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Het ultieme Goldman Sachs draadje

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'Goldman bood Libië belang in de zakenbank'

Gepubliceerd op 31 mei 2011 om 14:44 | Views: 150

WASHINGTON (AFN) - De Amerikaanse zakenbank Goldman Sachs heeft Libië twee jaar geleden aangeboden aandeelhouder in de bank te worden als compensatie voor 1,3 miljard dollar aan verloren investeringen. Dat meldde de Wall Street Journal dinsdag op basis van bronnen dicht bij de onderhandelingen.

Libië gaf begin 2008 aan de zakenbank 1,3 miljard dollar voor investeringsdoeleinden. Het geld verloor ten tijde van de economische crisis 98 procent van zijn waarde. Om de verliezen te compenseren bood Goldman Sachs Libië een groot belang in de zakenbank aan. De onderhandelingen hierover duurden tot de zomer van 2009, maar de gesprekken liepen op niets uit.

De bank stelde voor dat Libië voor 5 miljard dollar aan aandelen Goldman zou kunnen krijgen tegen betaling van 3,7 miljard dollar. De zakenbank stelde een jaarlijks rendement van 4 tot 9,25 procent in het vooruitzicht over een periode van veertig jaar.

Verliezen sneller terugzien

De Libische autoriteiten wilden echter hun verliezen sneller terugzien. Bovendien waren ze bezorgd of het verstandig was nog meer geld in Goldman te pompen na de val van collegabankLehman Brothers. Na nieuwe onderhandelingen kwamen de partijen in juli 2009 overeen dat de verliezen in tien jaar aan Libië terugbetaald zouden worden.

Maar een week later bedacht Goldman zich onder meer omdat voor de deal goedkeuring nodig zou zijn van de Amerikaanse centrale bank Federal Reserve. Latere opties voor deelneming in een speciaal investeringsvehikel vonden de Libiërs te riskant. In juni 2010 bevroren de Amerikaanse autoriteiten alle Libische tegoeden van in totaal 37 miljard dollar, waaronder sommige overgebleven fondsen in Goldman.
Goldman Sachs Said to Get Subpoena From New York Prosecutor

By Christine Harper - Jun 2, 2011 3:43 PM GMT+0200

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), the fifth- biggest U.S. bank by assets, received a subpoena from the Manhattan District Attorney’s office seeking information on the firm’s activities leading into the credit crisis, according to two people familiar with the matter.

“We don’t comment on specific regulatory or legal issues, but subpoenas are a normal part of the information request process and, of course, when we receive them we cooperate fully,” said David Wells, a company spokesman.

The request relates to the U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations report on Wall Street’s role in the housing market collapse, which accused New York-based Goldman Sachs of misleading buyers of mortgage-linked investments, the people said. That report was referred to the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are also investigating.

A message left for Erin Duggan, chief spokeswoman for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., wasn’t immediately returned.

A subpoena is a request for information and doesn’t mean the company is a target of a criminal investigation. Analysts including Sanford C. Bernstein’s Brad Hintz have said they don’t expect the firm to be criminally prosecuted.

To contact the reporter on this story: Christine Harper in New York at charper@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: David Scheer at dscheer@bloomberg.net.
Schandalig! Ze hebben zoveel bedrijven (de koersen), om zeep geholpen en nu maar "deze" "beloning"!!!


Goldman Sachs was een van de bedrijven die in de belangstelling stond, nadat bekend werd dat de bank een civiele dagvaarding heeft gekregen. Goldman Sachs verloor 0,3%.

Door Levien de Feijter; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst +31 20 57 15 201; levien.defeijter@dowjones.com


Goldman Poised to Reclaim Lead in German Stock Sales

By Julie Cruz - Jun 8, 2011 4:53 PM GMT+0200

(Corrects headline of story published yesterday as Goldman Sachs is poised to become the top arranger of stock sales in Germany.)

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) is poised to reclaim the top spot in German equity underwriting as ties to private equity firms propel it to the fore of what may be the best year for initial public offerings in more than a decade.

The New York-based investment bank, which last led the rankings in Europe’s largest economy five years ago, has guaranteed equity offerings worth 4.5 billion euros ($6.6 billion) so far this year, data compiled by Bloomberg show. That compares with 1.7 billion euros underwritten by second-placed Deutsche Bank AG (DBK), last year’s league leader.

Planned listings of chemical makers Evonik Industries AG, owned by CVC Capital Partners Ltd., and H.C. Starck GmbH, owned by Carlyle Group and Advent International Corp., as well as Siemens AG (SIE)’s Osram lighting unit are set to make 2011 the best year for German IPOs since 2000, the data show. Goldman’s long- standing relationships with private equity firms leave the bank best positioned to benefit from this year’s surge in IPO exits, said Andreas Lipkow, an equity trader at MWB Fairtrade Wertpapierhandelsbank AG in Frankfurt.

“Goldman Sachs’s relationship with private equity firms helped the brokerage get IPO business,” said Lipkow in an interview. The U.S. bank “has been very aggressive in the last few months in penetrating the advisory and equity capital market business, including in Germany.”


Goldman was the leading financial adviser on mergers and acquisitions involving private-equity firms worldwide in the five years through 2010, managing deals valued at $830 billion, or 34 percent of the total, according to the data. This year, it has led transactions involving private-equity firms that account for about 30 percent of the total and measure $55.3 billion in volume, the data show. That compares with a 20 percent market share for Deutsche Bank.

Goldman and Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank were chosen as global coordinators for Evonik and Osram, which are estimated to be the biggest share sales in Germany since Infineon Technologies AG and Deutsche Post AG (DPW) each raised more than 5 billion euros 11 years ago.

“The German economy is the best-performing in Europe and companies are delivering strong results, so this is an attractive place to invest,” said Christoph Stanger, who oversees IPOs as head of financing for Germany, Austria and Switzerland at Goldman. “The backlog of private equity and corporate exits is contributing to the good overall market performance.”


CVC, which picked Goldman to jointly manage the IPO of its Samsonite LLC holding this year, is also working with the U.S. bank on a potential sale of Belgian chemical company Taminco BV, three people familiar with the matter said in April.

Goldman has also arranged leveraged loans to fund the Blackstone Group LP-led takeover of Mivisa Group, a Spanish food-can maker that was owned by CVC, and was one of the banks managing the January IPO of Nielsen Holdings BV, the television- audience rating company that was owned by KKR & Co.

Evonik’s owners may raise 5 billion euros, according to an April 28 report in Financial Times Deutschland, which cited unidentified people familiar with the transaction. Siemens’s Osram has an enterprise value of 5 billion euros to 7 billion euros, according to Morgan Stanley estimates.

“There will be a high degree of interest for both IPOs,” said Christian Stocker, senior strategist at UniCredit SpA (UCG) in Munich. “We have a special story in Germany and that makes it a very attractive environment for IPOs.”

Broadening Recovery

H.C. Starck, a former unit of drugmaker Bayer AG, may fetch as much as 1 billion euros, four people familiar with the plan said last month.

Deutsche Bank spokesman Armin Niedermeier declined to comment on the equity offering ranking.

Germany’s economic recovery is broadening as companies boost investment and hiring to meet booming export demand from emerging Asia. A rebound in construction spending, surging company investment and rising exports powered Germany’s fastest growth in almost a year in the first quarter, data on May 24 showed.

Earnings estimates for companies on the benchmark DAX Index (DAX) have risen an average 6.6 percent from last year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg analysts. That compares with a 23 percent drop in estimates for companies on the U.K.’s FTSE 100 and a 2 percent decline for France’s CAC 40 companies. For members of the benchmark Stoxx Europe 600 Index, estimates have fallen 7.6 percent.

DAX Gains

The DAX Index has risen 2.5 percent this year. That compares with a 1.3 percent decline for the Stoxx 600 and a 0.6 percent drop for the benchmark FTSE 100 Index.

“We have a sustainable environment for industrial companies to say the party will go on,” said Robert Halver, head of research at Baader Bank AG (BWB) in Frankfurt. “The economic framework and earnings are very good. It’s the right time to do IPOs.”

There were 205 IPOs priced in Germany in the last 10 years. The largest of these was Tognum AG (TGM), a maker of industrial engines that was sold by Daimler AG (DAI) for 1.8 billion euros in 2007, Bloomberg data show. Deutsche Telekom AG (DTE) was the country’s biggest IPO, raising 16 billion euros in 1996, according to Deutsche Boerse AG. (DB1)

Eight IPOs were priced in Germany this year, compared with five at the same time last year. German listings represent 15 percent of the total number of IPOs priced in western Europe this year. A total of 21 offerings were priced in the U.K.

“Investors see the German market as a safe haven and the overall mood is favorable for IPOs in the country,” saidMarkus Steinbeis, head of equity portfolio management at the Unterfoehring, Germany-based unit of Pioneer Investments KG mbH, which oversees about $221 billion globally. “Though if the global economic recovery starts slowing down, this could represent a risk to the good picture for IPOs.”

-- With assistance from Aaron Kirchfeld in Frankfurt. Editors: Angela Cullen, Andrew Rummer

To contact the reporter on this story: Julie Cruz in Frankfurt at jcruz6@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Andrew Rummer at arummer@bloomberg.net.

Goldman Is Unlikely to Face Charges Stemming From Senate Report, Bove Says

By Michael J. Moore - Jun 10, 2011 4:49 PM GMT+0200

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) is unlikely to face charges from investigations into the firm’s mortgage practices before the financial crisis, according to Richard X. Bove, an analyst at Rochdale Securities LLC.

“It is becoming increasingly apparent that a terrible wrong may have been done to Goldman Sachs,” Bove wrote in a note to investors dated June 8.

Bove suggested less than a month ago that clients sell the firm’s stock because the U.S. Department of Justice was under pressure to bring claims, based on a report from the U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations accusing Goldman Sachs of misleading buyers of mortgage-linked investments.

The firm, which paid $550 million to settle Securities and Exchange Commission charges related to its marketing of mortgage securities, was subpoenaed by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office for information on business practices leading into the credit crisis, two people familiar with the matter said last week.

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Lloyd C. Blankfein and other executives at the firm have said that its traders placed “short” bets, which profited when prices of mortgage-linked securities fell, to hedge against losses. Blankfein also said in last year’s hearing that Goldman Sachs didn’t have a "massive short" against the housing market, and was acting as a “market maker” in selling collateralized debt obligations and other mortgage-backed investments to clients.

Senate Findings

The Senate subcommittee said that documents uncovered in its two-year investigation of the financial crisis show that Goldman Sachs’s mortgage traders did have a large short position during 2007 and the sales team aggressively sought clients to buy CDOs that the traders expected would decline in value.

“Evidence is now mounting that the company did not have a net short position" during the time in question, Bove said in his note. "The Senate committee may have misread the numbers.”

Bove also said it was "becoming apparent" that Blankfein "did not misrepresent to the Senate Committee because Goldman was not net short at the time the firm was accused of misrepresenting its position.’’

Bove maintained his sell rating on Goldman Sachs and lowered his earnings estimates for 2011, 2012 and 2013, citing a “relatively bleak second quarter” and a “weakened” secular outlook.

AG’s Review

U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee on May 3, confirmed that his department is reviewing the report from the Senate committee, which was led by Michigan Democrat Carl M. Levin. Oklahoma’s Thomas A. Coburn is the ranking Republican on the panel.

The bank rose 14 cents, or 0.1 percent, to $133.67 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading at 10:24 a.m., two days after it touched the lowest value in almost a year. The shares are down 21 percent this year, and have fallen in 12 of the last 15 weeks.

Bove, who is based in Lutz, Florida, is one of two analysts with a negative rating on Goldman Sachs, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The other is Christopher Wheeler, a London-based analyst for Mediobanca SpA. Of 28 analysts surveyed, 18 recommend that investors buy the stock and eight call for holding it.

To contact the reporter on this story: Michael J. Moore in New York at mmoore55@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: David Scheer at dscheer@bloomberg.net

Goldman Sachs is het toonbeeld van het kapitalisme in meest darwinistische vorm

11 juni 2011, 1:00 uur | Het Financieele Dagblad

Door: Mierlo, J. van Mierlo


Bewondering, jaloezie en afgrijzen. Dat zijn de emoties waarmee William Cohan de geschiedenis van de zakenbank in beeld heeft gebracht. De kroniekschrijver van de geschiedenis van Wall Street - hij beschreef eerder de geschiedenissen van Lazard en Bear Stearns - maakt zich zorgen over een bedrijfstak waarbij normen en waarden geleidelijk aan plaats maken voor kortetermijnwinstbejag.

Waarom nu een boek over Goldman Sachs?

'Het was aantrekkelijk om na de geschiedenis van Bear Stearns als de minst gedisciplineerde bank, nu een boek te schrijven over de bank waar wij als zakenbankiers (Cohan werkte bijna twintig jaar bij onder andere Lazard en J.P. Morgan, red.) mee concurreerden en waar we vooral met jaloezie naar keken. Het leek een toonbeeld van discipline, die iedere keer in staat bleek om de beste mensen binnen te halen en naar leidinggevende functies te stuwen.'


Goldman Sachs Said to Open Physical Commodities Trading Office in Houston

By Leela Landress and Christine Harper - Jun 17, 2011 7:28 PM GMT+0200

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), the fifth- biggest U.S. bank by assets, will open a physical commodities sales and trading office in Houston, according to a person familiar with the plans.

Goldman Sachs expects to hire about a dozen sales and trading professionals for the office by the end of the year, said the person, who declined to be identified because the information isn’t public. Some of the new hires for the office will come from outside the firm and some will relocate from New York and London.

Trey Griggs, who is currently a managing director in energy sales in New York, will relocate to Houston to be the head of commodities for the office, the person said. Ben Freeman, a trader based in London, will relocate to lead commodities trading in Houston.

The New York-based company wants to establish a local trading and sales presence for clients in Houston, according to the person. Physical commodities trading will include crude, refined products, natural gas liquids and coal, the person said. The office is expected to open this summer.

Goldman Sachs doesn’t disclose how much money it makes from commodities trading. The business is folded into a larger unit known as fixed-income, currencies and commodities, or FICC, that is Goldman Sachs’s largest by revenue, accounting for 35 percent of the firm’s revenue in 2010.

Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) are the top firms among traders of over-the-counter commodity derivatives, according to a recent report by Greenwich Associates.

The bank’s plan to open a Houston office was reported earlier on the SparkSpread website.

To contact the reporters on this story: Leela Landress in Houston at llandress@bloomberg.net; Christine Harper in New York at charper@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Dan Stets at dstets@bloomberg.net

Goldman Sachs: inflatie gaat dalen

16 jun 2011, 15:15 - IEXProfs Redactie

Inflatie en monetaire verkrapping vormen nog steeds het belangrijkste probleem in de opkomende markten. Dat meldt Goldman Sachs in de Global Economics Weekly. Eerder werk van de bank liet zien dat de voedselinflatie waarschijnlijk zal pieken in de zomer, iets dat een groot deel van het inflatieprobleem uitmaakt. Breder gezien zou de algemene inflatie tussen juni en september beginnen te dalen, afhankelijk van wat er gebeurt in de non-food sector.

Deze week herziet Goldman Sachs die uitspraken, gezien het uitzicht op hogere energieprijzen en het feit dat de kerninflatie sterk is gestegen. Hoewel de voedselprijzen nog steeds hun invloed hebben op de algemene inflatie, zijn ze niet zo hoog als drie maanden geleden werd verwacht. De energieprijzen vallen hoger uit, maar zullen de disinflatie niet tegenhouden.

De zakenbank uit bezorgdheid over het feit dat de kerninflatie versnelt. De verwachting is echter dat de consumptie door de hogere voedsel- en energieprijzen uiteindelijk zal verminderen. Voedselprijzen vormen de belangrijkste drijfveer achter de hoge inflatie, doordat ze een groot deel van de consumptie uitmaken in de opkomende landen.

En als de inflatie die wordt veroorzaakt door de hoge voedselprijzen uiteindelijk vermindert, zal ook de monetaire verkrapping langzaam gaan afnemen. Op de lange termijn betekent dit positieve effecten op de aandelenmarkt. Op de korte termijn is het nog afwachten wat de beleidsmakers gaan doen, en is het goed mogelijk dat de verkrapping aanhoudt.

Goldman moet van Fed naar hypotheken kijken

Gepubliceerd op 1 sep 2011 om 20:01 | Views: 410

WASHINGTON (AFN) - De Amerikaanse bank Goldman Sachs moet een externe adviseur laten kijken naar de executie van hypotheken door het onderdeel Litton Loan Servicing. Dat heeft de Federal Reserve donderdag besloten.

De adviseur moet bekijken of er fouten zijn gemaakt in executieprocedures en of er ten onrechte tot executie is overgegaan. Klanten die niet correct behandeld zijn moeten daarvoor gecompenseerd worden, aldus de Fed. De centrale bank zal Goldman Sachs te zijner tijd een boete opleggen.

Beleggers waren niet gecharmeerd van het nieuws. Halverwege de Amerikaanse handelsdag stond het aandeel Goldman Sachs 3 procent lager.
Als je dat stuk van 18 juni leest
ga ik toch denken dat ze het verdomde goed in beeld hebben daar.
Brasilie is banger voor deflatie dan voor inflatie op het moment.
En als we over voedselprijzen praten dan is Brazilie wel een grote speler.

Goldman geeft advies: zo verdien je aan eurocrash

01-09-2011 | Gepubliceerd 09:17
01-09-2011 | Laatst bijgewerkt 10:20

Zakenbank Goldman Sachs suggereert in een intern rapport aan speculatieve beleggers hoe ze kunnen profiteren van problemen van zwakke Europese banken en de eurocrisis. Tegelijk bemiddelt de bank bij de uitgifte van Spaans schuldpapier.

Het is een spel dat zakenbank Goldman Sachs eerder heeft gespeeld. In 2007 en 2008 toen het rap bergafwaarts ging met de markt voor Amerikaanse rommelhypotheken, wist Goldman Sachs enorme speculatieve winsten te boeken door te gokken op het instorten van de hypotheekmarkt. Tegelijk nam de bank in openbare publicaties geen ondubbelzinnig standpunt in ten aanzien van de markt van subprime-hypotheken.

Gokje tegen euro
Inmiddels spreken we medio augustus 2011. De beurs is in rep en roer, met zorgen over de Europese schuldencrisis en de toekomst van de euro als belangrijk thema. Op 16 augustus zet strateeg Alan Brazil van Goldman Sachs uiteen hoe klanten, waaronder speculatieve hedgefondsen, kunnen profiteren, zo ontdekte zakenkrant The Wall Street Journal.

Brazil is geen analist die publieke rapporten schrijft, maar werkt bij de handelsafdeling van de bank. De analist schetst een zwart scenario voor Europese banken en verzekeraars en geeft twee concrete tips. Beleggers kunnen over een periode van zes maanden inzetten op een daling van de euro ten opzichte van de Zwitserse frank.

Daarnaast suggereert analist Brazil dat speculanten verzekeringen kunnen kopen tegen wanbetaling (zogenoemde credit default swaps) op een index die de kredietwaardigheid van een groep Europese bedrijven volgt, en waar Europese banken en verzekeraars voor 20 procent meewegen, zo citeert de WSJ het rapport.

Spaanse hulp
In een reactie tegenover de krant stelt Goldman Sachs dat de bank op reguliere basis strategieën suggereert tegenover klanten om "uitdagingen die de markt biedt" het hoofd te bieden.

Aan de andere kant verdient Goldman Sachs ook geld met advisering aan overheden over hoe ze de crisis het hoofd moeten bieden.

Zo was Goldman Sachs afgelopen woensdag, samen met twee andere banken, gastheer bij een presentatie van de Spaanse staatssecretaris voor economie in Londen. Die kreeg de gelegenheid om voor vermogensbeheerders uiteen te zetten hoe Spanje's bezuinigingsmaatregelen de kredietwaardigheid van het land moeten ondersteunen, vernam de WSJ.

Goldman Sachs behoort ook tot een selecte club van zakenbanken die bemiddelen bij de uitgifte van Spaanse overheidsschuld.


op en top schreef op 1 september 2011 22:26:

Als je dat stuk van 18 juni leest
ga ik toch denken dat ze het verdomde goed in beeld hebben daar.
Brasilie is banger voor deflatie dan voor inflatie op het moment.
En als we over voedselprijzen praten dan is Brazilie wel een grote speler.


de Braziliaanse Reaal is t.o.v. de dollar wel in waarde gestegen laatste 2 jaren:
In ronde getallen van reaal/USD $ 2.50 naar 1.70


voda schreef:

Op 16 augustus zet strateeg Alan Brazil van Goldman Sachs uiteen hoe klanten, waaronder speculatieve hedgefondsen, kunnen profiteren, zo ontdekte zakenkrant The Wall Street Journal.

Brazil is geen analist die publieke rapporten schrijft, maar werkt bij de handelsafdeling van de bank. De analist schetst een zwart scenario voor Europese banken en verzekeraars en geeft twee concrete tips. Beleggers kunnen over een periode van zes maanden inzetten op een daling van de euro ten opzichte van de Zwitserse frank.
kan zijn, op 16 aug ?
weet wel dat de CHF haar top van de waardestijging t.o.v. de euro bereikte op 10 aug net boven de 1.00. en daarna,door wat dan ook, terugviel richting eur/chf 1.20 ?

voor 'n simpele investeerder als ik, is het met soort berichten altijd "moeilijk " na te gaan met welke "sophisticated produkten " GS het type klienten, die dat gepresenteerd krijgen, voorschoteld ? ën produkten die niet geschikt zijn voor mij ?

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Inlichtingendienst AIVD moet onderzoek doen naar de ,,ongenuanceerde speculatie tegen kleine landen met slechte economieën''.

Dat zegt voormalig AIVD-baas Arthur Docters van Leeuwen in een interview in Vrij Nederland. ,,Als ik nog baas was van de AIVD, zou ik tegen mijn medewerkers zeggen: Ga eens gauw kijken wat daar aan de hand is.''

Volgens Docters van Leeuwen heerst er helemaal geen eurocrisis, maar heeft Europa vooral last van speculaties, die vaak beginnen met het verspreiden van verhalen in media.

De Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM), waarvan Docters van Leeuwen ook voorzitter was, zou niet in staat zijn om hier een stokje voor te steken. ,,Het gaat vaak om manipulaties door personen. Een financiële toezichthouder kan daar geen onderzoek naar doen, dat is inlichtingenwerk.''
Goldman Sachs, which also rates Fortescue a 'buy' with a target of $8.01, earlier this month upped its price forecast for Pilbara iron ore 'fines' for calendar 2013 by 33.3 per cent to $US160 per tonne on its "growing confidence" that market tightness would persist. But Goldman held its 2015 forecast at $US95, reflecting its view of lower long-term prices.
Goldman Sachs tips oil to hit USD 130 in 12 months

AFP reported that oil prices will likely rise to about USD 130 per barrel in the next 12 months as demand in emerging markets such as China and India make up for weak developed world growth.

Goldman Sachs said that despite concerns about the US economy and eurozone sovereign debt which has hit crude prices due to an expected fall in demand, the Wall Street giant forecast commodity prices to remain buoyant.

At the same time it tipped gold a safe haven in times of economic uncertainty to cost USD 1,860 an ounce in a year much lower than the record high of USD 1,921.15 it hit last month. The large emerging economies of the BRICS Brazil, Russia India, China and South Africa are forecast to grow 7.7% this year and 7.9% in 2012.

Goldman Sachs said that by contrast, advanced economies are projected to expand only 1.7% this year and 2.1% next year. Brent crude which is traded in London is expected to hit USD 130 per barrel in the next year from current levels around USD 112.

West Texas Intermediate light sweet crude oil, traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange is forecast to reach USD 126.50 per barrel over the same period from current USD 88. Both contracts touched all time highs of above USD 147 per barrel in July 2008 before the onset of a global financial crisis.

Ms Allison Nathan senior commodities economist at Goldman Sachs said that "Clearly there is very little growth anticipated to come from the US, EU and the developed markets. But we expect quite robust emerging market demand growth with China still anticipated to grow at 9.2% next year and overall the BRICS countries close to 8%. The spread between WTI crude and Brent should narrow in the future but it was still unclear when the gap will close.”

Goldman Sachs said that the high inventory level at the US oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma has led to WTI trading at a significant discount compared with other light sweet crudes such as Brent. Transportation pipelines must be upgraded to improve delivery.

While we expect that alternative transportation capacity such as rail, truck and barge shipments will expand rapidly over the coming months we believe that WTI will remain volatile and prone to dislocations in the future until the pipeline infrastructure is improved.

(Sourced from AFP)
Goldman tops Japanese merger acquisition table with steel deal

Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs has risen to the top spot of Japan's M&A league table so far in 2011 after securing an advisory role in a USD 22.5 billion steel industry merger, relegating perennial leader Nomura to second place for now.

Last week, the planned acquisition of Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd by Nippon Steel Corp was added to the official tally after they announced the share swap ratio and other details of their mega deal.

The transaction is valued at JPY 1.7155 trillion, including debt, making it the biggest merger or acquisition involving a Japanese company so far this year.

Due to its role in advising Sumitomo Metal, Goldman now sits atop the closely watched M&A league table with a hand in JPY 4.03 trillion worth of deals so far in 2011. Nomura, which is not involved in the steel merger, ranks second at JPY 3.74 trillion.

Nomura has held been the leader in Japan M&A for four straight years from 2007, underscoring its strong position as the country's largest investment bank.

Goldman last led the pack on an annual basis in 2006 when it was credited for advising Britain's Gallaher on its takeover by Japan Tobacco, a deal valued at JPY 2.2 trillion.

Nippon Steel is being advised by Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities, Mizuho Securities, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and JP Morgan. In addition to Goldman, SMBC Nikko Securities, Deutsche Securities and Daiwa Securities Capital Markets are advising Sumitomo Metal.

Goldman remains bullish on copper

Market Watch reported that investor concerns over the deteriorating macro environment and Europe's persistent sovereign debt problems are keeping the base metals on the London Metal Exchange under pressure although a global recession or financial crisis would be needed to derail the generally positive fundamental outlook for copper and zinc.

Goldman Sachs GS +1.28% said that despite the markets' recent slide accelerated by copper's 8% plus plunge to a one year low the investment bank has lifted its outlook for the two metals, citing well supported supply and demand fundamentals.

In a note to clients, Goldman raised its three month LME copper price to USD 9,700 per tonne from last month's forecast of USD 9,450 per tonne. It also lifted its 3 month zinc forecast to USD 2,450 pert tonne from USD 2,400 per tonne. At 1523 GMT, three month copper traded at USD 7,738.50 per tonne while three month zinc traded at USD 2,009 per tonne.

The bank said that we continue to expect further upside in copper. Although the recent macro deterioration and European sovereign debt problems have increased the downside risk to our forecasts, our mainline economic views, and expectations of continued strong economic growth in emerging markets and China in particular, continue to suggest tightening copper fundamentals that will push prices higher over the next year.

It said that the ability for China to reverse or ease tightening measures introduced there over the past year is providing a strong line of defense for the industry linked commodities. Copper and zinc have wide industrial applications, and as such are sensitive to economic policy. In metals, the Shanghai-LME arbitrage [window], which is a strong indicator for Asian appetite for copper imports into the region, has been open for most of the past six weeks indicating growing demand,.

The bank added that while macro fears are still weighing on metal prices, the industrial commodities have been remarkably resilient over the past month relative to other asset classes. It put this largely down to supportive near-term fundamentals.

Goldman said that we believe that a global recession and/or financial crisis would be required to derail our current constructive commodity views on copper and zinc. While it does not expect the fundamental balance in the zinc market to be as tight as that in copper next year, a deficit is developing amid growing imports into China and the closure of key mines, and should keep the price well-supported.

It said that China is a growing net importer of zinc raw materials, like copper, setting up for sizable upside for the metal even before important mine closures are set to take place in 2013 to 2015. To be sure, downside risks remain to its forecasts given current macro turmoil.

(Sourced from Market Watch)
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908,33  +2,70  +0,30%  09:36
 Germany40^ 23.034,00 +0,21%
 BEL 20 4.448,72 +0,88%
 Europe50^ 5.410,33 +0,11%
 US30^ 41.257,30 -0,39%
 Nasd100^ 19.596,40 -0,28%
 US500^ 5.606,14 -0,32%
 Japan225^ 37.477,10 -0,11%
 Gold spot 2.985,80 +0,04%
 EUR/USD 1,0883 +0,01%
 WTI 67,30 +0,24%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


AZERION +3,23%
AMG Critical ... +2,09%
Air France-KLM +1,87%
Fugro +1,72%


CTP -1,20%
ADYEN NV -1,18%
NSI -1,14%
ArcelorMittal -1,11%
BESI -1,08%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer, streaming powered by: Infront