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Update: BMW krijgt controle over Chinese joint venture

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) BMW neemt een meerderheidsbelang zijn joint venture met de Chinese autoproducent Brilliance China Automotive (CBA) en maakt zo als eerste buitenlandse autofabrikant gebruik van verruimde Chinese regels voor de sector. Dat maakte de Duitse autofabrikant donderdag bekend.

Het contract van BMW en CBA voor de joint venture BMW Brilliance Automotive (BBA) werd met 22 jaar verlengd en loopt nu tot 2040. BMW breidt zijn belang in BBA uit van 50 naar 75 procent voor een bedrag van 3,6 miljard euro. De uitbreiding gaat in vanaf 2022, wanneer de wijzigingen van kracht worden.

De twee partners gaan ook meer dan drie miljard euro investeren in productiefaciliteiten in Shenyang. In Tiexi wordt de productiefaciliteit verdubbeld, terwijl de naburige fabriek in Dadong wordt vernieuwd en uitgebreid. Hierdoor ontstaan 5.000 nieuwe banen.

In april kondigde China een herziening aan van de regels voor de Chinese auto-industrie. Tot dan toe mochten buitenlandse autofabrikanten alleen investeren in China met joint ventures waarin zij een minderheidsbelang hadden. Die beperking is nu geschrapt.

China kondigde de wijziging binnen enkele weken aan, nadat de Amerikaanse zaakgelastige voor handelszaken, Robert Lighthizer, zijn onderzoek naar het Chinese handelsbeleid publiceerde. Daarin bekritiseerde hij de eisen diie Chinezen stellen aan joint-ventures als "een hoeksteen van China's regime van technologie-overdracht."

BMW mag als eerste gebruik maken van de regel, omdat de Chinese partner Brilliance erg weinig bijdraagt aan de onderneming. Het staatsbedrijf verkocht in 2017 ongeveer 102.000 auto's onder eigen naam, tegen 387.000 BMW's die in China gebouwd werden.

China is de grootste automarkt ter wereld.

De Chinese stap kan de Verenigde Staten overtuigen dat het zakelijke speelveld gelijkwaardiger wordt, zei econoom Björn Giesbergen van Rabobank donderdag tegen ABM Financial News. Volgens hem hopen de Chinezen dat het handelsconflict met Washington wordt bijgelegd als zij de regels versoepelen. Hij denkt dat het risico dat de Chinezen er vandoor gaan met intellectueel hierdoor afneemt, Giesbergen.

Update van eerder bericht 'BMW verlengt Chinees joint venture contract' om extra informatie toe te voegen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
BMW Group announced sales in first three quarters of 2018

In the first three quarters of the year, the BMW Group grew its worldwide sales by 1.3% (1,834,810 units), despite ongoing headwinds in several major sales regions. Sales in September, a month affected by intense competition in Europe, were down 0.8% (237,781) as the company continued to follow its policy of prioritising profitable growth.

Mr Pieter Nota, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG responsible for Sales and Brand BMW said that “In the face of a combination of exceptional challenges, we have achieved a steady sales result. The third quarter in Europe was significantly affected by market distortions caused by the introduction of the new WLTP testing procedure at the beginning of September. As we planned well ahead for the WLTP changeover, virtually all our current models are WLTP type-approved and available for delivery,” Mr Nota continued that “One very positive aspect of our sales performance continues to be the growth in electrified vehicles. September was our best-ever single month for electrified sales and with deliveries up over 40% in the year to date, we remain well on track to achieve our target of 140,000 electrified sales by the end of the year.”

September deliveries of BMW i, BMW iPerformance and MINI Electric vehicles totaled 14,559 units worldwide, an increase of 35.0% on the same month last year and the highest monthly total ever for BMW Group electrified. Sales in the year to date total 97,543 (+42.0%), once again confirming the BMW Group’s position as a leading global provider of premium electrified mobility. Since the launch of the pioneering BMW i3 in 2013, a total of more than 313,000 BMW Group electrified vehicles have now been delivered to customers. At the Paris Auto Show, the new BMW i3 (120 Ah) (combined power consumption: 13.1 kWh/100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 0 g/km)* and the BMW i3s (120 Ah) (combined power consumption: 14.6 – 14.0 kWh/100 km; combined CO2 emissions: 0 g/km)* with battery capacity increased to 120Ah were revealed. Both i3 variants now offer a 30% increase in range, meaning that in everyday practical use, they have a range of 260 km**. The company is targeting total electrified sales of over half a million by 2020. By 2025, the BMW Group will have at least 25 electrified vehicles in its model line-up, 12 of which will be fully-electric vehicles.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Zoveel winst maken automerken iedere seconde van de dag

Wat de belangrijkste merken verdienen per auto was al eerder bekendgemaakt. Maar nu is ook uitgerekend hoeveel winst de fabrikanten per seconde overhouden.

Erik Kouwenhoven 15-10-18, 20:00
Ferrari houdt per auto 70.000 euro over. Porsche 'slechts' 17.000 euro. Maar dat is altijd nog beter dan Bentley, dat per auto 17.000 euro verlies maakt. Maar de volumemerken verdienen teruggerekend naar seconden meer omdat ze gigantische volumes draaien.

Toyota maakt iedere seconde 493 euro winst op een gigantisch aantal van 1.024 verkochte auto’s per uur. Mercedes doet het ook niet slecht. Dat houdt elke seconde 272 euro over, en daarvoor moet het per uur slechts 271 auto’s maken. De Britse verzekeraar Staveley Head maakte met deze cijfers een leuke interactieve website die dat allemaal in beeld brengt.

Bron: auto55.be

BMW to gain control of China venture in milestone deal

Auto News reported that BMW will take majority control of its main China joint venture for 3.6 billion euros (USD 4.2 billion), the first such move by a global automaker as Beijing starts to relax ownership rules for the world's biggest auto market. BMW will lift its stake in its venture with Brilliance China Automotive Holdings to 75 % from 50 %, with the deal closing in 2022 when rules capping foreign ownership for all auto ventures are lifted.

The move will likely spur BMW to shift more production to China, helping boost profits amid a whipsawing trade war between Washington and Beijing that has raised the cost of BMW importing cars manufactured at its South Carolina plant.

The deal also marks a milestone for foreign automakers which have been capped at owning 50 % of any China venture and have had to share profits with their local partner.

BMW CEO Harald Krueger said in a speech in the northeast Chinese city of Shenyang where the joint venture is based that "We are now embarking on a new era.” Mr Krueger thanked Chinese Premier Mr Li Keqiang who he said had "personally supported" the plan.

Source : Auto News
European diesel car sales down in H1 – Report

Auto News reported that diesel car sales in Europe fell sharply in the first half of the year amid buyer concerns over pollution and falling resale values as governments seek to reduce sales of vehicles with combustion engines. The International Energy Agency said in a report that "The disaffection toward diesel engine cars is spreading all over Europe.”

It said that the market share of diesel cars in the European Union fell to 36.5 percent in the first half of 2018 from 42.5 % in the first half of 2017. Sales declined by 16 % during the period to 3.12 million units, with declines in Britain reaching 30 %.

In Germany, home to some of the world's biggest diesel car producers including Volkswagen Group and BMW Group, diesel car sales dropped to 31.1 % of the total in the first half of 2018 from 41.3 % a year earlier.

As a result, demand for diesel in Europe is also faltering, down by 115,000 barrels per day (bpd) in August from the previous month.

Source : Auto News
Safety group wants Hyundai and Kia to recall 2.9 million vehicles

Economic Times reported that a nonprofit auto safety group is demanding that Hyundai and Kia recall 2.9 million cars and SUVs in the US due to consumer complaints that they can catch fire. The Center For Auto Safety said that there have been more than 220 complaints to the US government since 2010 about fires and another 200 complaints about melted wires as well as smoke and burning odors.

The complaints involve the 2011 through 2014 Kia Sorento and Optima and the Hyundai Sonata and Santa Fe. Also included is the 2010 through 2015 Kia Soul.

The fires are being investigated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration as part of a 2017 probe into Hyundai and Kia engine failures.

Mr Jason C, the center's executive director, said that "The volume of fires here make it appear that Hyundai and Kia are content to sit back and allow consumers and insurers to bear the brunt of poorly designed, manufactured and repaired vehicles.” He added that the fire reports have come in from across the country, including a death in Ohio in April of 2017.

Hyundai said that it monitors safety concerns and acts quickly to recall defective vehicles.

Source : Economic Times

Renault-designbaas Laurens van den Acker: auto wordt integraal deel van je ecosysteem

Als kind droomde Laurens van den Acker (1965) ervan ontwerper te worden bij een groot automerk. Nu leidt hij het 550 man tellend ontwerpteam van Renault. Dit jaar is hij ambassadeur van Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven.

Erik Kouwenhoven 21-10-18, 06:00
Begin deze maand presenteerde Renault de EZ-ULTIMO. De luxueuze concept-auto rijdt autonoom, is volledig elektrisch en ‘connected’. Het futuristische voertuig is bedoeld als deelauto: je kunt de auto straks reserveren voor een specifieke trip, een vaste route of een bepaalde dag of periode. De EZ -ULTIMO is het sluitstuk van een drieluik van voertuigen waarmee Renault de mogelijkheden van deelauto's verkent. Want dat wordt de toekomst in stedelijke mobiliteit. Daarvan is Laurens van den Acker, hoofd design van Renault overtuigd. Niet dat mensen straks geen eigen auto meer hebben. Maar voor de dichtslibbende stedelijke gebieden zijn deelauto's een oplossing. Nu staan auto's 85 procent van de tijd stil. Daar moeten parkeervoorzieningen voor gemaakt worden, die zowel de steden als de automobilisten veel geld kosten. Dat wordt in de toekomst anders, denkt Van den Acker. Hij verwacht dat er komende jaren veel gaat veranderen in de autowereld en de rol van de auto-ontwerper. Hij spreekt van een revolutie.


,,We staan aan de vooravond van een nieuwe wereld waarin gedeelde mobiliteitsdiensten populairder worden. Terwijl steden dichter bevolkt raken en het voor mensen eenvoudiger wordt korte afstanden af te leggen dankzij gedeelde mobiliteit, ontstaat een compleet nieuwe wereld van wat mogelijk is tijdens het reizen", zegt Van den Acker. ,,Mensen willen af en toe het stuur afgeven aan de auto zodat ze andere dingen kunnen doen. Dat is niet per se negatief: het maakt de auto relevanter. De hele auto-industrie ondergaat een transformatie. Vroeger stapte je in een auto en zat je in je eigen bubbel. Even had je niets met de wereld van doen. Nu we autonoom gaan rijden, zijn we 24 uur per dag bereikbaar, maar hebben we minder te doen in de auto. Dat is een totaal andere ervaring als je uren op de snelweg zit. Het betekent dat we de auto anders inrichten: je moet er in kunnen werken en ontspannen. We geven nu tijd terug aan degene die vroeger de auto bestuurde en we zorgen dat die tijd optimaal kan worden benut."
Elektrische DDW-taxi’s

Renault zet tijdens Dutch Design Week op het Ketelhuisplein het concept Symbioz neer; een ecosysteem bestaande uit een huis en auto, gebaseerd op de toekomstvisie van Renault op de auto en zijn rol in de samenleving in 2030. Daarnaast worden er 45 volledig elektrische Renault ZOE’s ingezet als designtaxi. Voor het eerst is DDW-vervoer hiermee elektrisch.

Van den Acker noemt de auto 'wellicht het meest complexe product dat bestaat', omdat alle vormen van design daarin samenkomen: van productdesign tot interieurdesign. ,,Het ontwerpen van auto's is als het doorlopen van een levenscyclus", vindt Van den Acker. ,,Alle conceptauto's staan voor een levensfase van de mens, beginnend met verliefdheid, eindigend in wijsheid. Waar de auto in het verleden een geïsoleerd object was in je dagelijks bestaan, wordt deze steeds meer een integraal onderdeel van je ecosysteem. Omdat de mens nu vierentwintig uur per dag verbonden wil zijn, wordt ook de auto onderdeel van het Internet Of Things. Dat betekent dat hij data kan uitwisselen met je telefoon, je huis en objecten in je huis. En in het geval van de Renault Symbioz die tijdens de Dutch Design Week wordt getoond, wordt de auto zelfs een extra kamer van je huis, waarin je je even kunt terugtrekken, van muziek kunt genieten of een goed gesprek kunt hebben met je zoon of dochter. Dat voegt een hele nieuwe dimensie aan het begrip auto."

Van den Acker groeide op in Deurne. ,,Mijn vader was architect. Als ik in het kantoor kwam, kreeg ik een papier en potlood en werd ik aan het tekenen gezet." Zijn eerste tekeningen zijn van flats en huizen, maar al snel domineren auto's op het papier. Een fascinatie die met de jaren toeneemt. ,,Een favoriet automerk had ik niet, maar in mijn kinderkamer hingen veel posters van de Italiaanse designstudio Pininfarina", verklapt Van den Acker.


Op de middelbare school blinkt hij uit in exacte vakken. Hij wil iets met design doen en komt uit bij Industrieel Ontwerpen aan de Technische Universiteit Delft. ,,Autodesign als studierichting bestond niet. Er waren geen docenten op dat vakgebied. Ik moest mezelf het vak bijbrengen: autoblaadjes kopen en zoveel mogelijk schetsen."

Na zijn studie vertrekt Van den Acker naar het Italiaanse Turijn, het auto-mekka van Europa. Hierna gaat hij naar Audi in Duitsland. Een paar jaar later vertrekt hij naar de Verenigde Staten waar hij acht jaar bij Ford werkt, voordat hij bij Mazda in Japan gaat werken. In 2009 wordt hij gevraagd door Renault om het design van het Franse merk nieuw leven in te blazen. Hij introduceert er een nieuwe designstrategie gebaseerd op de levenscyclus van de mens: love, explore, family, work, play en wisdom. Dit levert de sensuele Clio, speelse Twingo, ruime Espace, inventieve Captur en crossover Kadjar op: auto's die Renault weer op de wereldkaart zetten. Beauty met brains noemt Van den Acker 'zijn' auto's. Ze zijn verleidelijk maar ook intelligent en efficiënt.


Inmiddels staat Van den Acker dus voor een nieuwe uitdaging: de deelauto. Toch gelooft hij niet dat de trend van autodelen het bezit helemaal zal verdrijven. "Er blijven altijd zaken die je niet wil delen. Ik denk wel dat stuur en pedalen deels zullen verdwijnen, maar er blijven altijd mensen die zelf willen rijden. Al komt er een tijd dat het onverantwoord wordt dat je zelf achter het stuur kruipt. Autonomie is veiliger dan de mens."
Škoda Auto already produced One million vehicles in 2018

ŠKODA AUTO has produced its millionth vehicle for 2018, thereby reaching this milestone two weeks earlier than in 2017. This makes it the fifth year in a row that the number of vehicles produced has reached seven figures. The ŠKODA Kodiaq and Karoq SUVs as well as the Octavia and Fabia model ranges have significantly contributed to this success. The millionth vehicle manufactured in this production year a ŠKODA Fabia 1.0 TSI in Moon White – rolled off the line today at the Mladá Boleslav plant. The recently revised small car is this year’s most popular ŠKODA model range after the bestselling Octavia.

The persistently high demand for the ŠKODA Kodiaq and ŠKODA Karoq SUVs highlights the success of the brand’s SUV campaign. It is an important component in the Czech car manufacturer’s ever-increasing vehicle production and has played a significant role in ŠKODA reaching the one million mark as early as mid-October this year. The ŠKODA Kamiq, which is offered exclusively in the Chinese market, adds to the SUV portfolio in the company’s largest individual market. The new ŠKODA Kodiaq GT the second ŠKODA SUV to be exclusively available for the Chinese market is a key component of ŠKODA’s SUV campaign in China.

The guidelines for continuing and adding to this success are anchored in ŠKODA’s 2025 Strategy. The strategy’s key topics include electromobility, the digitalisation of the company, products and production itself, as well as new mobility services and connectivity solutions. Alongside the successful SUV campaign, its main focus is on electromobility, digitalisation and internationalisation. The aim is to gradually increase the number of markets ŠKODA is active in from the current 103 to 120.

Mr Michael Oeljeklaus, ŠKODA AUTO Board Member for Production and Logistics, said that “The current financial year shows that a modern model range allows ŠKODA to tap into new customer segments in international markets in a sustainable way. In recent years, we have consistently increased our production and sales, and we are now surpassing the one-million mark for an impressive fifth time in a row. We’re going to continue our growth strategy in 2019. Here, an important role is going to be played by the new ŠKODA Scala – a vehicle in the high-volume A segment that we have added to our portfolio.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Ford roept in VS 1,3 miljoen auto's terug

Gepubliceerd op 25 okt 2018 om 14:09 | Views: 487

Ford Motor Company 16:08
8,88 +0,70 (+8,50%)

DETROIT (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Automaker Ford roept in de Verenigde Staten 1,3 miljoen auto's terug naar de garage. Het gaat om het model Focus waarvan de motoren kunnen uitvallen als gevolg van problemen met het brandstofsysteem.

De betreffende auto's rolden in de periode tussen 2012 en 2018 van de band. Het gaat om modellen die zijn uitgerust met een 2-liter viercilinder motor. Ford-rijders deden eerder hun beklag over het euvel bij autoriteiten, die Ford op de problemen wees.

Ford-rijders kunnen in de garage de software laten resetten. Waar nodig wordt het brandstofsysteem vervangen. Bij de automaker zijn nog geen ongelukken bekend als gevolg van het defect.
General Motors calls for national zero emissions vehicle program

On Oct. 26, 2018, General Motors will file comments to the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule for Model Years 2021-2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks. In its comments, General Motors proposes the establishment of a National Zero Emissions Vehicle program to support a 50-state solution, promote the success of the US. automotive industry and preserve US. industrial leadership for years to come.

General Motors anticipates the NZEV program, as recommended, has the potential to place more than 7 million long-range EVs on the road by 2030, yielding a cumulative incremental reduction of 375 million tons of CO2 emissions between 2021 and 2030 over the existing ZEV program.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
GM workers union withdraws objection to plant closure

Economic Times reported that Gujarat high court paved way for formal closure of General Motors’ Halol plant as the company and its employees’ union settled disputes regarding retrenchment, voluntary separation scheme and pay hike for those workers who shifted to company’s manufacturing facility in Talegaon in Maharashtra. The first auto giant to set up a plant in Gujarat, GM wanted to wind up the Halol operations. Its application for closure of the plant was accepted by the commissioner of labour on June 17 last year. However, the employee’s union challenged the nod for closure by the labour commissioner before the high court.

The union posed certain issues regarding equality of pay for those workers who were to be shifted to the Maharashtra plant by the company. They were demanding payment at par with the workers engaged in the Maharashtra plant.

Besides, the union was demanded retirement benefits for a couple of workers who were retrenched by the company. There were over 500 workers who accepted retirement by accepting lump-sum amount whereas there were 460 workers who had opted for the transfer to Maharashtra’s plant, but they had issues with pay scale.

According the union’s advocate Yogen Pandya, the disputes were resolved between the company and the workers through negotiations. The memorandum of settlement was placed before the HC on Monday. With this, the union requested the court to withdraw its petitions against the labour commissioner’s green signal for plant’s closure. The HC permitted the union to withdraw its petitions.

Source : Economic Times
Ferrari doet goede zaken met nieuwe modellen

Gepubliceerd op 5 nov 2018 om 13:54 | Views: 994

MARANELLO (AFN) - Ferrari heeft in het derde kwartaal meer auto's verkocht dan een jaar eerder. De Italiaanse sportwagenfabrikant profiteerde daarbij vooral van de gestegen vraag naar zijn nieuwe model, de Ferrari Portofino. Ook de 812 Superfast met twaalfcilindermotor was een succesnummer.

In de drie maanden tot en met september verkocht Ferrari in totaal 2262 bolides. Dat is een stijging van ruim 10 procent ten opzichte van een jaar eerder. De omzet bleef met 838 miljoen euro nagenoeg vlak ten opzichte van het derde kwartaal van 2017. Ferrari had vooral last van de zwakkere dollar ten opzichte van de euro.

Het bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) steeg daarentegen 5 procent tot 278 miljoen euro. Ook de winstmarges werden iets opgekrikt. Ferrari schroefde onder meer zijn onderzoeksuitgaven voor zijn Formule 1-team terug. De nettowinst verdubbelde tot 287 miljoen euro. Die fikse stijging komt voornamelijk door een belastingvoordeel.
Winst BMW daalt

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) BMW heeft in het derde kwartaal van 2018 een kwart minder winst geboekt door hogere onderzoekskosten in een uitdagende markt, maar handhaafde zijn verwachtingen voor het hele jaar. Dat maakte de autofabrikant woensdag bekend.

De nettowinst van 1,4 miljard euro was 24 procent lager dan een jaar eerder. Het resultaat werd gedrukt door hoge kosten voor onderzoek en ontwikkeling.

De omzet steeg met 5 procent tot 24,7 miljard euro. Er werden in het kwartaal 529.000 auto's afgeleverd aan klanten, 0,3 procent meer dan een jaar eerder.

De winstmarge voor belastingen daalde van 10,6 procent naar 7,5 procent.


BMW bevestigt zijn verwachting van een licht lagere omzet bij de autodivisie, met een EBIT-marge van tenminste 7 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
Aston Martin named Luxury Brand Of The Year

Aston Martin has been named ‘Luxury Brand of the Year’ at the Luxury Briefing Awards. Heralded as the ‘Oscars of the Luxury Industry’, the aim of the annual event is to reward and celebrate excellence and innovation. Presenting the award, Sir Eric Peacock described Aston Martin as a “powerful, hugely aspirational brand that is the epitome of luxury” and defied anyone in the room not to covet it. He went on to say the last 12 months have been an “Annus Magnificus” for the brand as it “soared into profit, increasing sales by an astonishing 8% in the first half of the year alone…it has been one of the fastest turnarounds and renaissances the luxury industry has ever seen”.

Aston Martin Lagonda Vice-President and Chief Marketing Officer, Mr Simon Sproule, was at The Savoy in central London to collect the award. He said that “It’s a great honour to be named Luxury Brand of the Year. At Aston Martin Lagonda we have a fantastic team that lives and breathes this beautiful brand, working to grow and develop our presence across the world. With each car launch, each new brand partnership or lifestyle event, we get closer to our current and future customers. At a time when the automotive industry is facing incredible challenges we are pushing constantly to make sure the Aston Martin brand, and soon the Lagonda brand, not only stands the test of time but flourishes during this period of change.”

Aston Martin are also delighted that the award for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Charity’ was made to Aston Martin Cambridge, for the special edition Vanquish S that helped raise £1.5 million for the RAF Benevolent Fund. The raffle for ‘Red 10’, the 10th car from a limited edition run of the ‘Aston Martin Vanquish S Red Arrows edition’ raised an astonishing £1.5 million for the RAF Benevolent Fund, which works to support the men and women of the RAF and their families.

The eminent Luxury Briefing judging panel described the Aston Martin’s Red 10 raffle as “a charitable gesture that was tangible, solid and fun…a highly visible but straightforward and simple initiative that provided an excellent blueprint for other brands to imitate.”

The Vanquish S Red Arrows was pioneered and commissioned by Aston Martin Cambridge, whose Dealer Principal Simon Lane accepted the award, saying: “What started as an idea to pay tribute to the spectacular aviation skills of the Red Arrows, quickly became an opportunity to do some great work for charity. Nine very happy customers now own ‘Red 1’ to ‘Red 9’ and ‘Red 10’ has gone on to raise a significant sum for the RAF Benevolent Fund. The whole team at Aston Martin Cambridge is very proud of this project and delighted to accept this award.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Aston Martin optimistisch over verkopen

Gepubliceerd op 15 nov 2018 om 08:47 | Views: 674

LONDEN (AFN) - De Britse fabrikant van luxe auto's Aston Martin Lagonda is optimistisch gestemd over zijn verkopen in heel 2018. Het bedrijf, dat in oktober naar de beurs in Londen ging, denkt dat de verkoop aan de bovenkant van de verwachte bandbreedte van 6200 tot 6400 auto's zal uitkomen.

Aston Martin wijst op de goede vraag naar nieuwe modellen zoals de DB11 Volante en Vantage en groeiende verkopen in grote markten als China en de Verenigde Staten. Over de eerste negen maanden van dit jaar klom de verkoop met 22 procent tot 4075 sportwagens. In het derde kwartaal werden 1776 auto's verkocht, een verdubbeling in vergelijking met een jaar eerder.

De omzet in het afgelopen kwartaal sprong op jaarbasis met 81 procent omhoog tot ruim 282 miljoen pond (324 miljoen euro) en het aangepaste bedrijfsresultaat lag met ruim 54 miljoen pond 93 procent hoger dan een jaar eerder.
BMW Group sales increase in October

The BMW Group has sold more cars in October than ever before in the month, despite the current challenging economic and political situation. The company delivered 200,883 vehicles to customers around the world, an increase of 1.7% on the same month last year. That result brings the company’s year-to-date sales total to 2,035,695, up 1.3% compared with the first ten months of the previous year.

“In a highly volatile environment, we have achieved steady sales growth both in October and the year to date,” said Pieter Nota, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG responsible for Sales and Brand BMW. “Our clear focus remains on profitable growth during this unpredictable period, especially in Europe, where the market continues to experience significant pricing pressure following the introduction of the new WLTP testing procedure. Meanwhile sales of our electrified vehicles are up over 40% in the year to date. Around every fifth BMW 5 Series sedan or BMW 2 Series Active Tourer sold worldwide has a plug-in hybrid drivetrain, while our all-electric BMW i3 remains very successful with sales up over 10% in October,” Nota concluded.

October deliveries of BMW i, BMW iPerformance and MINI Electric vehicles totalled 13,016 units worldwide, an increase of 38.4% on the same month last year. Sales of BMW Group electrified vehicles in the year to date total 110,560 (+41.6%), yet again confirming the company’s position as a leading global provider of premium electrified mobility. Electrified vehicles play an increasingly significant role in overall BMW Group sales: in October, 18.4% of BMW 5 Series sedan sales and 23.1% of BMW 2 Series Active Tourer sales was the plug-in hybrid variant. The BMW i3, which has achieved increasing sales ever since it was launched in 2013, grew its sales by 10.8% (3,158) in October. The company is expecting to achieve its target of 140,000 electrified sales in 2018 and intends to achieve total electrified sales of over half a million by the end of 2019. In 2025, the BMW Group will have at least 25 electrified vehicles in its model line-up, 12 of which will be fully-electric vehicles. At the end of this month, the company will celebrate the public world premiere of its hotly anticipated iNEXT Vision Vehicle at the Los Angeles Auto Show.

Sales of BMW brand vehicles increased both in October and in the year-to-date, despite the ongoing volatility of the European market following the introduction of the new WLTP testing procedure at the beginning of September. Unlike many of its competitors, the BMW Group implemented the requirements of the WLTP regulations at an early stage, however the industry-wide shift to the new WLTP test cycle has resulted in significant supply distortions in Europe and unexpectedly intense competition, given that numerous competitor models without WLTP certification were registered before 1 September.

A total of 1,737,348 BMW brand vehicles were delivered to customers in the first ten months of the year, an increase of 1.8%. In October, sales grew 1.6% (171,131). The BMW X3 was a significant growth driver in October with sales up over 150% (20,573) thanks to significantly increased availability following start-of-production earlier this year in South Africa and China, in addition to the X3 vehicles built in Spartanburg USA. Other vehicles which have contributed to the BMW brand’s 1.8% growth in the year to date include the BMW 5 Series, which has been delivered to 316,579 customers around the world so far this year – an increase of 13.7%.
October saw sales at MINI increase by 2.1% (29,418) with the MINI Countryman the brand’s biggest growth driver in the month (8,536 / +13.8%). MINI sales in the year to date are slightly down on last year’s level (295,354 / -1.6%).

Source : Strategic Research Institute
VW, Daimler, BMW brace for US tariffs as truce nears end

Auto News reported that Volkswagen Group, Daimler and BMW are bracing themselves after the US circulated a draft report on tariffs and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said a looming trade war between Europe and the US may soon come to an end.

The report is part of the US Commerce Department's probe into whether to impose levies on automobiles, vans and light trucks as well as car parts. Commerce has until February to hand its findings to President Donald Trump, who previously threatened a 25 percent tariff on imported cars.

European automakers, despite exemptions for their output from US and Mexican factories, will be hardest hit, alongside imports from Japan and South Korea, RBC Capital Markets analysts said on Tuesday.

Suppliers will have even more difficulties from a similar levy on parts imports, according to the bank, citing an estimate from the American Automotive Policy Council pointing to a USD 2,000 increase in the cost of a US manufactured vehicle and a USD 2,400 rise when tariffs on steel and aluminum are added.

The European Union last year shipped 1.1 million cars to the US, led by VW Group brands Audi, and Porsche, and BMW. The planned US tariffs would hit autos and parts worth 58 billion euros (USD 65 billion), the Commission said in June, adding about 10,000 euros to the price of a European-built car.
PSA plans to cut production at Spain as sales down in Turkey, Argentina

Automotive News reported that PSA is seeking to eliminate a production shift at its factory in Vigo, Spain, to counter falling demand for its Peugeot 301 and Citroen C-Elysse models. A plant spokesman said that sales of the two sedans in their main markets of Turkey and Argentina have dropped considerably and no improvement is expected in 2019.

The production restructuring will affect up to 800 of the 6,000 workers at the plant, which also builds the C4 Picasso and Grand C4 Picasso cars, and light vans, according to Automotive News Europe's Guide to European Assembly plants.

The two shifts currently build 196 cars a day, but management want to reduce production up to 40 percent.

Source : Automotive News
BMW Group makes increasing use of 3D printing

Automotive World reported that at the BMW Group, the use of 3D-printed components is on the rise. Over the last decade alone, the company produced a million parts by this innovative method, and this year output from the BMW Group Additive Manufacturing Center is expected to reach over 200,000 components a 42 percent increase on last year’s total.

Dr Jens Ertel, Director of the BMW Group Additive Manufacturing Center said that “The use of components made by additive manufacturing in series production of vehicles is increasing particularly strongly at the moment. We are following the development and application of advanced these manufacturing methods very closely indeed, partly through longstanding cooperations with leading manufacturers in the field. At the same time, we are engaging in targeted technology scouting and evaluating innovative production systems.”

Recently the BMW Group fitted its one-millionth 3D-printed component in series production: a window guide rail for the BMW i8 Roadster. Thanks to the work of specialists at the Additive Manufacturing Center, the rail took just five days to develop and was integrated into series production in Leipzig shortly after. It is found in the door of the BMW i8 Roadster and allows the window to operate smoothly. The component is manufactured by HP Multi Jet Fusion Technology, a high-speed method enhanced by the BMW Group in conjunction with HP and now in use in the series production of vehicles for the very first time. It can produce up to 100 window guide rails in 24 hours.

Source : Automotive World
Škoda delivers 99,400 vehicles in October

ŠKODA AUTO delivered the millionth vehicle this year in mid-October earlier than ever before in the company’s history and had delivered 1,038,500 vehicles to customers by the end of October. Thus, the company has grown by 6.1% compared to the same period last year (2017: 978,500 vehicles). In October, the car manufacturer delivered 99,400 vehicles to customers, a decrease of 7.4% compared to the same month last year (October 2017: 107,400). The reason for the current sales trend is the ongoing conversion of all the brand’s series to the new WLTP test cycle in Europe. In addition, ŠKODA deliveries were influenced by the declining passenger car market in China.

ŠKODA continues to set records: Between January and October, the Czech car manufacturer grew worldwide compared to the same period last year. The carmaker’s deliveries in the first ten months of this year increased in Europe (+ 4.3%), China (+ 12.5%), Russia (+ 28.7%) and India (+ 2.4%).

Due to the ongoing conversion of all series to the new WLTP test cycle, which requires the type approval of all newly registered vehicles from 1 September 2018, some engine/transmission variants are temporarily unavailable, depending on the individual model specification. ŠKODA AUTO continues to work intensively on the homologation of all model variants. Despite the challenging situation, ŠKODA AUTO delivered the millionth vehicle of 2018 in mid-October, reaching the million mark earlier than ever before in the company’s history. The bestseller is still the ŠKODA Octavia, while the ŠKODA Karoq compact SUV remains a key growth driver around the world.

Mr Alain Favey, ŠKODA AUTO Board Member for Sales and Marketing said that “In the first ten months of 2018, the company delivered 1,038,500 vehicles to customers worldwide. We succeeded in winning over new customer groups to the ŠKODA brand. For 2018, we are optimistic about surpassing last year’s result.”

In Western Europe, ŠKODA delivered a total of 36,800 vehicles in October (October 2017: 38,300 vehicles, -3.7%). Deliveries in the strongest single market – Germany – fell by 8.7% year-on-year to 13,500 deliveries (October 2017: 14,700 vehicles). ŠKODA made gains in the United Kingdom, where deliveries increased by 9.0% to 5,100 vehicles (October 2017: 4,700 vehicles). Delivery figures also increased in France (2,700 vehicles, +4.0%), Italy (2,300 vehicles, +4.1%), Austria (2,100 vehicles, +4.3%) and Belgium (1,700 vehicles, + 8.1%).

In Central Europe, the car manufacturer delivered 18,000 vehicles in October, a decline of 1.2% compared to the same period last year (October 2017: 18,200 vehicles). In this region, the car manufacturer recorded the largest growth in Slovakia with 2,000 vehicles (October 2017: 1,800 vehicles, +11.8%) and Hungary (October 2017: 1,000 vehicles, +16.1%).

In Russia, ŠKODA delivered 7,600 vehicles to customers in October, an increase of 33.1% over the same period last year (October 2017: 5,700 vehicles).

In Eastern Europe excluding Russia, ŠKODA increased its deliveries to customers by 17.7% to 4,300 vehicles in October (October 2017: 3,700 vehicles). The car manufacturer also recorded double digit growth compared to October last year in Serbia (700 vehicles, +29.6%), Ukraine (600 vehicles, +21.4%) and Bosnia (200 vehicles, +16.9%).

Between January and October, ŠKODA delivered 276,300 vehicles to customers in the brand’s largest sales region, China, an increase of 12.5% compared to the same period last year. In October, ŠKODA deliveries were influenced by the declining passenger car market in China. 26,100 ŠKODA vehicles delivered indicate a decline of 21.0% last month (October 2017: 33,000 vehicles).

In India, the traditional Czech brand recorded a total of 1,700 deliveries in October, with sales increasing by 4.5% compared to last year (October 2017: 1,600 vehicles).

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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