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SSAB to Deliver Fossil Free Steel to Mercedes-Benz

Swedish steel maker SSAB and German auto giant Mercedes-Benz are launching a partnership to introduce fossil-free steel into vehicle production as early as possible: The first prototype parts for body shells made of SSAB´s fossil-free steel are already being planned for next year. By 2039 at the latest, the Mercedes-Benz new passenger car fleet will become carbon dioxide-neutral along the entire value chain.

In 2026, SSAB plans to supply the market with fossil-free steel at a commercial scale after the conversion of its Oxelösund blast furnaces to an electric arc furnace and by using HYBRIT technology, which replaces coking coal, traditionally needed for iron ore-based steelmaking, with fossil-free electricity and hydrogen. This process virtually eliminates carbon dioxide-emissions in steelmaking.

SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall created HYBRIT, Hydrogen Breakthrough Ironmaking Technology, in 2016, with the aim of developing a technology for fossil-free iron- and steelmaking. In August 2021, SSAB was able to show the world´s first fossil-free steel plate made from hydrogen-reduced iron produced at HYBRIT´s pilot plant in Lulea, Sweden, an essential step toward a completely fossil-free value chain for steelmaking.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
TMK Targets 8% CO2 Emission Reduction by 2023

Russian steel pipe maker TMK intends to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 8% vs 2020 under its new environmental program, which will span 2021–2023 and require an investment of RUB 2.9 billion. The GHG emission reduction program will cover the Company’s key Russian production sites: Volzhsky, Seversky and Sinarsky pipe plants, Pervouralsk Pipe Plant, Chelyabinsk Pipe Plant, Orsky Machine Building Plant, and Taganrog Metallurgical Plant, as well as TMK-INOX and TMK Yartsevsky Metzavod

The program’s investment component includes equipment replacement with advanced highly effective and cost efficient systems that provide better performance. In particular, along with installing new and upgrading existing production units, the plants will be fitted with best-in-class automated industrial lighting, steam and heat supply systems.

Activities that do not require additional funding, such as optimization of process equipment, lighting, heating and ventilation systems, improvements to production processes, and reduction in resource losses, will also have a significant effect.

Between 2006 and 2020, TMK carried out large-scale modernization of its production facilities, with investments exceeding RUB 160 billion. At the same time, RUB 19.3 billion was allocated to protecting the environment and improving the environmental safety of TMK plants. As a result, air emissions have been halved, primarily through a complete transition to electric arc furnace operations, which make steelmaking much more environmentally friendly.

Given the current trends, the Company will continue pursuing and improving this practice. In 2020, TMK updated its Environmental Policy driven by global best practices. The Company has identified three priorities: the use of eco-friendly technologies in production; strict adherence to environmental rules and regulations; and compliance with environmental safety principles throughout the product life cycle from cradle to grave.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

West Australia Unveils AUD 100 Million New Industries Fund

Labour Party Leaders & Western Australia Premier Mr Mark McGowan led Labor Government is delivering on its commitment to invest AUD 100 million to establish an Investment Attraction and New Industries Fund to support the State's economic diversification and find new opportunities in industries that are only just emerging. The fund will support industry assistance, attraction and grants across a range of emerging industries, including battery manufacturing, green steel and cyber security. It will also build on the McGowan Government's existing industry development initiatives such as the Renewable Hydrogen Strategy, the Future Battery Industry Strategy, and the New Industries Fund. The fund will strengthen the thriving innovation ecosystem in Western Australia, building global competitive advantages that create jobs for Western Australians and export market opportunities.

The IANIF will include AUD 16.7 million over four years to support innovation across the State, by accelerating new and existing SMEs to help diversify the economy and create new jobs. The fund will also provide an additional $4 million over four years for the space industry.

The funding is to grow Western Australia's space industry by attracting investment and providing support for start-ups and SMEs and will include funding for three staff to support space industry program development and outcome delivery.

The 2021-22 State Budget also includes funding to establish the WA Jobs Taskforce, a key commitment in the WA Jobs Plan that helps identify training and job creating opportunities in Western Australia, including in manufacturing, new industries and in regional communities.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
NMDC Reports Record Iron Ore Production & Sales in August

Indian state owned iron ore miner NMDC’s great run continues with another record-setting month with a production of 3.06 million tonne and sale of 2.91 million tonne of iron ore in August 2021. Like the months preceding it, August too recorded the best August production performance ever in the six decade long history of the company. Production registered an 89% growth compared to August 2020. Sales during the month grew 63% over CPLY.

The production and sales for this FY up to August 2021 is up by 44% and 45% as compared to April-August 2020 to 15.02 million tonnes & 15.67 million tonnes respectively.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Gerdau Investing in Environmental Projects at Divinopolis Mill

Brazilian integrated steelmaker Gerdau will invest BRL 75 million (USD 14.5 million) in environmental projects at its Divinopolis mill in the city of same name in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. Gerdau said the investments aim to reduce particles and dust emissions at the mill's operations. The investment represents a record figure for the facility

The BRL 75 million environmental projects investment accounts for over half the mill’s total Capex spending for 2021, which reaches about BRL 130 million and includes other areas. Some of the investments are already in place, including equipment that eliminates dust from the mill's No 1 and No 2 blast furnaces with a filter, as well as seven sprinklers near the plant's patio, where there’s a major influx of trucks and raw materials.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Ship Carrying Vietnamese HRC to Bangladesh Lost in Andaman Sea

Vietnamese bulk carrier with 11,000 tonnes of steel coil on board disappeared in Andaman sea during Jul 31 – August 01, while en route from Ho Chi Minh Vietnam to Chittagong in Bangladesh. But as of September 1, there’s still no clarity or full information on Bangladeshi side, what happened to the ship and why she sank, if she sank. One of Bangladeshi companies awaiting the cargo said that they still don’t have any information with regards to ship & cargo fate, so that they can’t yet claim the insurance.

According to media reports, general cargo ship TAN BINH 127 issued distress signal reporting water ingress and then sinking, on August 1 in Andaman Sea some 150 nautical mile North West of Phuket Island in Thailand. TAN BINH 127 was en route from Ho Chi Minh to Chittagong, via Singapore. 18 crew left the ship in a lifeboat, and later were rescued by container ship MCC CHITTAGONG, which was en route from Chittagong to Port Klang Malaysia. MCC CHITTAGONG reached Cat Lai port in Ho Chi Minh and handed rescued crew, comprising of 13 Vietnamese and 5 Indian nationalities, over to Vietnamese Coast Guards, on August 8.

The vessel TAN BINH 127 (IMO: 9240043, MMSI 354984000) was a General Cargo Ship built in 2001 and was sailing under the flag of Panama. According to Vessel Finder, the last position of TAN BINH 127 was at South East Asia (coordinates 3.75462 N / 100.10355 E) reported on 30 July 2021.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
NLMK Upgrades Air Purification System at Stoilensky

Russian steel giant NLMK Group has embarked on a large-scale environmental upgrade of the air purification system at the Stoilensky Beneficiation Plant. The project will enable a 10 fold decrease in air dust concentration in the working zone and halve gross atmospheric emissions. Investment in the project will total approximately RUB 700 million. All works are scheduled for completion by the end of 2021. The dedusting system upgrade includes replacing dust catchers, exhaust fans, and air ducts, and installing additional ventilation systems, a sprinkler system at receiving bunkers, and other elements of the air purification related infrastructure. Project solutions are on par with best available technologies.

The project to upgrade the dedusting system is being implemented as part of NLMK Group’s environmental programme, which aims to further minimize the Company’s environmental impact.

Another 2021 project that is underway at Stoilensky is going enable a 70% decrease in dusting at the tailings dam, an area used for storing empty rock after ore beneficiation.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Tangshan declares September production control measures

In order to consolidate the results of its efforts over the summer and further improve air quality, Tangshan City has issued September emissions reduction measures, which will directly affect coking and steel production volumes, Kallanish notes.

All 19 steelmakers other than Shougang Jingtang and Shougang Qiangang have to reduce iron and steel output by 30% from listed capacity. The previous plan in effect from 20 March to the end of 2021 included a 30% restriction only on iron production.

According to Tangshan’s 74.2 million tonnes of crude steel output in the seven months through July and its forecasted production volume of 131.7mt for this year, the city had been expected to produce 57.5mt over the remaining five months. Market sources suggest cutbacks are likely to deepen as a result of these policies, and mills are being asked to reduce actual production, rather than just limiting output relative to capacity.

As for the coking industry, the coke-out time for B-level enterprises is extended to 28 hours, and that for C-level and D-level enterprises is extended to 32 hours. Wet quenching is prohibited unless dry quenching equipment is being overhauled or if an accident knocks out dry quenching equipment.

In addition, heavy trucks are banned from leaving coking and steel plants between 02:00 and 09:00 local time. Coke, coal and iron ore are also prohibited from being shipped out of ports. This is expected to cause some supply disruptions but this will be offset by a decline in demand for resources.

By Kallanish Team
Omwonenden Tata Steel blootgesteld aan veel schadelijke stoffen
ANP 1 uur geleden

BILTHOVEN (ANP) - Mensen die in de buurt van Tata Steel in IJmuiden wonen, worden blootgesteld aan veel meer schadelijke stoffen dan mensen die ergens anders wonen. De hoeveelheid lood is zelfs zo hoog dat het gevolgen kan hebben voor de gezondheid van omwonenden, dit overschrijdt de zogeheten gezondheidskundige grenswaarde. Dat geldt ook voor zogenoemde polycyclische aromatische koolwaterstoffen (PAK).

Het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) heeft eind vorig jaar op tientallen plekken in Wijk aan Zee, Beverwijk, Velsen, IJmuiden en Heemskerk neergedwarreld stof verzameld. Dat gebeurde zowel op straat als bij mensen in huis. De samenstelling van de stofdeeltjes werd geanalyseerd in een laboratorium. De monsters werden vergeleken met stof dat was verzameld in Amersfoort, De Rijp (bij Alkmaar) en De Zilk (bij Noordwijk). Die plaatsen liggen ver van Tata Steel.

In het stof in Wijk aan Zee werd ongeveer 900 keer zo veel vanadium, 160 keer zo veel mangaan en 150 keer zo veel ijzer gemeten als buiten de IJmond. "Dit geldt vooral voor de locaties die het dichtst bij het terrein van Tata Steel liggen", aldus het RIVM. Andere stoffen die veel zijn gemeten in de buurt van Tata Steel zijn chroom, magnesium, nikkel, arseen, cadmium, aluminium, calcium, strontium, barium, koper, kobalt en zink.

Binnen in de huizen waren de niveaus van de stoffen lager dan buiten op straat, maar ook hier was het hoger dan buiten de IJmond. Zo was de hoeveelheid lood binnenshuis in Wijk aan Zee tot meer dan honderd keer zo hoog als in Amersfoort.


Een stof als lood is heel schadelijk voor de gezondheid, vooral bij kinderen. Als mensen er langdurig aan worden blootgesteld, kunnen ze schade aan hersenen en zenuwen oplopen. Ook de andere stoffen kunnen slecht zijn voor de gezondheid. Het RIVM kan niet zeggen hoeveel mensen een ziekte als kanker zullen krijgen door de vervuiling. "Het is niet zo dat mensen meteen ziek worden als ze iets binnenkrijgen, maar het is een blootstelling die je niet moet willen. Elke blootstelling kan het risico een beetje verhogen. Dat risico is aan de kleine kant, maar het is er wel", zegt onderzoeksleider Janneke Elberse van het RIVM.

Het RIVM heeft geen metingen gedaan bij de schoorstenen van Tata zelf, maar de resultaten "geven een indicatie dat een aanmerkelijk deel van het neergedaalde stof afkomstig is van het terrein van Tata Steel". Verder onderzoek moet daar meer duidelijkheid over geven. Maar stoffen als ijzer, mangaan, vanadium en chroom "zijn typerend voor de staalindustrie. We hadden kunnen zeggen 'dat onderzoeken we nog', maar dat vonden we ook niet fair. We vonden het van belang om deze uitspraak al wel te doen", aldus Elberse.
Russia Unlikely to Extend Steel Export Duties to 2022

Russian authorities have recently indicated that there may be no grounds for the prolongation of recently imposed export duties for August 1- December 31 and they will not be rolled over to 2022. Russia's Industry and Trade Deputy Minister Mr Victor Evtukhov told “I do not see the export duties being valid next year. There is no need for that. The local prices have started to decrease and the market has started to cool off. We cannot foresee now how the economy will be, but today it is not bad. The decision can be either one.”

Mr Evtuhov added that “At present Russia has fixed the price decreases in the local market for all of the primary products. Moreover, some products locally are priced lower than in the international markets. However, scrap prices remain strong among all of the products, which are explained by the decent demand in both local and export markets.”

At the end of July this year, Russia's Ministry of Industry imposed 15 percent export duty for most steel products, while the minimal payable value was set individually for each product. The measure has been imposed for the period from August 1 until 31 December 2021.

But industry insiders believe the Russian government will replace the 15% export duty with an increase in mineral extraction tax or MET. Just under a month ago, President Mr Vladimir Putin said Russia would increase the MET for the metallurgical industry starting in January.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Mr Atul Bhatt Appointed as CMD of RINL

Mr Atul Bhatt has been appointed as Chairman & Managing Director of Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd. Ministry of Steel said "The President is pleased to appoint Atul Bhatt, CMD MECON as CMD in RINL from date of his assumption of charge of the post till date of his superannuation ie November 30, 2024, or until further orders, whichever is earlier.”

On June 25, the Public Enterprises Selection Board had recommended Mr Bhatt’s name for the post of CMD of RINL. Mr Bhatt was the only candidate who was interviewed by the selection panel and recommended for the post of CMD of RINL VSP.

He is currently serving as CMD of Ranchi based PSU MECON Limited, since October 1, 2016.

Mr Bhatt is a Chemical Engineering graduate from IIT-Delhi. He also did post-graduation in Management from IIM-Calcutta. Prior to joining MECON he was Executive Director Business Development & Corporate Planning in NMDC Limited. He has also served in ArcelorMittal as Country Manager Iran and General Manager Mergers & Acquisition. Mr Bhatt has also worked in Tata Steel for a number of years, where he started his career as a Graduate Trainee in 1986.

Former RINL CMD Mr PK Rath retired on May 31, after serving the company for 38 years and currently RINL Director Commercial Mr DK Mohanty has been assigned additional charge as RINL CMD

Source - Strategic Research Institute
AMNS India Commissions 6 Million Tonne Pellet Plant at Paradip

ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India has commissioned its second six million tonne pellet plant, taking the total capacity at Paradip complex in Odisha to 12 million tonnes, making it the largest single location palletisation complex in India. AM/NS India’s total palletisation capacity now stands at 20 million tonnes with 12 million tonnes at Paradip and eight million tonnes at Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. AM/NS India CEO Mr Dilip Oommen said “The commissioning of our second pellet plant at Paradip is an important milestone for AM/NS India, allowing us to contribute meaningfully to India’s aim of achieving domestic steel production capacity of 300 million tonnes in the coming decade.”

AM/NS India Chief Operating Officer Mr Wim Van Gerven said “Paradeep’s pellet plant II coming on stream significantly advances our capacity to produce superior quality direct reduced iron grade pellets for domestic steel production. It also supports AM/NS India’s longer-term plans to grow its national steel production up to 30 MTPA.”

AM/NS India is looking to take the capacity at Hazira in Gujarat to around 18 million tonnes. At Kendrapara in Odisha, it is looking to set up a 12-million-tonne greenfield steel plant.

AMNS India is a 60:40 joint venture company between Luxembourg-headquartered ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel of Japan.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
EU Imposes AD Duty on PCS Wires & Strand Imports from China

The European Commission has imposed a definitive antidumping duty on imports of certain pre and post stressing wires and wire strands of non alloy steel, PSC wires & strands, originating in China. The measures took the form of an ad valorem duty rate of 46.2 %, with the exception of Kiswire Qingdao Ltd at 0 % as well as Ossen Innovation Materials Co Joint Stock Company Ltd and Ossen Jiujiang Steel Wire Cable Co Ltd at 31.1 %.

The decision came at the end of a review that the European Stress Information Service requested on February 28, 2020, on behalf of more than 25% of the total EU production of PSC.

Subject products are not plated or not coated wire of non-alloy steel, wire of non-alloy steel plated or coated with zinc and stranded wire of non-alloy steel whether or not plated or coated with not more than 18 wires, containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon, with a maximum cross-sectional dimension exceeding 3 mm, currently falling under CN codes ex 7217 10 90, ex 7217 20 90, ex 7312 10 61, ex 7312 10 65 and ex 7312 10 69 and originating in China (but not with any further coating material) seven wire strands in which the diameter of the central wire is identical to or less than three percent greater than the diameter of any of the six other wires shall not be covered by the definitive antidumping duty.

The product under review is mostly used as a concrete reinforcement by the construction industry' but can also be found in suspension elements and in stay cable bridges. It is produced from high carbon steel wire rods which are cleaned, drawn, heated and - in case of strands - wound together helicoidally to achieve specific characteristics of diameter, resistance and stability.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
US Steel Ordered to Improve Environmental Compliance at Portage

The United States, together with the State of Indiana, announced that the US District Court for the Northern District of Indiana has approved the revised consent decree requiring US Steel Corporation to address alleged violations of the Clean Water Act and other federal and Indiana laws by undertaking substantial measures to improve wastewater treatment and monitoring systems at its steel manufacturing and finishing facility in Portage, known as its Midwest Plant, and to strengthen and broaden US Steel’s public and stakeholder notification procedures in the event of a spill or release to ground, soil or water.

The consent decree approved by the Court also requires US Steel to pay USD 601,242 as a civil penalty, to be split evenly between the United States and the State of Indiana and to reimburse the US Environmental Protection Agency USD 350,653 and the National Park Service USD 12,564 for response costs incurred as a result of an April 2017 spill of wastewater containing pollutants including hexavalent chromium that entered a waterway that flows into Lake Michigan. In addition, the decree requires U.S. Steel to pay the National Park Service’s calculation of damages of USD 240,504 resulting from beach closures along the Indiana Dunes National Park shoreline and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s natural resource damage assessment costs if USD 27,512.

After lodging a proposed consent decree in April 2018, the Governments received approximately 2,700 public comments, including extensive comments from the City of Chicago and the Surfrider Foundation (plaintiff intervenors in the Governments’ action). Having taken those comments into account, the Governments, with the concurrence of US Steel, revised the proposed decree to strengthen and broaden US Steel’s public and stakeholder notification procedures in the event of a spill or release to ground, soil or water. The revised decree also includes an environmentally beneficial project to be overseen by Indiana that requires water quality testing and reporting by US Steel of pollutants at several shore locations along Lake Michigan, including around the Midwest Plant and near the Indiana Dunes National Park, at an estimated cost of USD 600,000 over three years.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Bolivian Siderúrgica del Mutún Secures Electricity Deal from ENDE

Bolevia’s National Electricity Company and the Mutún Steel Company signed a framework agreement for inter-institutional cooperation in areas of the Mutún Steel Company located 22 kilometers from Puerto Suárez in Santa Cruz. It aims to establish the conditions of bilateral cooperation, joint and coordinated work between both companies, for the identification, planning and execution of electrical energy projects. ENDE will provide electricity to the El Mutun iron ore and steelmaking complex. The electricity supply deal should last for two years, and could then be further extended for an undisclosed period of time.

El Mutún is a hill of deposits of Iron in great quantity and Manganese in smaller proportion with a reserve of resources valued in 40,000 million tonnes of iron and 10,000 million tonnes of manganese and other minerals. With the exploitation of the Mutún iron deposit and rigorous protection of the environment, the Mutún Steel Company will consolidate itself as the first Integrated Steel Industry in Bolivia, becoming the benchmark in the sector with products of international quality and added value in response to national demand

Earlier this year, the Bolivian government said construction works at the ESM complex could be completed by late 2022. Construction works were first expected to begin in 2017 but were then postponed for June 2018. Sinosteel commenced preliminary works in the area in July 2018.

ENDE has control over the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power, so it can provide the necessary support for the development of the Empresa Siderúrgica del Mutún.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Puyang Steel Acquires Xinwuan Steel in Hebei

Hebei Province-based Chinese steelmaker Puyang Iron and Steel Group has acquired another Hebei based steelmaker Hebei Xinwuan Iron and Steel Group’s Hong Rong Iron and Steel Co Ltd, obtaining 70 percent of its equity. Accordingly, Puyang Steel’s overall annual crude steel capacity will exceed 10 million tonnes.

In 2020, Puyang Steel's annual crude steel output amounted to 6.3 million tonne, while Hong Rong Steel's annual crude steel output exceeded 2.0 million tonnes. Puyang Steel has also a subsidiary, Xingtai Iron and Steel, with more than 2.0 million tonnes of crude steel capacity.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Turkish Akçelik Buys Stake in Tristar Steel in Romania

Romanian media Profit reported that Turkish group Akçelik bought the majority stake of Tristar Steel from Târgovi?te, a manufacturer of chromed steel bars and pipes. The Turks took 58% of the shares from a group of Italian investors, paying over 350,000 euros. However, the Turkish group also pays an issue premium of over 1 million euros. The Italian Luciano Giol (32%) and Emilia Anton (10%) remained in the shareholders.

Tristar Steel manufactures hard chrome-plated steel bars and linear shafts in small diameters, ranging from 6 mm to 40 mm, with trade links around the world, especially in Germany, Italy and northern European countries. It has an annual production capacity of 3.5 million meters. Last year, the company had a turnover of 25.1 million lei and a loss of 6.3 million lei, with 63 employees. The Turkish group's plan is to double this capacity in 5 years.

Akçelik, founded in Izmir in 1978, opened its first steel plant in 1990. The company became a joint stock company in 2005 and opened distribution centers in Konya in 2006, in Ankara in 2012, in Kocaeli in 2013 and in Istanbul in 2014. In 2019, Akçelik upgraded all its cars, built integrated production lines with major investments and modernization in Industry 4.0 and increased its production capacity to 90,000 tonnes per year. Akçelik became even stronger when the company acquired the BWS Blankstahlwerk Sindorf GmbH in Kerpen, Germany, in 2020.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
China’s billet buying spree pushes regional prices higher

Billet import prices are once again rising in East Asia amid China’s return to the marketplace, Kallanish notes. The uptick is tied to anticipated Chinese steel production cuts and the surge in coking coal prices.

Several deals for ASEAN 150mm 3sp billet including that from an Indonesian blast furnace mill recently closed at $685-688/t cfr China, a Hong Kong trader says. Another heard that 20,000 tonnes of Russian billet was booked at around $675/t cfr and Vietnamese billet even at $690/t cfr China. “China is on a buying spree again,” the second trader says.

ASEAN and Middle Eastern billet is currently offered at $690/t cfr China. A Chinese trader says he has offers for Indian and Iranian billet at $680/t cfr. The offers are for October and November shipment. ASEAN billet was offered at $680-685/t cfr at the start of last week. Traders heard that 40,000t of 130mm and 10,000t of 160mm billet from Brazil was booked early in the week at $668/t cfr China.

In Tangshan, spot billet gained CNY 70/t ($11/t) to CNY 5,060/t ($777/t) on 3 September. Chinese domestic spot prices have risen to CNY 5,000/t levels since 31 August after hovering at CNY 4,910-4,990/t for nearly two weeks. The rise in Chinese steel prices is tied to the run-up in the coking coal market, a regional trader says. “Coking coal is expensive; I think China is looking at importing pig iron again,” he adds.

Meanwhile, in Manila, a leading Vietnamese mill is offering blast furnace billet at $700/t cfr, a trader said on Friday. Vietnamese 5sp billet is priced at $680-690/t cfr and Russian 125mm billet 5sp at $685-690/t cfr, an importer says. Some report that Vietnamese EAF and blast furnace 5sp billet is still offered at $675-680/t cfr Manila. However, Kallanish understands from Vietnamese trading sources that most mills stopped offering on account of national holidays on 2-3 September.

Apart from a deal for 100mm square Russian billet at $675-680/t cfr Manila on 30 August, no other deals are heard in Manila because buying interest is thin. “Local demand and prices have simply been weak,” a local trader notes. Kallanish assessed 5sp/ps or Q275 120/125/130mm square billet on Friday at $675-685/t cfr Manila, up $10 on-week.

Anna Low Singapore
Beursblik: beleggersdag Aperam kan koersaanjager worden
Degroof Petercam hanteert koopadvies.

(ABM FN) De beleggersdag die Aperam dinsdag zal houden, kan de koers van het aandeel in beweging zetten. Dit schrijft analist Frank Claassen van Degroof Petercam.

De dag vangt om 9 uur aan, online, om te beginnen met een toespraak van CEO Tim Di Maulo over onder meer de corporate strategie van Aperam.

Ook de divisiedirecteuren van S&E Europe en A&S komen aan het woord en CFO Sudhakar Sivaji praat zijn publiek bij over het financieel beleid van de fabrikant en de doelstellingen op middellange termijn.

Analist Claassen van Degroof denkt dat er ook meer duidelijk wordt gegeven over de vierde fase van de Leadership Journey programma, net als een tijdlijn voor de vijfde fase die na 2023 zal aanvangen.

De analist verwacht informatie over de veranderingen in Europa en de groeiplannen voor alloys.

Degroof Petercam hanteert een koopadvies voor Aperam met een koersdoel van 67,00 euro.

Het aandeel Aperam daalde maandag 1,0 procent naar 49,86 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481
NUMSA Threatens Strike in South African Steel Industry over Wages
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 07, 2021 09:32 am

SABC News reported that the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa has given employers in the steel industry until next week to reach a wage settlement with the union or face a crippling strike action. NUMSA spokesperson, Mr Phakamile Hlubi-Majola says informal talks are currently underway to try and resolve the impasse but members are ready to down tools if an agreement is not reached soon.

Wage negotiations in the sector collapsed last month and there’s still no resolution in sight. NUMSA, which is the majority union in the sector, is demanding an 8% wage increase across the board. Employers are offering 4.5%. Moreover, employers want an exception to allow struggling companies to pay less than the national minimum rate of between ZAR 21 and ZAR 49 an hour.

The steel industry remains a key pillar of the South African economy. It generates around ZAR 600 billion a year, mainly through exports. It’s also a big employer with around two million workers employed in big and small companies. There are three main steel employer organizations in the country. They are the Steel & Engineering Industries Federation of South Africa, the National Employers Association of South Africa and the South African Engineers and Founders Association. They represent close to 10 000 companies with a combined workforce of around 430 000 employees.
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