So last week in London, and as editor of ESI, one of my main goals was just to keep my eyes and ears open to what was coming from Gary Economo, CEO of Focus Metals. That alone was worth the trip, yet there was even more to learn about graphite, let alone from the other companies and people I visited.
At this stage, I'm enthusiastic about Focus Metals. It's not only an outstanding resource investment, due to the ore body and the management ability to build a mine. With Focus, the high-tech angle is astronomical. At the current share price, Focus is certainly a buy for ESI.
As you can tell, there's much going on in this carbon space. I've barely scratched the surface! And the rest of the London conference was eye-opening as well. I'll report on this more next week, as well as offer you more ideas which ought to brighten your outlook for 2012.