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2017 will be a very good year for the Indian steel sector – Ms Aruna Sharma Steel Secretary

In an exclusive chat with ET Now, Steel Secretary Ms Aruna Sharma said that she expects 2017 to be a very good year for the Indian steel sector.

ET Now: You know because of policies that the steel ministry undertook and maybe the way the global commodity prices moved, I think the space had a fairly decent year and we spoke to a bunch of corporates yesterday and they were hoping for a better 2017 too. To your mind, how would the global and the domestic equation shape up and what is the near term outlook looking like?

Aruna Sharma: Well 2017 I expect to be a very good year for the steel sector and the graph has already started growing up in the three quarter figures which will be emerging to you. First two quarters have shown very positive results, the third quarter should be out very soon and 2017 should bring a very-very positive turn because the policy interventions which were taken by Government of India has started showing the results. The government decided to have a complete 360 degrees approach, the one direct impact is of course resorting to antidumping which is a long term, logical, WTO compliant measures and you have quantified results that your imports have come down by 38% and your exports have gone up by 59.96 that is nearly touching 60% which is excellent. And the growth in production has gone up by 8.8% year-on-year at the same time. So in the sense it is showing a very positive impact of the first intervention which was done on antidumping. There are other input costs also we are constantly working upon and in these input costs I am very sure that 2017 will have a very positive result.

ET Now: Good to hear that because demand has grown at just a mere 3% and now with demonetisation as well playing out this figure could contract further or at least some in the markets as well as the analyst fraternity do believe, give us the correct picture as to where do you see demand headed, if you would have any projections and what you at the ministry are doing to spur this?

Aruna Sharma: Very right. I think this little surge in the demand which is coming up is a very temporary phenomenon because as far as the steel sector is concerned it is bulk purchases. So it is like the infrastructure expenditure is bound to grow up, the construction industry is bound grow up, as a ministry we are consciously advocating good designs, better designs in infrastructure in terms of good bridges of 100 years lifecycle cost which should come up. In the GFR also we are trying an amendment that it should not be only cost effective but whatever tenders the government invest in should also have a lifecycle cost into it where steel will definitely be a winner. With these things coming up and the rural housing and the urban housing even sponsored by the government sector the targets are very-very high, nearly three crores are going to be built up by rural department in coming two to three years and a similar number will be coming up in the urban sector. So I see no reason why there should be a dip in the demand, it is a temporary phase which has come up because the mode of payment has changed. In steel sector what we have done very consciously is that to expand and train the customers as well as the steel sector is moving ahead.

Source : Economic Times
Particuliere belegger overwegend positief gestemd voor 2017

Royal Dutch Shell blijft populair aandeel.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Beleggers van DeGiro zijn positief gestemd voor 2017. Dit bleek uit een onderzoek van de online broker.

Maar liefst 71 procent van de 5.000 respondenten rekent op een stijging van de AEX. Daarbij mikt 14 procent zelfs op een stijging van meer dan 10 procent voor de Amsterdamse hoofdgraadmeter en denkt 17 procent dat de koers zal dalen.

De meest populaire aandelen voor komend jaar zijn bij klanten van DeGiro Royal Dutch Shell, Ahold Delhaize, ING Groep, ArcelorMittal en ASML.

Wegblijven moeten beleggers bij ABN AMRO, KPN, Royal Dutch Shell, Wolters Kluwer en Aegon.

Shell komt daarmee zowel voor op de lijst van topper als die van floppers voor 2017. "Een aandeel waar veel mensen een mening over hebben", aldus DeGiro.

Gemeten naar handelsvolumes behoorde Shell afgelopen jaar tot de populairste aandelen bij DeGiro. Dit was ook al het geval bij online broker BinckBank, waar Shell de Top-200 van populaire aandelen aanvoerde, gevolgd door ING Groep, KPN en Aegon.

In tegenstelling tot DeGiro keek Binck naar de effectenportefeuilles van zijn klanten, waarbij het uitgangspunt was welke effecten zij in portefeuille hadden per medio december 2016.


Dit weekend maakte vermogensbeheerder Actiam bekend hoe beursexperts denken over 2017 en welke aandelen gekocht of juist gemeden moeten worden.

Volgens 102 experts die deelnamen aan de enquête zal de AEX dit jaar op 490 punten eindigen. Eind 2016 stond de koers op 483,17 punten. "Dit soort bescheiden verwachtingen komen niet vaak voor", aldus fondsmanager Corné van Zeijl, verantwoordelijk voor de maandelijkse enquête van Actiam.

De toppers voor dit jaar zijn volgens de experts Ahold Delhaize, Aegon en KPN. Als flopper werd vooral ArcelorMittal genoemd, juist het aandeel dat in 2016 zo hard steeg. Daarnaast kunnen beleggers volgens de experts beter ook wegblijven bij Unibail-Rodamco.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Key Asian countries publish ferrous scrap import data for November

According to latest trade data published by the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance, the country’s steel scrap imports surged higher significantly during the month of November this year.

Vietnam’s ferrous scrap imports totaled 411,424 tons in November this year, surging higher by 9.6% from the previous month. The country’s scrap imports had totaled 375,387 tons in October this year. The value of imports surged higher by 8.5% to $96.449 million. The imports averaged at $234.40 per ton during the month. The average price of import declined marginally by 1% over the previous month.

The cumulative scrap imports by the country totaled 3.528 million tons during the initial eleven months of the current year. The imports were up sharply by 20.8% when matched with the imports during the corresponding period last year. Vietnam had imported only 2.921 million tons of scrap during Jan-Nov ’15. The imports averaged at 321,000 tons per month during this period. Going by the current rate, the country’s ferrous scrap imports are likely to total 3.850 million tons during the entire year 2016. The cumulative imports were valued at $782.25 million during January to November this year.

According to Korean Customs Department data, Korea imported 464,000 tons of scrap in November, 20% higher when compared with the imports during the same month a year before. The country’s scrap imports totaled 387,000 tons in November last year. When compared with the imports of 513,000 tons during October this year, the imports during Nov ’16 reported 9.8% decline.

The largest exporter of scrap to Korea during the month was Japan. The imports from Japan totaled 240,000 tons, accounting for nearly 52% of the total imports by Korea during the month. The imports from Japan surged higher by 24.1% when compared with the same month a year before. Japan’s scrap exports to South Korea totaled 193,000 tons in November 2015. The second largest exporter of scrap to Korea was the US. The imports from the US surged higher significantly by 48% year-on-year to total 99,000 tons.

According to data published by Taiwan Customs Department, the country’s scrap imports totaled 220,000 tons during November this year. The imports declined by almost 4% when matched with the imports of 228,000 tons during the previous month. The US accounted for bulk of the monthly scrap imports. The imports from the US totaled nearly 90,000 tons, constituting over 40% of Taiwanese scrap imports during the month. The second largest exporter was Japan.

The country’s scrap imports had totaled 228,000 tons in October. The monthly imports had increased by nearly 6% in comparison with the prior month. The primary source of import during the month was the US. The US scrap exports to Taiwan totaled 128,475 tons, accounting for nearly 57% of total imports. The second largest exporter of scrap to Taiwan during the month was Australia with 20,103 tons. The other key import sources were Russia (12,313 tons) and the UK (7,800 tons).

Source : Scrap Monster
Key Asian countries publish ferrous scrap import data for November

According to latest trade data published by the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance, the country’s steel scrap imports surged higher significantly during the month of November this year.

Vietnam’s ferrous scrap imports totaled 411,424 tons in November this year, surging higher by 9.6% from the previous month. The country’s scrap imports had totaled 375,387 tons in October this year. The value of imports surged higher by 8.5% to $96.449 million. The imports averaged at $234.40 per ton during the month. The average price of import declined marginally by 1% over the previous month.

The cumulative scrap imports by the country totaled 3.528 million tons during the initial eleven months of the current year. The imports were up sharply by 20.8% when matched with the imports during the corresponding period last year. Vietnam had imported only 2.921 million tons of scrap during Jan-Nov ’15. The imports averaged at 321,000 tons per month during this period. Going by the current rate, the country’s ferrous scrap imports are likely to total 3.850 million tons during the entire year 2016. The cumulative imports were valued at $782.25 million during January to November this year.

According to Korean Customs Department data, Korea imported 464,000 tons of scrap in November, 20% higher when compared with the imports during the same month a year before. The country’s scrap imports totaled 387,000 tons in November last year. When compared with the imports of 513,000 tons during October this year, the imports during Nov ’16 reported 9.8% decline.

The largest exporter of scrap to Korea during the month was Japan. The imports from Japan totaled 240,000 tons, accounting for nearly 52% of the total imports by Korea during the month. The imports from Japan surged higher by 24.1% when compared with the same month a year before. Japan’s scrap exports to South Korea totaled 193,000 tons in November 2015. The second largest exporter of scrap to Korea was the US. The imports from the US surged higher significantly by 48% year-on-year to total 99,000 tons.

According to data published by Taiwan Customs Department, the country’s scrap imports totaled 220,000 tons during November this year. The imports declined by almost 4% when matched with the imports of 228,000 tons during the previous month. The US accounted for bulk of the monthly scrap imports. The imports from the US totaled nearly 90,000 tons, constituting over 40% of Taiwanese scrap imports during the month. The second largest exporter was Japan.

The country’s scrap imports had totaled 228,000 tons in October. The monthly imports had increased by nearly 6% in comparison with the prior month. The primary source of import during the month was the US. The US scrap exports to Taiwan totaled 128,475 tons, accounting for nearly 57% of total imports. The second largest exporter of scrap to Taiwan during the month was Australia with 20,103 tons. The other key import sources were Russia (12,313 tons) and the UK (7,800 tons).

Source : Scrap Monster
Liberty House puts new steel in UK bike production

Telegraph reported that Liberty House plans to launch a range of bikes in the spring after buying the Trillion bicycle business early in 2016. Mr Sanjeev Gupta Liberty House boss who has already purchased large parts of the troubled Tata steel and Caparo manufacturing businesses, sees the plan as part of his strategy of re energising British manufacturing, as well as a return to his past.

Mr Gupta said that “My first job was my gap year in 1990 was selling Victor bikes internationally which my father’s company made. Because of my father’s business I was practically born with a bike in my hands - this is me coming full circle.”

Liberty plans to launch three or four bikes in time, with the first being revealed at the London Bike Show in February.

One of the first in the range is the “single speed commuter” model, which will use steel tubing in its frame which is produced in Liberty’s steel businesses. Following later on will be a high-end carbon-fibre bike costing around GBP 10,000.

The Trillion bikes will be launched at the London Bike Show in February

Mr Gupta said that “This is not a vanity project, though he admitted it is a “homage” to his father. We have an engineering plant at Leamington Spa to make the bikes and will increase the UK content of them as our manufacturing businesses expand the capability to produce the parts.”

The industrialist has been a cheerleader for UK engineering, and he is convinced he can help rebuild the sector to its former glories.

He said that “Britain was once the home of the bike manufacturing industry - Raleigh was the biggest bike manufacturer in the world a century ago. In just one of its plants in Nottingham it had 10,000 staff.

He further added that “Apart from a few high end companies, bike manufacturing has all gone now. While we plan to make premium bikes as well, bikes are the sort of engineered products we see in our end-to-end strategy.”

Source : Telegraph
China's retail investors to lead potential demand for industrial metal in 2017 - Report

According to an article by the Australian Financial Review, the demand for industrial metals is expected to surge next year, with China maintaining its role in defining the prices. As per report, the U-turn in China's economic policy last year has brought changes to the industrial metal sector, exceeded expectations, and affected the price of precious metals.

Next year, it is expected that the country will bring more surprises to the sector. At the same period last year, copper was traded in London at USD 4500 per ton, the lowest level since the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 while iron ore also dropped below USD 40 per ton for the first time.

China said that the "supercycle" has ended to give way to fixed asset investment, which would become the "new normal" to be determined by consumers rather than the construction business.

But the country changed its policy and reverted to its so-called "old normal," where government poured in money to traditional investments in construction and property development. By February, investment in real estate, which had been slowing for two years, picked up and reversed the trend. At about the same time in March, the metals index at the London Metal Exchange bottomed out as iron ore traded at above USD 60 per tonne.

On base metals, retail investors made a similar call in the past eight months. Last month, the volume of aluminum traded an all-time high record on the Shanghai futures Exchange. The second highest on record were zinc volumes and tin.

In November, more than 10 million tons of base metals were traded, which equal almost the entire world market's annual tonnage. All metals have also recorded sharp price increases. But again, Chinese authorities raised the margins and trading fees to limit the retailers.

Members of the ShFE were also cautioned to be "well prepared for risk prevention" as well as to "remind investors to prudentially judge information from the market and make rational investment."

The report said that the price of metal, which was once driven by Chinese fundamentals, is now shaped by both fundamentals and funds.

However, the effects of China's policy on providing stimulus to real property sector resulted in property bubbles in top cities.

But the government is now working to control its effects, the report said.

A statement issued by top policymakers at the end of the Central Economic Work Conference thus read: "Houses are for people to live in, not for people to speculate."

The government's campaign to curb air pollution caused by its huge industrial production sector is also seen as a new potential driver for metals prices.

Last week, authorities asked 23 cities in northern China to issue red alerts as inspection teams scoured the country, closing and giving remedial actions to pollution offenders.

Source : Yibada
Iranian flat steel imports slump on rumors of duty cut

Financial Tribune reported that the recent news about a possible cut in the import duty on flat steel products entering Iran has led to a halt in trading. The exact date when the regulation will come into force is not yet clear, hence potential customers have adopted a wait-and-see approach.

Deputy Industries, Mining and Trade Minister Jafar Sarqeyni earlier this month said that “Tariff rates on flat steel imports will be cut down by half to 10% in a bid to balance the domestic steel market. The supply of flat steel in the domestic market is slightly lower than demand, which can be balanced by imports.”

Mr Sarqeyni noted that the import of about 700,000 tons will be sufficient for the current Iranian year (ending March 20, 2017).

Last fiscal year witnessed the import of 5.2 million tons of flat steel.

Current import levels

HR - Russian USD 510-530 per tonne CFR Anzali
HR – Chinese USD 530-570 per tonne CFR southern ports of Iran

CR - Russian USD 550-560 per tonne CFR Anzali
CR – Chinese USD 625-655 per tonne CFR southern ports of Iran

HDG – Chinese t USD 670-700 per ton CFR southern ports of Iran

Source : Financial Tribune
Essar Steel Algoma secures term sheet for iron ore supply

Essar Steel Algoma Inc announced that the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has approved a Term Sheet between Algoma and Cliffs Mining Companyfor the supply of iron ore pellets from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2020, with a proviso for a one year extension.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China may raise 2017 steel capacity-cut targets by 10% - Report

Platts reported that China may raise the targets for capacity cuts in the steel and coal sectors by 10% in 2017, after both exceeded the goals set for this year, local media reported.

Capacity cuts, part of supply-side reforms being implemented by the central government, would also be extended to other industries including cement, glass, primary aluminum and shipping, the Economic Information Daily, a Xinhua publication, reported without citing a source.

This year’s targets were 45 million tonnes and 250 million tonnes for steel and coal respectively, and actual cuts have exceeded these figures. In steel, about 74% of the 45 million comprised capacity had not been in production, which partly explains why output had risen despite the cuts

The official targets for 2017 are yet to be announced.

Source : Platts
Recent coking coal price rise puts pressure on SAIL operations – Mr PK Singh

Press Trust Of India reported that India's largest steel maker SAIL said there is a need to develop indigenous sources of coking coal to meet its requirements as recent rise in the price of metallurgical coal was putting pressure on its operations.

While addressing his employees for the first time through company's Facebook and Twitter account, SAIL Chairman Mr PK Singh said that the steel maker currently meet the maximum requirement of coking coal through imports. He said that "The recent hike in coking coal prices, is putting pressure on our operations.”

He added that “Given the unprecedented volatility in international markets, we need to develop indigenous sources of coal to meet our requirements. Also, there has to be wise use of this input material with attaining efficient pushing coefficient.”

Mr Singh said that "While we augment our volumes, we are likewise planning to raise our mining capacities to sustain the growth. At the same time, greater emphasis on beneficiation and alternate routes of steel production will have to be explored for being able to use these low grade raw materials which are available in abundance.”

He said that "As we aim to enhance our saleable steel capacity to 20 million tonnes, the market competition too will escalate simultaneously. Other producers are also increasing their capacities. We also have to be ready to face global threats as the domestic steel industry cannot be insulated from global trends where demand supply imbalance will take a long time to readjust.”

He added that "We aim to produce around 15 million tonnes in the current financial year and 17 million tonnes in the next financial year. Our preparedness for the same has to be there for the same. In current dynamic market scenario, there is intense competition, the cost of production is escalating, resources are shrinking, and holding on to customers is becoming more challenging.”

Stressing that the companies need to relook at their business models, he said that the key to sustain and grow in this rapidly changing business environment is to "concentrate on 3 R's - Reconstruct the business model, Reinvent the strategies and Remodel the marketing approach in our company."

Source : Press Trust Of India
Steel Minister to hire an expert to lay roadmap for development of steel sector in India

Financial Express reported that keen on making domestic steel industry globally more competitive and actualising the ambitious target of nearly trebling capacity to 300 million tonne, India’s steel minister Birender Singh will appoint an expert with the mandate to lay the road map for the sector’s development. The expert will possess exceptional domain knowledge and will be inducted either on full time or part-time-basis

Mr Singh told FE that he/she would also advice the ministry on how to improve efficiency of the sector to bring it at par with the global leaders.

He told “I don’t know how to designate the person — as an advisor, consultant or something else. The person would be appointed as soon as we get one.”

Highlighting the need for such a person who can deliver in the present scenario and speed up things for the ministry, the minister said he was in talks with a potential candidate for over two months now, but that person backed out citing overseas assignment. However, he added that he still has a list of half a dozen names to consider and choose one from them.

Source : Financial Express
VISL workers plan protests against disinvestment decision

The Hindu reported that workers of the Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Limited, a public sector unit in Bhadravathi, have decided to stage a series of protests this month demanding that the Steel Authority of India withdraw its decision to disinvest its stake in the firm. The VISP workforce is now at 1,595 ie 363 permanent workers and 1,232 contract workers.

J.N. Chandrahas, president of the VISP Workers’ Union, told The Hindu that the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has given in-principle approval to SAIL for strategic disinvestment in VISP and in its alloy steel plants in Durgapur and Salem. A meeting of the trade union leaders of all the steel plants coming under the purview of SAIL was held in Rourkela, Odisha, on December 19 to workout the modalities of the struggle to be launched against the move.

As per the strategy worked out at the meeting, the family members of the workers serving with VISP will stage a dawn-to-dusk protest in front of the main entrance gate of the factory on January 12. The workers have also decided to seek government intervention on the matter.

Mr. Chandrahas said he had written to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on January 1 explaining the “detrimental effects” disinvestment would have on the workers. In the letter, he has requested Mr. Siddaramaiah to expedite allotment of the 140-acre captive mine in NEB Range and the 240-acre one in Ramanadurga range of Ballari district to VISP.

A massive convention of the workers of all the steel plants serving with SAIL is planned at Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, on January 20. More than 50 VISP workers are expected to participate in the convention. The workers of VISP also plan to stage a hunger strike in Bhadravathi on January 31.

Source : The Hindu
Iran's 2016 steel products export review

Financial Tribune reported that in the outgoing year, marked by the removal of international sanctions, the export of steel products from Iran gained momentum and turned the country from a net steel importer into a net exporter. According to the Iranian Steel Producers Association, over the first seven months of the current Iranian year (March 20-October 21, 2016), the export of steel products totaled 3.3 million tonnes. This is up almost 50% on the 2.22 million tonnes exported in the corresponding period of a year earlier.

Meanwhile, imports of steel products totaled 1.96 million tonnes.

The growth in export volumes was driven mainly by semi finished steel products’ shipments, which accounted for 2 million tonnes over the period-up 103% year on year. Of this figure, 1.40 million tonnes were in the form of billet and the remaining 600,000 tonnes as slab.

Higher prices from China were one of the factors that supported Iranian exporters this year.

Another factor that spurred the increase in semis export this year was growing steel-making capacities and steel output amid still-weak consumption in the domestic market, predominantly of long products.

A source from Khouzestan Steel Company, Iran’s largest semis exporter said that “Most of our billet exports were concentrated in the Middle East markets, while Far East markets rendered support to slabs. The fact that Chinese exporters stopped following a cheap export strategy provided more space for our products.”

Finished steel export volumes, which are dominated by hot-rolled coils, may not reach the projected annual figure of 2.5 million tonnes. One of the main reasons is protective policies against Iranian coils in major sales outlets the European Union and Thailand.

Source : Financial Tribune
HongXing Steel restates commitment to Nigeria

This Day Live reported that management of HongXing Steel Company, a Chinese steel manufacturing company based in Lagos, has expressed confidence in the ability of the Nigerian economy to overcome its present challenges.Speaking to journalists on the sidelines of the company’s 2016 end of year get-together, Mr Fengzheng Ke MD of HongXing Steel Company also assured that his firm would continue to priorities issues of staff welfare. e called for more support for the federal government in the bid to diversify the economy.

Mr Ke said that “Nigeria is facing some economic challenges and we are confident that the economy would overcome these challenges, that is why we are standing with Nigeria. We have been here for long and so we are attached to this country. We believe this country has enormous potential and we believe that it would overcome its challenges. We believe that the Nigerian government is encouraging local manufacturers to grow. Yes, manufacturing sector will play a major role in transforming Nigeria. We want to appreciate the government and every other agencies that have supported us over the years. But we are looking towards government for incentives and improved infrastructure, especially in the area of power.”

Mr Ke stressed that the aim of HongXing Steel Company is to be one of the biggest steel manufacturing companies in Africa.

Earlier, the General Manager, Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency Mr Shabi Adebola, who was at the event said HongXing Steel has improved in the level of emission from the company in the past six years. He said his agency would continue to support HongXing Steel in the use of new technology, to further reduce emission.

Source : This Day Live
AB, Voda,

Goede berichten waar de staalbedrijven in 2017 van kunnen profiteren.

De reactie qua koers AM is het nog lauw, maar dat kan ook veranderen.


Hartelijk dank Ozzy! En ja, die koers van AM gaat zeker weer herstellen, richting 8 of hoger!

Ik wens het voor alle metaal liefhebbers hier. BTW, het zusje Aperam doet ook lekker mee met de fanfare. :-)
Iranian iron ore exports jump 45%

Financial Tribune reported that in spite of the Iranian government’s policy to halt exports of raw materials, customs statistics show a sharp increase in iron ore exports in the first nine months of the Iranian year (to December 20). Statistics show Iranian miners exported 13.08 million tonnes of iron ore in the period, a 45% year-on-year increase.

Iranian miners believe the trend will grow, at least until March. According to a timetable published by the Iranian Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade, a 5% export duty will be imposed on iron ore export after its approval by the government and this duty will be increased gradually to 10% from March 2017 and 15% of the cargo FOB value from March 21, 2018, the mining source told S&P Global Platts.

As a result of disagreements among private sector miners, this timetable has not been notified yet while exporters are making efforts to ship as much iron ore as possible before the start of the next Iranian year in March.

Also, the duty may not become effective at all because the cash flow from iron ore exports is essential for Iranian mining, both for private miners and semi-governmental iron ore producers.

About 34% of 7.09 million tons of concentrated iron ore produced by Golgohar, Iran’s largest iron ore miner, have been exported in the nine-month period, representing more than 30% of the company’s total income.

The production of iron ore in Iran is estimated to be 48 million tons in 2016, including 5 million tons from small privately-owned miners, according to Iran’s Iron Ore Producers and Exporters Association. That total is 8% lower than the record 2013 production.

Source : Financial Tribune
Indian iron ore exports revive on firm global prices – Report

Mint reported that India’s iron ore mining industry seems headed for better days, with a steep price rise in world markets and protectionist measures for steel industry at home driving up production and exports. Iron ore production jumped 22% in April-October from a year ago, aiding the government’s goal of adding the share of mining in the country’s economic output. Exports have jumped nine-fold to 9 million tonnes in the April-September period, from one million tonne a year ago.

The export surge is despite a 30% export duty on high grade iron ore, which accounts for only a small part of the overall iron ore exports.

Mr Balvinder Kumar, secretary in the mines ministry, said, while mineral production volume is rising, the ministry is preparing 150-200 mineral blocks for auction in three-four months to increase exploration, aimed at raising the share of mining and quarrying in the gross domestic product (GDP) by one percentage point from 2.4% now. That goal was set by Piyush Goyal when he took charge as mines minister in July. Kumar said ore is exported from mines in Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.

He told “2017 will be a better year for the mining industry as iron ore exports have started. Secondly, we have started exploration in a big way. States such as Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh will be holding auctions.”

India exported 5.4 million tonnes of iron ore in all of 2015-16. It is the third-largest solid mineral produced in the country after coal and limestone.

Source : Mint
China: aantal fabrieken overtreedt anti-smogmaatregelen


Een aantal Chinese fabrieken heeft maatregelen die bedoeld zijn om smog in de lucht te verminderen geschonden. Dit heeft het Chinese ministerie van Milieu gisteren bekend gemaakt. Het is niet duidelijk om hoeveel fabrieken het gaat. In 24 steden van het land geldt op dit moment code rood wegens de luchtvervuiling.

Redactie 03-01-17, 07:46 Laatste update: 11:16

6 reacties

Tien inspectieteams ontdekten dat diverse bedrijven weer doorgingen met de productie, ondanks dat de overheid dit tijdelijk had verboden. Daarnaast overtraden de bedrijven ook de maatregelen om smog te verminderen. Als code rood in China van kracht is, moeten bepaalde bedrijven hun productie stilleggen en mogen vervuilende voertuigen niet langer de weg op.


Volgens het persagentschap Xinhua News Agency heeft het ministerie de bedrijven bestraft. Het zou gaan om ruim vijfhonderd bouwplaatsen en bedrijven, waaronder landbouw-, chemische en staalfabrieken. Ook ruim 10.000 voertuigen zouden de maatregelen overtreden hebben. Wat de straffen precies inhouden, is niet duidelijk.

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