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concentrated shorters zitten lichtelijk te zweten monumenteel.... turn up the heat!


frampie2 schreef:

Tja, hoe kom je op zo'n keuze. Mijn doel is beleggen in goud en zilver. Mijn lijfrente en woning beleggen al in aandelen en stenen, waardoor ik mijn spaargeld beleg in goud en zilveraandelen. Ik ben er vast van overtuigd dat goud alleen niet zaligmakend is, waardoor ook zilver in mijn portefeuille hoort.

De keuze voor Aquilines: ik had ze al op mijn vizier, omdat in het fonds een van de grootste ongewonnen zilvervoorraden ter wereld zitten. Vervolgens zag ik een aantal dagen achtereen de koers zonder persberichten fors omhoog gaan. Toen had ik de keuze: meegaan of de kans laten lopen. Ik heb gekozen voor de eerste optie. Op 1 oktober 2009 gekocht voor CAD 4.31. Op 14 oktober komt vervolgens een vriendelijk overnamebod van Pan American Silver.

Dit betekende dat ik als aandeelhouder verhuisde van een niet ontwikkelde pukkel zilver in de grond naar een grote zilverproducent. Ik heb het bezit een stickertje meegegeven: voorlopig niet verkopen.

Op 25 februari 2010 komt het bericht dat Silver Wheaton vo...
Op 25 februari 2010 komt het bericht dat Silver Wheaton vooraf 12,5% van de mijn in Navidad koopt. Even nadenken, googelen en vervolgens gehandeld. Mijn beslissing: de aankoop van Silver Wheaton op 7 mei 2010 jongstleden tegen CAD 18.99.

Dit was al weer een tijdje geleden. Ik heb de aandelen gehouden en er een tijdje geen aandacht aan besteed. Recente koers (6 december 2010) CAD 40.59.

Er is dus wel het een en ander positief gebeurd met de koers. Uiteraard heeft de zilverprijs niet tegen gezeten, maar ik ben er van overtuigd dat de investeringen van Silver Wheaton nog lange tijd een outperformer opleveren.

Recentelijk heb ik van Jason Hommel een stuk gelezen over "The campaign to Crash JP Morgan and Buy Silver".
Ik lees het stukje wel, maar ben niet volledig overtuigd. Hebben de trouwe lezers van deze draad er een mening over?

In zijn algemeenheid: ik ben er wel van overtuigd dat de concentrated shorts moeilijke tijden doormaken. De handel werd laatst compleet stilgelegd toen de stijging te snel ging... Silver Wheaton is de gedoodverfde favoriet, maar daar ben ik te eigenwijs voor???

Waar Jason over schrijft heb geen kennis van.
analisten over Silver Wiet:
Analyst Detail Buy Outperform Hold Underperform Sell No Opinion
Latest 4 5 8 0 0 0
4 weeks ago 4 7 6 0 0 0
2 months ago 5 7 4 0 0 0
3 months ago 5 9 2 0 0 0
Last year 7 10 0 0 0 0
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(de trend is naar HOLD)

Stel dat SW zal stijgen met 50 % in 12 mnd,.......
mss bent u toe aan het heroverwegen van uw belegport ?
.......om de gewenste VAART te houden in de waardeontwikkeling van uw belegport ?
Bent u bereidt daarvoor 50 % van uw jaarwinst op SW te "reserveren " voor...
...dan kiest u voor 'n nwe loot in uw belegport die 500 % groei kan maken in 12 mnd ?
1. kopen nwe (baby)junior ? LAQ.V @ 0.09 *?
2. Diversificeren naar goud-explorer/producent ? GORO *?
3. diversificeren naar andere grondstof ? Uranium baby BSK.V ? Olie junior XEL.V *?
4. kopen nwe (baby)junior uit de grabbelton in de draad edelmetalen ?
5. kopen junior,die al wat op nivo is,wss iets langzamere groei dan 'n babyjunior ?
6. diversificeren naar (junior)mayor met meerdere grondstoffen ? S.TO ?,FCX ?

aldus nr beste weten en kunnen.
sterkte met uw keuzes.het is uw geld.

Let OP: uw hebt destijds SW geselecteerd op belangrijke kenmerken.
Als die kenmerken, volgens u,nog steeds ten volle van toepassing zijn kan het dan raadzaam zijn NIETS te veranderen in uw belegport ?
Frampie, uit je diverse postings meen ik op te maken dat je een analytisch ingestelde belegger bent met een wat langere horizon dan hier gemiddeld het geval is ( waag ik te concluderen).

Deze relatieve bedachtzaamheid in combinatie met goede stockpicks heeft toch al heel wat opgeleverd lijkt me zo...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Silver Wheaton (SLW) Getting 7 Million Ounces of Silver from Goldcorp (GG) Annually

Goldcorp (NYSE:GG) is projected to be among the top gold mining performers in 2011, based upon its new silver and gold mine, Penasquito.

The good news for silver royalty company Silver Wheaton (NYSE:SLW) will get about 7 million of the estimated 28 million ounces of silver produced from the mine on an annual basis.

That adds to the already significant silver the royalty company has under contract at this time.

To get an idea of the probability of production reaching those levels, in the first quarter of production, Penasquito produced 4.6 million ounces of silver. The mine has proven and probable silver reserves of about 1.1 billion ounces; not a bad future for Silver Wheaton.

Ditmaal een concreet gegeven: jaarlijks 7 miljoen ounces extra te verkopen. Gebaseerd op de dagkoers van vandaag (USD 36,9) levert dit een additionele opbrengst op van USD 258 mio. Aantal uitstaande aandelen: 352 mio.

Het levert vandaag in ieder geval een leuke koerssprong op: CAD +1.60 = +3,82%.
Silver wiet, een mooie vondst Frampie... de leverage op zilver blijkt vooralsnog nog veel groter dan op goud...


Troy schreef op 12 april 2011 19:46:

12 Shiny Silver Stocks

Bear Creek is nog al gedaald ,zo van top 11+ naar 5.36. Okee, al die andere 11 shiny silver stocks ook. Waren toen mss shiny op 8 April 2011,maar zijn verbleekt door de droogte en de zon ? Als de zon schijnt maak er gebruik van:)

nwe oogst...............Trevali(TV.TO),zilver 20%,en ook nog wat lood,zink,copper erbij:)...........Peru............

June 7, 2011
Trevali Intersects High Grade Mineralization at Halfmile Deposit in New Brunswick, Canada

2.63 metres at 10.28% zinc, 3.30% lead, 0.26% copper, 72 g/t silver & 0.53 g/t gold

3.97 metres at 8.34% zinc, 2.61% lead, 0.48% copper, 55.3 g/t silver & 0.49 g/t gold
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 7, 2011) - Trevali Mining Corporation ("Trevali" or the "Company") (TSX:TV)(OTCQX:TREVF) announces receipt of additional results from its metallurgical drill program of the Upper Zone at its Halfmile Zinc-Lead-Silver-Copper Deposit in New Brunswick, Canada. Results continue to return significantly higher silver and gold values than previously estimated. Furthermore drilling has intersected substantially higher grade zones of massive sulphide mineralization at depth in the Upper Zone of the deposit.
June 21, 2011
Soltoro Intercepts Near Surface High-Grade Silver in 4 Drill Holes Including 43.7 Metres of 300 GPT Silver at the El Rayo Project
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 21, 2011) - Soltoro Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SOL) has received results for an additional 6 diamond drill holes completed on the Soledad structure at the El Rayo primary silver deposit in Jalisco, Mexico. The east-west-trending Soledad structure represents a new and significant mineralised zone unknown at the time of the resource study which resulted in the recently released NI 43-101 measured and indicated resource of 58.3M ounces of contained silver (NR98-June 14, 2011). Soledad has been intersected near surface over a strike length of 500 metres. Currently two diamond drills are testing the extent of the mineralization which remains open along strike in both directions as well as at depth. The most recent drill results were returned as follows:
June 24, 2011
Aurcana Reports Record 1st Quarter Results
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 24, 2011) - Aurcana Corporation ("Aurcana" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:AUN)(OTCQX:AUNFF) is pleased to report its unaudited financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2011. The summary of the selected financial information should be read in conjunction with the unaudited financial statements and the related management's discussion and analysis dated June 20, 2011 together referred to as the "Financial Statements", which have been filed on SEDAR (www.sedar.com) and the Company's website (http://www.aurcana.com). All figures are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.

The most significant highlights for the quarter ended March 31, 2011 were:

-- 140% increase in net revenues to $10.9 million compared to $4.5 million
for the first quarter of 2010;
-- Earnings from mining operations to $5.4 million compared to $0.7 million
for the first quarter of 2010;
-- Operating cash flow before movements in working capital items, to $4.7
million (2010: deficit of $0.5 million);
-- A total of 127,231 milled tons compared to 79,007 tons for the first
quarter of 2010. Of 127,231 tons, 14% (17,619 tons) were from NI 43-101
measured and indicated; 86% (109,612 tons) were from new discoveries.
-- Increased production from 154,095 sliver ounces for the first quarter of
2010 to 240,275 silver ounces in 2011, an increase of 56%.

La Negra

-- 61% increase in tons milled to 127,231 tons compared to 79,007 tons for
the first quarter of 2010;
-- 46% increase in copper concentrate produced to 2,994 tonnes compared to
2,053 tonnes for the first quarter of 2010;
-- 56% increase in silver concentrate produced to 240,275 ounces compared
to 154,095 ounces for the first quarter of 2010;
-- 70% increase in zinc concentrate produced to 1,582 tonnes compared to
933 tonnes for the first quarter of 2010.


-- The Company started construction of the Shafter Silver mine project,
100% owned by the Company, after completing the equity financing on
December 7, 2010. The Shafter feasibility study shows an estimated pay
back of 1.9 years based on $15.53 per ounce of Silver and the
construction is estimated to be completed by May 2012.
-- The Company wishes to advise its Technical Report dated November filed
on SEDAR November 12, 2010 was revised on June 23, 2011 to correct the
presentation of Table 18.2 wherein the table now reflects Measured,
Indicated, Proven and Probable in separate columns with no changes to
the summary totals. The Report may be found on www.sedar.com and the
Company's website www.aurcana.com.

Troy schreef op 12 april 2011 19:46:

12 Shiny Silver Stocks

Bear Creek op 12 April nog $11 ,wel heel snel afgedaald.....naar nu 3.75(Peru)
Southern Silver Commences Drilling at Cerro Las Minitas and Provides an Update on Financing
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 15, 2011) - Southern Silver Exploration Corp. (TSX VENTURE:SSV)(FRANKFURT:SEG) ("Southern Silver") reported today that Phase II drilling on the Cerro Las Minitas project has started with one hole completed to date. The newly expanded, second phase of drilling anticipates a +30 core hole program totalling 10,000 metres. Drilling will target specific occurrences located within the area of historic mining and several additional targets derived from the recently completed surface IP geophysical program including extensions of a newly discovered high-grade zone in 11CLM-008 which intersected a 1.8 metre interval averaging 1400g/t Ag, 19.7% Pb and 14.5% Zn within a 3.3 metre interval averaging 818g/t Ag, 12.9% Pb and 10.9% Zn.
Aug. 15, 2011, 9:26 a.m. EDT
South American Silver Files Second Quarter 2011 Financial Statements and MD&A and Project Update

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Aug 15, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- South American Silver Corp. /quotes/zigman/38152 CA:SAC -1.06% reports the release of its unaudited interim consolidated financial statements for the three and six months ended June 30, 2011 and the related management's discussion and analysis of financial position and results of operations ("MD&A").

The Company is also pleased to provide an update on the Malku Khota silver-indium project in Bolivia and the Escalones copper-gold project in Chile. As at June 30, 2011, the Company had working capital of U.S.$32.6 million, including cash and cash equivalents of U.S.$32.9 million. With these funds in place, the Company is in a very strong financial position to accelerate the advancement of its Malku Khota project toward feasibility, and its Escalones project to the resource definition stage. Further details including the full financial statements and information on each of the Company's projects, including the resource estimate at Malku Khota, are available on the Company's website at www.soamsilver.com and on SEDAR at www.sedar.com .

President's Message

August 22, 2011
Silvercorp Acquires High Grade XBG Silver-Gold-Lead-Zinc Property in Luoyang, Henan Province, China
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 22, 2011) - Silvercorp Metals Inc. (TSX:SVM)(NYSE:SVM) ("Silvercorp" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that its 77.5% owned subsidiary, Henan Found Mining Co. ("Henan Found"), signed a share purchase agreement to acquire a 90% equity interest in Zhongxing Mining Co. Ltd. ("Zhongxing") and Chuanxin Mining Co. Ltd. ("Chuanxin"), two local private mining companies, with common owners, in Luoyang City, Henan Province.

Henan Found's total cash payment for the acquisition of both companies is approximately US$10.4 million, including US$4.3 million for the equity interest and US$6.1 million cash payment for outstanding debt. Henan Found has made 80% of the required total payment and has taken over control.

Zhongxing's main assets include the high grade XBG silver-gold-lead-zinc ("Ag-Au-Pb-Zn") mine with a mining permit covering 26.36 square kilometers (km2) expiring November 2022 and the adjacent NTM gold exploration permit covering 2.54 km2. Chuanxin's main assets include a 350 tonne-per-day ("t/d") floatation mill and an associated tailings management facility built in 2009 within the mining permit area, and an environmental permit to construct a 1,000 t/d floatation mill.

The XBG Mine is located about 120 km southwest of the Company's Ying Mine and is about a three hour drive from Luoyang City and the Ying Mine. Due to the close proximity, the XBG project will be managed by the Ying Mine's management team.
September 12, 2011
Condor Resources Inc.: High Grade Silver Results at San Martin, Peru

Highlights include 3490 g/t silver and 3.1 g/t gold over 2m, and 3240 g/t silver and 1.97 g/t gold over 4m.
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 12, 2011) - Condor Resources Inc. - ("Condor" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:CN) is pleased to announce additional assay results from 145 recent samples on its 100% owned San Martin precious metals property in Orcopampa - Caylloma precious metals belt in southern Peru.

On the San Martin Property, Cretaceous-aged quartzites have been hydrothermally brecciated and strongly silicified over an area approximately 700 by 100 meters. The quartz-barite matrix silicified breccia has been oxidized, but local patches of disseminated grey sulphides are preserved. Chip samples from two separate locations within the breccia include peak highs of 3.1 g/t Au and 3490 g/t Ag over 2m and 1.97 g/t Au and 3240 g/t Ag over 4m. This new discovery has never been previously sampled or drill tested. ...............................

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