Allemaal leuk en aardig, maar wat moeten we dan met deze kwalificaties van Gartner i.r.t. TIE ?
Niche Players
Niche Players may be executing well in a narrow market, in a particular industry, or with a particular service or feature that is good at solving a particular aspect of IB project requirements (e.g., a strong value-added network), but may not be as competitive in the greater IB market overall. Niche Players may have trouble expressing their vision to the greater market, or be less likely to acquire a critical mass or unilaterally drive significant change in this market. They will appeal to users when there is a strong match between the vendors' offering and the particular IB project requirements (e.g., geographical fit, a strong industry affiliation or particular capabilities that match unique project requirements).
.... en wat te zeggen van de beschrijving over TIE in het Gartner magic quadrant report ?
TIE Kinetix
TIE Kinetix offers technology and cloud-managed integration services to connect and integrate major processes around marketing, content management, sales, logistics and finance. Headquartered in the Netherlands and the U.S., and New York Stock Exchange-traded, TIE Kinetix has been offering IB solutions for several years. Its technology was designed to be horizontal, and is actively marketed in the telecom, publishing, do-it-yourself, food retail and automotive industries. The vendor is a small provider, so its marketing is not very visible and its IB brand is not well-known across the targeted industries; however, its integration competency and the width of its offering present TIE Kinetix with immediate upselling opportunities, and make its business model stronger. Continued execution, growth and expansion of its client base, and keeping its offering wide, but not losing focus on areas of strong growth (like combining its offering in IB services and B2B APIs) will expand the vendor's success in its markets in the short and medium terms.
• TIE Kinetix has a wide offering, spanning IB, content management and B2C e-commerce website design and operation.
• The vendor has an effective vision of how the Nexus of Forces will impact the IB market.
• It has the potential to take advantage of cloud, B2B APIs and the API economy.
• TIE Kinetix has a broad portfolio of verticals and multienterprise processes for a small company.
• The vendor has limited innovation power and geographical reach.
• It is a relative newcomer to the IB market, with limited IB brand awareness.
• The vendor's project implementation and management practices need to mature.
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Tieto is the largest IT services provider in the Nordic countries, providing generalized IT services for both the private and public sectors. Tieto's IB product units (Value Networks, Integration Office Services and Integration Platform Services) were established several years ago, and it has grown to become the largest IB provider in Europe. Tieto focuses on large-scale projects, both A2A and B2B, and has a nascent iPaaS offering. The vendor is strong in retail and logistics, but also in government and financial services. Tieto executes strongly in the Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark), and has been trying to penetrate other national markets in Western Europe for some time, with mixed success; its focus is now on Eastern Europe and Russia. Execution outside the Nordics, where the vendor already has a powerful position in a saturated market, and more aggressive marketing overall will be key to the future growth of its IB unit; a solid e-invoicing offering will be a powerful tool Tieto will be able to use for this purpose.
• Tieto is a powerful, mature player in IB, and is well-established in the Nordics.
• It is prominent in multiple industries, particularly retail and logistics.
• The vendor has comprehensive and solid client-care practices.
• Tieto is a recognized brand in the Nordics.
• The vendor has limited adoption outside the Nordics, which is constraining its growth and vision.
• Tieto is challenged by the powerful forces that are globally transforming the IT services industry.
• It has limited, nonvisionary IB marketing.
The magic of TIE's toekomst , wordt bepaald door de mate waarin TIE mgt in staat is de zwaktes om te vormen in kansen.
Echter, waar haalt TIE middelen vandaan om de groeiversnelling vanuit sales & marketing te voeden en de slimme technologie in de groeimarkt IB te pompen ?
De afgelopen 7 jaar is het niet gelukt. De vraag resteert daarmee, wat TIE van haar verleden heeft geleerd. Hopelijk gierend veel !
Zonder een beleidsmatige koerswijziging gecombineerd met een hoog ambitie niveau , sterke publicitaire financiele zichtbaarheid en bekendheid vanuit commercieel visionair handelen zal het niet gaan.
Wachten op de herkenbare signalen die de noodzakelijke doortastende visionaire handelswijze omzet in daadkrachtig groei aanjagen bij een boost aan gerichte publiciteit ?
Het is TIE'd om daadkrachtig visie naar de betreffende peers uit te dragen en te bevestigen met klinkende omzetgroei en bijpassende winst\cash-flow ontwikkelingen.
Het jaar 2014 wordt een zwaar investeringsjaar bij TIE . Dat las ik persoonlijk tussen de AvA regels door uit de signalen die ik opving.
Zwaar winstgevend zal TIE in 2014 wederom niet worden. Alle verdiende munten (en meer) zal in de tent geinvesteerd worden. Het financiele credo luidde op de AvA "vermogensgroei" bij snelle omzetgroei.
Ik gok op een LE van Euro 24,4 - 25,2 Mln omzet dit boekjaar (eind sept\incl. TFT).
Dat is mooi !
Echter, hoe moet je dat waarderen in een koersdoel in deze "industry full of virtual magicians working in TIE's misterious clouds" ?
Iemand een idee ?