jrxs4all schreef:
[quote=Sylvia 11]
Binck en Alex zijn nu één, maar de coupon is ook bij de door mij genoemde banken uitgekeerd en naar wat ik 5 minuten geleden vernam, óók bij ING.
Ik ben er even ingedoken ....
Het gaat om de Depfa Funding II, XS0178243332).
In het laatste halfjaaverslag staat dit:
"Summary of the Partnership’s activities
The Partnership has issued €400,000,000 6.5% Guaranteed Non-voting Non-cumulative Perpetual Preferred Securities. The Preferred Securities entitle holders to receive non-cumulative preferential cash distributions subject to certain conditions including the discretion of the Board of Directors of the Guarantor and General Partner. The proceeds of these securities have been lent to DEPFA Finance NV, a HRE Group company.
On 27 March 2009, the Board of Directors of the Guarantor and General Partner passed a resolution not to pay distributions under the Preferred Securities issued by DEPFA Funding II LP, which are due to be paid on 30 October 2009."
"The Guarantor and General Partner do not expect that distributions will be made on the Preferred Securities during 2009. Therefore no interest on the Preferred Securities has been accrued at 30 June 2009. As described in Note 5, the Preferred Securities issued have been reclassified to equity from subordinated capital in 2009."
"The partnership has issued €400,000,000 6.5% Guaranteed Non-voting Non-cumulative Perpetual Preferred Securities. The Preferred Securities will entitle holders to receive non-cumulative preferential cash distributions, subject to certain conditions including the discretion of the Board of Directors of the Guarantor and General Partner.
Payment under this hybrid capital instrument is only contractually required if creditors of an equal ranking receive interest payments. During 2009 the last equal ranking liability was repaid by the Group and accordingly the Group no longer has a contractual obligation to make interest payments under the hybrid capital instrument.
Accordingly the carrying amount of this instrument has been reclassified to equity from subordinated capital."
www.hyporealestate.com/eng/pdf/DEPFA_...Het lijkt op het eerste gezicht wel duidelijk maar toegegeven, er wordt niet uitgesloten dat er rente zal worden betaald.
Depfa II heeft in 2009 zelf wel rente ontvangen en in totaal is er ruim 17 miljoen beschikbaar. Echter, om de 6,5% over 400 miljoen uit te betalen is 26 miljoen nodig.
Oh nee, die 17 miljoen die beschikbaar is was per eind juni 2009, reken voor het derde kwartaal de helft erbij en er is inderdaad geld om te betalen. Tja ......
Ben benieuwd hoe dit afloopt,