Agentschap kon het negatieve sentiment van een dag eerder niet doen keren vandaag. Naar verwachting van het agentschap zal de dagproductie van Amerikaanse schalieproducenten stijgen naar meer dan 10 miljoen vaten per dag. Sinds 1970 lag de olieproductie van Amerika niet meer zo hoog. De stijgende productie is vooral het gevolg van de oplopende olieprijs, waardoor meer producenten hun kans schoon zien.

Baker Hughes kwam vrijdag evenwel met een meer opbeurend bericht. Uit het wekelijkse rapport van de oliedienstverlener bleek dat het aantal actieve boortorens in Amerika deze week met 5 is gedaald tot 747, nadat er een week eerder nog tien torens bijkwamen. Een afname van het aantal boortorens impliceert een lagere schalie productie, iets dat steun biedt aan de olieprijs.

Na het rapport van Baker Hughes konden de olieprijzen slechts een deel van de verliezen wegwerken.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
India's oil imports in 2017 surged to a record 4.4 million bpd - Report

Ship-tracking data obtained from sources and data compiled by Thomson Reuters Oil Research & Forecasts showed that India's oil imports rose by about 1.8 percent in 2017 to a record 4.37 million barrels per day (bpd) as the country boosted purchases to feed its expanded refining capacity. To meet its growing fuel demand India, the world's third-biggest oil consumer, raised its refining capacity in the second half of 2017.

India's capacity expansion to about 5 million bpd was aided by Reliance Industries, owner of the world's largest refining complex, declaring 30 percent higher capacity of its export-focused plant.

The data showed that in December the country's oil imports totalled 4.38 million bpd, a decline of about 6.4 percent from the previous month and about 2 percent from a year ago.

It said that in 2017 Iraq for the first time emerged as the top supplier to India on an annual basis while Saudi Arabia slipped to the second position.

It added that Iran was the third biggest oil supplier to India in 2017, replacing Venezuela. India's imports from Iran in 2017 totalled about 471,000 bpd, marginally lower than a year ago.

It further added that in April-December, the first nine months of this fiscal year, Iranian supplies to India averaged at about 437,000 bpd, a decline of about 18 percent from a year ago.

Source : Reuters
Venezuela's oil output plummeted to decades low in 2017 - OPEC

Reuters reported that Venezuela's oil production fell nearly 13 percent last year according to figures released by OPEC, hitting a 28-year annual low that suggested a deepening economic crisis and increased chances of a debt default. The South American country produced 2.072 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2017 versus 2.373 million bpd the previous year, registering a near 300,000 bpd drop. That was the biggest fall among the 13 OPEC countries that have pledged to a production cut recently extended until the end of 2018.

Unlike voluntary cuts by producers like Saudi Arabia and Russia to stoke higher crude prices, Venezuela has been unable to stop a production decline for a sixth year in a row.

A destructive cocktail of insufficient investments, payment delays to suppliers, US sanctions, and a brain drain have hammered the oil industry in the South American nation. The production fall has also hit oil exports -Venezuela'a main source of foreign currency to repay debt- and refining, creating intermittent fuel scarcity in the country and some of its main allies, such as Cuba.

An alleged crackdown on oil graft in the last few months, seen by critics as an effort by President Nicolas Maduro to consolidate power, has sown panic across the energy industry and all but paralyzed state oil company PDVSA, according to people at the company and across the sector.

It is a remarkable downfall for the OPEC member home to theworld's biggest crude reserves. The output drop has contributedto a bitter recession and hyperinflation that have millions ofpeople unable to eat three square meals a day. "The disaster continues," tweeted opposition lawmaker Elias Matta on Thursday after the OPEC figures were released. Venezuela's Oil Ministry and PDVSA did not respond to a request for comment.

Crisis-hit Venezuela's oil gloom is set to persist this year.
January has seen an unprecedented surge in resignations, spurred by political pressure and salaries that often do not allow workers to eat properly, current and former PDVSA employees say.

Venezuela appointed a new oil czar, former housing minister General Manuel Quevedo, in November. He has no experience in the energy sector and has brought over associates from the military and the Housing Ministry, industry sources say.

Quevedo has vowed that Venezuelan output will rise to more than 2.4 million bpd this year, but has not provided details and most analysts are bracing for a further fall, with the big question remaining how low output will go.

Just in December, Venezuela's production sank by about 216,000 bpd from November to 1.621 million bpd, OPEC figures showed on Thursday.

BMIResearch said that "Production levels and the quality of Venezuelan's crudewill continue to suffer as the government struggles to allocatesufficient cash for much-needed upstream investment."

Source : Reuters
Olieprijs licht omhoog
Saoedi-Arabië wil productie-afspraken ook na 2018 behouden.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De olieprijs bewoog maandag vrij volatiel, gevangen tussen de hoop op een verdere voortzetting van de OPEC productie-afspraken en de zorgen over de toenemende Amerikaanse schalie productie. Een februari-future op een vat West Texas Intermediate sloot uiteindelijk 0,25 dollar hoger op een settlementprijs van 63,62 dollar.

Dit weekend verklaarde de Saoedische olieminister Khalid al-Falih dat de OPEC en een aantal landen buiten het oliekartel ervoor moeten zorgen dat ze ook na eind 2018, wanneer de huidige productie-afspraken aflopen, blijven samen werken. "We moeten onze inspanningen niet beperken tot 2018 en praten over een langer lopend raamwerk om samen te werken", aldus de minister.

Hierop steeg de olieprijs volgens investeringsstrateeg Rebecca O'Keeffe van Interactive Investor. Het is de meest concrete oproep van een grote olieproducent om de markt ook in 2019 te blijven ondersteunen. De afspraak om ook dit jaar de olie output in te perken met 1,8 miljoen vaten per dag, heeft de olieprijs flink ondersteund. Sinds de zomer is olie ongeveer twee maal zo duur geworden.

Volgens O'Keeffe zijn de OPEC en Rusland echter maar een helft van het verhaal. "Producenten in de Verenigde Staten, Canada en Brazilië zullen de productie verhogen in reactie op de hogere olieprijzen. Met deze nieuwe dynamiek binnen de oliemarkt, is de kans op een hoger aanbod een groot neerwaarts risico voor de olieprijs", waarschuwde de marktvorser.

In een vorige week gepubliceerd rapport waarschuwde het Internationaal Energieagentschap al dat de Amerikaanse schalie productie dit jaar zal stijgen boven de 10 miljoen vaten per dag. Dat productieniveau zou het hoogste zijn in meer dan 40 jaar.

Door: ABM Financial News.


Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
OPEC to end cuts early as prices rise

Bloomberg reported that as oil trades near a 3 year high and crude stockpiles fall rapidly, analysts are questioning whether the OPEC-led production cuts will last until the end of the year. As the producer group gears up for a meeting with its partners to review strategy in Muscat, Oman, this weekend, there are growing expectations that the deal will be phased out early.

Mr Harry Tchilinguirian, BNP Paribas SA’s head of commodity strategy, said that the “probability is growing” that the accord may conclude before the end of the year. Discussions around an early exit are likely to emerge at the next OPEC meeting in June.

Energy Aspects Ltd.’s chief oil analyst Amrita Sen, said that “If Brent is still trading around USD 60 a barrel and oil inventories are close enough to OPEC’s five-year average,” the deal may be phased out informally by nations gradually weakening their compliance with production cuts, Tchilinguirian said. It would be “prudent” to expect OPEC members will start cheating given higher oil prices,.

Other analysts predict a more formalized unwinding of the cuts.

Mr Bjarne Schieldrop, chief commodity analyst at SEB AB, said that “I don’t think the deal per se will end” as inventories near the five-year average. The Declaration of Cooperation — the 2016 accord that first established the group of 24 oil producers– will still stand, but be modified to allow for production cuts to gradually unwind from mid-2018.

Source : Bloomberg
Brent crude oil prices closed earlier this week above USD 70 per bbl for the first time - IEA
Published on Tue, 23 Jan 2018

The price of Brent crude oil closed earlier this week above USD 70 per bbl for the first time since 2 December 2014 (shortly after OPEC’s “market share” ministerial meeting) and money managers have placed record bets on the recent upward momentum continuing. The factors contributing to this burst of optimism by investors include; the possible unravelling of the Iran nuclear deal and recent demonstrations in the country, disruption to the industry in Libya, and the closure of the Forties pipeline system. Although these factors might have faded somewhat, there are others at work. The general perception that the market has been tightening is clearly the overriding factor and, within this overall picture, there is mounting concern about Venezuela’s production.

Taking Venezuela first, production has been sliding for a long time – it is now about half the level inherited by President Chavez in 1999 – and in December output was 490 kb/d lower than a year ago, having fallen to 1.61 mb/d. It is reasonable to assume that the decline will continue but we cannot know at what rate. If output and exports sink further other producers with the flexibility to deliver oil similar in quality to Venezuela’s shipments to the US and elsewhere, including China, might decide to step in with more barrels of their own.

The oil market is clearly tightening; in the three consecutive quarters 2Q17-4Q17 OECD crude stocks fell by an average of 630 kb/d; such a threesome has happened rarely in modern history: examples include 1999 (prices doubled), 2009 (prices increased by nearly $20/bbl), and 2013 (prices increased by $6/bbl). Since the nadir for Brent crude in June when the price was $45/bbl, the 2017 OECD crude draws have coincided with a price increase for Brent of nearly USD 25/bbl.

A judgement as to whether the recent price strength is sustainable must take into account the rapid growth in global oil supply seen recently and which will continue through 2018. Short-cycle production from the US is reacting to rising prices and in this Report we have raised our forecast for crude oil growth there in 2018 from 870 kb/d to 1.1 mb/d. It is possible that very soon US crude production could overtake that of Saudi Arabia and also rival Russia’s. After adding in barrels from Brazil, Canada and other growth countries, and allowing for falls in Mexico, China and elsewhere, total non-OPEC production will increase by 1.7 mb/d. This represents, after the downturn in 2016 and the steady recovery in 2017, a return to the heady days of 2013-2015 when US-led growth averaged 1.9 mb/d.

This projected big increase in non-OPEC production needs to be set against our current forecast for oil demand. For 2018, we see growth of 1.3 mb/d, a conservative number that acknowledges the current perception of healthy global economic activity, but also takes into account the fact that benchmark crude oil prices have increased by 55% since June and this can dampen oil demand growth to some extent. The uncertainty surrounding Venezuela is such that our regular practice of showing a market scenario chart that assumes steady OPEC production must be treated with caution. If OPEC countries plus their non-OPEC supporters maintain compliance then the market is likely to balance for the year as a whole with the first half in a modest surplus and the second half in a modest deficit.

This scenario, or something similar to it, presumably lies behind the assumption by forecasters surveyed by Reuters that Brent will trade in a $60-$70/bbl range in 2018. Whether or not the recent price rise has run out of steam and seventy really is plenty remains to be seen. However, such are the geopolitical uncertainties and the ever-dynamic prospects for US shale that we should expect a volatile year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Amerikaanse olievoorraden omlaag
Benzinevoorraden hoger.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten zijn vorige week gedaald. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van de Energy Information Administration.

In de week eindigend op 19 januari daalden de olievoorraden met 1,1 miljoen vaten tot circa 411,6 miljoen vaten.

De benzinevoorraden stegen daarentegen met 3,1 miljoen vaten tot 244,0 miljoen vaten, terwijl de voorraden stookolie licht toenamen met 0,6 miljoen vaten tot 139,8 miljoen vaten.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen daalde van 93,0 naar 90,9 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
US oil drillers cut rigs for 2nd week in three - Baker Hughes

Reuters reported that US energy companies this week cut oil rigs for the second time in three weeks even though crude prices traded near their highest level since 2014. Drillers cut five oil rigs in the week to Jan. 19, bringing the total count down to 747, General Electric Co's Baker Hughes energy services firm said in its closely followed report. The US rig count, an early indicator of future output, is much higher than a year ago when only 551 rigs were active after energy companies boosted spending in 2017 as crude started recovering from a two-year price crash.

US crude futures traded above USD 63 a barrel on Friday after hitting USD 64.89 this week, its highest since December 2014. That compares with averages of USD 50.85 in 2017 and USD 43.47 in 2016. Looking ahead, futures were trading around USD 62 for the balance of 2018 and USD 58 for calendar 2019 . In anticipation of higher prices in 2018 than 2017, US financial services firm

Cowen & Co said that 23 of the roughly 65 E&Ps they track, including Antero Resources Corp , have already provided capital expenditure guidance for 2018 indicating an 8 percent increase in planned spending over 2017. Cowen said the E&Ps it tracks planned to spend about USD 66.1 billion on drilling and completions in the lower 48 U.S. states in 2017, about 53 percent over what they planned to spend in 2016. Antero said it planned to keep its drilling and completion capital budget flat at USD 1.3 billion annually through 2020.

Analysts at Simmons & Co, energy specialists at US investment bank Piper Jaffray, this week slightly increased their forecast for the total oil and natural gas rig count to an average of 1,004 in 2018 and 1,128 in 2019. Last week, it forecast 996 in 2018 and 1,126 in 2019. There were 936 oil and natural gas rigs active on Jan. 19.

The US Energy Information Administration said that on average, there were 876 rigs available for service in 2017, 509 in 2016 and 978 in 2015. Most rigs produce both oil and gas. US oil output is expected to continue to rise in February with production from shale formations rising by 111,000 barrels per day (bpd) to 6.55 million bpd.

Source : Reuters
Russian and Saudi energy ministers satisfied with oil market rebalancing - Report

Reuters quoted the Russian energy ministry as saying that Russian Energy Minister Mr Alexander Novak met his Saudi counterpart Mr Khalid al-Falih in Oman, where they both expressed satisfaction with the way oil market has been rebalancing. "The market sees the efforts are successful and reacts - the prices have almost reached USD 70 per barrel," Mr Novak told Falih, according to the ministry's web site.

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and other producers, including Russia, are cutting oil output by 1.8 million barrels per day under a pact running until the end of 2018.

Oman will host the joint ministerial monitoring committee, known as the JMMC.

Source : Reuters
Iraq and Orion sign deal to process natural gas from giant Nahr Bin Oma oilfield

Reuters reported that Iraq agreed a deal with US energy company Orion to process natural gas extracted at its giant Nahr Bin Omar oilfield. The MoU, signed in Baghdad by representatives of the oil ministry and the US company, will allow Orion Gas Processors to build facilities to capture the gas from the field located in southern Iraq and to transform it into usable fuels.

Nahr Bin Omar, operated by state-run Basra Oil Co., is producing more than 40,000 barrels per day of oil (bpd) and 25 million cubic feet a day of natural gas.

However, Iraq continues to flare some of the gas extracted alongside crude oil at its fields because it lacks the facilities to process it into fuel for local consumption or exports.

Source : Reuters
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