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koers Galapagos 2013

4.219 Posts, Pagina: « 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ... 207 208 209 210 211 » | Laatste
de tuinman

JanK1 schreef op 25 februari 2013 16:19:


Met LT kijk ik maar een jaartje verder en als ik jonger was natuurlijk langer. Ik kijk toch regelmatig en het voordeel is dat je er korter op zit. Ik zit nu nog in 5 fondsen maar zet bij allemaal een voor mij verantwoorde stoploss om echte negatieveverrassingen te voorkomen

Naast Gala zit ik nu in TT , Fugro , KPN en Unit4

Ik heb nog mazzel dat mijn pensioen met 0,5% is gekort (ABP)
Op welk bedrag staat je stop-loss bij Galapagos?
de tuinman

JanK1 schreef op 25 februari 2013 16:19:


Met LT kijk ik maar een jaartje verder en als ik jonger was natuurlijk langer. Ik kijk toch regelmatig en het voordeel is dat je er korter op zit. Ik zit nu nog in 5 fondsen maar zet bij allemaal een voor mij verantwoorde stoploss om echte negatieveverrassingen te voorkomen

Naast Gala zit ik nu in TT , Fugro , KPN en Unit4

Ik heb nog mazzel dat mijn pensioen met 0,5% is gekort (ABP)
Ik wordt wel een beetje hopeloos van kpn. Aan de ene kant lijkt het een buitenkans, aan de andere kant verwacht ik dat amx die tent zo goedkoop mogelijk wil inlijven. Des te lager de emissie des te lag carlos uiteindelijk er in zit gemiddeld en makkelijker een laag bod kan plaatsen. Daarnaast is het verdienmodel van kpn ook niet meer zo makkelijk. Ik wil een beetje traden en met een vast deel er in blijven om met de emissie mee te doen. Traden lukt niet echt als we maar blijven dalen. Na de emissie zullen we wel weer stijgen. Wat is jouw tactiek bij kpn JanK? Ik weet het het is en gala forum, dus ik sluit af met de woorden: wat ongelooflijk fijn dat het bij gala zo ongecompliceerd is. Gewoon blijven zitten en cashen op termijn.

de tuinman schreef op 25 februari 2013 17:52:


Op welk bedrag staat je stop-loss bij Galapagos?

Ruimschoots veilig neem ik aan op € 16,50
We zullen het zien. We hebben nu een wat grotere stijgingsweerstand, omdat er 2 keer een slot op 19,65 was. Ik denk wel dat de boden hoger ligt tenzij de markt weer echt in paniek raakt.
De huidige bezuinigen lijken wel crisisbeleid in US. Hierdoor kan bijv. Canada ook in een recessie raken door oponthoud bij de grens van export transport. Ook zou je zomaar je vliegtuig kunnen missen.
Blijft de lage volumes en de relatief sterke volumes 20 en 21 feb. Technische grafische conclusie blijft denk ik hetzelfde. weerstand up rond 19,65 a 70. Eerste steun rond 17,50, dan of trendkanaal (Circa 17,25 a 17,3) of 15,8. Even afwachten. Een valse uitbraak onder 17,3 niet onwaarschijnlijk om stoplosses op te pikken, zie verleden.
Voorlopig houdt de koers zich op deze bloedrode dag nog prima met nu € 19,15 op het scherm
Koers houdt goed stand : een goed teken. Binnen een dag of 10 gaan we door de 20 euro!

Nieuwe fase 1 met 0634, deze keer in combinatie met Midazolam (voornamelijk gebruikt als slaapmiddel en kalmeermiddel)

A Phase I, Open Interaction Study Between GLPG0634 and Midazolam in Healthy Subjects
This study is currently recruiting participants.
Verified February 2013 by Galapagos NV
Galapagos NV
Information provided by (Responsible Party):
Galapagos NV Identifier:
First received: February 24, 2013
Last updated: February 25, 2013
Last verified: February 2013
History of Changes
Full Text View Tabular ViewNo Study Results PostedDisclaimerHow to Read a Study Record
This will be a drug-drug interaction study to evaluate the effect of multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 on the single dose pharmacokinetic profile of midazolam administered in fasted normal healthy males. Each subject will receive a single oral dose of midazolam (2 mg) on 2 occasions: on Day 1, before dosing with GLPG0634 and on Day 8, after multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 (daily for 7 days).

Also, the safety and tolerability of multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 co-administered with midazolam in healthy male subjects will be evaluated.

Condition Intervention Phase
Drug: GLPG0634
Drug: Midazolam
Phase 1

Study Type: Interventional
Study Design: Endpoint Classification: Pharmacokinetics Study
Intervention Model: Single Group Assignment
Masking: Open Label
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Official Title: A Phase I, Open Interaction Study Between Oral Doses of GLPG0634 (200 mg QD) and Single Oral Doses of Midazolam (2 mg) in Healthy Subjects

Resource links provided by NLM:

MedlinePlus related topics: Drug Reactions
Drug Information available for: Midazolam hydrochloride
U.S. FDA Resources

Further study details as provided by Galapagos NV:

Primary Outcome Measures:
The amount of (1'-OH) Midazolam in plasma over time before and after multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 [ Time Frame: Between predose and up to 24h postdose on Day 1 and Day 8 ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
To characterize the amount of (1'-OH) Midazolam in plasma over time before and after multiple doses of GLPG0634 - pharmacokinetics (PK) - in healthy subjects

Secondary Outcome Measures:
The amount of GLPG0634 and metabolite in plasma over time after multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 (and co-administration of Midazolam on Day 8) [ Time Frame: Between predose (Day 2) and up to 96h after the last dose on Day 8 (on Day 12) ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
To characterize the amount of GLPG0634 and metabolite in plasma over time after multiple doses of GLPG0634 (and co-administration of Midazolam on Day 8) - pharmacokinetics (PK) - in healthy subjects

Number of adverse events [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of the number of adverse events reported

Changes in vital signs as measured by pulse, supine blood pressure, oral temperature (and respiratory rate only 1 hour post Midazolam dosing) [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in vital signs as measured by pulse, supine blood pressure, oral temperature (and respiratory rate) reported

Changes in 12-lead ECG measures [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in 12-ECG measures reported

Changes in physical exam measures [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in physical examination reported

Changes in blood safety lab parameters [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in blood safety lab parameters reported

Changes in urine safety lab parameters [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in urine safety lab parameters reported

Estimated Enrollment: 20
Study Start Date: February 2013
Estimated Study Completion Date: March 2013
Estimated Primary Completion Date: March 2013 (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)
Arms Assigned Interventions
Experimental: Midazolam and GLPG0634
Each subject will receive a single oral dose of midazolam (2 mg) on 2 occasions (Days 1 and 8) and multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 (200 mg daily for 7 days) from Days 2 to 8.
Drug: GLPG0634
Each subject will receive multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 (200 mg daily for 7 days) from Days 2 to 8.
Drug: Midazolam
Each subject will receive a single oral dose of midazolam (2 mg) on 2 occasions (Days 1 and 8)


Ages Eligible for Study: 40 Years to 60 Years
Genders Eligible for Study: Male
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: Yes
Inclusion Criteria:

male, between 40 and 60 years of age, inclusive
within BMI range 18 to 30 kg/m2, inclusive
Exclusion Criteria:

Any condition that might interfere with the procedures or tests in this study
Drug or alcohol abuse
Contacts and Locations
Please refer to this study by its identifier: NCT01798979

United States, Wisconsin
Covance Clinical Research Unit Recruiting
Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 53704
Contact: Nicholas Siebers, MD
Principal Investigator: Nicholas Siebers, MD
Sponsors and Collaborators
Galapagos NV
Study Director: Frédéric Vanhoutte, MD Galapagos NV
More Information

No publications provided

Responsible Party: Galapagos NV Identifier: NCT01798979 History of Changes
Other Study ID Numbers: GLPG0634-CL-103
Study First Received: February 24, 2013
Last Updated: February 25, 2013
Health Authority: United States: Food and Drug Administration

Additional relevant MeSH terms:
Adjuvants, Anesthesia
Central Nervous System Agents
Therapeutic Uses
Pharmacologic Actions
Anti-Anxiety Agents
Tranquilizing Agents
Central Nervous System Depressants
Physiological Effects of Drugs
Psychotropic Drugs
Hypnotics and Sedatives
Anesthetics, Intravenous
Anesthetics, General
GABA Modulators
GABA Agents
Neurotransmitter Agents
Molecular Mechanisms of Pharmacological Action processed this record on February 25, 2013


aston.martin schreef op 26 februari 2013 20:34:

Nieuwe fase 1 met 0634, deze keer in combinatie met Midazolam (voornamelijk gebruikt als slaapmiddel en kalmeermiddel)

A Phase I, Open Interaction Study Between GLPG0634 and Midazolam in Healthy Subjects
This study is currently recruiting participants.
Verified February 2013 by Galapagos NV
Galapagos NV
Information provided by (Responsible Party):
Galapagos NV Identifier:
First received: February 24, 2013
Last updated: February 25, 2013
Last verified: February 2013
History of Changes
Full Text View Tabular ViewNo Study Results PostedDisclaimerHow to Read a Study Record
This will be a drug-drug interaction study to evaluate the effect of multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 on the single dose pharmacokinetic profile of midazolam administered in fasted normal healthy males. Each subject will receive a single oral dose of midazolam (2 mg) on 2 occasions: on Day 1, before dosing with GLPG0634 and on Day 8, after multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 (daily for 7 days).

Also, the safety and tolerability of multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 co-administered with midazolam in healthy male subjects will be evaluated.

Condition Intervention Phase
Drug: GLPG0634
Drug: Midazolam
Phase 1

Study Type: Interventional
Study Design: Endpoint Classification: Pharmacokinetics Study
Intervention Model: Single Group Assignment
Masking: Open Label
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Official Title: A Phase I, Open Interaction Study Between Oral Doses of GLPG0634 (200 mg QD) and Single Oral Doses of Midazolam (2 mg) in Healthy Subjects

Resource links provided by NLM:

MedlinePlus related topics: Drug Reactions
Drug Information available for: Midazolam hydrochloride
U.S. FDA Resources

Further study details as provided by Galapagos NV:

Primary Outcome Measures:
The amount of (1'-OH) Midazolam in plasma over time before and after multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 [ Time Frame: Between predose and up to 24h postdose on Day 1 and Day 8 ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
To characterize the amount of (1'-OH) Midazolam in plasma over time before and after multiple doses of GLPG0634 - pharmacokinetics (PK) - in healthy subjects

Secondary Outcome Measures:
The amount of GLPG0634 and metabolite in plasma over time after multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 (and co-administration of Midazolam on Day 8) [ Time Frame: Between predose (Day 2) and up to 96h after the last dose on Day 8 (on Day 12) ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
To characterize the amount of GLPG0634 and metabolite in plasma over time after multiple doses of GLPG0634 (and co-administration of Midazolam on Day 8) - pharmacokinetics (PK) - in healthy subjects

Number of adverse events [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of the number of adverse events reported

Changes in vital signs as measured by pulse, supine blood pressure, oral temperature (and respiratory rate only 1 hour post Midazolam dosing) [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in vital signs as measured by pulse, supine blood pressure, oral temperature (and respiratory rate) reported

Changes in 12-lead ECG measures [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in 12-ECG measures reported

Changes in physical exam measures [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in physical examination reported

Changes in blood safety lab parameters [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in blood safety lab parameters reported

Changes in urine safety lab parameters [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in urine safety lab parameters reported

Estimated Enrollment: 20
Study Start Date: February 2013
Estimated Study Completion Date: March 2013
Estimated Primary Completion Date: March 2013 (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)
Arms Assigned Interventions
Experimental: Midazolam and GLPG0634
Each subject will receive a single oral dose of midazolam (2 mg) on 2 occasions (Days 1 and 8) and multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 (200 mg daily for 7 days) from Days 2 to 8.
Drug: GLPG0634
Each subject will receive multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 (200 mg daily for 7 days) from Days 2 to 8.
Drug: Midazolam
Each subject will receive a single oral dose of midazolam (2 mg) on 2 occasions (Days 1 and 8)


Ages Eligible for Study: 40 Years to 60 Years
Genders Eligible for Study: Male
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: Yes
Inclusion Criteria:

male, between 40 and 60 years of age, inclusive
within BMI range 18 to 30 kg/m2, inclusive
Exclusion Criteria:

Any condition that might interfere with the procedures or tests in this study
Drug or alcohol abuse
Contacts and Locations
Please refer to this study by its identifier: NCT01798979

United States, Wisconsin
Covance Clinical Research Unit Recruiting
Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 53704
Contact: Nicholas Siebers, MD
Principal Investigator: Nicholas Siebers, MD
Sponsors and Collaborators
Galapagos NV
Study Director: Frédéric Vanhoutte, MD Galapagos NV
More Information

No publications provided

Responsible Party: Galapagos NV Identifier: NCT01798979 History of Changes
Other Study ID Numbers: GLPG0634-CL-103
Study First Received: February 24, 2013
Last Updated: February 25, 2013
Health Authority: United States: Food and Drug Administration

Additional relevant MeSH terms:
Adjuvants, Anesthesia
Central Nervous System Agents
Therapeutic Uses
Pharmacologic Actions
Anti-Anxiety Agents
Tranquilizing Agents
Central Nervous System Depressants
Physiological Effects of Drugs
Psychotropic Drugs
Hypnotics and Sedatives
Anesthetics, Intravenous
Anesthetics, General
GABA Modulators
GABA Agents
Neurotransmitter Agents
Molecular Mechanisms of Pharmacological Action processed this record on February 25, 2013



aston.martin schreef op 26 februari 2013 20:34:

Nieuwe fase 1 met 0634, deze keer in combinatie met Midazolam (voornamelijk gebruikt als slaapmiddel en kalmeermiddel)

A Phase I, Open Interaction Study Between GLPG0634 and Midazolam in Healthy Subjects
This study is currently recruiting participants.
Verified February 2013 by Galapagos NV
Galapagos NV
Information provided by (Responsible Party):
Galapagos NV Identifier:
First received: February 24, 2013
Last updated: February 25, 2013
Last verified: February 2013
History of Changes
Full Text View Tabular ViewNo Study Results PostedDisclaimerHow to Read a Study Record
This will be a drug-drug interaction study to evaluate the effect of multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 on the single dose pharmacokinetic profile of midazolam administered in fasted normal healthy males. Each subject will receive a single oral dose of midazolam (2 mg) on 2 occasions: on Day 1, before dosing with GLPG0634 and on Day 8, after multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 (daily for 7 days).

Also, the safety and tolerability of multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 co-administered with midazolam in healthy male subjects will be evaluated.

Condition Intervention Phase
Drug: GLPG0634
Drug: Midazolam
Phase 1

Study Type: Interventional
Study Design: Endpoint Classification: Pharmacokinetics Study
Intervention Model: Single Group Assignment
Masking: Open Label
Primary Purpose: Treatment
Official Title: A Phase I, Open Interaction Study Between Oral Doses of GLPG0634 (200 mg QD) and Single Oral Doses of Midazolam (2 mg) in Healthy Subjects

Resource links provided by NLM:

MedlinePlus related topics: Drug Reactions
Drug Information available for: Midazolam hydrochloride
U.S. FDA Resources

Further study details as provided by Galapagos NV:

Primary Outcome Measures:
The amount of (1'-OH) Midazolam in plasma over time before and after multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 [ Time Frame: Between predose and up to 24h postdose on Day 1 and Day 8 ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
To characterize the amount of (1'-OH) Midazolam in plasma over time before and after multiple doses of GLPG0634 - pharmacokinetics (PK) - in healthy subjects

Secondary Outcome Measures:
The amount of GLPG0634 and metabolite in plasma over time after multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 (and co-administration of Midazolam on Day 8) [ Time Frame: Between predose (Day 2) and up to 96h after the last dose on Day 8 (on Day 12) ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
To characterize the amount of GLPG0634 and metabolite in plasma over time after multiple doses of GLPG0634 (and co-administration of Midazolam on Day 8) - pharmacokinetics (PK) - in healthy subjects

Number of adverse events [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of the number of adverse events reported

Changes in vital signs as measured by pulse, supine blood pressure, oral temperature (and respiratory rate only 1 hour post Midazolam dosing) [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in vital signs as measured by pulse, supine blood pressure, oral temperature (and respiratory rate) reported

Changes in 12-lead ECG measures [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in 12-ECG measures reported

Changes in physical exam measures [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in physical examination reported

Changes in blood safety lab parameters [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in blood safety lab parameters reported

Changes in urine safety lab parameters [ Time Frame: Between screening and 7-10 days after the last dose of GLPG0634 (Day 15-18) ] [ Designated as safety issue: Yes ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of GLPG0634 after multiple oral doses in healthy subjects with or without coadministration of Midazolam in terms of changes in urine safety lab parameters reported

Estimated Enrollment: 20
Study Start Date: February 2013
Estimated Study Completion Date: March 2013
Estimated Primary Completion Date: March 2013 (Final data collection date for primary outcome measure)
Arms Assigned Interventions
Experimental: Midazolam and GLPG0634
Each subject will receive a single oral dose of midazolam (2 mg) on 2 occasions (Days 1 and 8) and multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 (200 mg daily for 7 days) from Days 2 to 8.
Drug: GLPG0634
Each subject will receive multiple oral doses of GLPG0634 (200 mg daily for 7 days) from Days 2 to 8.
Drug: Midazolam
Each subject will receive a single oral dose of midazolam (2 mg) on 2 occasions (Days 1 and 8)


Ages Eligible for Study: 40 Years to 60 Years
Genders Eligible for Study: Male
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: Yes
Inclusion Criteria:

male, between 40 and 60 years of age, inclusive
within BMI range 18 to 30 kg/m2, inclusive
Exclusion Criteria:

Any condition that might interfere with the procedures or tests in this study
Drug or alcohol abuse
Contacts and Locations
Please refer to this study by its identifier: NCT01798979

United States, Wisconsin
Covance Clinical Research Unit Recruiting
Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 53704
Contact: Nicholas Siebers, MD
Principal Investigator: Nicholas Siebers, MD
Sponsors and Collaborators
Galapagos NV
Study Director: Frédéric Vanhoutte, MD Galapagos NV
More Information

No publications provided

Responsible Party: Galapagos NV Identifier: NCT01798979 History of Changes
Other Study ID Numbers: GLPG0634-CL-103
Study First Received: February 24, 2013
Last Updated: February 25, 2013
Health Authority: United States: Food and Drug Administration

Additional relevant MeSH terms:
Adjuvants, Anesthesia
Central Nervous System Agents
Therapeutic Uses
Pharmacologic Actions
Anti-Anxiety Agents
Tranquilizing Agents
Central Nervous System Depressants
Physiological Effects of Drugs
Psychotropic Drugs
Hypnotics and Sedatives
Anesthetics, Intravenous
Anesthetics, General
GABA Modulators
GABA Agents
Neurotransmitter Agents
Molecular Mechanisms of Pharmacological Action processed this record on February 25, 2013


aston.martin schreef op 26 februari 2013 20:34:

Nieuwe fase 1 met 0634, deze keer in combinatie met Midazolam (voornamelijk gebruikt als slaapmiddel en kalmeermiddel)

Dat is wel wat zo'n slaap- en kalmeermiddel

In deze barre beurstijden is daar veel vraag naar :-)

weereennieuwenaam!;-) schreef op 26 februari 2013 21:51:

Waarom mooi? Galapagos gaf al aan dat het een DDI studie zou starten. Het is afwachten of het gebruik van 0634 effect heeft op CYP enzyme proces. Beste uitkomst is dat het geen invloed heeft en dat de middelen gelijktijdig mogen worden gebruikt. Voor Tofacitinib is dit al vastgesteld, kan dus alleen maar tegenvallen zoals ik het begrijp en is gewoon een onderzoek dat " moet":

Lack of effect of tofacitinib (CP-690,550) on thé pharmacokinetics of the CYP3A4 substrate midazolam in healthy volunteers: confirmation of in vitro data.

harrysnel schreef op 26 februari 2013 23:11:


Waarom mooi? Galapagos gaf al aan dat het een DDI studie zou starten. Het is afwachten of het gebruik van 0634 effect heeft op CYP enzyme proces. Beste uitkomst is dat het geen invloed heeft en dat de middelen gelijktijdig mogen worden gebruikt. Voor Tofacitinib is dit al vastgesteld, kan dus alleen maar tegenvallen zoals ik het begrijp en is gewoon een onderzoek dat " moet":

Lack of effect of tofacitinib (CP-690,550) on thé pharmacokinetics of the CYP3A4 substrate midazolam in healthy volunteers: confirmation of in vitro data.
Mooi bedrijf, bijzonder mooie ontwikkelingen tot nu toe.
Prima management, de keuze van het hybridemodel heeft zich al lang bewezen, de 634 deal zegt genoeg over de kwaliteit binnen Galapagos.
Voorlopig maakt Galapagos al winst, de.servicedivisie heeft een behoorlijke en groeiende reële onderliggende waarde.
Mijn vertrouwen hebben ze al een tijdje en heb nu al een prachtig(op papier) rendement en de koers is m.i. nog erg laag en ik verwacht nog wel een leuke "spike" in de grafiek dit jaar.
Ik leun weer even achterover, prettige dag :-))
Ik heb de indruk dat de koers opnieuw gemanipuleerd wordt. Opvallend stil, ook op het forum. Het is nu wachten op de jaarcijfers.
De koers staat wel heel stabiel de laatste weken .
Heeft maar een klein zetje nodig om over de 20 te geraken .
Fraaie sur place in deze roerige beurstijden, de koers beweegt binnen de recente bandbreedtes weer een beetje omhoog, maar de omzetten zijn te laag om daar enthousiast van te worden. Volgende week vrijdag volgen de jaarcijfers, maar daarbij verwacht ik geen grote verrasingen. De doelen zullen wel gehaald zijn en de finaciele vooruitzichten zullen wel weer voorzichtig/haalbaar geformuleerd worden. En daar is niets mis mee, lekker degelijk voor een biotechfonds!

abelheira schreef op 28 februari 2013 09:51:

Ik heb de indruk dat de koers opnieuw gemanipuleerd wordt. Opvallend stil, ook op het forum. Het is nu wachten op de jaarcijfers.
Het is stil omdat er nu nog weinig blijft te zeggen zolang er geen nieuws komt. Ik vind het zeker bemoedigend dat de koers niet daalt en het vertrouwen kennenlijk niet afneemt

Kelewan schreef op 28 februari 2013 12:19:

Fraaie sur place in deze roerige beurstijden, de koers beweegt binnen de recente bandbreedtes weer een beetje omhoog, maar de omzetten zijn te laag om daar enthousiast van te worden. Volgende week vrijdag volgen de jaarcijfers, maar daarbij verwacht ik geen grote verrasingen. De doelen zullen wel gehaald zijn en de finaciele vooruitzichten zullen wel weer voorzichtig/haalbaar geformuleerd worden. En daar is niets mis mee, lekker degelijk voor een biotechfonds!
Het is maar te hopen dat de doelen gehaald zijn!!! Ik zal maar pas gerust zijn als het ook bevestigd is.
Er is tegenwoordig maar heel weinig nodig om de koers 10 to 20% lager te zetten op enkele dagen tijd.
Kijk maar eens naar Morphosys. Zonder nieuws dan nog!!! (voorlopig alleszins)

4.219 Posts, Pagina: « 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ... 207 208 209 210 211 » | Laatste
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