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Global crude steel production in May 2014 up by 2.2pct YoY

worldsteel announced that global crude steel production for the 65 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 141 million tonnes in May 2014, an increase of 2.2% compared to May 2013.

The crude steel capacity utilisation ratio for the 65 countries in May 2014 was 78.5% and it is 0.7 percentage points lower than May 2013. Compared to April 2014, it is 0.2 percentage points lower.

Source – Strategic Research Institute

Source – worldsteel –
China's crude steel production hits new record

Reuters reported global crude steel production rose at an annual 2.2% rate in May as output in China hit new record levels and North American and European mills cranked up production, industry data showed, pressuring prices the world over.

Data from the World Steel Association showed that global crude steel output hit 141 million tonnes in May, nearing the record seen in March. The increase was driven by an annual 2.6% growth in China's output to 70.4 million tonne.

Global steel prices are at their lowest levels since August and not far off the lowest in three and a half years reached last June. The price falls have come despite an increase in demand in Western economies.

Mr Jeremy Platts analyst of MEPS said that "Growth in steel output is exceeding growth in demand and is adding to the global surplus. Steel prices are going to fall on a YoY basis. Raw material costs like iron ore are coming down, but that's not the whole story; the excess supply is a pressure. China's exports are soaring."

According to China's General Administration of Customs, Chinese exports of steel, including stainless, hit 8.07 million tonnes in May, the highest ever level and an annual increase of 41.5% in the year to date.

However, steel production in North China's Hebei Province fell 3% in May from a year ago compared to a 2.6% increase nationwide, with the top steel making province bearing the brunt of a campaign to shut down polluting industrial capacity.

According to official air quality data, Hebei was home to seven of China's 10 smoggiest cities in 2013 and has been under heavy pressure to clean up its economy and ease its dependence on polluting industries like steel and cement.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, Hebei produced 16.36 million tonnes of steel in May, up 1.1% compared to April, but its share of the total fell to 23.2% from 23.5% in the previous month. Over the first five months of the year, Hebei produced 82.95 million tonnes of steel, 24.2% of the total of 2013.

The pressure on steel makers' margins is being mitigated, however, by a 32% fall in iron ore prices this year, outpacing the fall in steel prices.

The World Steel Association data showed that output in Europe, the second largest steel-producing region after China, grew by 2.7% to 15.04 million tonnes, while output in North America grew 3.3% to 10.22 million tonnes.

Source – Reuters
Australian iron ore miner struggles to pay contractors

ABC reported that a Northern Territory trucking business says mining company Sherwin Iron is struggling to pay its contractors.

Sherwin Iron is developing an iron ore mine at Roper Bar, 200 kilometres east of Mataranka in the Top End.

Alan Birch Transport worked for a Sherwin Iron contractor to cart ore from the mine to the Port of Darwin, but owner, Mr Alan Birch said that the money wasn't coming through.

Mr Alan Birch said that "We were working for Balmoral and they were blaming Sherwin Iron. We requested payment every week and in the end it took about four months. Everyone I spoke to seemed to be having the same trouble late payments, withholding payments, paying half payments instead of full payments."

Mr Rodney Illingworth executive chairman of Sherwin Iron saiod that “There have been some payments issues, but they haven't been unreasonable. There may be some instances where payment has been delayed in the past."

Mr Illingworth said that "We went through a period, I'm not going to deny it, that cash was pretty tight because production had slowed due to the wet season. Obviously there are things outside of our control that delay things. We've got debt facilities in place and some of those debt draw downs are reliant on reaching certain milestones like EIS approvals."

Mr Illingworth said that the issues are not a sign of Chinese buyers losing interest in iron ore from the mine. Chinese buyers are more than interested. The support there is phenomenal and the demand is there.

He said that the trucking of iron ore has now stopped because Sherwin Iron has reached its short-term mining limit. The company is only allowed to mine a 400,000 tonne bulk sample of ore until it gains full environmental approval. The company expects the last ore from the bulk sample to be shipped this week.

Source - ABC
Iran exports over USD 200 million of iron ore in 2 months

FNA reported that Iran's iron ore exports exceeded USD 200 million in the first two months of the current Iranian year (March 21 to May 20).

Iran's customs data said that the country has exported 2.88 million tonnes of iron ore worth nearly USD 200 million in the first two months of the current year. The product is still at the top of the list of Iran's non oil exports. Most of Iran's iron ore exports were non concentrated iron ore and its concentrates.

Late in October 2013 a report said that Iran exported over 97% of its iron ore output to China in the first 6 months of the last year. China was the largest market for Iran's iron ore exports, receiving 97% of the Iranian output.

In mid September, the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization announced that Iran’s iron ore production in the first 5 months of the current Iranian year (started March 21) exceeded 14.1 million tonnes, showing 6% growth compared with the corresponding period in the last year.

Source - FNA
China and Singapore iron ore futures slip may stall spot recovery

Reuters reported that iron ore futures in China and Singapore edged lower again after recent gains, pressured by plentiful supply forcing Chinese mills to unload more cargoes into the market.

Traders said that an upbeat reading on China's manufacturing sector for June helped boost spot iron ore prices on Monday but the raw material may decline again as supply outstrips growth in demand from the world's top importer.

A trader in Shanghai said that Chinese steel producers are selling iron ore cargoes arriving in July under their long-term contracts with miners and using the cash to buy cheaper iron ore sitting at China's ports.

He said that we're doing this business now with mills who are trying to sell their long term cargoes that are index-based and are more expensive than those at the ports.

Australian 61% grade Pilbara iron ore fines are currently trading at around CNY 600 per tonne at China's Shandong port, or about USD 82 to USD 83 excluding port charges and taxes. That compares to a price of USD 93 per tonne for a new seaborne cargo of the same grade on Monday.

The global iron ore supply surplus, which Goldman Sachs sees hitting 72 million tonnes this year has pushed Chinese mills to cut back on long term contracts in favour of cheaper spot cargoes.

Iron ore for delivery in September on the Dalian Commodity Exchange was down nearly 1% at CNY 684 per tonne by midday. It touched a three week high of CNY 699 on Monday.

The August iron ore contract on the Singapore Exchange dropped 1.2% to USD 92.79 per tonne, with the July and September contracts also slipping. The weaker futures could again on spot iron ore prices which have rebounded since hitting a 21 month low last week.

According to data provider Steel Index, benchmark 62-percent grade ore for immediate delivery to China .IO62-CNI=SI climbed 1.4% to USD 93.40 per tonne on Monday. It marked a fifth straight day of gains since the price struck USD 89 on June 16, the lowest since September 2012.

Source – Reuters
Analysts downgrade iron ore forecasts

SMH reported that an abundance of iron ore at shipping ports and weak global growth are why some analysts are turning increasingly bearish, downgrading their forecasts for the steel making metal and lowering earnings expectations for the world's biggest miners.

Credit Suisse analysts said that the iron ore market is in a structural surplus out to 2016 and it has revised earlier forecasts for the H2 of this year down to USD 90 per tonne, averaging at USD 89 per tonne in 2015 and USD 87 per tonne in 2016.

The analysts also cut their earnings expectations for the country's biggest iron ore producers, despite acknowledging that the expansion plans of BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals Group along with Brazilian rival Vale, were likely to force the closures of many Chinese and some Canadian competitors.

It comes amid reports that BHP Billiton looks set to axe a further 3000 jobs from its iron ore division as it cuts costs in an attempt to stay internationally competitive.

But the investment bank is only just falling into line with the rival Citi, after its commodities team downwardly revised their forecasts for iron ore down to USD 90 per tonne for 2015 and USD 80 in 2016 in late February.

Mr Marcus Garvey commodities research analyst of Credit Suisse expects the iron ore price to fall to USD 85 a tonne in a year's time and after 2016, sufficient supply curtailments should help to gradually bring the market back to balance.

The commodities team at Australia and New Zealand Banking Group has a slightly different take on the iron ore price and sees it finding a bottom in the short term.

Mr Mark Pervan commodity strategy of ANZ "We think current spot levels around USD 90 a tonne will be the low point of the year, with stronger Chinese steel prices expected over the coming months propping iron ore back-up over USD 100 per tonne."

Currently, the price of the benchmark iron ore with 62% content delivered to the port of Tianjin is at USD 93.40, down 30% since the start of this year. It hit a low of USD 89 per tonne on June 16, falling below USD 90 per tonne for the first time since 2012.

Mr Garvey said that "Australia's outperformance remains striking. The combination of last year's 17.3% supply increase and this year's anticipated 18.3% growth has lifted the country to a forecast 50% market share, from 43% just two years ago.”

He said that "Credit Suisse however lowered its earnings expectations and price targets for Fortescue and Atlas Ironin the wake of the falling iron ore price and increased discounting applied to the price for ore.”

Source –
US steelmakers hike sheet prices

It’s reported that the major steel makers in the US including SSAB Americas, ArcelorMittal North America, Nucor recently announced to hike steel sheet prices by around USD 40 per short tonne effective immediately.

Industry sources said that the price rise might be accepted by buyers. Meanwhile, some steelmakers have started receiving orders for October production. It’s learned that the prices of steel plates remain firm.

Source -
Japan's crude steel output drops in May

According to the data from Japan Iron and Steel Federation, Japan’s crude steel output dropped by 0.3% to 9.59 million tonnes in May compared to the same month a year earlier.

The country’s hot rolled steel output also dropped by 8.8% to 8.2 million tonnes. Output of carbon steel also decreased by 0.9% to 7.39 million tonnes YoY.

However, output of special steel reached 2.16 million tonnes up by 1.6% compared to the same period of last year.

Source -
mvliex 1

Brogembank schreef op 26 juni 2014 13:29:

vers van de pers: AM gaat investeren in buizen voor aircosystemen.
ArcelorMittal investeert in Franse fabriek

Gepubliceerd op 26 jun 2014 om 13:22
TRÉVOUX (AFN) - ArcelorMittal steekt 450.000 euro in de uitbreiding van zijn vestiging in de Franse plaats Trévoux. De fabriek wordt geschikt gemaakt voor de productie van warmtewisselaars op maat, die gebruikt kunnen worden in grote airconditioningsystemen. Dat maakte het staalconcern donderdag bekend.

De fabriek wordt voorzien van machines waarmee plaatstaal kan worden verwerkt tot buizen, die de basis vormen voor warmtewisselaars. Dat werk werd tot dusver uitbesteed aan gespecialiseerde toeleveranciers. Door zijn eigen buizen te maken, verschaft het bedrijf zich naar eigen zeggen een belangrijk concurrentievoordeel, omdat het nog beter maatwerk kan leveren.
Long last iron ore levels breaks out of the hiatus

After over 2 months of hibernation iron ore levels made a turnaround climbing couple of USD by 3%. Even though finished steel levels remained stolid in China despite good PMI and steel futures increasing for a change perked up iron ore market levels by USD 2 per tonne this week.

It was anticipated that iron ore levels would bottom out USD 90 per tonne since unviability of domestic iron ore had closed down mines thereby making it imperative for the mills to import.

Moreover blistering production of steel in recent months has kept the import moving at smooth pace culminating in stock of 115 million tonne. May steel production was 70.4 million tonne YoY 2.6 % growth and the pace remains unabated in June touching daily steel production of 1.8326 million tonnes per day.

Price rally is likely to be sketchy unless steel demand picks up and inventory starts moving. Moreover financing problems related to credit lines squeeze for traders continues to impede business.

Source - Strategic research Institute
TATA Steel imports more iron ore

Trans Reporter reported that following the Supreme Court ban on mining in Odisha, TATA Steel, the country’s leading steel manufacturer has been forced to import more iron ore, the key ingredient in steel making.

TATA Steel gets half of its annual 17 million tonnes of iron ore from Odisha, where its leases were operating under a deemed provision that the apex Court decided cannot apply beyond a second lease period.

The company has already received two shipments, the first being 45,000 tonnes of iron ore from Western Australia in April. The second shipment of 17,000 tonnes was reportedly offloaded at Paradip Port.

Source - Trans Reporter
TATA Steel plans to increase capacity by 60pct to 16 MT in five years

Economic Times reported that his 8 months at TATA Steel have been a rollercoaster ride said MD Mr TV Narendran, who's betting on a turnaround in the Indian economy to drive demand, with the company on the verge of dramatically expanding its steel making capacity.

Mr Narendran is currently overseeing the final stages of the long awaited INR 40,000 crore Kalinganagar project. Having built up 10 million tonne local capacity over the 107 years of its existence, TATA Steel plans to boost this by 60% to 16 million tonnes in the next 5 years.

He said that "If India grows, then TATA Steel certainly has to grow. The 6 million tonne Kalinganagar project has been beset by high capital costs, labour unrest and delays in land acquisition.”

Mr Narendran had foreseen an exciting start to his stint at the steel maker: "One doesn't expect otherwise."

He said that “The first phase of Tata Steel's Odisha project is expected to be completed by the end of this financial year, adding 3 million tonnes of steel capacity. The second phase is likely to be completed by 2018. We were aware when we were entering this decade that we would be adding more capacity in these 10 years than we did in 100 years.”

Mr Narendran said that “We knew it was going to be a challenging phase even if the economy was doing well. TATA Steel, India's oldest steelmaker, has been trying to build this factory since 2005, with costs escalating from the initial forecast of INR 15,400 crore. The global downturn of the last decade and the more recent domestic slump added to the pressure.”

He said that “POSCO's project in Odisha has meanwhile made little progress amid lack of clearances and other issues. As an organization which is in a growth phase, obviously we will feel the stress financially, feel the stress in terms of people how many do you have, do you have enough pipeline. While building the plant, TATA Steel had to rebuild teams that had been trimmed in the nineties as part of cost-cutting measures.”

Mr Narendran said that “The company had to strengthen capabilities of the engineering and project departments as it embarked once again on expansion. Meanwhile, the company still has to contend with strife at the site. On Monday, there were clashes between contract workers and company officials at Kalinganagar, leaving 17 workers injured. They were agitating against the payment of overtime and other issues at the plant premises.”

He said that "It happens very often at different degrees of intensity. It is typically a problem between contract workers and contractors. We get caught between the crossfire. Again these are the challenges. We are going into a society which is not used to industrial activity. Finding ore is another issue with the Indian mining industry having suffered from raw material shortages in the past two years because of court action over environmental issues.”

Source - Economic Times
Iran and Kuwait ink steel agreement to build steel plant in Iran

It is reported that Iranian and Kuwaiti officials have agreed to build a large steel plant in Iran.

The two sides have signed an agreement to make joint investment for establishing a steel plant in Iran.

The construction will be in four phases and the two sides have inked 6 Memoranda of Understanding in different fields to pave the ground for the further expansion.

Iran’s crude steel output totaled 6.3 million tonnes in the first five months of this year, up by 4.4% compared to the corresponding period of 2013.

Source - Visit for more
Kansas City gets a new tram system, thanks to ArcelorMittal steel
From high-speed train networks to customer product-showcases, ArcelorMittal’s rails have long had both a strong reputation and demand in Europe. Now they are increasingly being used in the US; most recently to strengthen the transport infrastructure of Kansas City in Missouri.

The state, which has been home to musicians from rock legends Chuck Berry and Tina Turner to rappers Nelly or Akon, is now also going to house another star; the TRAM112 rail sections – only produced in the US at ArcelorMittal Steelton in Pennsylvania (PA).

Kansas City will in 2015 boast a streetcar or tram system thanks to 765 tonnes of the rail sections.

The TRAM in TRAM112 stands for Tram Rail ArcelorMittal; they are the only US-produced rails with a steel-guarded flangeway, as is required for tram movement which interacts with automobiles, bicycles and pedestrians. The 112TRAM is the only domestic alternative to girder rail, or grooved rails, which are used to make street running feasible. Like standard rail tracks, tram tracks consist of two parallel steel rails (inset top right).

With recently introduced ‘Buy America’ provisions which ensure that transportation infrastructure projects are built with American-made products, ArcelorMittal became the unique solution for the owners of this project, the Kansas City Streetcar Authority, due to the company’s Steelton facility being the only one in the country having the necessary technology and the expertise.

ArcelorMittal Steelton started production of this rail section in June 2011 following a visit to the PA site’s ‘sister plant’ in Huta Krolewska, Poland, where the visiting rail design engineers and external engineering firm representatives witnessed a block rail rolling.

In addition to the 765 tonnes of block rail sections, ArcelorMittal is also supplying 74 tonnes of another type of rails; the 115RE 80’ long rails.
From road to rail

The logistics of long rails, like jumbo beams, is not an easy task. Delivery had to be coordinated with contractors for just-in-time unloading at the site.

The steel is being transported using land-based routes and three truckloads were sent to the customer Nortrak in Birmingham, Alabama, to be pre-curved for installation.63 tonnes have already reached Kansas City, with the remaining to follow over the next few months.
The Waterfront Moody Avenue Improvement Project in Portland, Oregon, the South-eastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority (SEPTA), New York City Transit and Washington Metro are all examples of prior usage of the TRAM1
Aperam heeft plaatsing obligatie succesvol afgerond
Aperam maakt gebruik van optie om in totaal $300 mln op te halen met obligatie
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires
Aperam koersdoel omhoog naar EUR40 van EUR25 - Kepler Cheuvreux
Aperam advies blijft buy - Kepler Cheuvreux
(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

Correctie van bericht over obligatie Aperam
(Correctie van eerder gepubliceerd bericht 'Aperam geeft obligatie uit' om aan te geven dat de obligatie afloopt in 2021 en niet in 2012 zoals eerder werd vermeld.)

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Aperam sa (056997440.LU) lanceert vrijdag een converteerbare obligatie, waarmee het staalbedrijf een bedrag van minimaal $250 miljoen en maximaal $300 miljoen wil ophalen.

De opbrengst wordt gebruikt voor algemene bedrijfsdoeleinden en de herfinanciering van bestaande schulden.

De obligatie loopt af op 8 juli 2021 en zal naar verwachting een coupon uitbetalen tussen 0,25% en 1%. De initiele omwisselverhouding komt uit op 30% tot 35% van de volume gewogen gemiddelde koers van het aandeel tussen lancering en prijsstelling.

- Door Levien de Feijter, Dow Jones Newswires; +31 20 571 52 00;

Aperam geeft obligatie uit - Update
(Update van eerder gepubliceerd bericht 'Aperam geeft obligatie uit' om toe te voegen dat de plaatsing is afgerond.)

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Aperam sa (056997440.LU) heeft succesvol een obligatie geplaatst en maakt gebruik van de optie om meer op te halen met de uitgifte waardoor het totale bedrag op $300 miljoen uitkomt.

Het staalbedrijf meldde vrijdagochtend de converteerbare obligatie uit te geven, die aflost per 8 juli 2021, waarmee het concern mikte op een bedrag van minimaal $250 miljoen. Aperam meldt vrijdagmiddag gebruik te maken van de uitbreidingsclausule waarmee de opbrengst dus hoger uitkomt.

De jaarlijkse coupon is vastgesteld op 0,625% en de initiele omwisselkoers van $43,92 representeert een omwisselingspremie van 32,5% ten opzichte van de referentieprijs van $33,15.

De opbrengst wordt gebruikt voor algemene bedrijfsdoeleinden en de herfinanciering van bestaande schulden.

Door Levien de Feijter; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

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