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een voorstel om de centrale bank op
te leggen meer goudreserves aan te
houden werd door de Zwitsers in ruime
meerderheid weggestemd.

Het begrotingstekort van Australië is de komende jaren ''niet te overzien''.

Dat stelt adviesbureau Deloitte zondag in een rapport over het land.

De Australische economie kampt met een kelderende export en aanhoudend dalende prijzen voor grondstoffen. Ook ervaart het land de gevolgen van de hoge arbeidskosten. Maatregelen om de economie aan te jagen en lastenverzwaringen worden vaak door politieke partijen geblokkeerd.

Volgens Deloitte zal het begrotingstekort tot juli 2015 oplopen tot omgerekend krap 24 miljard euro. Dat is 3,4 miljard euro meer dan eerder werd voorzien.


Ook zal het tekort de komende jaren verder oplopen. Hoewel het land niet kampt met een crisis rond de staatsschuld, spreekt Deloitte wel van toenemende risico's.

De prijs van ijzererts kelderde dit jaar met ongeveer 50 procent. Aan de ene kant was er een overaanbod door de ingebruikname van nieuwe mijnen.

Anderzijds was er, met name vanuit China, minder vraag naar ijzererts. IJzererts is goed voor ongeveer een vijfde van de exportinkomsten voor Australië.

Premier Tony Abbott beloofde eerder om de begroting onder controle te krijgen en de staatsschuld terug te dringen.

Door: ANP
mvliex 1
'Arcelor krijgt krediet voor Algerije'

Gepubliceerd op 1 dec 2014 om 07:32 PARIJS (AFN) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal heeft twee kredietlijnen gekregen van in totaal 600 miljoen dollar in Algerije. Daarmee moet het de toegenomen productie in het land financieren, aldus de Franse krant La Tribune maandag. De krant noemde daarbij geen bronnen.
De kredietlijnen zijn naar verluidt verstrekt door de Banque Extèrieure d'Algérie

s1138421 schreef op 1 december 2014 12:50:

nog meer schuld.....
Als de schulden problematisch zouden zijn, dan kreeg AM geen nieuwe kredietlijnen.
Mr Jindal plans JSW Steel's Vijayanagara plant capacity hike to 20 million tonnes

JSW Steel CMD Mr Sajjan Jindal on the sidelines of inauguration of Ispat Pragati Bhavan of INSDAG revealed some of his plans for future of JSW

1. Largest single location plant in world at Vijayanagara
Vijaynagar plant, which has a capacity of 10 million tonne, will be augmented to 12 million tonne shortly. He said "Earlier, my dream was to make Vijayanagar the largest steel plant in India now I want to make it largest in the world. Its capacity will gradually go up to 20 million tonne.”

2. Iron Ore slurry pipeline for imported ore
Considering uncertainty over the iron fines availability issue in the domestic market, this marks a shift in its long term perspective plan for JSW. Brownfield expansion project at Vijayanagara would depend on imported iron ore fines routed through a 500 kilometer slurry pipeline connecting its Jaigarh Port on the Maharashtra coast and Vijayanagara. The pipeline would have a capacity to carry 25 million tonnes of slurry a year. The pipeline project, which is slated to be on ground in the next couple of years at a cost of over INR 2,000 crore, would pay back within a year of operation through savings on the railway logistic cost

3. JSW Steel West Bengal steel and power plant on hold
He told "We have put the project on hold. Without both raw material it is very difficult to go ahead with the project. JSW Bengal has already invested INR 700 crore into the project at Salboni, in West Midnapur, it was keen about the project but given the unclear situation about coal and iron ore it was not practical to go ahead with the project.”

4. European Takeovers dropped
JSW is not pursuing acquisition proposal for three special steel re-rolling mills of bankrupt Italian steelmaker Lucchini, located in Tuscany province. It has also dropped the idea of taking over Italian integrated steel firm Ilva.

Source – PTI, Business Standard and Reuters
Essar Steel mega deal for plate exports to Iran to test sanctions - Report

Reuters reported that Essar Group is looking to tap frozen Iranian oil revenues to pay for its steel exports to Iran, in a novel attempt to work around Western financial sanctions against Iran

As per report, the National Iranian Oil Company proposed the payment mechanism in August, potentially opening a new way to release oil export proceeds tied up in India. Under this arrangement, Essar has asked the Indian government to free it from paying its share of oil dues to Iran and instead offset them against a USD 2.5 billion deal to supply steel plate to a NIOC affiliate.

Essar Oil buys oil from NIOC, while Essar Steel agreed in January to supply steel plate to Iranian Gas Engineering and Development Co, a NIOC affiliate. Deliveries of steel began in May, said a knowledgeable person at STC, adding that steel worth USD 100 million had been shipped so far. A source at the oil ministry valued the sales at USD 550 million.

The report added that “Essar Oil said it imported oil from Iran in its normal course of business and paid for it in line with an agreement between Iran and India. Essar Steel exports steel plate to Iran through the State Trading Corporation of India. Essar said in an e-mail response to questions from Reuters that this is in conformity with export import policy of the government of India. It is not a barter deal.”

The back-to-back scheme comes to light at a critical stage in talks between Iran and six world powers on its nuclear program, suspected by the West of seeking to develop an atomic bomb. Iran denies this. Negotiators this week extended talks on a deal to mid 2015 and with it an interim agreement allowing Iran to be paid for some of its oil exports.

The transaction could become a test case for the 'smart' sanctions imposed from 2012 by the United States and the European Union to increase pressure on Tehran to comply in the nuclear talks. India is not a party to these measures, but does back United Nations sanctions intended to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear equipment and materials.

The Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 lists steel as a commodity subject to sanctions. Companies like Essar adhere to the Western sanctions, though, to avoid any negative fallout for their US businesses. In 2007, Essar backed out of plans to invest in Iran's energy sector following US objections.

Source – Reuters
ASSOCHAM writes to RBI chief for financial stressed steel industry

Apex industry body ASSOCHAM urged the Reserve Bank of India to advise all commercial banks to extend the credit for payment of penalties due to coal blocks’ de-allocation by the Supreme Court and payment of upfront bid amounts for participation in the coal block bidding by deserving steel companies to ensure competitiveness of steel produced relative to imports of steel.

Dr Raghuram Rajan, The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India in a communication addressed to the Reserve Bank governor said that “The aggregation of challenged raw material availability owing to increased price trends, declining end products’ demand together with falling steel prices have been causing a severe blow to the domestic steel industry resulting in closure of numerous small and medium steel factories thereby putting operations and viability of larger ones in question.”

Mr DS Rawat, secretary general of ASSOCHAM, said that “The steel industry in India has been passing through a very tough phase for past 5 years owing to low metal demand and extreme price pressures notably as steel prices dropped by INR 4,000 per ton during the course of past few months. The problem has aggravated due to coal blocks’ cancellation by the apex court thereby creating uncertainty over availability of coal at competitive prices in the future.”

As such, ASSOCHAM has sought longer maturity of term loans for projects in operation to coincide with useful life of the plant to ease the pressure of cash flow. The apex chamber has also suggested for refinancing of rupee term loan through foreign currency loans and also refinancing of external commercial borrowings (ECBs) through fresh ECBs. ASSOCHAM has also urged for conversion of interest burden up to March 2016 into terms loans without impacting asset classification to improve cash flows.

It said that “The industry is currently finding it difficult to finance the interest and CDR window is the only way to reduce interest burden, therefore it is requested to allow conversion of part interest into funded interest term loan (FITL) to ease the cash flow position for the most stressful period, without changing the asset classification.”

It added that condition of new set of lenders for 25% joining the existing lenders (for balance 75%) may kindly be dispensed with to enable re-financing of loans by existing lenders as new lenders are reluctant to join for re-financing.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Darwin's Theory "Survival of Fittest" comes to iron ore play

Reuters reported that Mr Sam Walsh CEO of Rio Tinto dismissed criticism the company’s rising production has led to a steep fall in iron ore prices, saying the business is about survival of the fittest.

Mr Walsh said that Rio’s margins are healthy and the company is pushing ahead with expansion plans. Rio’s iron ore division, the second-biggest in the world, will receive the lion’s share of next year’s roughly USD 8 billion capital spending budget as it pushes to lift annual output 20% to 350 million tonnes by 2017 and capture market share abandoned by rivals.

Mr Walsh has set a target to deliver iron ore to China for USD 35 per tonne by 2020, down from USD 47 a tonne in 2012, ensuring the business, which made up 92% of earnings in the H1 of 2014, remains profitable. Iron ore delivered to China last traded at USD 69.70.

He said that that “Compares with costs as high as USD 70 per tonne in Australia and AUD 100 or more in China, where iron content of ores is much lower. I can understand there are all sorts of people out there who are feeling pain and they are the high cost producers.”

Iron ore prices have halved this year to the lowest in more than five years as the top producers, including Rio Tinto, flood the market with millions more tonnes, hurting smaller miners.

Source – Reuters
Latin America finished steel imports continue to grow faster than consumption

Figures for the nine first months of 2014 continue to show no growth for the Latin American finished steel market. Regional crude steel production remained at the same level than during the first 3 quarters of 2013; while finished steel production decreased 1%. Meanwhile, consumption grew only 2% and is being increasingly supplied by imports.

Finished Steel imports continue to gain market share and already account for 33% of the Latin American consumption. Regional trade balance continues to deteriorate and in January to September 2014, deficit (in tonnes) deepen by 20% YoY.

During the first 9 months of 2014, Latin America and the Caribbean produced 49.2 million tonnes of crude steel, in line with January to September 2013. Brazil represented 52% of the regional output (25.6 million tons), but displayed a slight drop of 1% YoY In percentage terms, crude Steel production grew more markedly in Argentina (+8%), Mexico (+6%) and Peru (+3%). Venezuela and Chile, on the other hand, displayed drops of -43% -17%, respectively.

In the same period, Latin America produced 37.6 million tonnes of finished steel, 1% less YoY. Brazil ranked first with an output of 18.8 million tonnes and 45% share of the regional production. It was followed by Mexico (13.1 million tonnes, 31% share). Increasing their production by 13% and 10% respectively, Colombia and Mexico displayed the most marked finished steel production expansions YoY. Venezuela and Chile dropped 41% and 23%, respectively.

Advance information of October 2014 indicates that crude steel production reached 5.9 million tonnes in this month, 2% more than in October 2013. Finished steel production closed at 4.9 million tonnes, in line with the same period of 2013. In January to October 2014, crude steel production accumulated 55 million tonnes, at the same level than one year ago. Production

Trade balance
Between January to September 2014, Latin America imported 17,4 million tonnes of finished Steel, 9% more YoY (14,9 million tonnes). Comparing current imports volume to that observed at the beginning of this decade (Jan/ Sep 2010), imports expansion reaches 26%. At present, finished steel imports represent 33% of the regional consumption. This entails the loss of local industry's share and more pressure on the regional market.

Meanwhile, exports got to 5.9 million tonnes, falling 8% YoY. Between January to September 2014, the region built up a trade deficit of -11.4 million tonnes. This unbalance is 20% deeper than one year ago, as it reached -9.5 million tonnes during the first three quarters of 2013.

In January to September 2014, every country in Latin America and the Caribbean presented finished steel trade deficits. The most important unbalance corresponds to Mexico (-3.6 million tonnes), followed by Colombia (-1.8 million tonnes), Peru (-1.5 million tonnes) and Chile (-1.1 million tonnes).

Finished steel consumption
During the first three quarters of 2014, regional finished steel consumption reached 52,5 million tonnes, growing 2% YoY. The most significant increases in consumption (both in volume and percentage growth) were registered in Mexico (2.1 million additional tons and 14% increase), Peru (489,000 tonnes, +23%), Colombia (+448,000 tonnes, +17%) and Argentina (+130,000 tonnes, +3%). On the other hand, Venezuela, Brazil and Ecuador displayed strong drops. Brazilian consumption reached a 5% drop, equivalent to 1 million tonnes less YoY. This decline accentuated during the period June to September, when volume consumed was 12% lower than during the same months of 2013.

of finished products reached 46.9 million tonnes, down 1%.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Indonesia's steel industry affected by oversupply in China

kitco cited Mr Irvan Kamal Hakim, Director at Krakatau Steel (Indonesia’s largest steel manufacturer), as saying that the domestic steel industry is still affected by prolonged concerns about excess steel supply in China, the world's largest steel producer. Amid slowing economic growth in the world’s second largest economy, domestic steel demand in China has declined resulting in a global oversupply of 525 million tons. Each 1 percent decline in GDP growth in China results in an additional oversupply of 24 million tons of steel.

Global excess supply, triggered by developments in China, means that the global steel price cannot rise markedly yet. The central bank of China has recently cut interest rates for the first time in over two years in an attempt to boost domestic consumption and economic growth (required to push the steel price back up). However, analysts are pessimistic about the direction of steel prices in the foreseeable future as manufacturing in China is still slowing.

Indonesia’s domestic steel production capacity is limited and therefore the country needs to import steel, mainly from China. In 2013, Indonesian steel demand was recorded at about 15 million tonnes, while annual domestic production capacity was only 7 million tonnes. However, steel sales in Indonesia have risen strongly in recent years amid development of infrastructure, the defense industry and manufacturing. These sales are expected to grow further in the years ahead as the Joko Widodo led government is committed to boost the country’s infrastructure development.

Furthermore, driven by Indonesia’s positive outlook for car sales, several foreign steel manufacturers have come to Indonesia. Mitsubishi Steel Manufacturing and Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC), invest USD 450 million for the acquisition of Jatim Steel Manufacturing as well as for the establishment of a special steel factory (for the production of automotive flat steel) in a joint venture with Krakatau Steel.

Source - kitco
Iran's steel output reaches 13.5 MT in first 10 months

It is reported that Iran's steel output reached 13.51 million tonnes in first ten months of 2014, an increase of 6.23% compared to the same period of last year.

According to worldsteel’s sustainability statistics, the steel production in Middle East reached approximately 23.19 million tonnes during January to October and Iran’s steel output accounts for around 58.25% in total.

Iran has increased its crude steel output since 2008 as the country produced around 9.96 million tonnes in 2008.

Source -
Guinea World's biggest untapped iron ore deposit to be tendered

Guinea is preparing the tender for the other half of the Simandou mountain range that was seized from the billionaire Beny Steinmetz’s BSG Resources Ltd. and Vale SA.

A timeframe has not been fixed for the submission of bids but there are fears that the process can be delayed by BSG Resources which has dragged the case to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.

The Simandou mountain range is deemed to be a lucrative venture for any company that can lay hands on it because it’s the world’s biggest untapped iron ore deposit. A half of it is owned by the Rio Tinto Group, the world’s second biggest mining company. It estimated that Simandou could produce 100 million tonnes of the key steelmaking ingredient a year. The half of Simandou owned by Rio Tinto has more than 2 billion tonnes of high grade resources and a mine life of 40 years.

The Guinean government wants to make best deal out of the half it has seized from BSG Resources and Vale on the allegations of corruption during the selection process.

Mr Conde president of Guinea said that permits for the upcoming Simandou tender should not fetch less than USD 100 million because it is not a small mine. The Mining minister is in Paris preparing the tenders with lawyers because the President wants to “make a correct call for tenders.

Sources said that Arcelor Mittal, the world’s biggest steelmaker and Glencore Plc have already showed interest although they will have to wait for the outcome of the claims made by BSG Resources to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes that its permit was revoked illegally by the Guinean government through a deeply flawed process based on unreliable and untested evidence.

Source – Medafrica Times
Argentina's crude steel output up in Oct

According to statistics released by Argentina’s steel association, the country’s crude steel output totaled 477,500 tonnes in October, up by 3% from a month ago.

In October, Argentina’s output of hot rolled coils totaled 416,900 tonnes down by 15.2% YoY and increasing by 2.8% from last month. At the same time, the country’s cold rolled coil output totaled 96,000 tonnes falling by 31.7% YoY.

During the first ten months of this year, the country’s crude steel output hit 4.58 million tonnes up by 7% compared to the corresponding period a year ago.

Source -

GVteD schreef op 1 december 2014 22:22:

Op naar de 500k Voda

Ik doe mijn best, maar de "main" driver zijn de nieuwsberichten hoor.
Het aantal Staalgerelateerde nieuws berichten zijn legendarisch hier.
In de al de vorige versies, en deze.

Ik hoop echt dat jullie er allemaal wat aan gehad hebben.

DE tijd die er ingestoken is, is enorm!

Bijna de 3,000 stuks op deze draad. Wie oh, wie, viert met mij nummer 3,000?
Hier is dan bericht nr. 3000!!!
Uiteraard Voda een welverdiende enorme pluim voor al je werk.
En zoals ik bij de vorige Nieuwsgerelateerde fórum ook al heb aangegeven destijds het is weer tijd na 3000 berichten en meer dan 250.000 views een nieuw draadje te openen.

Ps. Ik zie net dat ik de 3000 geplaatste berichten gepasseerd ben
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