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elektrische auto, redding van de autobranche?

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BYD Delivers 30 eBuses to Madrid EMT in Spain

The Municipal Transport Company of Madrid EMT Madrid has taken the delivery of the 30 eBuses from BYD, ahead of the programmed hand-over schedule in Spain’s largest-ever single order for electric buses. The 30 vehicles were handed-over to the EMT Madrid at the company’s Operations Center in Carabanchel, represented by Mr Borja Carabante, President of EMT Madrid and Environment and Transport Councillor of Madrid; alongside Mr Carlos Sierra, Director of Transportation Services of EMT Madrid; and Mr Alfonso Sánchez, Managing Director of EMT Madrid.

The hand-over follows an initial 15 BYD 12-metre eBuses delivered to EMT Madrid in May, 2020 – the first time BYD had supplied vehicles into the Spanish capital. Since entering service, EMT Madrid’s 15-strong BYD eBus fleet has topped over 300,000 km, reducing CO2 emissions approximately by 300,000 kg.

With this year’s new intake of 30 vehicles are complete, a total of 45 BYD eBuses will be in operation for EMT Madrid – one of Spain’s largest Public Transport Operators with a fleet of approximately 2,000 vehicles running on a network comprising 218 routes. The BYD fleet is replacing the Madrid-based company’s ageing diesel-powered buses, at the same time significantly contributing towards a cleaner environment in the city.

BYD’s 12-metre eBus remains the company’s best-selling model in Europe with over 700 units now in operation right across the region, proving their operational productivity and reliability both in the hot, arid conditions of the Iberian Peninsula, and also the extreme cold of northern Scandinavia. As well as reliability, EMT Madrid has been equally impressed with the BYD 12-metre model’s range capability, competitive maintenance costs and manufacturer’s guarantee, thus prompting the repeat order.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

Joyeuse schreef op 2 juni 2021 07:35:

Daarna even simpel weg benoemen, dat als je de overige kosten vergelijkt, je ook goedkoper uit bent... dat durf ik te betwijfelen.
De periode van 5 jaar is nogal selectief (levensduur relatief dure accu's?) en promotioneel, maar elektrisch is verder op meerdere punten goedkoper. De kans dat je uitlaatgassen niet door de APK-keuring komen, is bijvoorbeeld nul. Geen bougies, geen distributieriem, geen brandstofpomp, geen koppakking, geen katalysator, geen turbo, geen verstuivers, geen nokkenas, ...

Leefloon schreef op 2 juni 2021 09:01:

De periode van 5 jaar is nogal selectief (levensduur relatief dure accu's?) en promotioneel, maar elektrisch is verder op meerdere punten goedkoper. De kans dat je uitlaatgassen niet door de APK-keuring komen, is bijvoorbeeld nul. Geen bougies, geen distributieriem, geen brandstofpomp, geen koppakking, geen katalysator, geen turbo, geen verstuivers, geen nokkenas, ...
Denk ik ook wel. Echter voor bijvoorbeeld onderhoud kan ik nog goedkoop naar de garage op de hoek. Waar ik al 30 jaar kom. Ik moet alleen niet bij de beste man aankomen met een elektrisch voertuig.... Echter... "Geen bougies, geen distributieriem, geen brandstofpomp, geen koppakking, geen katalysator, geen turbo, geen verstuivers, geen nokkenas, .." Ik zou bijna denken dat er dan geen onderhoud meer nodig is? Of begrijp ik je verkeerd? Wellicht ontbreekt mij dan de kennis.

Moet ik het zien als beleggen? Het risico is groter (als er iets kapot gaat zijn de kosten hoger? accu?) maar het rendement (bezuinigen) is er dan ook naar? :)


Joyeuse schreef op 2 juni 2021 10:06:

Echter voor bijvoorbeeld onderhoud kan ik nog goedkoop naar de garage op de hoek. Waar ik al 30 jaar kom. Ik moet alleen niet bij de beste man aankomen met een elektrisch voertuig....

Ik zou bijna denken dat er dan geen onderhoud meer nodig is? Of begrijp ik je verkeerd? Wellicht ontbreekt mij dan de kennis.

Moet ik het zien als beleggen? Het risico is groter (als er iets kapot gaat zijn de kosten hoger? accu?) maar het rendement (bezuinigen) is er dan ook naar? :)
Dat ligt dan aan die beste oude man (of fossiele brandstofmotorspecialist, zo je wilt), gelet op het toenemende aantal voertuigen met een vorm van elektrische aandrijving.

Minder bewegende en minder hete onderdelen, maar ik duidde slechts waarom de overige kosten inderdaad lager kunnen uitvallen. Binnen de context van het selectief genoemde artikel, zoals dat je binnen de 5 jaar de accu's misschien net niet hoeft te vervangen. De punten zijn geen rekeningen die ik nog heb liggen, maar zijn veelvoorkomende of dure reparaties die niet van toepassing zijn op elektromotoren. Waar je dan weer andere, maar minder problemen mee kunt hebben. Overigens zou ook waterstof goedkoper zijn in onderhoud, ondanks verbranding.

Als het analytische Zwitserland laat het artikel of de propaganda zich lezen als iets dat doesn't go without saying, dus mijn "beleggingsadvies" is wachten. De kosten zullen elkaar naderen, zonder dat je tonnen zult laten liggen door Shell trouw te blijven sponsoren. Ga verder vooral uit van je iegen situatie, en niet van selectieve voorbeelden, Kom jij al 30+ jaar bij dezelfde garage met je Simca, en heb je als mooi weer-rijder pas 1x de uitlaat hoeven te vervangen, of koop je inderdaad om de 5 jaar een dure nieuwe auto met nieuwe accu's? De economische verschillen zullen gemiddeld steeds kleiner zijn geworden, geforceerd (belastingen op het ene of het andere) of niet, en uit het artikel komt naar voren dat de kosten van elektrisch rijden nog kunnen gaan dalen. Tot de fiscus dat misschien ooit gaat verpesten. Beleggingsadvies: wachten, en benut die tijd om met een beleggingsadviseur eens uw eigen situatie door te rekenen. Neem eventueel je bonnetjes van die garage om de hoek mee, in plaats van dat ik begin over de katalysator die je daarvoor te oud zijnde Simca niet eens heeft. En zonder de selectieve getallen van derden, zoals die 5 jaar. Het algemene nieuws volgen kan volstaan;l er komt regelmatig wel wat nieuws voorbij over de kloof tussen fossiel, waterstof en/of elektrisch. Maar vergeet overige overheidsmaatregelen ook niet, zoals wel of geen toegang tot binnensteden, uitfaseren van fossiel, en dergelijke. De groene lobby is een lobby, dus dat moet met een korreltje krritisch zout worden genomen. Toch zullen de overige gebruikskosten per saldo al lager kunnen zijn, door de minder storingsgevoelige techniek. Minder bewegende onderdelen, en bijvoorbeeld minder om af te keuren bij een APK-keuring. Geen roetdeeltjes, geen uitlaat, geen uitlaatgassen, geen katalysator, geen betere afstelling van de motor.
Britse start-up: ‘Rijbereik elektrische auto 30 procent groter door verticaal geplaatste accu’

Een in Londen gevestigde start-up beweert het bereik van elektrische auto's met 30 procent te kunnen verbeteren met een onconventioneel ontwerp. In plaats van het batterijpakket in de vloer te monteren, zoals nu het geval is, plaatst Page-Roberts de accu's verticaal.

Erik Kouwenhoven 05-06-21, 05:00

Het bedrijf stelt dat een elektrische auto met een verticaal gemonteerd batterijpakket passagiers in staat stelt om lager in de auto te zitten, omdat ze niet bovenop de accu zitten. Dat komt de aerodynamica volgens het bedrijf ten goede. Ook zou de gepatenteerde opzet minder zwaar zijn, omdat er geen versterkende structuur nodig is voor het beschermen van de laaggeplaatste accupakketten.

Lees ook
Met deze tips komen elektrische auto's verder
Revolutionaire ‘vijf minuten-accu’ gaat over drie jaar in massaproductie

Het nadeel is dat de accu's daarvoor in het midden van de auto moeten worden geplaatst tussen de stoelen, die in het ontwerp met de ruggen tegen elkaar staan. Er wordt met geen woord gerept over het feit dat veel mensen niet gewend zijn om ‘achteruit’ te rijden. Ook het verhoogde zwaartepunt is een minpunt, maar dat is volgens het bedrijf geen probleem zolang het niet gaat om enorm grote elektrische SUV's.

Groter rijbereik
Volgens Page-Roberts kunnen auto's door de nieuwe opzet in potentie 30 procent verder komen op een acculading, of met een kleinere batterij een ??vergelijkbaar rijbereik behouden. Het bedrijf schat ook dat de productiekosten met 36 procent omlaag kunnen. ,,De verbeterde efficiëntie leidt daarnaast tot een kortere oplaadtijd, waardoor de druk op oplaadpunten - een ander belangrijk pijnpunt voor de industrie - minder wordt", zegt Mark Simon, Chief Technology Officer van Page-Roberts tegen het Britse automagazine Autocar.

Vergeet Tesla: deze Rimac Nevera is de snelste elektrische auto ooit
Auto55.be 1 dag geleden

© Auto55.be

Elon Musk belooft wel dat de Tesla Roadster naar 100km/u kan in minder dan twee seconden, maar die auto is er nog (lang?) niet. Bovendien is dan ook niet zeker hoe snel die écht zal zijn, want bij de snelste Tesla Model S bleek het Amerikaanse EV-merk een beetje vals te spelen als het op de prestaties aankomt. Intussen heeft het Kroatische Rimac wél z’n nieuwe hypercar op stroom klaar. Dat is deze Nevara. Meteen de snelste auto ter wereld.

Het vermogen van een trein

Rimac gebruikt vier elektromotoren: één per wiel. Samen zijn ze goed voor 1.914pk en 2.360Nm trekkracht. Dat zijn cijfers die eerder bij een trein horen dan bij een auto. De stroom wordt voorzien door een 120kWh H-vormig vloeistofgekoeld nikkel/lithium-accupakket dat door Rimac zelf werd ontwikkeld. Op papier kan de tweezitter er 547km ver mee rijden. Maar als je de prestaties wil aanspreken schiet daar wellicht nog maar een schijntje van over. De accu maakt integraal deel uit van de structuur van de auto, die daardoor lichter en stijver is. Eén probleem: als de batterij stuk is, moet je eigenlijk de auto weggooien.

De snelste auto ter wereld

Die prestaties zijn mild hallucinant. Vanuit stilstand naar 100km/u accelereren kan in 1,85 seconden. Naar 160km/u gaat in 4,3 tellen. Van nul naar 300km/u neemt 9,3 seconden in beslag. De topsnelheid bedraagt 412km/u. Om dat allemaal een beetje controleerbaar te houden, heeft de Nevera actieve aerodynamica en een hoop slimme software. De topsnelheid wordt behaald in de configuratie voor de laagste luchtweerstand, die ruim 17% gladder is dan de instelling (van vleugels, ophanging, splitter en diffuser) voor optimale downforce.

Straks een Bugatti?

Rimac zal precies 150 stuks van de Nevera bouwen. Die zullen allemaal 2 miljoen euro kosten. Dat is wel ruwweg 10 keer meer als de Tesla Roadster. Gezien het prijskaartje en de prestaties, is weinig verrassend dat aandeelhouder Porsche en Volkswagen in Rimac een toekomst zien voor hypermerk Bugatti. De bedrijven in kwestie hebben hun ei daarover, ondanks hardnekkige geruchten, nog altijd niet gelegd.

Voor meer afbeeldingen, zie link:

zulke "Monsters" moesten zeker op de openbare wegen verboden worden !!!!

waar hebben we het over.
SYNETIQ Unveils EV Delivery Van in UK

UK’s leading integrated salvage and vehicle dismantling company SYNETIQ marked World Environment Day with the launch of its new all electric green parts delivery van and the installation of EV charging points at its Doncaster site in UK. Amusingly nicknamed “St-EV Wonder,” the new Mercedes Benz e-Sprinter is serious first step towards an electric vehicle fleet for SYNETIQ’s fleet, and forms part of the company’s new internal sustainability initiative, named ‘The Road to Tomorrow.’

Powering the van will be a newly installed bank of EV charging points, which will provide on-site charging not only for SYNETIQ’s vans, but also for any employees to charge their own EV’s while at work. Now fully installed at the Doncaster site, similar charging points are being installed across all SYNETIQ sites in the coming weeks.

With a current level of 95.3% of vehicles passed through SYNETIQ being fully recycled, and with green parts use contributing to an annual saving of 5,500,000 kgs of CO2e over the last two years, as well as a comprehensive road map towards achieving further carbon savings, SYNETIQ’s sustainability bar is already high. The Road to Tomorrow initiative ensures that the current levels will be seen as a base line to be improved via revised working practices, employee education and incentives.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
TEMSA to Supply Electric Buses to Arad in Romania

TEMSA continues to reinforce its power in the European market with the new tender conquests. Clearing the deck for the delivery of four Avenue Electron model electric buses to the city upon the electric bus tender it won in Buzau in Romania, in recent months, Entered with its local dealership, Anadolu Automobil Rom, TEMSA once again surpasses its global competitors in the electric bus tender held by the city of Arad in Romania. Having signed an agreement for a total of 10 electric vehicles, being five units of nine-meter MD9 electriCity and five units of 12-meter Avenue Electron, TEMSA will deliver a total of 14 electric vehicles to the city, along with the tenders won in the last six months, in 2022.

Customized in line with the transportation strategy of the city of Arad that stands out with its historical texture, TEMSA electric buses will be used in the public transportation of the region. The vehicles intended to provide a significant contribution to the environment-friendly transportation of the local government present an accessible and safe transportation solution with their equipment compatible with European Union regilations, high passenger capacity, and passenger information equipment integrated into the transportation system. With their programmable regeneration feature, TEMSA electric buses also allow the vehicle to benefit from the battery capacity to a maximum extent by generating electricity during the trip.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Iberdrola Acquires 1,000 Supernova EV Chargers from Wallbox

Iberdrola is acquiring the first Supernova fast chargers from the electric vehicle smart charging manufacturer Wallbox, that it will install globally, in the markets in which it operates. With this agreement, Iberdrola continues to accelerate its global electric mobility investment plan. The agreement also supports a new business line from Wallbox, fast recharging on public roads, and contributes to the company's continued growth. Iberdrola has been the main shareholder in Wallbox since June 2019. Supernova has a power output of 60 kW that gives electric vehicles a range of 100 km in a recharge time of just 15 minutes. Its modular design makes it energy efficient and suited to mass production, helping to speed up the deployment of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles on public roads. Supernova is easy to install and maintain, making it very competitive for the sector. The Supernova will be produced for the European market during the second half of the year in Wallbox's new sustainable factory, which will employ 350 people in Barcelona's Zona Franca.

In April, Iberdrola and Wallbox reached a long-term on-site Power Purchase Agreement to produce, consume and reuse energy from the production of this plant and its offices in Barcelona's Zona Franca.

Iberdrola's investment will equip the Wallbox factory with photovoltaic solar panels that will produce 1,500 MWh/year for self-consumption, equivalent to the consumption of 500 homes.

Under the alliance, Wallbox will meet its objective of operating with energy independence in its facilities and reduce its carbon footprint, putting itself at the forefront of productive energy management by supplying itself mainly with solar energy.

The agreement reached between the two companies in the field of fast recharging on public roads complements the purchases of up to 10,000 chargers made by Iberdrola from Wallbox in recent years for residential use; a market in which the company is one of the world leaders.

The Pulsar and Pulsar Plus units from Wallbox are part of the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure being developed by Iberdrola, which involves installing 150,000 charge points by 2025, both on public roads and in companies and for individuals.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Lublin Based ZTM opts for Solaris E-Buses

Lublin has been continuously investing in the development of an emission-free fleet. Following the award in a public tender, Solaris Bus & Coach and the municipal transport authority Zarzad Transportu Miejskiego in Lublin have signed a contract for the supply of electric buses. This time the urban carrier opted for seven articulated vehicles, namely Solaris Urbino 18 electric buses including the charging infrastructure. The completion of the delivery is scheduled for May 2023. On 2 June 2021, representatives of Solaris and of the Lublin-based operator ZTM signed a contract for the supply of 7 articulated Urbino 18 electric buses. Additionally, the operator has invested in charging infrastructure, having commissioned one single and three dual plug-in charging stations for the depot. In line with the contract, the completion of the order is scheduled for May 2023.

The commissioned vehicles will feature Solaris High Power batteries which are adapted to frequent and fast charging and boast a nominal capacity of over 150 kWh. The energy stored in these will propel a 240 kW central electric motor. A recharging process of barely a few minutes is possible thanks to the roof-stacked pantograph. Moreover, the buses can be recharged at night at the depot station, using a conventional plug-in connection.

The spacious and comfortable bus interior offers room for 120 passengers with 40 seats on board at their disposal. The buses will have full-vehicle air-conditioning, separate for drivers and for the passengers. What is more, travellers will have the option to recharge mobile devices using one of the USB ports located in the passenger compartment. Also on deck will be a comprehensive passenger information system with internal display units, as well as a surveillance system covering the bus interior and exterior and increasing the travel safety.

The vehicles ordered today are the first articulated electric buses of Solaris to make it all the way to Lublin. However, the collaboration of the city of Lublin and Solaris dates back to 1996, when Lublin, as one of the first Polish cities, received buses from Bolechowo. What is more, recently the carrier has also commissioned 32 Solaris Urbino 12 electric buses and 15 articulated Solaris Trollino 18 trolleybuses. ZTM in Lublin also steadily continues to expand its urban charging station network.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Rosneft & Rosseti to Develop EV Charging Infrastructure

As part of the XXIV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Rosneft and Russian national electric grids company Rosseti signed a Letter of Intent for cooperation on developing the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. The document provides for the placement of fast-charging stations for electric vehicles at Rosneft retail sites in the Russian regions. Currently, tRosneft retail network operates charging stations at retail sites in Moscow, Tver and Leningrad regions, as well as in Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and Krasnodar Territory. Development of the charging infrastructure will allow drivers to charge electric vehicles at the Rosneft's well-developed retail sites network. Round-the-clock operating mode and related services will make it possible for drivers to spend time in comfort at the Company's retail stations while waiting for their EV to charge. They can enjoy freshly brewed coffee and a quick meal in a cafeteria, buy convenience goods in a store or use other amenities offered by a retail site.

While ensuring high quality standards of petroleum products and non-fuel services, the retail sites network of Rosneft expands additional services for the sake of convenience of its customers. The Company will continue further development of the charging infrastructure at its retail sites in line with forecast demand and electric cars market development.

Rosseti is one of Russia's largest operators of the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. The company operates over 260 such stations.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Manhattan Beer Distributors Orders Volvo VNR Electric Trucks

New York City-based beer and beverage distributor Manhattan Beer Distributors has placed an order for five Volvo VNR Electric Class 8 trucks, the first zero tailpipe emission, battery-electric trucks to be deployed in Manhattan Beer Distributors’ fleet of more than 400 delivery trucks. These VNR Electric models from Volvo Trucks North America will service the delivery fleet’s routes to retail customers throughout metropolitan New York City in Long Island, and surrounding counties from one of the company’s warehouses located in Hunts Point in the Bronx.

Designed for local and regional freight distribution, the Volvo VNR Electric significantly reduces emissions for decarbonized transportation, reduced CO2 emissions, and cleaner air. The five Volvo VNR Electric trucks purchased by Manhattan Beer Distributors are the first commercial sale of this model outside of California.

Manhattan Beer Distributors is one of the largest beverage distributors in the US and the largest beer purveyor in the New York City area, serving nearly 25,000 customers from five operational sites located in and around metropolitan New York. For more than 20 years, Manhattan Beer Distributors has demonstrated a leadership role in sustainable transportation, driven by a goal of reducing the company’s environmental impact.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Aandeel Tesla in de lift na sterke Chinese data
Verkopen van elektrische voertuigen flink omhoog.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het aandeel Tesla zit dinsdag in de lift na sterke Chinese verkoopdata.

Kort na de openingsbel in New York won het aandeel 3 procent.

De China Passenger Car Association meldde eerder op de dag dat de verkopen van elektrische voertuigen in mei met liefst 177 procent zijn gestegen op maandbasis naar een totaal van 185.000. Tesla verkocht afgelopen maand in China 21.936 voertuigen.

De Chinese autoverkopen kwamen in mei in totaal uit op 1,62 miljoen, een stijging van 1 procent.

Wedbush-analist Dan Ives denkt dat Tesla vanaf juni een 'run-rate' van 300.000 zal hebben voor leveringen in China, "aangezien het groeiverhaal in deze belangrijke regio weer op de rails lijkt te komen."

Wedbush heeft een Outperform advies en een koersdoel van 1.000 dollar voor Tesla.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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EDP & Ibersol to Accelerate Electric Mobility in Portugal

EDP and Ibersol Group have joined forces to promote electric mobility in Portugal, an option chosen by more and more Portuguese. EDP Comercial will install 90 charging points in 45 company restaurants, one of the most important restaurant groups in the country. With this partnership, EDP Comercial once again sought to install public charging solutions in areas of easy access and high demand: the equipment will be installed in the Burger King, Pizza Hut and KFC restaurant car parks across the country, some of the brands represented in Portugal by the Ibersol Group.

The latest generation chargers, with power up to 90 kW, make it possible to charge three vehicles using direct and alternating current. The points will be connected to the public network MOBI.E, can be used by any electric mobility user and allow you to charge the equivalent of 100 kilometers in just 20 to 30 minutes. This way, Ibersol Group customers who use sustainable mobility are offered greater convenience and comfort.

With this partnership, EDP Comercial has already managed to surpass its goal for 2021: 1,000 charging points in the public network.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Iberdrola to Install EV Charging Points in RB Iberia Restaurants

Iberdrola has reached an agreement with Restaurant Brands Iberia, the group that holds the master franchise operating rights for Spain and Portugal for the Burger King, Tim Hortons®and Popeyes brands, for the installation of up to 400 fast and super-fast electric vehicle charging points in Spain. With this initiative, Iberdrola continues to accelerate its sustainable mobility plan, which foresees the installation of 150,000 electric chargers in homes, businesses and on public roads, and its transport electrification strategy to move towards an emission-free economy. Through this agreement, RB Iberia is moving forward in its commitment to full sustainability in undertaking its activity and to reducing its carbon footprint, using its network of restaurants to promote the use of electric cars.

RB Iberia will install up to 400 electric vehicle charging points during 2021, which will be distributed across nearly 200 free standing model restaurants (independently built, chalet-style restaurants) of the Burger King® and Popeyes® brands. In addition, the group plans to incorporate around 100 new vehicle charging points in newly built free standing restaurants each year. RB Iberia's new facilities for promoting sustainable mobility will save 6,000 tonnes of CO2 per year and will have a positive impact on air quality similar to that of three million new trees

The agreement between the two companies, which is exclusive for the next 10 years, includes the installation and maintenance of super-fast (150kW), fast (50kW) and semi-fast (22kW) charging points in Burger King® and Popeyes car parks in Spain, although it could be extended to Portugal in a second stage. With this infrastructure, while users are enjoying their meals they will be able to charge the battery of their electric cars in approximately 15 to 30 minutes, with 100 % green energy from clean energy sources. RB Iberia wants to use its extensive network of restaurants to contribute to sustainable mobility and, therefore, the service will be available to any user, with no obligation to eat in the restaurant.

The chargers, located in the car parks of Burger King and Popeyes restaurants, will be geolocated and users will be able to manage charging from the Iberdrola Public Charging app, the only one in Spain that includes verified information on all electric vehicle charging points, both Iberdrola points and those of other operators. The application allows users to locate the nearest charge point, as well as reserve and pay with their mobile phone.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Albertsons Receives 2 Volvo VNR Electric Trucks

US’s grocery chain Albertsons Companies recently took delivery of two Volvo VNR Electric trucks at its distribution center in Irvine in California. The VNR Electric models from Volvo Trucks North America are the first zero tailpipe emission, battery-electric Class 8 trucks to be deployed in Albertsons Cos. company-wide fleet, and will be serving Albertsons, Vons, and Pavilions stores in Southern California. Albertsons has procured electric-powered transport refrigeration units from Advanced Energy Machines to pair with its Volvo VNR Electrics, enabling Albertsons Cos. to make the first commercial 100% zero-emission grocery delivery with a Class 8 truck in the US. This inaugural delivery, which took place on May 28, 2021 at a LEED-certified Albertsons store in Irvine, California, is an exciting step toward achieving the company’s sustainability goals.

Albertsons Cos operates 1,400 Class 8 trucks nationwide, all of which are certified under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency SmartWay program as meeting high transportation sustainability and efficiency standards. The Southern California fleet, which is made up entirely of trucks manufactured by Volvo Trucks, covers 335 stores in the region, running from the Central Coast to the California-Mexico border.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

BorgWarner iDM for Hyundai Electric Vehicles

BorgWarner’s integrated drive module, iDM, is selected by the Hyundai Motor Group for its power electric system, which will be used in the upcoming A-segment electric vehicle production, planned to start in mid of 2023. With its state-of-the-art electric motor, gearbox and integrated power electronics, BorgWarner’s new iDM supports global automakers in their mission to produce cleaner and more efficient vehicles.

“We have enjoyed nearly two decades of partnership with the Hyundai Motor Group and couldn’t be more excited about this next step – working on our first electrification project together,” said Dr. Stefan Demmerle, President and General Manager, BorgWarner PowerDrive Systems. “I am especially enthusiastic about the fact that this is the first iDM product combining the portfolios of BorgWarner and legacy Delphi Technologies after the acquisition, reaping the benefits of the two organizations.”

Designed, developed and manufactured by the company as a high-performance system, BorgWarner’s iDM146 operates at 400V and has an exceptional peak power of 135 kW. The advanced transmission technology offers smooth and quiet operation, and the electric motor uses High Voltage Hairpin technology delivering exceptional performance. Overall drive system weight and space are reduced by integrating the gearbox, a 400V silicon inverter and the motor with a compact, 146mm stator outer diameter. The iDM146 also offers a scalable and modular inverter design, making it easily customizable to customer requirements.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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