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Rusland claimt gezag kerncentrale Zaporizja: 'Is Russisch staatseigendom'
RTL Nieuws - Gisteren om 18:01

De Russische president Poetin heeft vandaag bevolen dat de kerncentrale van Zaporizja onder Russische leiding moet komen. Nu het bezette gebied in Oekraïne in de ogen van Poetin onderdeel van Rusland is, is het volgens hem ook logisch dat de Russische autoriteiten de kerncentrale aansturen. De centrale is Russisch staatseigendom, zegt Poetin.

De kerncentrale van Zaporizja.

De kerncentrale is de grootste van Europa en voorziet in een vijfde van het elektriciteitsverbruik van Oekraïne. Het gebied rond de centrale werd al in maart door Russische troepen veroverd, maar werd sindsdien wel nog door het Oekraïense personeel draaiende gehouden.

Afgelopen vrijdag tekende Poetin decreten die de veroverde Oekraïense gebieden formeel onderdeel van Rusland zouden maken. Een dag na deze annexatie werd de Oekraïense directeur van de kerncentrale gearresteerd door Russische militairen en afgevoerd naar een onbekende locatie.

Het hoofd van de Oekraïense kernenergiemaatschappij Energoatom liet in een reactie weten dat hij zelf de dagelijkse leiding van de kerncentrale op zich heeft genomen.

Kiev en Moskou
Het hoofd van het IAEA (Internationaal Atoomenergieagentschap), Rafael Grossi, gaat in de komende dagen naar Kiev en Moskou om over de oplopende spanningen rond de kerncentrale te praten.

In deze video van vorige maand leggen we uit waarom zowel Rusland als Oekraïne baat heeft bij kalmering van de spanningen:
Kernreactor Doel 2 ligt stil: automatische stop na val van controlestaaf
5 uur geleden

Kernreactor Doel 2 is vanmorgen uitgevallen. Het gaat om een automatische stop nadat een van de controlestaven bovenin de reactor naar beneden was gevallen. Het is nog niet duidelijk hoe dat laatste kon gebeuren. Volgens uitbater Engie is er geen veiligheidsrisico. Het is niet duidelijk hoe lang Doel 2 onbeschikbaar zal zijn, en of de bevoorradingszekerheid in het gedrang komt.

Het nieuws komt ongelegen, omdat eerder deze week ook kernreactor Tihange 3 onverwacht was stilgevallen.

Bovendien was eind september - zoals gepland - de kernreactor van Doel 3 gesloten in het kader van de sluiting van onze kerncentrales.

Bronnen: winterklaar maken Duitse kernreactoren kost miljoenen
ANP Producties - 36 minuten geleden

BERLIJN (ANP) - Het klaarmaken van twee Duitse kernreactoren voor langer gebruik in de winter gaat wel 100 miljoen euro kosten. Dat zeggen bronnen met kennis van de zaak tegen persbureau Bloomberg. De twee reactoren zouden eigenlijk voor het einde van dit jaar stilgelegd worden, maar vanwege de energiecrisis kunnen ze langer in gebruik blijven.

Het gaat daarbij om de in het zuiden van Duitsland gelegen kernreactoren Isar-2 van energiebedrijf E.ON en Neckarwestheim-2 van energieleverancier EnBW. De Duitse minister van Economische Zaken Robert Habeck neemt voor het einde van dit jaar een besluit of de reactoren langer doorgaan, maar E.ON en EnBW zijn al begonnen met voorbereidingen zoals extra onderhoud. De kosten voor die technische voorbereidingen en het benodigde personeel komen voor elke reactor uit op circa 50 miljoen euro, aldus de bronnen.

E.ON en EnBW zouden graag compensatie zien voor die voorbereidingskosten, of de reactoren nou langer doorgaan of niet. De Duitse energietoezichthouder Bundesnetzagentur is bezig inschattingen te maken over de compensatie voor de energiebedrijven. Er gaan in Duitsland ook stemmen op om stilgelegde kernreactoren weer op te starten om zo de hoge energieprijzen tegen te gaan.

Axpo to Restart Beznau NPP Reactor Unit 2 after Shutdown

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
17 Oct, 2022, 2:59 am

Leading Nordic power supplier Axpo announced that due to a malfunction in the non-nuclear part of the plant, a reactor shutdown of KKB 2 occurred this morning. The plant was in safe condition at all times. The malfunction has been rectified. The plant will be brought back online after coordination with ENSI.

Due to a faulty measurement signal in the non-nuclear part of the plant, there was a turbine shutdown today and subsequently a reactor shutdown at in unit 2 of the Beznau nuclear power plant KKB. The plant responded according to design and was in a safe condition at all times. The supervisory authority ENSI and other authorities were informed in accordance with regulations.

Following a safety-oriented root cause analysis, the technical experts at KKB replaced the affected components and rectified the malfunction. After coordination with the supervisory authority, KKB will bring the plant back online.
ROSATOM Starts Supplies of Nuclear Fuel for CFR-600 Fast Reactor

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
17 Oct, 2022, 2:56 am

Elemash Machine-building Plant, a fuel fabrication enterprise of Rosatom’s TVEL Fuel Company, has dispatched the first batch of nuclear fuel to China for the CFR-600 fast neutron reactor.

The facility for uranium CFR-600 fuel fabrication at the Elemash plant was launched in 2021. The enterprise had provided a fundamental modernization of the fast reactor fuel fabrication shop-floor, some examples of unique equipment had been developed and installed onsite. In late 2021, the mock-ups of control and protection system assemblies for CFR-600 were shipped to the Customer for testing of the simulation reactor core.

Till the end of the year, two more fuel shipments are scheduled to follow, aimed for the initial load of the reactor core and the first refueling.

The CFR-600 fuel contract was signed in compliance of the agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the joint construction and operation of the demonstration fast reactor in China. It is a part of a large-scale program of bilateral cooperation in nuclear industry for the decades ahead. In particular, the agreement covers construction of innovative power units of the Russian design (generation III+) with VVER-1200 reactors at two sites in China - Tianwan NPP and Xudabao NPP. The package of intergovernmental documents and framework contracts for these projects was signed in 2018, in presence of the heads of the two states.
Rosatom's NIITFA to Supply Irradiation Facility to Bangladesh

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Oct, 2022, 5:58 am

Rosatom’s Rusatom Healthcare division’s Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics & Automation NIITFA, with the support from Regional Center Rosatom South Asia, following an international open tender, has signed a contract for the supply to the People's Republic of Bangladesh of equipment to replace the existing gamma irradiation facility for treating of food (spices and pet food) and medical products and also for research purpose.

The international tender was organized by the Institute of Radiation and Polymer Technology, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) under the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh. Apart from Rosatom, companies from China and Germany also took part in the tender. According to the results of the comparison of technical and commercial proposals, Rosatom's design satisfied all customer's requirements and was elected as the winner.

Rosatom will perform all work, including design, manufacture, supply, installation supervision, testing, and commissioning of gamma installation equipment. In addition to NIITFA JSC, other entities that make part of Rusatom Healthcare division of Rosatom will be involved in the work on the project. In particular, Co-60 (cobalt-60) radioactive isotopes will be supplied by Isotope JSC. The result of the work will be an upgraded gamma installation with a nominal activity of 400 kCi.
Duitsland verlengt levensduur van drie resterende kerncentrales
ANP Producties - Gisteren om 19:01

BERLIJN (ANP/AFP) - Duitsland verlengt de levensduur van de drie nog werkende kerncentrales in het land. Bondskanselier Olaf Scholz zei maandag dat er een "wettelijke basis" wordt gecreëerd die nodig is om de installaties zeker tot april in bedrijf te houden. Zo wil Duitsland met behulp van kernenergie de winter doorkomen.

Volgens Scholz wordt nu "de wettelijke grond" gecreëerd om de kerncentrales Isar 2, Neckarwestheim 2 en Emsland tot 15 april volgend jaar in bedrijf te houden, zo zei hij in een verklaring.

Duitsland was in eerste instantie van plan het gebruik van kernenergie tegen het einde van dit jaar te hebben afgebouwd. Door de ineenstorting van de energietoevoer uit Rusland als gevolg van de oorlog in Oekraïne besloot de regering eerder twee centrales tot april in reserve te houden. Dat zijn er nu dus drie.

ROSATOM Starts Installing Steam Generators at Rooppur NPP Unit 2

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
28 Oct, 2022, 4:57 am

Russian nuclear giant ROSATOM announced that works on installation of steam generators have started at Unit 2 of Rooppur NPP and the first set has been installed in the design position.

The steam generator having the weight of 324.7 tonne and length of 13.8 meters was lifted to the transportation portal using a crane Liebherr LR 11350 with lifting capacity of 1350 t. By means of an erection trolley, the set was delivered to the central hall of the reactor compartment, after which it was installed in the design position using a polar crane with lifting capacity of 360 tonnes.

A steam generator is a heat-exchanging unit and is designed to produce steam supplied to a turbo generator to convert thermal power into electric power. Steam generators are the main equipment of NPP primary circuit.

Rooppur NPP equipped with two VVER-1200 reactors of the total 2400 MW capacity is being constructed under the Russian design 160 km from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, in accordance with General Contract dated December 25, 2015. The Russian design with VVER-1200 reactors was selected for the first NPP in Bangladesh, which was successfully implemented at two units of Novovoronezh NPP. This is an evolutionary Generation III+ design which fully complies with all the international safety requirements.
ROSATOM Ships Nuclear Fuel Mock-Ups for Akkuyu NPP in Turkey

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
1 Nov, 2022, 3:30 am

TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom has manufactured and dispatched shipment of nuclear fuel mock-ups for the first unit of Akkuyu NPP, currently under construction in Turkey. The fuel dummies are shipped together with mock-ups of control rods and tools for incoming inspections of nuclear fuel. The equipment has been manufactured by Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant, a fabrication facility of TVEL Fuel Company in West Siberia.

Prior to the launch of a new power unit, dummies of fuel assemblies, as well as mock-ups of control rods get loaded into the reactor core and then unloaded, in order to test the key systems of the facility. The reactor core of a Generation III+ power unit consists of 163 fuel assemblies with uranium fuel.

The first loading nuclear fuel delivery for Akkuyu’s Unit 1 is scheduled for 2023. In late 2017, TVEL and Akkuyu Nükleer A.S. signed a long-term contract for supplies of nuclear fuel for all for power units of Akkuyu NPP. Along with that, TVEL’s Central Institute of Design and Technology will supply to each unit of the nuclear power plant Russian-made refueling machines, which are used for nuclear fuel loading and replacement of spent fuel. The shipment of the refueling machine to the first power unit of Akkuyu NPP is scheduled for 2023.
Reactor Coolant Pipeline Welding Completed at Kursk NPP-2

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
2 Nov, 2022, 2:59 am

ROSATOM announced that on October 25, one of the most important construction milestones was completed at Kursk NPP-2 - welding of the pearlitic part of the reactor coolant pipeline. The welding and thermal treatment of all the welding joints was completed in 55 days instead of 88 envisaged by the schedule, which is an absolute record for this operation.

Specialists of Energospetsmontazh JSC were involved in the works. The works were carried out 24 hours per day by 24 welders and 24 installation specialists who replaced each other performing welding and trimming of welding joints.

Currently, coating with austenitic stainless steel is being performed which will protect the pipeline from the aggressive medium. These works will be completed before the end of October.

The reactor coolant pipeline has the diameter of 850 mm, the wall thickness is 70 mm and its length is over 140 meters. The reactor coolant pipeline connects the main equipment of the primary circuit - the reactor, the steam generators and the reactor coolant pumps. Considering high requirements for quality and operational conditions, the reactor coolant pipeline welding is one of the most complicated and important stages of civil and construction works at the power unit. The reactor coolant pipeline carries the water heated in the reactor into the steam generators from which the steam goes to the turbine and generates electricity.
Generator Installation Completed at Rooppur NPP Unit 2

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
3 Nov, 2022, 3:13 am

The installation of generator stator in the design position in the turbine hall of Unit 2 has been completed at Rooppur NPP construction site in the Bangladesh by general designer and general contractor – ROSATOM’s Engineering Division. The works have been performed by specialists of VdMU. Two power units of Rooppur NPP will use TZV-1200-2 turbine generators developed and manufactures by Power Machines PJSC. Their advantages include fire safety, enhanced reliability and high stability against overloads.

Rooppur NPP with two VVER-1200 reactors with the total capacity of 2400 MW is being constructed under the Russian design, 160 km from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, in accordance with the general contract dated December 25, 2015. The Russian design with VVER-1200 reactors has been selected for the first NPP in Bangladesh. The design has been successfully implemented in two power units of Novovoronezh NPP. This is an evolutionary design of III+ generation, which is fully compliant with the international safety requirements.
Main Construction of El-Dabaa NPP Unit 2 Starts in Egypt

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
22 Nov, 2022, 6:03 am

On the 19th of November 2022, the ceremony for the pouring of the “first concrete” for Unit 2 of the El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant took place at the El-Dabaa construction site in Egypt, marking the commencement of the main construction phase for Unit 2 of the El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant Project.

The ceremony follows the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority’s issuance of the construction permit for Unit 2 of the El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant on 31 October 2022.

The El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant is the first nuclear power plant in Egypt. It will be constructed in the city of El-Dabaa, Matrouh Governorate, on the Mediterranean coast, roughly 300 km north-west of Cairo. The El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant will consist of 4 units with a generating capacity equivalent to 1200 MW per unit using generation III+ VVER-1200 reactors (pressurized water reactors). This is the most advanced technology to date and it has already been successfully implemented and operated in Russia and abroad. There are four operating units equipped with such reactors in Russia: two reactors at each of the sites of the Novovoronezh and Leningrad nuclear power plants. Outside of Russia, a VVER-1200 reactor based power unit was connected to the grid at the Belarusian nuclear power plant in November 2020.
Outer Containment Dome Installed at Rooppur NPP Unit 1

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Nov, 2022, 6:07 am

At the Rooppur NPP construction site in Bangladesh, installation of steel structures of the outer containment dome has been completed in the reactor building of Unit 1. The upper part of the dome, having the weight of 100 tons and diameter of 34.4 meters, was installed in the design position at a height of 57.140 meters. Now the construction height is 63.910 meters and it will reach 64.500 meters after concreting of the dome.

Assembly, installation and concreting of the outer containment dome are carried out by specialists from the Trest RosSEM LLC Branch (being part of the ROSATOM’s Engineering Division). The installation was carried out in two stages. The lower part of the dome, having the weight of 200 tons and diameter of 46.3 meters, was installed in the design position a week before, on November 10.

The outer containment is a significant localizing safety system represented by a reinforced concrete structure. It protects the reactor plant from external impacts and prevents the radioactivity release into the environment in any situation.

Rooppur NPP equipped with two VVER-1200 reactors of the total 2400 MW capacity is being constructed under the Russian design 160 km from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, in accordance with the General Contract dated December 25, 2015. The Russian design with VVER-1200 reactors that had been successfully implemented at two units of Novovoronezh NPP was selected for the first NPP in Bangladesh. This is an evolutionary Generation III+ design which fully complies with all the international safety requirements.
Britse overheid neemt belang van 700 miljoen pond in kerncentrale
Artikel van ANP Producties • 3 minuten geleden

LONDEN (ANP) - Om de energieonafhankelijkheid in Groot-Brittannië veilig te stellen, neemt de Britse overheid een belang van honderden miljoenen ponden in kerncentrale Sizewell C. De plannen voor de bouw van die centrale zijn dinsdag goedgekeurd.

Met het belang is een bedrag van 700 miljoen pond (ongeveer 809 miljoen euro) gemoeid, waarmee de overheid voor 50 procent aandeelhouder wordt van het project. Dat meldt de Britse regering op haar website, die spreekt over "het eerste door de staat gesteunde nucleaire project in dertig jaar".

Daarnaast willen de Britten zich op de lange termijn toeleggen op de ontwikkeling van nog meer nucleaire projecten. Het is de bedoeling dat Groot-Brittannië daarmee beschermd wordt tegen "mondiale krachten en om energie voor de toekomstige generaties veilig te stellen", aldus de Britse overheid.

Sizewell C moet op termijn een hoeveelheid stroom gaan leveren die gelijkstaat aan het verbruik van 6 miljoen huishoudens. Naar verwachting zorgt de nieuwe kerncentrale voor 10.000 banen voor hoogopgeleiden.

Kabinet kiest Borssele voor twee nieuwe kerncentrales

Bouw vermoedelijk rond 2035 afgerond.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het kabinet heeft Borssele als voorkeurslocatie aangewezen voor de komst van twee nieuwe kerncentrales. Dit maakte de Rijksoverheid vrijdag bekend.

"De eerste voorbereidingen worden gestart voor de bouw van twee kerncentrales van de derde generatie", aldus het kabinet.

De bouw van de kerncentrales, die elk een vermogen van 1.000 tot 1.650 megawatt hebben, moet in 2035 zijn afgerond.

Verder meldde het kabinet vrijdag dat het de bedrijfsduurverlenging van de bestaande kerncentrale in Borssele voorbereidt, "zodat deze ook na 2033 veilig in bedrijf kan blijven."

De bestaande kerncentrale in Borssele produceert zo'n 3,8 terawattuur (TWh) elektriciteit per jaar. De twee nieuwe kerncentrales zullen jaarlijks circa 24 TWh aan elektriciteit produceren. De reactoren zullen dan goed zijn voor 9 tot 13 procent van de elektriciteitsproductie in Nederland.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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Flushing of Systems with Open Reactor Starts at Rooppur NPP Unit 1

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Dec, 2022, 4:30 am

Flushing of systems with the open reactor has commenced at Unit 1 of Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh. The this stage, the chemically demineralized water is supplied to the reactor vessel through the connection pipeline and primary circuit pipelines, the water removes impurities left after the installation of the equipment and the pipelines.

Flushing of active and passive safety systems with the open reactor is one of the most important pre-commissioning operations. This is the first of a whole series of inspections of equipment and process systems, it is the result of the long-term work of assemblers, adjusters and other specialists involved in the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Bangladesh.

The flushing to make sure that everything has been installed correctly and is ready for operation. Besides, it checks the operability of pump units of the process safety systems and normal operation systems.
Egis to Lead Civil Works Design for Sizewell C Nuclear Islands

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
19 Dec, 2022, 4:04 am

Leading global consulting, construction engineering and operating firm Egis has been appointed to support EDF Energy in the delivery of Sizewell C project to plan, design and build two European Pressure Reactors located on the east coast of Suffolk in UK.

As lead design engineer of the ‘ICOSH consortium’ made up of Jacobs UK, SETEC TPI and Tractebel Engineering, Egis and its partners will deliver the civil detailed designs for the nuclear island which is the ‘heart’ of the power plant, including the reactor, fuel and safeguarding buildings. These buildings are the most complex and important structures that will be built on the nuclear island, needing to meet extremely high safety and safeguarding standards.

Egis has supported Sizewell C since 2020, creating replication studies of the nuclear island buildings at Hinkley Point C to use at Sizewell C, and geo-technical studies to define the soil-structure interaction. Sizewell C will include two new state-of-the-art EPRs that wherever possible, will be replica designs developed during the construction of the sister plant, Hinkley Point C, where Egis was also appointed to deliver the civil engineering designs and the geotechnical studies. The use of a standardised design is the optimum method of reducing construction and operational risk – supporting the UK to bring more nuclear power projects in future.

When complete, Sizewell C will be capable of powering six million homes, equivalent to 7% of the UK’s energy needs and will generate electricity for 60 years. The project is thought to be pivotal in helping the UK meet its net zero targets by 2050 and will provide a vital boost to the country’s energy security.
Japan gaat levensduur kernreactoren verlengen
Artikel van ANP Producties • Gisteren om 17:31

TOKIO (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - De Japanse regering gaat de levensduur van bestaande kernreactoren verder verlengen dan de huidige limiet van zestig jaar. Een adviespanel van premier Fumio Kishida heeft daar goedkeuring voor gegeven. Vanwege de sterk gestegen energieprijzen door de oorlog in Oekraïne maakt kernenergie een comeback in Japan, net als elders in de wereld.

Ook moeten nieuwe reactoren worden gebouwd ter vervanging van reactoren die uit gebruik zijn genomen en worden ontmanteld. Kernenergie had een slechte naam in Japan sinds de kernramp in Fukushima in 2011, maar wint steeds meer aan populariteit. Sinds Fukushima zijn de meeste reactoren in het land stilgelegd, maar bij een peiling door de krant Yomiuri in augustus gaf 58 procent van de ondervraagden aan dat stilgelegde reactoren heropgestart moeten worden.

Premier Kishida heeft al eerder gezegd dat er meer kernenergie nodig is. Japan is erg arm aan fossiele brandstoffen en moet het overgrote deel van zijn energie importeren. Ook heeft Japan deze zomer te maken gehad met de heetste hittegolf ooit, waardoor de vraag naar energie voor bijvoorbeeld airconditioners groot was. Er was ook uitval van de stroomvoorziening. Daarnaast kan kernenergie helpen bij het terugdringen van de uitstoot van de derde economie van de wereld.

Op lokaal niveau is er soms weerstand van omwonenden van kerncentrales tegen het heropstarten van de productie. Ook kunnen rechtszaken rond veiligheid het proces rond het heropstarten van reactoren vertragen. Japan heeft 33 functionerende kernreactoren, waarvan er slechts tien in gebruik zijn.
Balfour Beatty Joins Holtec to fuel UK’s Nuclear Energy Drive

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
26 Dec, 2022, 3:30 am

Balfour Beatty has signed a memorandum of understanding with Holtec Britain, a supplier of equipment and systems to the global energy industry and Hyundai Engineering and Construction, to support the planning advancement for the construction of Holtec’s SMR-160 pressurised light-water reactors in the UK.

Balfour Beatty will act as the main UK construction partner and collaborate with HDEC on the civil construction and installation of the Mechanical, Electrical and Heating, Ventilation and Cooling systems as well as the equipment required for Holtec International’s innovative SMR-160 reactors.

Holtec International is planning to start the UK regulatory acceptance process of its SMR-160 reactors in 2023, which, when granted, will enable the start of the construction of the first UK unit in as early as 2028.

Once approved, the SMR-160 power plant units are poised to play a key role in the delivery of the UK Government’s Energy Security Strategy, targeting five gigawatts of clean electricity to the National Grid by 2050.
ROSATOM Starts Welding of Main Coolant Pipeline at Kudankulam NPP

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
2 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Russian nuclear goiant ROSATOM announced that welding of the main coolant pipeline has commenced at Kudankulam NPP Unit 3 in India. This stage continues construction of the power unit after installation of the reactor pressure vessel (April 2022) and dome closing (November 2022). MCP welding is a complex process operation which covers 16 pipe units and includes several stages: preparation, welding-up, heat treatment, non-destructive testing, austentic surfacing, performed by the highly-qualified personnel.

The total MCP length is about 140 m, pipe wall thickness is 70 mm, the total length of 28 welded joints is over 87 m.

MCP is a part of the primary coolant circuit along with the reactor and four circulation loops, each of which, in its turn, includes the steam generator, reactor coolant pump set and main coolant pipelines connecting the loop equipment with the reactor and steam generator. The design service life of MCP in tough environment (pressure 160 atm., temperature 3500?) is 60 years.

Timely completion of MCP welding in conjunction with the installation of thermal and mechanical equipment determines the commencement of flushing to the open reactor and the stage of hydraulic tests and circulation flushing of the primary circuit.
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