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Beursblik: S&P verhoogt koersdoel ArcelorMittal

Koersdoel naar 5,10 euro.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) S&P Equity Research heeft dinsdag het koersdoel voor ArcelorMittal naar aanleiding van de kwartaalresultaten verhoogd van 5,10 naar 5,40 euro, met een ongewijzigde verkoopaanbeveling.

De kwartaalresultaten van de staalfabrikant overtroffen volgens de analisten de verwachtingen, maar de outlook stelde teleur. ArcelorMittal zei vanwege hoger steenkoolprijzen te rekenen op een daling van de winstgevendheid in het vierde kwartaal ten opzichte van het afgelopen kwartaal.

S&P verhoogde desalniettemin de verwachtingen voor de winst per aandeel ArcelorMittal in 2016 van 0,11 naar 0,37 dollar en voor 2017 van 0,45 naar 0,53 dollar. De marktvorsers stelden de winstverwachtingen opwaarts bij, omdat ze hogere marges voorzien.

De rekenmeesters van S&P blijven evenwel pessimistisch over de wereldwijde staalsector. Daar komt volgens de analisten bij dat het aandeel ArcelorMittal monenteel geen dividend biedt, waardoor het aandeel ook geen aantrekkelijke belegging is.

Op een rood Damrak noteerde het aandeel ArcelorMittal dinsdag 6,6 procent lager op 5,73 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Beursblik: resultaten ArcelorMittal conform verwachting

Outlook vierde kwartaal niet verrassend volgens Jefferies.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De resultaten van ArcelorMittal in het vierde kwartaal zijn conform verwachting en de outlook voor het vierde kwartaal verraste niet. Dit schreven analisten van Jefferies in reactie op de kwartaalcijfers.

Het bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) bedroeg 1,9 miljard dollar. Dit was 1 procent meer dan wat Jefferies had verwacht, maar 2 procent onder de consensus.

ArcelorMittal zei te verwachten dat de winstgevendheid in het vierde kwartaal afneemt versus het derde kwartaal. Dit is volgens de marktvorsers niet verrassend, gezien de sterk oplopende prijzen van steenkool.

De marktvorsers merkten ook op dat de schuldverlaging van de staalfabrikant volgens plan verloopt.

Jefferies hanteert voor ArcelorMittal een Kopen advies met een koersdoel van 7,25 euro. Op een nipt lager Damrak noteerde het aandeel dinsdag kort na opening 4,0 procent in het rood op 5,89 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Winst ArcelorMittal conform verwachting

Staalfabrikant verwacht lagere winstgevendheid in vierde kwartaal.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft in het derde kwartaal conform verwachting meer winst behaald, maar verwacht dat de winstgevendheid in het vierde kwartaal op kwartaalbasis zal afnemen. Dit maakte de grootste staalfabrikant ter wereld dinsdag voorbeurs bekend.

"Ons derde kwartaal geeft de vooruitgang weer die het bedrijf maakt met de verbetering van de onderliggende prestaties, evenals de verbeterende marktomstandigheden sinds het begin van het jaar", zei CEO Lakshmi Mittal ter toelichting.

Het bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) steeg op jaarbasis van 1.351 miljoen naar 1.897 miljoen dollar. Een consensus van 23 analisten die door het staalbedrijf zelf is opgesteld ging uit van 1.930 miljoen dollar. In het tweede kwartaal bedroeg het bedrijfsresultaat 1.770 miljoen dollar.

De nettowinst kwam uit op 680 miljoen dollar, op een omzet van 14.523 miljoen dollar. Een jaar terug leed de staalfabrikant nog een nettoverlies van 711 miljoen dollar, terwijl de omzet toen op 15.589 miljoen dollar lag.


ArcelorMittal verwacht dat de winstgevendheid in de laatste drie maanden van dit jaar zal afnemen ten opzichte van het derde kwartaal. "We zullen last ondervinden van de onverwachte aanzienlijke stijging van steenkoolprijzen", zei topman Mittal. ArcelorMittal denkt dat staalprijzen evenredig zullen stijgen met de kosten, maar de hogere prijzen voor steenkool zullen de winst drukken. Overcapaciteit blijft daarbij een punt van zorg, aldus de topman, die dan ook aandrong op de noodzaak van maatregelen om oneerlijke concurrentie tegen te gaan.

Wat betreft de staalleveringen verwacht het bedrijf een stabiel niveau ten opzichte van het derde kwartaal.

Het aantal staallevering bedroeg in het derde kwartaal 20,3 miljoen ton. Dat is minder dan de 21,1 miljoen ton die in dezelfde periode van 2015 werd afgeleverd en eveneens minder dan de 22,1 miljoen ton in het voorgaande tweede kwartaal.

Het aandeel ArcelorMittal sloot maandag 3,4 procent hoger op 6,13 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Chinese staalexport weer omlaag

Oktober derde maand op rij van afname.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Voor de derde maand op rij heeft China in oktober minder staal geëxporteerd. Dit bleek dinsdag uit cijfers van de Chinese douane.

In oktober daalde de export van staal met 15 procent ten opzichte van dezelfde maand een jaar eerder naar 7,70 miljoen ton. In september nam de uitvoer van staal nog met 22 procent af tot 8,80 miljoen euro.

Over de eerste negen maanden van het jaar ligt de staalexport op jaarbasis evenwel nog 0,7 procent hoger.

Zowel in Europa als Amerika zijn maatregelen ingesteld en lopen nog onderzoeken om de import van staal uit China te beperken via invoertarieven. Het dumpen van het goedkopere staal uit China tast de marges aan van zowel Amerikaanse en Europese staalfabrikanten. De Chinese overheid nam begin dit jaar maatregelen om de productiecapaciteit van de Chinese staalsector terug te dringen.

Daarnaast lijkt een deel van de vraag naar staal binnen China terug te lopen. De huizenprijzen in China zijn dit jaar flink opgelopen, maar overheidsmaatregelen lijken een dempende werking te gaan hebben, terwijl de economie tekenen van stabilisering begint te vertonen na jaren van sterke groei.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

Ik ben hier nieuw. Vanwege de haast die ik heb, zal ik mezelf later uitgebreid voorstellen. Ik handel al een tijdje via Plus 500, heb veel gehandeld tijdens de Brexit, en wat ik toen deed was ;s avond om 20:00u onze tijd, voor 200 EUR pakketen duitsland op ''verkopen''. De volgende ochtend was het een paar duizend euro.

Nu wil ik dat kunstje herhalen, bijvoorbeeld Duitsland 30 ''kopen'', maar nu is de hefboom ineens 10 x zo laag als normaal?

Klopt dit of verkijk ik mezelf?

Ik kan zelf geen nieuw topic aanmaken, daar heb ik al naar gezocht. Graag in het goede topic zetten als dit hier niet hoort.

Alvast bedankt.
Meer winst voor staalgigant ArcelorMittal

Gepubliceerd op 8 nov 2016 om 07:27 | Views: 8.230

LUXEMBURG (AFN) - Staalgigant ArcelorMittal heeft de winst afgelopen kwartaal zien toenemen op een lagere omzet. Het aan de beurs in Amsterdam genoteerde concern profiteerde van verbeterde economische omstandigheden, al blijft overcapaciteit in de mondiale staalindustrie een bron van zorg.

ArcelorMittal zette een omzet van 14,5 miljard dollar (13,1 miljard euro) in de boeken, 7 procent minder dan een jaar eerder. Het bedrijfsresultaat daarentegen ging omhoog, met ruim 40 procent, naar 1,9 miljard dollar. Dat is wel iets minder dan analisten gemiddeld hadden voorzien. Onder de streep bleef een winst over van 680 miljoen dollar, na een verlies van 711 miljoen dollar in het derde kwartaal van 2015.

De gang van zaken tot dusver in het vierde kwartaal is minder gunstig, zei topman Lakshmi Mittal. Hoewel de vraag stabiel blijft, zet een onverwachte stijging van de kolenprijs in combinatie met lagere staalprijzen in de Verenigde Staten, de winstgevendheid onder druk.

's Werelds grootste staalproducent kampt net als zijn concurrenten met de gevolgen van overcapaciteit. Met name Chinese staalbedrijven verkopen hun producten tegen zeer lage prijzen. De sector zal daar een antwoord op moeten vinden, zei Mittal. ,,Maar al met al zijn wij blij met de voortgang die wij dit jaar hebben geboekt.''

ArcelorMittal verscheepte in het derde kwartaal 20,3 miljoen ton staal. Dat is 1 miljoen ton minder dan een jaar eerder. Ook de productie van ijzererts viel lager uit dan in dezelfde periode vorig jaar. Het bedrijf verwacht dat de staalleveringen in het vierde kwartaal op omgeveer hetzelfde niveau uitkomen als in de afgelopen periode.
Pakistan seals 34 steel units in Lahore due to pollution

Dawn reported that Pakistan environment department of the City District Government Lahore has sealed 34 steel manufacturing units during the last two days for causing pollution, leading to smog in the provincial metropolis. The department sprang into action and formed five teams that raided factories in northern Lahore.

Mr Anjum Riaz district officer (environment) told Dawn that “We have sealed 34 factories, all steel manufacturing units, for using substandard fuel such as used tyres powder, plastic scrap and releasing poisonous smoke into the air.”

He said the sealed factories were located in the areas of Badami Bagh, Mominpura, Lakhudero Road and Ring Road.

The factories were sealed for an indefinite period but no arrests were made, the official added.

He warned the factory owners to immediately stop using the substandard material otherwise their premises would be sealed.

Source : Dawn
Shares up after rally by steel & coal firms in China

Shanghai Daily reported that Shanghai stocks closed slightly higher after coal and steel prices rallied, which analysts took as a positive benefit arising from the progress in China’s supply-side reform. The Shanghai Composite Index added 0.26 percent to 3,133.4 points.

Coal companies such as Shaanxi Heimao Coking Co jumped by the daily limit of 10 percent to 9.12 yuan (US$1.35), as did steel investor Luyin Investment Group Co to 11.03 yuan.

Cui Qin, analyst at Cargill, a US-based commodity company, said these shares gained from the rally of domestic coal and steel prices.

Coking coal prices added 9.97 percent yesterday while coke prices rose 6.97 percent. Steel prices grew by 5.98 percent.

Source : Shanghai Daily
Steel Alliance Against Counterfeiting backs stronger safety code in UAE

TradeArabia News Service reported that the Steel Alliance Against Counterfeiting, an industry initiative of 17 global steel products manufacturers committed to combating counterfeit steel products, has pledged its support for more stringent regulations controlling the use of key building materials in ongoing revisions of the UAE Fire and Life Safety Code of Practice 2016.

According to the UAE Civil Defense Department, the code, which is undergoing its first significant revision since 2011, will be released within the next few months. The updated version of the UAE fire safety code will contain more detail on specifications for cladding, mandatory requirements for owners and clarify responsibilities in construction, maintenance and repair work. It will also include comprehensive material tests and outline new consultant responsibilities ranging from material usage to regular site inspections.

Dr Carlo Farina managing director, Friedrich Geldbach, said that “Steel has always been a key component of building infrastructure and we are likely to see demands for it to grow as major infrastructure projects continue to gather pace in this region. It is critical that industry players work together with policy makers and regulators to co-develop solutions that enhance the sector and evolve safety and security protocols. We strongly believe that steel materials require a greater level of recognition at a regulatory level.”

The construction boom in the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council has led to increased competition among suppliers, resulting in unlawful conduct and negatively impacting product quality. The SAAC works to address and eliminate two forms of illicit practices, namely:
1. The fraudulent branding of non-certified steel products with the brand of well-known, certified suppliers often sold together with falsified certificates.
2. The refurbishment of used steel products to appear and be sold as new.

In that context, the SAAC advocates for the adoption of more stringent rules regarding the control of the steel products, in the revised UAE fire safety code.

Source : TradeArabia News Service
Canada extends AD investigation on reinforcing bars

The Canada Border Services Agency extended the investigation with respect to the alleged injurious dumping of certain concrete reinforcing bar originating in or exported from the Republic of Belarus, Chinese Taipei, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Unrest brewing at Pakistan Steel Mills - CEO

Dawn reported that management of Pakistan Steel Mills has warned the government that a crisis is brewing at the country’s largest industrial unit due to the non-payment of wages and non availability of medical facilities for staff and pensioners for several months, which could turn into a law and order problem.

In a note to Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, PSM chief executive officer and federal secretary for industries Khizar Hayat Gondal has said that the workers associated with a political party that is seeking the prime minister’s resignation have allegedly been involved in protests and violence inside the mills in recent days.

Mr Gondal warned that if timely measures were not taken, other restive employees could join the protest, which had been averted “for the time being” through the involvement of police, the Karachi commissioner and the Sindh chief secretary.

According to him, the workers were given certain commitments regarding their main demand for timely payment of monthly salary and other service benefits to serving and former employees.

Mr Gondal said the PSM executive committee had agreed to immediately release a total of PKR 183 million on account of medical bills, extreme hardship allowance for heirs of deceased employees as well as leave-related allowances, to ensure that the protest did not spiral out of control.

The warning comes at a time when the mills is no longer considered a going concern by auditors meaning it cannot be considered a viable entity and is close to being classified as a ‘dead asset’ minimising the chances of its fruitful privatisation.

Source : Dawn
Shandong plans to expand investment in Sierra Leone

Xinhua reported that the Shandong Iron and Steel Group plans to expand its investment in Sierra Leone with USD 700 million for the construction of processing plants.

Mr Hou Jun chairman of the Chinese steel firm, made the announcement during a courtesy call on Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma on Friday. Mr Hou assured the president that the company's goal in Sierra Leone is to work "closely with the government to scale up China-Sierra Leone economic cooperation."

The president told Hou that "We will continue to support the project because we believe it's a win-win situation for both the company and Sierra Leone.”

President Koroma encouraged the Shandong Iron and Steel Group to scale up its activities through the injection of investment into its operations and promised continuous support from his government.

Source : Xinhua
Pakistan starts anti dumping probe into Chinese HDG & PPGI steel

The News reported that Pakistan National Tariff Commission has started an antidumping probe into the imports of steel coils from China, almost a year after it slapped duties on Chinese cold rolled coils on the same ground.

The commission said the International Steels Limited the sole producer of galvanised coils in Pakistan complained that Chinese companies were dumping galvanised and colour coated steel coils into Pakistan at below market prices, causing material injury to the local manufacturer. ISL said price under-cutting led to a decline in sales and profitability in addition to the inventory buildup. The NTC said it will complete the investigation and make final determination within four months.

Equity analyst Adnan Sheikh at Taurus Securities said the antidumping duty will be in the range of eight to 19 percent, much like those provisionally imposed on cold rolled coils from China.

In January, the NTC slapped 8.31 to 19.04% duties on imports of cold-rolled coils and sheets from exporters based in China and Ukraine after a preliminary finding that they dumped two products between April 2014 and March 2015 into the country.

Source : The News
Chinese threat looms large over steel industry in Argentina

Buenos Aires Herald reported the question that arises as the administration mulls over the prospect of gradually opening up the economy to more imports is whether or not protecting the domestic steel industry is a priority.

Argentina’s steel industry posted an all-time output record: 5.61 million tonnes in 2011. But the following year, raw steel production dropped 11% to 4.996 million tonnes, rising a modest 3.8% in 2013 and another 5.8% in 2014, only to plummet by 8.4% in 2015. 3.078 million tonnes of steel were produced in the first nine months of 2016, a 18.6 percent drop on output during the same period of 2015.

According to the Argentine Steel Chamber, low levels of industrial output production across the board have meant a decrease in the demand for steel, driving output at steel mills to an average of 60% of their collective installed capacity of seven million annual tonnes throughout the year.

Argentine Steel Chamber claims the industry employs approximately 15,000 people directly and about 100,000 indirectly. Some of the big players here include Ternium Siderar, Acindar, Tenaris Siderca both part of the Techint Group Acerbrag, Arcelor Mittal and Sipar Gerdau.

Source : Buenos Aires Herald
Cold rolled steel imports hurting South African steel industry - ITAC

Reuters reported that the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa’s initial findings showed that imports of cold-rolled steel products, particularly from China, are hurting South African producers potentially paving the way for additional import duties.

ITAC said in its report released on Monday that the steel sector had suffered serious injury as sales and output volumes dwindled and market share declined after a surge in steel imports. But it did not impose provisional measures as it took into account the possible positive effect of the tariff increase introduced in August last year.

ITAC had launched an investigation in July into whether to impose safeguard duties on imports of cold-rolled steel from a number of countries including China, at the request of steel maker ArcelorMittal South Africa.

Source : Reuters
Sponge iron & pellet makers also eligible to bid for iron ore mines

Press Trust of India reported that the Indian government has clarified that secondary steel producers as well as related industries such as sponge iron and pellet makers are also eligible for bidding for iron ore mines based on their end use. A source said that under the Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015, on the indicative list of specified end use for allocation of iron ore mines, 'Integrated Steel Plants' (Schedule II) has been provided, which creates disadvantage for industries like sponge iron, pellet makers and small steel-making units.

The source explained that "Actually, under these rules, the powers of the Centre are exercised by states for reservation of a particular mine for any particular end use and state governments can earmark certain percentage of mines for the end use.”

He said that "The steel ministry took up this issue with the mines ministry and said the term Integrated Steel Plants should be replaced with a neutral one Production of Iron and Steel and so, there is a need to amend the rules.”

He added that "They (the mines ministry) said states can reserve blocks for any end use like sponge iron, iron ore pellets, etc by using the end use mentioned in the Schedule II for iron ore.”

In March 2015, the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act was passed, which makes it mandatory for mine leases to be awarded only through auctions. The government then framed the Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015 to conduct the auctions for major minerals except coal and atomic minerals.

Source : Press Trust of India
Jindal Stainless may bid for stake in SAIL SSP – Report

Reuters reported that Jindal Stainless may bid for stake in SAIL’s Salem Steel plant as an official last week told Reuters that it would consider buying a majority stake in SSP which Steel Authority of India is selling under pressure from the government. Mr Ashok Kumar Gupta finance head of Jindal Stainless (Hisar) told Reuters that "We were interested even last year. We will look at it."

The report added that Jindal Stainless is the only party interested in buying the 614,200 tonnes per year plant whose annual loss grew by 40 percent in the year to March 31

The Salem stainless steel plant in Tamil Nadu was among more than a dozen public sector enterprises identified by union cabinet last week for strategic sale.

Source : Reuters
US DOC probe finds dumping of steel plate from nine nations

Reuters reported that the US Commerce Department said on Monday it had made a preliminary finding of dumping of certain imports of carbon and alloy steel cut-to-length plate from Austria, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

The department said in a statement it established preliminary antidumping duties of up to 130.63%

The finding followed an investigation prompted by a petition from Nucor Corp and US subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal and SSAB AB.

Source : Reuters
UK PM Ms Theresa May does not raise Tata Steel crisis with Mr Modi

The Mirror reported that UK’s PM Ms Theresa May dealt a crushing snub to British steel when she failed to raise the industry's crisis with her Indian counterpart. She had joined Indian PM Mr Narendra Modi to open a major Tech Summit in Delhi, sponsored by Indian steel giant Tata. As per report, Ms May did not even raise the uncertainty over workers with Mr Modi despite sharing 90 minutes of talks in Delhi.

A Government official said “It wasn't one of the areas that came up in the broader discussion.”

The Prime Minister had already admitted to the Mirror she would not be meeting bosses from the metals giant on her three-day trip. She told the Mirror on the plane journey: “I had hoped to be able to meet the key people from Tata while I was in India. Sadly the schedules don't allow for me to do that on this particular visit. But there are regular contacts between the Government and Tata Steel, as there have been for some time now to ensure we maintain that steel production in the UK.”

Source : The Mirror
US DOC opens probe on Chinese steel import via Vietnam

Reuters reported that the US Commerce Department on Monday formally opened an investigation into allegations that Chinese steel producers are diverting shipments through Vietnam to avoid American import tariffs. The probe will determine whether imports of hot rolled and cold rolled steel made in China that is further processed in Vietnam are circumventing previous anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties on Chinese steel.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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