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US preliminary steel imports in November up by 3.3%

Based on preliminary Census Bureau data, the American Iron and Steel Institute reported today that the US imported a total of 2,804,000 net tons of steel in November 2016,

Source : Strategic Research Institute
United States Steel restarts Keetac iron ore pellet plant

United States Steel Corporation announced that it has reached agreements to supply iron ore pellets to third-party customers.US Steel will adjust its iron ore pellet production in order to take full advantage of these business opportunities.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China Construction Bank inks USD 4.3 billion of debt/equity swaps with coal & steel firms

Reuters reported that China Construction Bank Corp (CCB) (601939.SS) (0939.HK) has signed around 30 billion yuan ($4.31 billion) worth of debt-for-equity swaps with eastern Anhui province's state-owned coal and steel firms. Since China's policymakers re-launched the debt-for-equity scheme in October to ease the borrowing overhang of its struggling firms, the country's banks have rushed to sign deals with state-owned enterprises to ease their burden.

The country's second biggest lender CCB has signed a 30 billion yuan debt-for-equity framework agreement with Huainan Mining Industry (Group) Co, Huaibei Mining Group and Magang (Group) Holding, the parent company of Maanshan Iron & Steel Co (600808.SS)(0323.HK), to reduce leverage and increase profits, said Xinhua.

CCB also agreed to provide Huainan Mining, Huaibei Mining and Wanbei Coal-Electricity Group with more than 30 billion yuan worth of credit within the next 5 years, together with comprehensive financial services that include investment banking and settlement services among other things, said Xinhua.

CCB, Huainan Mining, Huaibei Mining, Wanbei Coal-Electricity Group and Magang (Group) Holding were not immediately available for comment when contacted by Reuters.

The deal follows a CCB $739 million debt-for-equity swap with Xiamen CCRE in November.

Heavy industries such as coal and steel are suffering from over-capacity as China has switched its economic growth strategy to depend more on higher-end technology and consumption.

On Monday, the country's largest lender Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) signed three debt-for-equity swaps with Shanxi province's highly indebted state-owned coal and steel firms.

Source : Reuters
Coking coal prices plunge as Chinese output rises

Nikkei reported that international spot prices for coking coal have fallen sharply after China eased restrictions on production of the material used to make steel. High-grade heavy coking coal from Australia is trading below $250 per ton on the spot market, down about 20% from a five-year high reached in November.

Chinese production is recovering after the government scaled back limits introduced in the spring on the number of days that mines can operate. China's imports of coking coal decreased 8% in November from the prior month, with a further decline expected in December. Also, more buyers switched from Australian to Mongolian coal because of higher spot prices for the former.

Heavy buying by Indian steel mills has run its course. Blast-furnace steelmakers have curtailed operations as higher materials prices hurt their competitiveness, resulting in weaker demand for coking coal, a trading house official said.

In the U.S., coal mines that suspended operations are expected to go back online.

As market conditions point to a further price decline, steel mills in Southeast Asia and elsewhere have held back on buying.

Spot prices for coking coal spiked from around $80 per ton at the beginning of the year to more than $300 in November as traders anticipating price increases boosted inventories. By the same token, selling tends to drive more selling as buyers foresee price declines.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch predicts an international price of $215 per ton in 2017, suggesting that sharp swings are coming. If materials prices trend lower, steelmakers will have difficulty justifying proposed price hikes for their products.

Source : Nikkei
Mr Usmanov says could revive plans for national metals and mining giant

Mr Alisher Usmanov, the co-owner of iron ore producer Metalloinvest, said that he did not rule out a return to the idea of creating a national metals and mining giant together with the co-owners of mining company Norilsk Nickel (Nornickel).

Mr Usmanov also said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 TV network that he had made a good return on his "small stake" in Apple.

Source : Reuters
Vietnam's January to November scrap imports total 353,000 tonnes

The TEX Report Ltd reported that Vietnam's ferrous scrap imports totaled 411,424 tonnes in November 2016 or exceeded 400,000 tonnes on monthly basis, up 9.6% from a month ago, when their values amounted to USD 96,448,935 up 8.5%, averaging USD 234.4 per tonne, down USD 2.4 or 1.0%, according to an announcement by the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance.

As a result, Vietnam's ferrous scrap imports totaled about 3,527,538 tonnes in January to November 2016, up 20.8% from the same period of 2015, averaging 321,000 tpm, when its cumulative imports translated into an annualized 3,850,000 tonnes.

Vietnam's quantity of export in calendar year hit historic high in 2014 at 3,376,000 tonnes. The quantity of export from January to November 2016 already exceeded this historic record and renewd the historic high in calendar year.

Meanwhile, their values amounted to USD 782,247,715 up 2.7% from the same period of the previous year, and improved to poisitive. The import unit price, which was calculated by the above-mentioned figure, was USD 221.8 per tonne, up USD 1.7 or 0.8% from that of January to October.

Source : The TEX Report Ltd
Hope to see stability in raw material prices in 2017 - Mr Ravi Uppal JSPL

In an exclusive interview with ET Now Mr Ravi Uppal MD and Group CEO of JSPL said that he expects India Steel industries to return normaly by next quateres.

ET Now - As we look back I am sure you are happy with how things have transpired in 2016, they have been a lot better than what they probably were at the start of the year. Do you think the run rate, the momentum, continues into 2017, what are the key factors for this?

Ravi Uppal - Well you know that we on the whole have a very positive outlook for the Indian steel industry in 2017. The pace has picked up from the start of the third quarter, then of course in the month of November there was a setback due to demonetisation but I think things are again picking up and I am sure that by the middle of the next quarter that the Indian steel industry should get back to business as usual. I think globally also the steel industry has started to look up with the exception of China, I think the rest of the industry is expected to grow by more than 1% next year and United States, Europe, Canada and rest of the Asian countries are also expected to grow between 2-2.5% next year.

India, which has grown until the end of November by 3.5% the domestic consumption is likely to see that this growth will go up to 4-4.5% by the time we conclude the current financial year and as we get into the next year we expect that the growth should be in the range of 5-5.5%. So all put together you know it is a good news for Indian steel industry. Of course 2016 has been a very volatile year for the steel industry, sometime we thought that demand is looking up then there was always something which brought it down and you know the prices of raw materials have been changing very rapidly.

You know the prices of coking coal and also alloying materials, they had seen a major increase starting from August till about November end. Now of course the coking coal prices have started soften a bit but I think all total the market witnessed a lot of activity in the movement of raw materials. So let us hope that starting from early next year there will be stability in the prices of the raw materials and the prices of steel will also see the semblance of stability in them. But on the whole I would say the Indian steel industry should look up to 2017 as a good year.

ET Now - There are two ways to look at the current commodity cycle; things were beaten down in 2015, there were no inventories and now things are coming to reasonable level and a fresh inventory cycle has started, that is one. Second, this is just reflex action, prices have gone up but demand is not there. So what is your assessment of the situation?

Ravi Uppal - Well you know I have a slight disagreement with what you just said that there is no demand. I think if you look at the steel industry, the demand has come from three sections; number one the demand by itself grew by 3.1% from April to November, the domestic demand I am talking about. The second is the imports came down by 39% in the first eight months. The exports have gone up by nearly 53%. So these things added together that is increasing exports, dropping imports plus the organic growth of the domestic consumption, all three added together saw that the Indian steel industry was rolling out more volumes. The total steel production up to November has gone up by 10.6%. Of course the primary producers have gained more because their numbers have gone up by 14% but as against that secondary players; their growth has not been as pronounced that was in the range of 1.5%. So but all total I think the volumes saw a good double digit increase. Let us just hope that this kind of volume growth continues next year when the organic growth will pick up.

ET Now - So 2016 in a sense has been a decent year for the steel industry, the MIP was imposed, the antidumping duty was extended, steel industry which was suffering because of overcapacity now seems to enjoying a natural advantage but given that you will have a new administration in US and the tax laws, trade barriers, trade treaties would be changed, what will happen to this moat or this unnatural protection Indian steel industry is enjoying?

Ravi Uppal - Well you know the Indian steel industry the protection has also been withdrawn, if you look we started in February 2016 with MIP on about 171 items and now the MIP has been reduced to just about 19 items. Some of the items have been taken away from the MIP list the simple reason being that the international prices also moved considerably and they were not seeing as much of threat therefore there was no need to put up any barriers.

But for certain items the government did keep in place the antidumping duties which are also going to get scaled down over a period of time. So I think the government did foresee the need for putting some kind of protection against predatory pricing by the overseas suppliers particularly from China and Korea but I think over a period of time the Indian industry will also get back on their feet firmly and their products will also become more competitive. So I think the antidumping measures taken by the government were very much in time and I think it was a good move but the industry is going to getting their act together to see that they can fight on their own.

So I think US there is speculation that with Mr Trump assuming the office that he is going to put lot of focus on renewal of the old assets and infrastructure and the infrastructure activity in particular is going to pick up that basically means the steel demand is also going to pick up. And so seems to be case in several European countries which are also contemplating putting lot of money into the renewal of the infrastructure assets.

ET Now - That is that about the industry is likely to do in 2017 but tell us where you at JSPL stand as of now, what is that we can expect from you given how the current environment is, given what the projection for 2017 is, given your product portfolio in terms realisation as well as EBITDA per ton what is the best and the worst that we are looking at for 2017 from you?

Ravi Uppal - Well you know for us up to the second quarter things were very challenging but since the start of the Q3 things are looking up. Like the rest of the Indian steel industry we are also benefitting from upsurge in the domestic demand, our production has gone up, even in the difficult quarter like Q2 our production had gone up nearly 11% and in this quarter I am expecting that the volume should pick up even more. And of course the margins still remain a challenge for the entire steel industry.

They have improved compared to what they were earlier because Q3, Q4 are generally the busy season, business season in India and therefore the prices have risen but the question is if the prices are rising the raw material costs are also rising what is the take for the industry, I think that remains to be seen. So I feel that Q3 and Q4 should generally be better quarters compared to what we saw in Q1 and Q2. That is true of the industry as a whole and I think JSPL is included in the same way.

ET Now - Do you have any near term plans to sell stake or raise funds by any other method because as I understand you do want to infuse equity in the company and apparently you are in talks with foreign investors for the same as well, any timelines that you would want to share here?

Deel 2:

Ravi Uppal - Well basically the whole idea is to really reduce the debt. There are two ways to do it; number one, we have curtailed our capital expenditure, we are not making any new investments at this point of time and the second is that we are also restructuring our debt. Our 5/24 program is completely implemented now, both for the power as well as for the steel business and that covers our debt to the tune of 10500 crores. For the rest of it also we are trying to restructure the debt. We are in discussion with the finance institutions. You know the basic point is that we have to service the debt where given the fact that the steel industry has gone through a very difficult period, you know I think we need more time to get our act together and bring it to business as usual. That is what the whole discussion is all about. So as I mentioned that 2017 we are optimistic. The way things have shaped up in the last three to four months barring the exception of November so we would make sure that the debt program gets completely on its way and we are also looking at the possibility of some divestments, we have done already few, there are few in the pipeline and we will see that even through divestment process we are able to sort of reduce the debt to the extent possible.

Source : Economic Times
China Nov industry profits grow well but chance to sustain gains clouded

REUTERS reported that China's industrial sector showed the strongest profit growth in three months in November, suggesting the world's second-largest economy was improving, though policymakers noted gains were too dependent on rebounding prices for oil products, iron and steel.

Industrial profits have had a solid rebound this year after falling last year, boosted by a recovery in commodity prices as supply tightened due to a capacity reduction drive and an infrastructure boom.

National Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday that Profits in November rose 14.5 percent to CNY 774.6 billion (USD 111 billion) from a year ago, the highest since August's record 19.5 percent spike. Profits in October rose 9.8 percent.

Industrial profits rose 9.4 percent in the first 11 months from a year earlier, up from 8.6 percent in January to October.

Mr He Ping an NBS official said in a note accompanying the data that "Industrial profits rose relatively fast due to a lower base last year, and the growth was overly reliant on a price rebound in raw material industries such as oil refining, and iron and steel.”

Profits in manufacturing rose 13.7 percent for January-November from a year earlier, while those for the ferrous metal processing industry as well as oil and nuclear fuel refining more than tripled.

Source : Reuters
Japanese prices of NO electrical sheets for China exceed USD 700 CFR

According to a source, Japan's conclusions of contracts have advanced at increased prices by more than USD 700 CFR for non-Japanese customers in China in negotiations on non oriented electrical steel sheets for January shipment.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Iran mineral products export hits USD 4.4 billion in 8 months

MNA reported that the exports volume for Iran’s mine and mineral industry products amounted to 4.4 billion dollars in the first eight months of the current Iranian calendar year (began March 20).

Deputy for the Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development & Renovation Mr Amir Sabbagh made the remark while speaking in a training course on mine and mineral industry trends in the world and analyzing its strategic market. The official highlighted that the eight-month value for the current year indicated a 34% growth as compared with the corresponding period last year.

He went on to state that more than 11.8 million tons of iron ore have been exported in the past eight months showing a 43% upsurge compared with the same period a year before.

Mr Sabbagh noted that the value of iron ore exports surpassed 451.5 million dollars during the period, revealing a rise of 48.5% compared with the last year.

About 3.5 million tons of various kinds of stones were also exported in 8 months showing a growth of 193% compared with the same period last year.

The value of stones exported abroad reached 204.8 million dollars which had a 72.9% rise compared with the same period a year ago.

Exports of steel chain and downstream products also experienced a 106.6% rise climbing to 4.322 million tons.

The value of exported steel products mounted to 1.829 billion dollars revealing a 37.5 uplift in the mentioned time span.

A total of 561.6 thousand tons of copper and downstream products worth 536 million dollars were also exported over the past eight months indicating a 307.8% and 536% rise in weight and value, respectively.

As the 14th largest steel manufacturer in the world, the Islamic Republic of Iran has deployed over six million tons of the product to global markets in the first eight months of the present year though the figure is expected to hit 18 million tons by the end of the year on March 20, 2017.

Source : Mehr News
Beursblik: beursexperts tippen dit jaar KPN, ArcelorMittal mijden

Experts rekenen op AEX van 490 punten in 2017.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Beursexperts voorzien een matig beursjaar 2017, waarin KPN als favoriet geldt en beleggers beter bij ArcelorMittal kunnen wegblijven na de koersexplosie in 2016. Dit bleek uit de maandelijkse enquête die Actiam onder 102 experts hield.

Volgens deze beursexperts zal de AEX in 2017 eindigen op 490 punten, een koerswinst van slechts een ruime procent. "Dit soort bescheiden verwachtingen komen niet vaak voor", aldus Corne van Zeijl, die verantwoordelijk is voor de maandelijkse enquete van Actiam.

Van de respondenten rekent 41 procent op een daling van de AEX.

Politiek domineert

De voornaamste reden dat de beursexperts slechts een bescheiden stijging verwachting voor dit jaar, is het grote aantal belangrijke verkiezingen in Europa.

Verder is er in de markt consensus dat de al maar dalende rente ten einde komt. Desondanks staat de rente nog altijd op een erg laag niveau en betwijfelt Van Zeijl of een iets oplopende rente nu daadwerkelijk een einde maakt aan TINA (There Is No Alternative). "Een percentage van 0,20 procent is niet echt de moeite waard", aldus de analist van Actiam.

Waar volgens de enquête ook consensus over is, is dat de nieuwe Amerikaanse president Donald Trump een belangrijke rol gaat spelen, ook bij aandelenrendementen.

Top & flop 2017

De experts werden ook dit jaar weer gevraagd hun favoriete en minst favoriete aandelen voor 2017 te noemen. Van Zeijl constateerde dat het lijstje voor 2017 bijna het omgekeerde is van wat een belegger in 2016 had moeten hebben.

Zo moeten beleggers volgens de experts Ahold, Aegon en KPN in portefeuille hebben. Alle drie de fondsen deden het in 2016 slecht. "Na een verlies van 19 procent is dit aandeel [KPN] rijp voor herstel, zo vindt men", aldus Van Zeijl. Aegon en Ahold Delhaize gaan volgens de experts profiteren van een herstel van de dollar.

Wegblijven kunnen beleggers volgens de experts beter bij ArcelorMittal, nadat het aandeel in 2016 de topper in de AEX was. De keuze voor ArcelorMittal als flopper was volgens Van Zeijl breed gedragen.

Ook Unibail-Rodamco is volgens de experts een aandeel om niet in portefeuille te hebben. Het vastgoedfonds gaat het volgens de marktvorsers slecht doen bij een stijgende rente.

Experts sterk in 2016

Voor 2016 hadden de beursexperts het opnieuw goed gezien, zo concludeerde Van Zeijl. De afgelopen vijf jaar zaten de experts volgens de analist van Actiam steeds "redelijk dichtbij" de werkelijkheid.

Ook in de keuze van toppers en floppers deden de expert het goed. De meeste experts kozen begin 2016 ArcelorMittal als favoriet. Ook de andere toppers scoorden afgelopen jaar dubbelcijferige winsten, met uitzondering van KPN, maar dat fonds bood wel nog 10 procent aan dividend. Maar ook met dit dividend meegerekend, leverde het aandeel nog altijd een verlies van bijna 9 procent op.

Unibail-Rodamco, Gemalto en Randstad waren volgens de experts aandelen om in 2016 te mijden. De koersen daalden ook daadwerkelijk. De experts noemden echter ook Altice als flopper, terwijl het aandeel tientallen procenten meer waard werd.

Een zogenoemde long/short strategie op basis van de keuzes van de experts zou in 2016 desalniettemin een rendement van 29 procent hebben opgeleverd. "Chapeau", aldus Van Zeijl.

Door: ABM Financial News.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
He Steel promises investments in Smederevo Steel Mill
Published on Mon, 02 Jan 2017

Balkan Insight reported that in the afternoon of the general elections held on April 24, the outgoing government closed a deal to sell Zelezara Smederevo steel mill, selling it to China's He Steel Group, one of the largest firms in the global steel business.

Minister of Economy Zeljko Sertic and He Steel Chairman Yu Yong signed the contract on the steel mill grounds at an April 18 ceremony attended by Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and government ministers.

The deal with the Chinese company came as a relief for workers and for the government, which faced substantial costs for keeping the company running. The accord is the first Chinese investment in a major Serbian company. Until now, Chinese companies were engaged mostly in infrastructure projects financed through state-sponsored bilateral loans.

The Serbian government accepted on April 5 a binding bid submitted by the He Steel Group to buy the Smederevo steel mill for EUR 46 million. The company will invest at least EUR 300 million in the mill and plans to retain the workforce of 5,050 employees.

He Steel is the largest steel producer in China, with an annual production capacity of 50 million tons. It employs a workforce of 120,000. The company operates in 30 countries around the world and its 2015 revenues were €41.9 billion.

Source : Balkan Insight


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Turkish Steel exports likely to advance further in 2017

Anadolu Agency reported that Turkish steel exports are expected to gain to 16.4 million metric tonnes this year and advance further by 3 percent during next year.

According to Turkish Steel Exporters’ Association, Turkish steel exports are expected to advance next year mainly due to the announcement of the increase in public investments in Turkey in the coming months, the commissioning of some important projects, urban transformation gathering speed, recovery seen in sales of upstream industries such as housing, automotive and white goods which use steel products as inputs, association expects 2017 to be a better year for the Turkish steel industry.

Scrap prices have remained relatively cheap compared to iron ore prices in recent months and this has increased competitiveness of the Turkish steel industry since 70 percent of its production comes from electric arc furnaces which use scrap as raw material.

Meanwhile, association also said that the recovery in the domestic markets of the US, Europe and some Far Eastern countries including Japan and China will also positively affect Turkish steel exports in 2017, especially flat steel exports.

Source : Scrap Register
Pakistan Steel Mills financial woes continue

Dawn reported that as the financial health of Pakistan Steel Mills continues to deteriorate, the grievances of its serving and retired employees have increased manifold with no respite in sight any time soon. Talking to Dawn a PSM official said the accumulated losses of the mill swelled to PKR 166 billion and total liabilities to PKR 173 billion in 2015-16 from PKR 26.50 billion and PKR 35 billion, respectively, in 2008-09.

At present, the total employee strength is 12,800 while the monthly salary bill comes to PKR 380 million.

The staff of Pakistan Steel Mills which falls under the federal government has been deprived of the yearly pay hike for the last many years owing to the precarious financial condition of the mill.

Retired employees are struggling to get their gratuity and other legal dues while serving officers have been ignored by the federal government from the annual increase in salary.

The official added that “Some 500 workers and 300 officers have retired during 2016 but they are not hopeful about getting their legal dues after long service.”

Pakistan Steel has not deposited PKR 40 billion in the provident and gratuity trust from 2008 onwards to April 30, 2016.

The Provident Fund amounts to PKR 21 billion while gratuity is over PKR 18 billion. However, PSM handed over gratuity and other dues to 100 employees in November 2016 after they went to court.

These 100 employees got their dues from the payment when PSM leased out 158 acres of land to Port Qasim. Some 138 deceased employees got their gratuity after the federal government provided the amount.

As many as 1,797 employees who are alive and retired till Dec 31, 2015 are waiting for their retirement benefits amounting to PKR 4 billion.

The official said the mill staff only got 15% pay increase in 2009-10. In 2010-11, the government raised 50pc salary, followed by 15% in 2011-12, 20% in 2012-13, 10% in 2013-14 and10% in 2014-15. However, the mill officers failed to get over 100% relief from 2010-11 onward.

Source : Dawn
Malaysian steel association Misif objects to planned rise in natural gas price

The Star reported that Malaysian Iron and Steel Industry Federation has voiced its strong objection to the planned increase in natural gas price by Gas Malaysia Bhd over the next three years. It said the hike will adversely affect the industry players’ competitiveness in the international markets and severely jeopardise exports of steel products.

The federation said there would be an overall increase of about 23% over the next three years, despite a reduction in tariff rates for the January-June 2017 period.

It said “The tariff rebate of 40 sen per one million British thermal units (MMBtu) applicable for the January-June 2017 period translates to an average effective tariff of RM26.31/MMBtu. This is just a meagre reduction of 2.74% from the previous average tariff.”

The Government has recently allowed revision in the base tariffs for natural gas for Peninsular Malaysia’s non-power sector from Jan 1, 2017 to Dec 31, 2019.

Source : The Star
Iran plans to become world’s sixth largest steelmaker by 2025

Financial Tribune reported that as per the goals set in the 20-Year National Vision Plan (2005-25), Iran seeks to become the world’s sixth largest steelmaker by 2025 with a crude steel output capacity of 55 million tons. The very first hurdle is the high production costs and finished prices that dull Iranian products’ competitive edge in international markets

The steel industry is one of the most strategic sectors of the Iranian economy, as it accounts for the bulk of the mining sector’s exports and revenue and is at the same time vital for the development of domestic infrastructure and key sectors such as oil.

Having recognized its importance and potential, various governments have devised ambitious plans for the development of the steel industry. As per the goals set in the 20-Year National Vision Plan (2005-25), Iran seeks to become the world’s sixth largest steelmaker by 2025 with a crude steel output capacity of 55 million tons.

Realizing this capacity will be a considerable challenge though. For instance, experts argue that producing 55 million tons of crude steel needs 160 million tons of iron ore, which in turn entails a nearly 100-million-ton increase in the current ore output. And this is while iron ore miners are grappling with liquidity issues, which prevent them from embarking on expansion plans.

According to studies conducted by Foolad Technic International Engineering Company, the envisioned goal also requires exports of about 21 million tons of the stated figure, with domestic demand standing at about 34 million tons. Other concerns have been raised by industry players and analysts that the feasibility of exports will be challenged by Iran’s underdeveloped infrastructure.

Iranian railroads have so far been unable to provide exporters with a cheap and dependable alternative to road and marine transportation for both exports and procurement of raw material from mines.

Iranian steel mills produced over 16.4 million tons of crude steel in the 11 months of 2016, registering an 11% growth year-on-year, according to WSA.

Source : Financial Tribune
UK steel sector to benefit from government spending on infrastructure

The Manufacturer reported that UK government is planning to use three million tonnes of steel in infrastructure projects by 2020, with changes in place to enable UK steel manufacturers to better plan and bid for state contracts. Under the changes, government will start publishing their indicative future UK steel requirements on an annual basis, initially looking forward to 2020. It complements the new National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline, which set out more than £500bn worth of planned private and public investment over this Parliament and beyond.

From roads to rail, defence to nuclear, the new data will show that central government infrastructure projects will need enough steel to build the equivalent of 173 Wembley stadiums or three million tonnes worth of steel across 18 separate projects. These will include the upcoming High Speed 2 rail project, the construction of Hinkley Point, and for the maintenance and upgrading of the motorway system.

Business and Energy Secretary, Mr Greg Clark explained that “These changes will ensure that UK steel companies can better plan for the long term, giving them an even greater chance of securing government contracts. We want UK companies big and small to be bidding for and winning government contracts which is why our upcoming Industrial Strategy is so important. This strategy will ensure we make the right investments in science, research, skills and infrastructure so that British industry wins contracts by producing the best goods and services.”

As well as providing greater visibility on upcoming projects needing steel, procurement guidance has also been extended to include projects below the current threshold of GBP 10 million and those from local and health authorities.

Director of UK Steel, Mr Gareth Stace, and Deirdre Fox chair of the Procurement and Commercial Working Group of the Steel Council commented that “This is a welcome announcement which moves the procurement process on a step further and will ensure that more UK steel will be used in a greater range of government funded projects. These documents are a testament to the hard work of government, industry and trade unions, however clearly more work needs to be done to ensure returns improve in the coming months and years, and we look forward to working with government to achieve this shared goal. The steel sector also continues to take steps with the private sector to increase the level of British steel purchased.”

Chief executive of EEF, Mr Terry Scuoler said that “UK made steel should be the backbone of major projects, not by default but because of the high quality and competitiveness of the products made here in the UK. This announcement shows a much more positive approach to procurement and, British content and jobs, by the government in thinking about the economy and UK industry’s role in delivering successful projects.”

Source : The Manufacturer
Tata Steel MD hopes to get back normalcy soon

Press Trust Of India reported that Tata Steel expressed confidence that the situation would be back to normal in the next quarter after the company’s performance was impacted temporarily in November last owing to demonetisation.

Mr T V Narendran the company’s Managing Director (India and South East Asia) said that December was much better month for TATA Steel than November last affected due to demonetisation.

The company had 5 to 8% impact in the rural market owing to demonetisation in November, but the situation was much better in December, Mr Narendran further said. The demonetisation had impacted the company’s performance in rural market, which was a cash-based, he said assuring that Tata Steel had taken initiative to address the problem.

He added that “Our 1000 dealers have been asked to install PoS/credit/debit card swipe machines to promote electronic payment in rural pockets.” He assured that Tata Steel, which had invested and engaged with communities in good and bad times, would continue to invest to create jobs. The focus of the company in 2017 was on improving productivity, he added.

However, the increased cost of coal and iron-ore during last three/four months had put cost pressure on the company, besides demonetisation being another issue affecting the performance of the company, Narendran said.

Source : Press Trust Of India
Massive steel imports hurt local manufacturers in Vietnam

Vietnam has spent more than USD 7.6 billion on steel imports in 2016, even though local manufacturers are capable of producing most steel products to meet domestic demand. As of December 15, Vietnam’s steel imports topped 17.65 million metric tonnes, mostly from China, according to statistics from the General Department of Vietnam Customs.

If imports of steel products, worth USD 2.8 billion in the same period, are counted, the total money Vietnam spent on bringing steel to the country in 2016 would be as much as USD 10.44 billion. Meanwhile, Vietnam’s steel exports in the Jan-Nov period reached only USD 2 billion, according to customs data.

Eighteen local steelmakers have recently voiced formal concern on the rising steel imports, particularly the influx of steel cable rolls, which they say bypassed the country’s safeguard duties.

Since Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade imposed a 15.4% safeguard duty on steel cables in July, there has been a dramatic drop in imports of the products, with import values in the first ten months of 2016 equaling only 58 percent of 2015 numbers.

However, the steel cables have been imported under a different product code to enjoy a zero tax, causing an influx in imports. The number of steel cables imported to Vietnam in the Jan-Oct period of this year was four times the amount in 2015.

Source : Tuoitre News
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Vertraagd 5 mrt 2025 17:39
Koers 30,170
Verschil 0,000 (0,00%)
Hoog 30,170
Laag 28,780
Volume 9.002.030
Volume gemiddeld 2.867.370
Volume gisteren 9.002.030

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer, streaming powered by: Infront