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Virtual and augmented reality open new avenues in the BMW Group Production System

The BMW Group Production focuses increasingly on trendsetting, easy-to-use and effective virtual and augmented reality applications. VR images, or artificially created images, are ever more realistic and hard to distinguish from real pictures. In AR applications, illustrations complement real images. AR and VR images can be viewed in special headsets or on normal tablet computers. In production, these images are powerful tools in numerous use cases in training and qualification, planning of workstations at the assembly line, or quality control. In all applications, the technology keeps modestly in the background. No extensive IT expertise is required to use these applications efficiently.

Thanks to VR, planners in construction, plant engineering, logistics and assembly can now assess new production areas completely virtually together with production staff and test new processes in 3D. This type of planning is based on digitized factory data available in 3D. For several years now, the BMW Group has been digitally capturing its actual plant structures with special 3D scanners and high-resolution cameras to an accuracy of just a few millimeters. This provides a three-dimensional image, or scatter plot, of production areas and does away with the complex, digital reconstruction of structures and manual on-site recording. When planning future workstations or entire assembly halls, the BMW Group’s business units now combine existing data with a virtual library of shelves, mesh boxes, small load carriers and around 50 other particularly common operating resources.

At its Production Academy, the BMW Group trains managers, production planners, process leaders and quality specialists on the principles of lean production. As key communicators, training participants then pass on this knowledge on the shop floor. For about 18 months now, AR goggles have been used in training sessions for engine assembly units. Visualizations guide participants through all process steps and give specific information. Participants can work at their own pace, determining the speed of the training via voice control. Three people can go through the AR training at the same time, after receiving quick guidelines from a trainer who supervises their progress. Previously, a trainer had to work with one person at a time, while with the new system this number has increased to three. Surveys among participants and evaluations of their learning success have shown that there are no differences in quality compared to conventional training courses.

The engine assembly training can also be easily adapted to other screw joint processes thanks to an authoring tool developed by the BMW Group for designing training programs. Setting up a new training program with this software is quick and easy: To complement real images, the relevant points of interest are determined at a regular PC and then set with the aid of AR goggles, and that’s all. In the course of 2019, this software will be made available to all interested staff via the self-service portal.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tesla en Panasonic hebben besloten om een miljarden investering in een mega batterijen fabriek in Nevada niet door te laten gaan.

De vraag naar batterijen is door de lagere vraag naar Tesla auto's nu te laag.
BMW Group reports best ever sales in March up by 2.8%

March 2019 was the best-ever single sales month in the BMW Group’s history with a total of 263,319 premium BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce vehicles delivered to customers, an increase of 2.8% on the same month last year. Across the first quarter of the year, the company maintained sales at last year’s high level, with a total of 605,333 (+0.1%) vehicles sold. Sales of BMW brand vehicles increased 3.7% in March, with a total of 221,631 delivered to customers worldwide in the month. That result brings the sales total for the first quarter of the year to 519,307 / +0.4%. As availability of the new BMW 3 Series sedan ramps up, sales of the company’s best-ever selling car increased by 10.8% in March, with a total of 30,204 sold around the world. Growth was also driven by the BMW X family of vehicles, with customer demand increasing month by month – the X2, X3 and X4 are especially strong performers, with double-digit increases in deliveries.

The BMW Group’s broad range of electrified vehicles continues to prove extremely popular with customers. Demand for the BMW i3 keeps on growing, with sales in the first quarter up 16.2% (9,227). This makes it by far the most successful first quarter ever for the innovative electric car, which was launched in 2013. The company’s plug-in hybrids are also in high demand – more than a quarter of all BMW 2 Series Active Tourer delivered to customers are electrified, while close to 20% of all MINI Countryman sold have a plug-in hybrid drivetrain. Meanwhile in Norway, one of the world’s leading markets for electrified vehicles, pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles account for around three-quarters of total BMW and MINI sales. By the end of next year, the BMW Group will have introduced ten new or updated electrified models. By 2025, the company plans to have at least 25 electrified models on the market, 12 of which will be fully electric.

MINI brand sales were slightly lower in March than the same month last year, with 41,175 (-2.3%) delivered in the month. Year to date, 84,820 (-1.8%) MINI brand vehicles have been delivered to customers around the world. Next week’s Shanghai Auto Show will see the world premiere of the updated MINI Clubman, while preparations continue for the launch of the all new fully-electric MINI later this year.

Meanwhile at Rolls-Royce, after 2018 set a new record in the marque’s 115-year history, sales growth continued into the first quarter of 2019. A total of 1,206 Rolls-Royce motor cars were delivered to customers across the globe (+49.4%) with growth being seen in every region worldwide. This was driven by sustained demand for all model families, with Phantom remaining a major growth driver. Exceptional customer demand for Cullinan has resulted in a strong order book, filled well into the fourth quarter of this year.

BMW Motorrad has also achieved a strong start to the year with first quarter sales up 7.7% (38,606). In March, a total of 18,931 (+9.9%) premium BMW Motorrad motorcycles and maxi scooters were delivered to customers around the world.

Mr Pieter Nota, Member of the BMW AG Board of Management. Since 1 April 2019 he is responsible for Customer, Brands and Sales, a new role which encompasses the company’s three automotive brands, BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce said that “The year is progressing as we expected, given the ongoing model changeover of the BMW 3 Series sedan and headwinds in markets worldwide. March was our best-ever single month for sales. In several significant markets, including China and the USA, we successfully grew sales, beating the market trend. In the USA, BMW was the biggest-selling premium brand in the first quarter of the year. The seventh generation BMW 3 Series achieved a strong start in March and the global rollout will continue in the coming months. It’s just one of many exciting new models which I believe will support us as we focus on achieving sustainable, profitable growth in a highly competitive environment.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Winstval BMW door dreigende boete uit Brussel

Gepubliceerd op 7 mei 2019 om 08:25 | Views: 1.285

MÜNCHEN (AFN) - BMW heeft in het eerste kwartaal van het jaar fors minder winst gemaakt. Het resultaat werd vooral gedrukt door een voorziening van 1,4 miljard euro die de Duitse automaker alvast nam voor een mogelijke boete uit Brussel. Daarnaast kampte BMW bij het begin van dit jaar ook met prijsdruk, handelsspanningen en problemen met nieuwe Europese emissietesten.

Het autobedrijf uit München ligt onder een vergrootglas van de Europese Commissie omdat het tegen de regels in afspraken zou hebben gemaakt over uitstoottechnologie met branchegenoten Volkswagen en Daimler. De exacte hoogte van de geldstraf is nog niet bekend. BMW waarschuwde eerder wel voor een forse impact op de resultaten in het eerste kwartaal vanwege de voorziening, maar zegt ook de aantijgingen te zullen betwisten.

De brutowinst van de automaker zakte op jaarbasis met 78 procent tot 589 miljoen euro. De omzet op jaarbasis viel krap 1 procent lager uit met 22,5 miljard euro. Het aantal auto's en motoren dat het bedrijf in de meetperiode afleverde, is een fractie gestegen.


BMW verwacht met name in de tweede helft van dit jaar de prestaties te verbeteren. Op dat moment zijn tal van nieuwe modellen van de automaker beschikbaar. Verder maakt BMW werk van verdere kostenbesparingen.

De automaker had in maart dit jaar al aangekondigd dat het 12 miljard euro aan kosten wilde besparen. Die ingreep is volgens het bedrijf ook nodig in het licht van extra investeringen die nodig zijn op het gebied van elektrisch en autonoom rijden. Het onderzoek en ontwikkelingsbudget van BMW steeg op jaarbasis met 8,4 procent tot 1,4 miljard euro.

De oplopende spanningen tussen de VS en China betekent verder slecht nieuws voor onder meer BMW. Als Peking besluit om importtarieven op auto's uit de VS van 15 naar 40 procent te verhogen, kost dit de automaker mogelijk tot wel 600 miljoen euro per jaar. Samen met Daimler behoort BMW namelijk tot de grootste exporteurs van auto's van de VS naar China.
Porsche krijgt boete van dik half miljard euro

Gepubliceerd op 7 mei 2019 om 14:14 | Views: 377

STUTTGART (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Sportwagen- en luxe automerk Porsche heeft van justitie in Duitsland een boete gekregen van meer dan een half miljard euro in verband met het dieselschandaal bij moederconcern Volkswagen. Porsche moet in totaal 535 miljoen euro neertellen omdat er afwijkingen van de wettelijke vereisten zijn geconstateerd bij bepaalde automodellen.

Het merk heeft geen beroep ingesteld tegen de straf. Volkswagen had onlangs al een voorziening opgenomen omdat het rekening hield met een fikse straf.

Bij het Duitse autoconcern, waar ook merken als Audi en Skoda onder vallen, kwam in 2015 een groot dieselschandaal aan het licht. Volkswagen bleek uitstootwaarden van dieselmotoren te hebben gemanipuleerd bij emissietests. De Duitsers trokken al tientallen miljarden uit voor schikkingen, boetes en schadevergoedingen als gevolg van het schandaal. Ook bij branchegenoten lopen onderzoeken naar mogelijke fraude op dit vlak.
Ferrari geeft gas met winst en omzet

Gepubliceerd op 7 mei 2019 om 13:00 | Views: 702

MARANELLO (AFN) - De Italiaanse sportwagenfabrikant Ferrari heeft in het eerste kwartaal goede zaken gedaan, geholpen door hogere verkopen van de Portofino. Daardoor zaten winst en omzet in de lift, aldus cijfers van het beroemde beursgenoteerde sportwagenmerk.

De wereldwijde leveringen stegen met bijna 23 procent tot 2610 bolides in vergelijking met een jaar geleden. In alle regio's krikte Ferrari zijn verkoop op, met vooral sterke groei in China. Het bedrijf presenteerde in maart zijn nieuwe Ferrari F8 Tributo. In totaal worden dit jaar vijf nieuwe modellen onthuld.

De omzet klom met 13 procent tot 940 miljoen euro en de nettowinst steeg met 22 procent tot 180 miljoen euro. Ferrari handhaafde zijn prognoses voor heel 2019, waarbij onder meer wordt gerekend op een omzet van meer dan 3,5 miljard euro.
SKODA AUTO closes first quarter with record sales revenue

ŠKODA AUTO increased its sales revenue in the first quarter of the year by 8.2% to 4.92 billion euros. Operating profit remains high at 410 million euros, as does the operating return on sales of 8.3%. Investments in tangible assets increased by 74.3% compared to the same period of the previous year – ŠKODA AUTO is investing heavily and expanding its capacity in component manufacturing for electric vehicles.

The car manufacturer delivered 307,600 vehicles to customers in the first three months of the year, slightly below the previous year’s level (January to March 2018: 316,700 vehicles, -2.9%). The ŠKODA OCTAVIA remains the brand’s bestseller (January to March 2019: 92,500 vehicles), and the KAROQ continues to be an important growth driver: in the first quarter of the year, ŠKODA delivered 35,800 units of the compact SUV – more than twice as many as in the same period last year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
VW gaat de strijd aan met Tesla

Gepubliceerd op 8 mei 2019 om 14:04 | Views: 1.157

WOLFSBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Volkswagen gaat volle bak de strijd aan met de huidige marktleider op het gebied van elektrisch rijden Tesla. Potentiële kopers van de nieuwe, relatief goedkope ID.3 hatchback van Duitse makelij kunnen zich per direct bij Volkswagen melden. De aanbetaling voor de auto die op het punt staat om productie te worden genomen is 1000 euro.

Volkswagen heeft het volste vertrouwen in de eerste van een reeks nieuwe modellen. Het prijskaartje van de goedkoopste ID.3 van minder dan 30.000 euro is praktisch gelijk aan de prijs die voor een dieselvariant van de Volkswagen Golf, het bestverkopende model van de automaker, moet worden neergeteld. De eerste levering van de e-auto staat voor medio 2020 op de planning. De basisvariant van de ID.3 heeft een actieradius van 330 kilometer. Duurdere modellen komen verder.

Verkoopdirecteur Jürgen Stackmann spreekt al van een nieuw tijdperk. Het succes van de ID.3 zal volgens hem gelijkenis gaan vertonen met de eerdere uitrol van de Kever en de Golf. Daarbij staat er volgens hem nog een hoop te gebeuren. In de komende jaren moeten zeker twintig nieuwe e-modellen van de band gaan rollen.
Toyota, Panasonic form joint venture in housing for Japan
Posted on Wednesday, May 8th, 2019 By The Associated Press

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TOKYO (AP) — Japanese automaker Toyota and electronics maker Panasonic are forming a joint venture combining their housing businesses in Japan.

Toyota Motor Corp., which offers housing as well as vehicles in Japan, said the new company will offer homes showcasing technology such as connected cars and the internet of things.

Panasonic Corp. said its housing subsidiary will become part of the joint venture. The companies said Thursday the deal will be concluded by January 2020.

Both sides said communities will increasingly want connected cars, autonomous driving, car-sharing and ecological vehicles.

Earlier this year, Toyota and Panasonic announced a joint venture to research, manufacture and sell batteries for ecological autos, an increasingly lucrative sector amid concerns about global warming.

The companies have been studying working together on batteries since 2017.
Ford likely to invest USD 1 billion in Indian operation

ET reported that Ford Motor Co is likely to make an additional investment of as much as USD 1 billion in Indian operations over five to seven years as it restructures or exits key businesses around the world. Although the Indian passenger vehicle market crawled to its slowest growth in recent years in FY19, Ford is looking to make the country a centrepiece of its longterm global strategy, said people with knowledge of the plan.

At least USD 500 million will go toward two SUVs that will be developed by Ford’s India centre. An additional USD 400-500 million will likely be in Project Black, in partnership with Mahindra & Mahindra. The two companies had announced plans for a C-segment SUV last month. This reflects Ford’s twin-track approach — on its own and in partnership with M&M. The two SUVs, codenamed BX744 and BX745, are planned to be launched in 2021 and 2022, respectively. The 744 is an India-specific, sub-4-metre SUV, while the 745 is a global project aimed at China, Brazil and India, besides other emerging markets. It’s aimed at challenging the likes of Hyundai Creta and Renault Duster.

A Ford India spokesperson said, “The company does not comment on future product and investment road map.” This investment underscores Ford’s commitment to India following reports that it was reviewing its presence in the market.

Source : ET
Daimler and BMW put Hungary investments on hold - Handelsblatt

German luxury carmakers Daimler AG and BMW are putting their investments in Hungary on hold as the industry struggles with lower demand and the threat of higher auto tariffs by the United States, business daily Handelsblatt reports. Handelsblatt citing company sources as saying that Daimler's management board decided to delay the commissioning of a second plant at its Hungarian site Kecskemet by at least a year.

Sources are quoted by Handelsblatt as saying that BMW is still aiming for groundbreaking for its factory in Debrecen, but there are intense discussions on the start-up of the new site.

Source : Reuters
Automobili Lamborghini Conquers New Territory With Huracán Sterrato

Automobili Lamborghini is exploring new horizons with its unconventional concept, the Lamborghini Huracán Sterrato. Based on the super sports prowess of the V10 Huracán, the Sterrato draws on Lamborghini’s off-road expertise exemplified in the Urus Super SUV, creating a new dimension of Lamborghini ‘fun to drive off-road’: a transfer of technologies creating a super sports car for challenging environments. The Sterrato concept is based on the Huracán EVO with the same 5.2 liter naturally-aspirated engine producing 640 hp. The Huracán EVO’s LDVI (Lamborghini Dinamica Veicolo Integrata) with predictive logic, controls the Sterrato’s systems including four-wheel drive, four-wheel steering, modified suspension and torque vectoring, anticipating the next moves of the driver to ensure perfect driving dynamics. Calibrated for off-road driving including low-adherence surfaces, and tuned to maximize traction and acceleration, the LDVI system in the Sterrato provides enhanced rear-wheel drive behavior, producing more torque together with additional stabilization in oversteering maneuvers.

The Sterrato is created for demanding environments. Its appearance immediately illustrates the Sterrato’s imposing off-road abilities within the framework of a super sports car. Ground clearance is heightened by 47 mm, with the car’s front approach sharpened by 1% and the departure angle enhanced by 6.5%.

The wheel track is enhanced front and rear by 30 mm, with 20” wheels on balloon tires set into new wide-body wheel arches with integrated air intakes, giving the Sterrato a commanding presence that makes clear its abilities. Specially-developed larger tires with increased side walls improve the asperity absorption and grip. Wide, rugged, open shoulder blocks for self-cleaning qualities, provide excellent off-road surface adherence with improved traction and braking and are highly damage resistant.

The Sterrato is fitted with underbody reinforcements and body protection, including a rear skid plate that acts as a diffuser. Aluminum reinforcements are integrated within the front frame and covered with an aluminum skid plate, with aluminum-reinforced side skirts. Special protective composite bodywork includes stone-deflecting protection around the engine and air intakes and mud guards in hybrid materials of carbon fiber and elastomeric resin. An off-road LED light package is comprised of a roof-mounted LED light bar and LED bumper lights with flood function.

A specially designed interior trim reflects the sporty off-road character of the Sterrato, featuring a new lightweight titanium roll cage, four-point seatbelts to the new carbon bi-shell sports seats, and aluminum floor panels.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Volvo Cars Reports 12.4% Sales Growth In May

Volvo Cars posted strong sales in May, with volumes up 12.4 per cent compared with the same period last year. The company sold 60,196 cars during the month, as China, Europe and the US all reported a growth in sales compared with the same period last year.The double digit volume growth in May was led by the continued strong demand for Volvo’s award-winning SUV range led by the XC60, and followed by the XC40 and XC90. Volvo’s latest models, the V60 estate and the US-built S60 sedan, also contributed to the strong performance.

In the January to May period, Volvo sold a total of 278,051 cars up 9.6% compared with the same period last year.

China reported a strong sales growth of 17.4% in May compared with the same period last year. Total sales in the region reached 12,425 cars during the month. The growth came on the back of high demand for the locally assembled XC60 and S90 models.

European sales in May grew 16.9% to 29,681 cars, led by strong demand for the XC60, followed by the XC40 and the V60 estate.

US sales reached 9,761 cars in May, up 4.5% compared with the same period last year. XC90 was the best selling car in the region followed by the XC60.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
The New BMW 3 Series Touring

The latest generation of the sporty five-door model combines the core attributes of the BMW 3 Series range more convincingly than ever with generous levels of onboard space and an interior that can be used in a variety of ways. The classy and progressive character of the new BMW 3 Series Touring is underscored by the extensively refined premium ambience of its interior and the latest innovations in control/operation and connectivity.

32 years ago the BMW 3 Series Touring blazed a trail for a new breed of car. Now, in its sixth generation, it sets the benchmark for sporting ability and cutting-edge versatility in the premium midsize class. More than 1.7 million examples of the 3 Series Touring have since been built, with the new car’s immediate predecessor alone accounting for over 500,000 of these. The new BMW 3 Series Touring will be unveiled to the public for the first time on 25 – 27 June 2019 as part of the new BMW Group #NEXTGen event at BMW Welt in Munich. It will be produced at BMW Plant Munich for customers in Europe, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand. The market launch will get underway on 28 September 2019.

Distinctive proportions and a design language defined by crisp lines and strikingly contoured surfaces ensure the exterior of the new BMW 3 Series Touring cuts a dynamic figure exuding visual impact and muscularity. Its exterior dimensions have grown compared to its predecessor by 76 millimetres to 4,709 millimetres in length, by 16 mm to 1,827 mm in width and by 8 mm to 1,470 mm in height (incl. roof fin). A wheelbase extended by 41 mm to 2,851 mm and wide tracks contribute to the car’s poised and agile handling.

As on the new BMW 3 Series Sedan, the design of the front end – with its large BMW kidney grille, slim twin headlights and an elaborately jutting front apron – accentuates the car’s powerful stance. This familiar look is further emphasised by an eye-catching notch rising up into the headlight unit contour and air intakes in a horizontal T shape (on cars with standard specification and on Sport Line / Luxury Line models). Full-LED headlights are fitted as standard on the new BMW 3 Series Touring, while LED headlights with extended features, Adaptive LED headlights with BMW Laserlight for non-dazzling high beam with a range of around 530 metres and LED front foglamps are available as options.

The interplay of roofline and side window graphic brings a particularly dynamic flavour to the familiar BMW Touring silhouette. A powerfully formed and clearly defined shoulder area, a character line climbing from the front side panel to the rear end and the Hofmeister kink (the familiar counter-swing at the trailing edge of the side window graphic) exude sporting presence and forward-surging intent. And the car’s feeling of class is heightened by the standard roof rails and aluminium trim for the B and C-pillars, plus aluminium strips for the sealing around the side windows. The flanks trace a flowing path into the tail, where a pronounced spoiler lip, the LED rear light units (with darker upper sections) and twin exhaust tailpipes for all model variants add further dynamic emphasis.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
BMW Group Continues To Grow Sales And Market Share In May

May was a positive month for BMW Group sales, with worldwide deliveries increasing by 3.2% to achieve a total of 210,563 premium BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce vehicles sold. This brings the company’s total sales for the year-to-date to 1,012,093, an increase of 0.8% compared with the first five months of last year. This sales growth was achieved despite ongoing volatility in several markets around the world.

Mr Pieter Nota, member of the BMW AG Board of Management responsible for Customer, Brands and Sales said that “With this positive result, we are clearly seeing the impact of our model rollout. In May, we were once again able to grow sales above market, thereby gaining further market share. Especially pleasing is the development of our new X models, as their overall sales increased by over 30% in the month. Similarly, i3 sales continue to grow, bucking the usual cycle, and were up 40% in the month. This helped us reach an important milestone in May, as we delivered our 400,000th electrified vehicle since the i3 was launched in November 2013.”

Overall sales of BMW brand vehicles grew by 4.6% in May, with a total of 181,888 delivered to customers worldwide in the month. That result brings the brand’s sales total for the first five months of the year to 872,367 / +1.6%. The new or revised BMW X vehicles were the brand’s biggest growth drivers, with global sales of the BMW X2 up 33.1% in May, while sales of the BMW X3 rose by 88,4%. Deliveries of the BMW X4 jumped by 92.5% and the BMW X5 achieved a sales increase of 10.2%. In total, BMW X vehicles accounted for 45.3% of the brand’s overall sales in May with 82,425 delivered around the world, an increase of 30.3% on the same month last year.

In May, cumulated BMW Group electrified sales topped the 400,000 mark with a total of 406,756 fully-electric and plug-in hybrid models delivered to customers since the pioneering BMW i3 first went on sale in November 2013. Five and a half years after it was launched, demand for the iconic BMW i3 continues to grow with global sales in May up 40.0%. Overall sales of BMW Group electrified vehicles grew by 9.8% in May, as customers show increasing interest in low emissions mobility. Deliveries of the plug-in hybrid BMW 2 Series Active Tourer* quadrupled in May and sales of the electrified BMW 5 Series* increased by 40.4%. Sales of the plug-in hybrid MINI Cooper S E Countryman ALL4* in May were almost three times as high as the same month last year. By the end of next year, the BMW Group will have introduced ten new or updated electrified models and by the end of this year, the company expects to have a total of half a million electrified vehicles on the roads.

In an extremely competitive segment, and with the company maintaining its focus on profitability, MINI brand sales decreased compared with last year. Deliveries in the year to date totalled 137,698 (-4.0%) while sales in May decreased by 5.1% to 28,255. Availability of MINI models was lower than usual in May, due to the scheduled four-week break in production at Plant Oxford taking place this year in April, rather than during the summer. Preparations continue for the launch of the all-new fully-electric MINI later this year, a model which will be built at the UK plant.

BMW Motorrad sales continue to grow strongly, with year-to-date deliveries up 7.1% (74,958). In May, a total of 17,944 (+5.2%) premium BMW Motorrad motorcycles and maxi scooters were delivered to customers around the world.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
BMW presenteert zelfrijdende sportauto van de toekomst: de Vision M Next

BMW heeft de zelfrijdende sportauto van de toekomst gepresenteerd. De BMW Vision Next is een studiemodel dat benadrukt dat de automobilist niets aan rijplezier hoeft in te leveren zodra de autonome auto een feit is.

Niek Schenk 25-06-19, 10:30

Geholpen door slimme technologie zal de mens nog steeds ook zélf sportief kunnen rijden, maar geholpen door die technologie kan hij geen fouten meer maken. Dreigt het mis te gaan, dan grijpt de computer alsnog in. Het studiemodel biedt de mens de keuze: zelf rijden of alles over laten aan de computer.

Lees ook
Tesla: ‘Volledig zelfrijdende auto is volgend jaar al een feit’

BMW lijkt met de Vision M Next nog niet definitief afscheid te willen nemen van de benzinemotor. De conceptauto is een plug-in hybride met een viercilinder benzinemotor én twee elektromotoren: een op elke as. Hierdoor kan de sportauto met uitsluitend achterwielaandrijving of met vierwielaandrijving rijden. Dankzij het motorvermogen van 600 pk sprint de BMW in slechts 3 seconden vanuit stilstand naar 100 km/u. Op batterijen komt hij 100 kilometer ver: volgens BMW is dat genoeg om stadscentra te bereiken waar auto's met verbrandingsmotoren verboden zijn.

Zoals de Vision M Next nu gepresenteerd is, zullen we hem nooit op de weg zien. Maar ideeën uit dit studiemodel zullen ongetwijfeld de komende jaren terugkeren in de nieuwe generatie BMW’s. ,,De BMW Vision M Next geeft een kijkje in de toekomst van sportief autorijden‘’, zegt Adriaan van Hooydonk, de Nederlander die het design bij BMW leidt. ,,Deze auto laat zien hoe moderne technologie je eigen beleving van het autorijden puurder en emotioneler kan maken. Alle aandacht is gericht op de mensen in de auto. Je kan zelf kiezen: in de rijmodus Ease laat je de besturing aan de auto over en in de Boost-stand kan je zelf aan het werk. Het ontwerp en de technologie in deze auto bezorgen je een meer natuurlijke en intensievere rij-ervaring.‘’

Voor afbeeldingen, zie link

Topman BMW vertrekt

66,77 -0,34 -0,51 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
66,81 -0,53 -0,79 % Gruppo Borsa Italiana

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) BMW moet op zoek naar een andere chief executive officer. Dit werd vrijdag bekendgemaakt door de Duitse autofabrikant.

De huidige topman Harald Krüger ambieert geen tweede termijn, waardoor BMW op zoek moet naar een nieuwe bestuurder op het moment dat de winsten teruglopen en de concurrentie fors toeneemt in de snelgroeiende markt voor elektrische voertuigen.

De raad van commissarissen van BMW zal tijdens zijn aanstaande vergadering op 18 juli praten over een mogelijke opvolger. Krüger blijft als CEO aan tot daarover een beslissing is genomen.

Het aandeel BMW daalde vrijdag 0,4 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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Mr Harald Kruger Will Not Seek a Second Term as Chairman of the BMW AG

The Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Mr Harald Krüger, gave notice that he will not seek a second term of office. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Dr Norbert Reithofer, has complete respect and understanding for his decision. The Supervisory Board will address the matter of a successor during its next meeting on 18 July 2019. Until a decision has been made, Mr Harald Krüger will hold his position as Chairman of the Board of Management.

Mr Harald Krüger assumed the position of Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG from Dr Norbert Reithofer on 13 May 2015. Under his leadership, the company put forward Strategy NUMBER ONE > NEXT, which enabled the BMW Group to actively shape the transformation of the industry and the transition towards sustainable mobility of the future. With the largest model roll-out in the company’s history, vehicle deliveries reached new all-time highs, while at the same time the company systematically expanded its electromobility strategy. By 2023, the BMW Group will have 25 electrified models on the roads.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Artificial intelligence in BMW Group Production

Artificial intelligence is on the rise in automotive production. Since 2018, the BMW Group has been using various AI applications in series production. One focus is automated image recognition: In these processes, artificial intelligence evaluates component images in ongoing production and compares them in milliseconds to hundreds of other images of the same sequence. This way, the AI application determines deviations from the standard in real time and checks, for instance, whether all required parts have been mounted and whether they are mounted in the right place.

The innovative technology is fast, reliable and, most importantly, easy to use. Christian Patron, Head of Innovation, Digitalization and Data Analytics at BMW Group Production: “Artificial intelligence offers great potential. It helps us maintain our high quality standards and at the same time relieves our people of repetitive tasks.”

At the BMW Group, flexible, cost-effective, AI-based applications are gradually replacing permanently installed camera portals. The implementation is rather simple. A mobile standard camera is all that is needed to take the relevant pictures in production. The AI solution can be set up quickly too: Employees take pictures of the component from different angles and mark potential deviations on the images. This way, they create an image database in order to build a so-called neural network, which can later evaluate the images without human intervention. Employees do not have to write code; the algorithm does that virtually on its own. At the training stage, which may mean overnight, a high-performance server calculates the neural network from around 100 images, and the network immediately starts optimizing. After a test run and possibly some adjustments, the reliability reaches 100%. The learning process is completed and the neural network can now determine on its own whether or not a component meets the specifications.

Even moving objects are reliably identified largely independent of factors such as lighting in the production area or the exact camera position. This opens up a wide range of potential applications along the entire automotive process chain, including logistics. In many cases, the AI technology relieves employees of repetitive, monotonous tasks such as checking whether the warning triangle is in the right place in the trunk or whether the windscreen wiper cap has been put on.

In the final inspection area at the BMW Group’s Dingolfing plant, an AI application compares the vehicle order data with a live image of the model designation of the newly produced car. Model designations and other identification plates such as “xDrive” for four-wheel drive vehicles as well as all generally approved combinations are stored in the image database. If the live image and order data don’t correspond, for example if a designation is missing, the final inspection team receives a notification.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nieuwe topman BMW komt uit eigen gelederen

Gepubliceerd op 18 jul 2019 om 21:44 | Views: 39

MÜNCHEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Autoconcern BMW heeft een nieuwe topman gevonden. Oliver Zipse, de huidige chef productie, volgt volgende maand Harald Krüger op die onlangs zijn vertrek aankondigde. In mei doken al geruchten op over interne twijfels bij het Duitse bedrijf of Krüger wel de juiste man op de juiste plaats was.

De 53-jarige Krüger staat sinds 2015 aan het roer bij het bedrijf. Hij was bij zijn aantreden in dat jaar de jongste topman van een van de grote automakers. Onder zijn leiding verloor BMW steeds meer terrein op het vlak van luxe auto's aan concurrent Mercedes-Benz van autobouwer Daimler. De moeilijkere marktomstandigheden hebben ook de winsten onder druk gezet.

Opvolger Zipse is 55 jaar en werkt net als Krüger al bijna drie decennia voor BMW. Van hem is bekend dat hij een voorstander is van een productiesysteem dat elektrische en conventionele auto's in dezelfde productielijn kan maken, om de flexibiliteit te vergroten bij onzekere vraag. In tegenstelling tot de meeste topmanagers bij BMW heeft hij ook in het buitenland gestudeerd. In de jaren tachtig volgde hij colleges computerwetenschappen en wiskunde aan de Universiteit van Utah.
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