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Nippon Steel & Kobe Steel to Integrate Road Related Steel Business
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 10, 2021 09:17 am

Nippon Steel Corporation, its wholly-owned subsidiary Nippon Steel Metal Products Co Ltd, Kobe Steel Ltd and its subsidiary Kobelco Engineered Construction Materials Co Ltd have discussed the integration of the road-related business of Nippon Steel Metal Products and Kobelco Engineered Construction Materials scheduled for the second half of fiscal 2021. As the four companies settled the matters related to the Integration, they concluded the final agreement on the Integration. In the Integration, the road-related business of Nippon Steel Metal Products and all businesses of Kobelco Engineered Construction Materials will be integrated. Nippon Steel Metal Products will be the splitting company and Kobelco Engineered Construction Materials will be the succeeding company in an absorption-type company split. The new company Nippon Steel and Kobelco Metal Products Co Ltd with have head office at Sotokanda in Chiyoda-ku in Tokyo and Nippon Steel Metal Products Co Ltd’s Managing Director Mr Takehiko Furukawawill be President and Representative Director. Date of the Integration is planned for November 1, 2021

The shareholders and shareholding ratio of the integrated company will be 65% Nippon Steel Metal Products & 35% Kobe Steel. The integrated company will be a consolidated subsidiary of Nippon Steel Metal Products and be a company, the accounting of which will use the equity method of Kobe Steel.

Nippon Steel Metal Products Co Ltd manufactures and sells light gauge steel sections, square steel tubing, deck plating, guard fencing, soundproof wall products, civil engineering products, foundation piles, disaster prevention products, designed steel sheeting, Beatty products, poles, NITTEXTM, etc.

Kobelco Engineered Construction Materials Co Ltd manufacturers and sells guard fencing, soundproof wall products, landscaping products, grating, disaster prevention products, structural members, etc.
Dutch MP Suggests Nationalization of Tata Steel Ijmuiden
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 10, 2021 09:21 am

NL Times reported that the lower house of Dutch parliament wants the caretaker cabinet to quickly take steps to make Tata Steel IJmuiden operate cleaner and more sustainably. Several Dutch politicians said that, if necessary, the government should invest money in the steel factory itself by taking an interest in it as continuing on the current footing is not an option for any of the parties. VVD parliamentarian Mr Silvio Erkens believes that Tata Steel must quickly switch to green steel production and Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy Mr Stef Blok must investigate the possibilities of paying for this. Mr Erkens called it crucial for future employment and prosperity that this industry is preserved for the Netherlands and he does not want to become dependent on import of steel from China, for example. Mr Erkens noted that “The Indian parent company does not intend to invest any longer in the IJmuiden site. That is why Blok must consult with the company itself and the European Commission, among others, to see how sustainability can be paid for. In the worst case scenario, the government should buy an interest.”

Mr Erkens received support from Dutch environmental activist and PvdA politician Mr Joris Thijssen who envisioned a scenario in which the government, as a shareholder contributes to making the steel factory in IJmuiden more sustainable. He said “Green steel production is technically feasible. But something must also be done about the emission of harmful substances in the short term.”

But Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy Mr Stef Blok does not think that nationalization is the way to go. Mr Blok emphasized that “The government must enforce the rules for safety and public health indiscriminately. The conclusion may be that a company can no longer operate profitably. Then it is only more complicated if the same government is a shareholder. How long do you keep adding extras, and is that better than spending on education or police officers?"

Tata Steel IJmuiden is the largest CO2 emitter in the Netherlands. The company previously made agreements with the government to reduce emissions, but these do not go far enough for parliament. Research by the RIVM recently showed that residents living in the vicinity of Tata Steel are exposed to too high concentration of toxic substances.
AMNS India Commences Operations at Iron Ore Mines in Odisha
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 10, 2021 09:24 am

ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India announced the commencement of operations at the Ghoraburhani Sagasahi iron ore mine in the district of Sundargarh in Odisha. Spread across 139.165 hectares, the iron ore block has estimated resources of around 98.61million tonnes and is the first to be auctioned in India under the Mineral Auction Rule, 2015. The captive mine is set to produce 2 million tonnes of high-quality iron ore in the current calendar year and production will gradually be ramped up to its rated capacity of 7.16 million tonnes.

The iron ore will be supplied to the beneficiation plant in Dabuna from where the feed will reach the pellet plant at Paradeep.
Vale Launches Green Briquette to Cut CO2 Emissions in Steelmaking
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 10, 2021 09:28 am

Brazilian mining giant Vale has launched a new product that has been under development for almost 20 years and that will be able to reduce by up to 10% greenhouse gases emissions during production processes used by its steelmaking clients. The green briquette is made of iron ore and an agglomerant technological solution, which can be obtained with the use of sand provided by the treatment of mine tailing, and is capable of resisting elevated blast furnace temperatures without disintegrating. The reduction of GHG emissions occurs because this product allows steelmakers to reduce their dependency on sintering, a process that takes place before steel production in which sinter feed is agglomerated.

Sintering requires the intensive use of coal heated to a temperature of 1300 degree Celcius. Vale’s briquette, however, is considered to be cold-agglomerated. In its production there is no burning, but rather a drying process at a temperature between 200 and 250 degree Celcius, equiring less energy. The product also reduces emissions of particulates and gases such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, as well as eliminates the use of water in its production.

The green briquette is part of Vale’s strategy to reduce by 15% Scope 3 emissions, related to its value chain, by 2035. In absolute terms, the commitment to reductions is equal to 90 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent MtCO2e, the same as the total volume of Chile’s energy emissions in 2018, the base year used for Scope 3 targets1. Today 98% of Vale’s total emissions are related to its chain of suppliers and clients.

The production of green briquette will initially be carried out in pelletizing plants 1 and 2 at Tubarão Unit in Vitória in Espírito Santo in Brazil, which are being converted for these purposes, and also in the Vargem Grande Complex in Minas Gerais, in which a new plant is being installed. The initial production capacity will be approximately 7 million tonnes per year. The operations start up for the three plants is estimated for 2023. The total investment is USD 185 million. Long-term estimates are that the company will have the capacity to produce more than 50 million tonnes of green briquette per year resulting in a potential reduction in emissions of 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year through the use of this technology.
China’s Steel Production in 2021 to Increase by 4-7%
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 10, 2021 09:30 am

According to London based climate analytics firm TransitionZero, China’s crude steel production could be up 4-7% this year compared to 2020. The finding means that the country’s ability to meet its government-set target of limiting 2021 steel outputs to 2020 levels is unlikely, unless there is a top down crackdown. The analysis used satellite imagery to estimate the utilisation rate of steel facilities. TransitionZero co chief executive Mr Matt Gray’s analysis came after Chinese media reported in August that the cuts on crude steel production had entered the implementation stage. For example, Hebei province, a major steel-producing region in the north, has said that it plans to reduce 21.7 million tonnes of crude steel production or a 8.8% drop compared to 2020. However, according to analysis “While China’s central authorities have made good progress in reducing production in eastern provinces, more needs to be done in central and western provinces to meet their production target.”

The report said that the projected growth would result in an additional 158 million tonnes of carbon dioxide being emitted in China.

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has pledged in January 2021 that it would keep its steel production in 2021 to below 2020 levels.
Cheaper scrap, imports hit northern European rod prices

Northern European wire rod prices have decreased this week due to lower scrap prices and some cheaper import offers from countries outside the EU, most market participants say.

“The holiday season is over and there are new purchases, but at lower prices," a buyer in the Netherlands confirms to Kallanish. Most participants in the northern European market have started to buy more wire rod for their customers for October delivery, he adds.

Domestic transaction prices for drawing-quality wire rod are currently at €870-890/tonne ($1,027-1,051/t) ex-works and at €860-870/t ex-works for mesh quality, sources say.

Producers are asking for €890/t ex-works, on average, for drawing-quality rod.

“Corrections on the wire rod price came after scrap prices went down,” a German merchant comments. “The fall in wire rod quotes in Europe may continue due to the end of the traditionally strong summer construction season and full stocks.”

Wire rod quotes are affected by declining scrap prices in Germany and Austria, another market participant confirms.

Old thick scrap sort 3, for example, fell to €440/t in August negotiations. The price for new scrap sort 2/8 decreased to €450-460/t in Germany. In Austria, old thick scrap sort 3 decreased to €455/t, but new scrap sort 2/8 hit €510/t.

Northern European wire rod market participants are also observing the impact of cheaper import offers from countries like Bosnia, Albania and Russia, among others. These already impacted the wire rod market in Italy in July and August (see Kallanish passim). Sources continue to expect unstable prices in September.

Svetoslav Abrossimov Bulgaria
Investeer meer in waterstof
9 sept   20:00

Groene waterstof is essentieel om de vervuilende industrie in Nederland te verduurzamen. Tata Steel, Dow Chemical en kunstmestproducent Yara. Het zijn zo maar wat namen van grote industriële bedrijven uit de lange lijst die in de rij staan voor deze energiedrager, zodat hun fabrieken niet langer op fossiele brandstoffen hoeven te draaien.

Maar de investering in een groene waterstoffabriek rekent zich op dit moment niet rond. Het is een van de duurste duurzame technieken, waar bovendien nog weinig ervaring mee is. Duitsland en Frankrijk trekken om die reden de portemonnee. Deze landen steken respectievelijk €9 mrd en €7 mrd in waterstofprojecten. De bijdrage van de Nederlandse overheid voor de ontwikkeling van waterstof in ons eigen land steekt daar schril bij af. Ongeveer €100 mln zegde het demissionaire kabinet Rutte-III toe. De grootste bijdrage, €73 mln, komt uit het Nationaal Groeifonds.

Reden voor energiebedrijf Ørsted, eigenaar van meerdere windparken in de Noordzee, om de politiek te waarschuwen. Het Deense concern wil een waterstoffabriek bouwen in Zeeland, maar dan moet er wel meer overheidssteun beschikbaar zijn, zei ceo Mads Nipper deze week in een interview met het FD.

Nipper maakt een terecht punt. Nederland is erg voorzichtig met investeringen in groene waterstof. De commissie van het Nationaal Groeifonds zei bij toekenning van de subsidiebedragen dat het 'verdienpotentieel' van grote groene waterstoffabrieken 'niet goed aantoonbaar is'. Daarom adviseert het Groeifonds het kabinet alleen geld te investeren in onderzoeksprogramma's en kleine pilots.

Dat is een begin, maar er mag best een tandje bij. Want nu investeren betekent dat pas over tien of vijftien jaar waterstoffabrieken draaien. Nu beginnen is dus belangrijk. Nederland hoeft als klein land niet zoveel te investeren als Duitsland of Frankrijk, maar miljardensteun aan één of twee grote groene waterstofprojecten helpt met het opbouwen van de noodzakelijke kennis.

Veel alternatieven voor het verduurzamen van de industrie zijn er niet. Vanuit dat perspectief is de som vrij helder te maken. Want waar het nog niet goed duidelijk is hoeveel geld Nederland zal kunnen verdienen met groene waterstof, is het wel duidelijk dat olie, steenkool en aardgas uiteindelijk niets meer zullen bijdragen aan de Nederlandse economie.

Lees het volledige artikel:
Uitgelicht: Aperam positief gestemd over toekomst
Nieuwe normaal rond piek van 2021 volgens analisten.

(ABM FN) Aperam heeft afgelopen week tijdens een beleggersdag nieuwe doelstellingen gepresenteerd, en daaruit bleek dat de fabrikant van roestvast staal positief gestemd is over de toekomst.

Beleggers reageerden positief op de presentatie van de fabrikant. Het aandeel sloot de week op 50,86 euro af, ofwel een stijging van 1,0 procent op weekbasis.

"2021 is een piekjaar, maar het toekomstige normaal zit dichter bij 2021 dan bij [het gemiddelde tussen] 2016 tot en met 2018", meldde Aperam dinsdag tijdens de prestatie.

Aperam denkt dat de aangepaste EBITDA in 2025 ongeveer 300 miljoen euro hoger uitkomt dan tussen 2016 en 2018. In die periode was de gemiddelde aangepaste EBITDA iets meer dan 500 miljoen euro.

De door Aperam genoemde 300 miljoen euro is inclusief de 150 miljoen euro die de vierde fase van de Leadership Journey zal opleveren, aldus Jefferies. De divisie Alloys & Specialties zal 40 miljoen euro bijdragen.

De voordelen van het Leadership programma zullen blijven doorwerken, met de vijfde fase al in voorbereiding.

Volgens Jefferies zal de aangepaste EBITDA dit jaar rond de 901 miljoen euro uitkomen. Degroof Petercam is zelfs iets positiever met een verwachting van 929 miljoen euro. Wel zal de EBITDA in 2022 vermoedelijk terugvallen naar 809 miljoen euro, zo verwacht Degroof.

2021 zal naar verwachting een piekjaar zijn, benadrukte Degroof, maar het "nieuwe normaal" zit daar niet ver van, meent de zakenbank.

Dit jaar is er volgens Aperam sprake zijn van een normale vraag in Europa en Brazilië. Ook was er een prijsherstel in de eerste jaarhelft, en rekent de fabrikant op hogere prijzen in de tweede helft. Ook worden er boekwinsten gerealiseerd.

Volgens Degroof Petercam zal Aperam in 2021 genieten van flinke positieve voorraadaanpassingen als gevolg van de hogere basisprijzen. Dit zou in 2021 tot 100 miljoen euro kunnen bijdragen, aldus Degroof.

Verder liggen de basisprijzen in Europe boven het historische gemiddelde, merkte Degroof op. De prijzen zullen in de komende twee jaren vermoedelijk wel dalen.

De sterke resultaten vertalen zich ook in een sterke vrije kasstroom, waardoor er voldoende ruimte is om aandeelhouders te belonen.

Aperam zei dinsdag dat het de overtollige cash blijft uitkeren aan de aandeelhouders, en het dividend zal progressief stijgen.

Aperam stelde zichzelf tijdens de presentatie de vraag waarom iemand in het bedrijf zou moeten investeren. Onder meer omwille van de plannen, het bewezen track record, de focus op de balans en de beloning van de aandeelhouder en producten die ook in de toekomst nodig zijn, beantwoorde de fabrikant die vraag.

Degroof Petercam is van mening dat de waardering van Aperam aantrekkelijk is. De structurele verbetering is volgens de zakenbank nog niet ingeprijsd. Daarom werd het koopadvies herhaald met een koersdoel van 67,00 euro. Jefferies is wat voorzichtiger, met een Houden advies en een koersdoel van 54,00 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481
ArcelorMittal plant grote uitbreidingen in Liberia

Door ABM Financial News op vrijdag 10 september 2021
Views: 2.733

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft een overeenkomst getekend met de regering van Liberia, voor wat één van de grootste mijnbouwprojecten in West-Afrika moet worden. Dit meldde de staalreus vrijdagavond.

Het uitbreidingsproject ter waarde van 800 miljoen euro betreft onder andere de aanleg van verwerkings-, spoor- en havenfaciliteiten.

ArcelorMittal Liberia zal onder de overeenkomst ook de ijzerertsproductie aanzienlijk opvoeren, met de bouw van een fabriek met een capaciteit van 15 miljoen ton per jaar. Deze fabriek zal naar verwachting eind 2023 operationeel zijn. Er zijn ook afspraken gemaakt om de productie uiteindelijk te kunnen opvoeren tot ten minste 30 miljoen ton.
Baas Tata Steel: 'Ik garandeer u dat we veranderen'
RTL Nieuws 1 uur geleden

Omwonenden van Tata Steel hebben te maken met veel overlast.© Ramon van Flymen / Hollandse-Hoogte / ANP

"Als inwoner van Beverwijk-West en vader van drie kinderen begrijp ik de grote zorgen over de uitstoot en de gevolgen." Directievoorzitter Hans van den Berg van Tata Steel Nederland belooft in een paginagrote advertentie in De Telegraaf dat het staalbedrijf gaat veranderen.

Van den Berg reageert daarmee op een kritisch rapport van het RIVM over de gezondheidsrisico's voor omwonenden van de staalfabriek in IJmuiden.

Hij schrijft: "Ik wil met u een afspraak maken. Tata Steel gaat veranderen. Ik garandeer u dat ik er persoonlijk alles aan zal doen om dit te realiseren - u mag mij daaraan houden."

In de advertentie somt hij al eerder bekendgemaakte maatregelen ter hoogte van 300 miljoen euro op die het bedrijf neemt om de overlast te beperken. "Hiervan zijn de eerste effecten al merkzaam. In 2023 zal de neerslag van stof in de directe omgeving met 65 procent verminderd zijn."

Ook is een reductie voorzien van de uitstoot van fijnstof (35 procent) en zware metalen (55 procent) binnen vier jaar.

© Aangeboden door RTL Nieuws
Van den Berg benadrukt wel dat een toekomst zonder staal niet kan bestaan. Maar die toekomst zal er volgens hem in IJmuiden heel anders uit komen te zien: "CO2-neutraal en met veel minder overlast voor de omgeving".

Hij benadrukt dat het bedrijf zijn verantwoordelijkheid wil nemen. "We nemen de ernst van de bevindingen van het RIVM en de andere onderzoekers zeer serieus en begrijpen heel goed de ontevredenheid die heerst in de maatschappij. Maar het wordt beter. Dat garandeer ik u."
New Vocabulary of Scientific Terms in Era of Climate Change
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 13, 2021 09:14 am

Climate change involves a whole vocabulary of scientific terms that aren't readily self-explanatory and can cause confusion when not used properly. Like the correct nomenclature for fossil free steel, confusion also prevails for Carbon Neutral and Climate Neutral. While Carbon Neutral pertains only to Carbon Emissions, Climate Neutrality also includes eliminating other harmful gases beyond carbon, including methane and nitrous oxide.

Carbon dioxide is a natural emission as all mammals inhale oxygen and release CO2, balanced by plants absorbing the CO2 and releasing oxygen. However, human industrial activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels necessary in transportation and manufacturing, releases vast amounts of carbon dioxide in a relatively short amount of time. As a result, it causes a surplus of CO2 and traps solar heat in the atmosphere, wreaking havoc on global climate patterns. According to published research, the excess carbon dioxide generated by human activity causes about 75-80 percent of the warming impact, which is the reason behind the urgency to regulate emissions.

When companies fail to meet CO2 reduction regulations, they can purchase carbon offsets from businesses that meet and exceed governmental measures to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Measured in tons of CO2 eliminated, carbon credits can be sold like a commodity, allowing firms that still emit carbon to claim carbon neutrality.

According to a report by the United Nations, methane has an even more significant warming potential than carbon; its global warming potential is about 56 times that of CO2 over 20 years. Meanwhile, nitrous oxide's warming potential is 280 times greater than CO2. But these other gases only account for around 20 percent of global warming's impact.

ThREE Consulting & Caldera Holding LLC President Mr James Kennedy in a June 2021 article suggested that the term Green Steel needs to be exclusively reserved for steel producers that can demonstrate zero hydrocarbon utilization from iron ore reduction to steel production. He wrote “Anything less should be measured under a different category. For example, Cyan Steel could be a classification for recycled steel mixed with hydrocarbon-free reduced iron ore using renewable energy to power the EAF. Blue Steel could be a measured category to produce reduced iron ore using mixed reduction gasses (H2 + CO or other) and renewable-powered EAF steelmaking technology. Yellow/Grey/Brown Steel could be for biofuel or sequestered CO2 emission processes for the reduction of iron in conjunction with renewable powered EAF steelmaking. Other emission reduction classifications can be applied to emission reductions associated with the traditional blast furnace process.”
Mechel BMK Develops 3 Strand Rope for Mining Industry
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 13, 2021 09:17 am

Mechel Group’s Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant has manufactured & supplied steel ropes to mining and exploration equipment supplier Almazgeobur. Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant produced three-strand cargo ropes with a diameter of 5 mm with plastic compression of the product as a whole. This reduction increases the wear resistance of the rope, increases its service life, and reduces the wear of equipment parts. In addition, it allows the production of strands for larger rope diameters. This increases the metal content of the rope, which increases its strength.

Previously, such ropes were not manufactured at Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant. In the near future, another batch of this product, with a volume of about one tonne and a total length of 10 kilometres, will be shipped to the consumer

The company Almazgeobur provides a comprehensive supply of drilling equipment and tools for the exploration industry.
Trinidad & Tobago to Enforce Cold-Formed Steel Standards
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 13, 2021 09:18 am

The Trinidad & Tobago Bureau of Standards has given stakeholders in the construction sector a 60-day moratorium for the enforcement of a building standard on the use of cold formed steel. The moratorium on TTS 598:2019, cold-formed steel framing members for structural applications, specification (first revision) began on August 26 and will end on October 25. Enforcement will begin on October 26.Following the moratorium all materials used within Trinidad and Tobago must comply with the specifications set out in the national compulsory standard. Stakeholders must get product certification and licensing from Trinidad & Tobago Bureau of Standards certification division to show compliance.

The standard specifies requirements for cold-formed steel framing members for use in structural applications such as in the framing of roofs and walls. Included are requirements for the steel sheet, sectional parameters, member characteristics, sampling, testing, labelling and compliance. The standard applies to cold-formed steel framing members manufactured from steel sheets, zinc or aluminium-zinc alloy coated by the hot-dip method and of base metal thickness from one mm to three mm.

This standard does not apply to decking sheets.

Structural elements for which cold-formed framing members are used include wall elements such as girts, studs and runners, and roof elements such as purlins and truss chords.
Union Steel to Acquire BTH Holdings
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 13, 2021 09:20 am

Singapore based steel stockiest & distributor Union Steel announced last month the signing of a non-binding term sheet to acquire the entirety of BTH Holdings for USD 17 million. BTH Holdings is a company that is in various businesses catering to the offshore oil and petroleum industries. These businesses include the installation of industrial machinery and equipment, manufacture of pressure vessels, heat exchangers and plant and metal fabrication. Under the term sheet, the consideration for the acquisition of all the shares will be USD 17 million, subject to adjustments to be agreed upon between the two sides.

Union Steel believes that this acquisition represents an attractive investment opportunity which will diversify its revenue streams. It added that this is in line with its expansion plans into complementary business areas within the marine, offshore and oil & gas industries through strengthening its engineering and manufacturing capabilities. Union Steel also believes that this will strengthen its competitive advantage, value proposition and provide a holistic engineering solution to existing customers. This will lead to it eventually gaining access to new markets, customers and business opportunities.

Union Steel’s history can be traced back to 1984 when it commenced operations with the incorporation of YLS Steel Pte Ltd to principally trade in scrap metals. In 1988, it incorporated Yew Lee Seng Metal Pte Ltd for the collection and recycling of scrap metals and demolitions and waste management services. In 1991, it incorporated Union Steel Pte Ltd to engage in the collection, recycling and trading of non-ferrous scrap metals and trading of non-ferrous products. The Group acquired Lim Asia Steel Pte Ltd in 2008 to expand its ferrous scrap collection and recycling services. It is a stockist for a wide range of steel products such as steel reinforcement bars, steel plates, H beams, I beams, pipes, sheet piles and non-ferrous products such as stainless steel and aluminium.
Olympic Steel Names Mr Brian C Harkins as Vice President Aluminum
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 13, 2021 09:22 am

Leading US metals service center Olympic Steel Inc announced that Mr Brian C Harkins has been promoted to Vice President Aluminum. Mr Harkins’ promotion supports the Company’s specialty metals strategic growth efforts. Mr Harkins will continue to report to President Specialty Metals Mr Andy Markowitz.

Mr Harkins joined the Company in 2019 as Director of Aluminum with more than 20 years of increasing commercial responsibility in the metals industry. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Marquette University in Milwaukee.

Founded in 1954, Olympic Steel is a leading US metals service center focused on the direct sale of processed carbon, coated and stainless flat-rolled sheet, coil and plate steel, aluminum, tin plate, and metal-intensive branded products. The Company’s CTI subsidiary is a leading distributor of steel tubing, bar, pipe, valves and fittings, and fabricator of value-added parts and components. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Olympic Steel operates from 35 facilities in North America.
Belgo Bekaert to Expand Brazilian Mills
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 13, 2021 09:23 am

ArcelorMittal and Bekaert Group’s Brazilian JV Belgo Bekaert plans to invest BRL 100 million (USD 19 million) by 2022 to expand two mills in Brazil to meet the growing demand of the automotive sector. It will expand steel cord output at its Itauna mill in Minas Gerais state, as well as its Sumare plant in Sao Paulo state. The investment covers the acquisition of a new product line, as well as new drawing machines and new equipment for finished steel products.

Belgo produces its steel cord product for the automotive industry. The steel cord product is a brass coated steel wire used for radial tire reinforcement. Belgo claimed it is the only company in Latin America to produce steel cords.
SMS Commissions Annealing & Pickling Line at Aperam Belgium
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 13, 2021 09:26 am

March 2021 saw the successful commissioning of the new annealing and pickling line at Aperam Stainless Belgium with the production of the first marketable coils of AISI304 austenitic steel grade. The line at Aperam’s Genk plant in Belgium was supplied by SMS including mechanical equipment, process technology, furnace technology, electrical equipment and automation controls. The line processes both austenitic and ferritic grades. With the commissioning of state-of-the-art and future-oriented plant technology, Aperam enlarges its product range by adding material grades for the most demanding applications and improves lead-time and flexibility to meet the upcoming market demands. Higher efficiency increases cost competitiveness and helps realizing Aperam’s environmental targets.

The line stands out due to its high degree of automation and resource-saving processes. This new annealing and pickling line represents the second line at Aperam’s Genk works supplied by SMS.

The powerful furnace from Drever International, member of SMS group, is designed for the resource-saving and efficient processing of cold strip.
SeAH CSS & Dussur to Set Up SS Seamless Tube Plant in Saudi Arabia
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 13, 2021 09:29 am

SeAH Besteel subsidiary SeAH CSS announced that it will establish Saudi Arabia's first stainless steel seamless pipe and tube plant in cooperation with Saudi Aramco subsidiary Dussur. SeAH CSS and Dussur will invest USD 120 million in the joint venture in 6:4 ratios. They will attract USD 110 million from the Saudi Industrial Development Fund and local financial institutions.

The joint venture will be located in King Salman Energy Park SPARK), a new city in eastern Saudi Arabia that is being fostered by Aramco as an international hub for the energy industry. They will break ground for the factory in early 2022 and start commercial production at the plant in 2025. The plant, when completed, will produce 17,000 tonnes of high value-added stainless steel pipes and tubes annually.
Agitations Planned against Privatization of RINL VSP
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 13, 2021 09:30 am

According to reports in Hans India, the Visakha steel agitation will be getting further momentum as various political parties are stepping up agitation against privatization of Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited’s Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant through a series of padyatras, Jan Andolan and Bharat Bandh this month. Visakha Ukku Nirvasitula Sangham is gearing up for undertaking a maha padayatra against privatisation of the steel plant and demanding jobs in the steel plant for over 8000, who are still waiting for jobs.

Opposing the central government's policies of selling the country's wealth in a strategic manner, the Communist Party of India will be launching an eight-day-long padayatras under the banner of Jana Angolan. The first padayatra will be conducted on September 14 and will continue till September 21. On the concluding day, a public meeting will be conducted in the city. CPI state assistant secretary Mr JV Satyanarayana Murthy urged the people to participate and make the campaign a grand success and help them meet their demands. He mentioned that their primary demands include saving Visakhapatnam Steel Plant from its strategic sale, reversing the handover of Gangavaram Port Limited to Adani Group, preventing privatisation of public sector companies and sale of their assets, withdrawing the three farm laws and reducing fuel prices.

The Communist Party of India (Marxist) has also appealed to people to make the proposed Bharat Bandh on September 27 a grand success in order to show the anger of people against the central government. CPM leaders took out Padayatra in the city on Sunday at Krishnalanka, Ranigari Thota, Wambay Colony, Payakapuram and Sundarayya Nagar and other areas to apprise people about the importance of the proposed Bharat Bandh. CPM leader Mr Babu Rao said that the Central government increased the prices of petrol, diesel, cooking gas and pocketing several thousands of crores of rupees. Citing examples of privatisation of Visakha Steel plant and other public sector undertakings, he said “The Central government is interested in only benefiting the corporate houses. Moreover, the agriculture laws are going to break the backbone of the farmers and the amended labour laws would favour the corporate houses and harm the interest of the workers. It appears that the Central government is waging a battle against people.”

It is also reported that a maha padayatra and a roundtable on ‘steel plant and social justice was held in the steel city on Sunday. The maha padayatra was to start from Kakatiya Arch at BC Road junction at 9 AM on Sunday and conclude at Old Gajuwaka Junction.
Tata Steel Netherlands CEO Promises Reduction in Air Pollution
By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 13, 2021 09:32 am

NL Times reported that Tata Steel Netherlands CEO Hans van den Berg took out a full-page advertisement in the Telegraaf on Saturday to promise that the steel company will enact sweeping changes to address health risks and concerns in the area around its IJmuiden steel factory. The CEO was responding to a highly critical report from the RIVM, which led to local politicians saying they would rather see the end of the economic advantages brought by having Tata Steel in their region, instead of continuing to suffer the health consequences that are a result.

Mr Van den Berg said "As a resident of Beverwijk-West and a father of three children, I fully understand the major concerns about emissions and their consequences. That is why I want to make an agreement with you today. Tata Steel is going to change. I guarantee that I will personally do everything I can to make this happen. You can hold me to that.”

In the advertisement, he lists previously announced measures amounting to 300 million euros that the company is taking to limit the nuisance. He said "The first effects of this are already noticeable. By 2023, the release of dust into the immediate vicinity will be reduced by 65 percent." A reduction in particulate matter emissions of 35 percent and a cut of 55 percent of heavy metals emissions is also envisaged within four years.

Mr Van den Berg emphasized that a future without steel "cannot exist", but that future will look very different in IJmuiden which will become "CO2-neutral and with much less nuisance for the environment." He stressed that the company wants to take responsibility for its role.
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