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TATA's UK steelworkers face a make or break vote on pensions as union leaders back reforms

City AM reported that UK steelworkers are set for a "make or break" vote on reforms that could determine the fate of Port Talbot. Today unions united behind proposals that will see Tata Steel pump £1bn into the sprawling Port Talbot steelworks in exchange for workers accepting changes to their pension schemes.

The ballot on the changes will run from Monday to mid-February.

Members of GMB, Community and Unite unions will decide whether to accept a "mirror" pension scheme that would result in reduced retirement benefits, with future payments linked to the consumer price index of inflation.

In a joint statement, the leaders of all three unions today said that "with heavy hearts" they recommended workers back the proposals.

As we have said before what you are voting on is the best outcome that could be achieved through negotiation. It is our collective view, supported by our independent experts, that this is the only credible and viable way to secure the future.

Sources close to the sector further warn that if union members reject the offer, Tata is expected to return to the drawing board altogether, and revisit the fundamental question of whether to continue in the UK's steel industry.

The Indian conglomerate spent much of last year trying to find a buyer for its UK steel operations, entering into joint venture talks with ThyssenKrupp over the summer.

One Westminster source told City AM said that "This is real 'make or break' stuff. If this vote doesn't go through, then that could be it."

TATA has already made clear that future investment plans for sites like Port Talbot are contingent on finding a way to plug the yawning British Steel pension scheme deficit.

Asked if the ballot represented a "make or break" moment for Tata UK's steel operations, a spokesman for the firm said: "We don't recognise that".

It comes as the trustee for the Tata Steel UK pension fund is expected to report a deficit of up to GBP 2 billion at the next actuarial valuation at the end of March.

The trustee is expected to blame the rising deficit on the fact that Tata Steel UK might no longer be able to access extra capital from the wider Tata Steel group.

Source : City AM
Olympics boosting construction materials demand in Japan

According to the Japan Iron and Steel Federation, demand for construction materials is on the rise here as work on venues for the 2020 Olympics kicks into gear.

Steel demand related to the games is forecast at up to 3 million tonnes.

Source : Nikkei
British Steel Pension Scheme not expected to see deficit erased

Pi reported that Tata Steel UK the sponsor of the British Steel Pension Scheme, London, has told the pension fund trustee it does not expect to meet the contributions required to close its deficit.

An update by the trustee of the GBP 13.3 billion (USD 16.5 billion) pension fund, published on the fund's website, said the next actuarial valuation of the pension fund, scheduled for March 31, is expected to report a GBP 1 billion to GBP 2 billion deficit. This projection is based on lower returns by the pension fund as a result of needing to adopt more risk-averse investment policies, should the sponsor be unable to access additional capital from the wider Tata Steel Group.

Tata Steel UK said that that update “has confirmed that, given its current and projected performance, it does not expect to be able to pay the contributions required to close this deficit.”

The sponsor has been working with trade unions to develop and progress a transformation plan to improve performance and make the business sustainable. However, prior to making any commitments for the future Tata Steel UK believes it is necessary to derisk and delink the pension fund from the sponsor, said the update. It said Tata Steel has indicated that a failure to implement this transformation plan could result in the UK affiliate becoming insolvent, pushing the pension plan into the UK's pension fund lifeboat, the Pension Protection Fund, London.

The trustee has been in discussions with Tata Steel, the government, The Pensions Regulator, the PPF and others about how best to separate the pension fund from the sponsor.

“Closure is therefore necessary to achieve separation, and it would be an inevitable consequence of TSUK insolvency. If the only alternative is TSUK insolvency, the trustee would wish to agree to separation terms that offer members a choice between staying in the BSPS,” with the PPF taking over the payment of benefits, “and transferring to a new scheme that would provide modified benefits,” according to the trustee update. These benefits would be better than PPF compensation, said the update.

However, separation can only happen with the approval of both The Pensions Regulator and the PPF.

Source : Pi
Moody assign Baa2 rating to POSCO

Moody's Investors Service says that POSCO's financial results for 2016 were generally in line with the steelmaker's Baa2 senior unsecured rating and stable rating outlook.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Shanghai Metal develops HDG Steel Strip Coils

With an objective of supporting different industries, Shanghai Metal Corporation now assures of delivering hot dipped galvanized steel strip and strip coils that feature the highest degree of corrosion resistance, extended durability and long-lasting surface shine.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
New steel import duty to support local firms in Iran

Financial Tribune reported that Iran is considering imposition of additional import duties to support domestic steel producers, who are facing weak demand at home. The initiative, though, is subject to approval by the Guardian Council. Taking into account weak domestic demand and plans to ramp up steel production, the Iranian parliament plans to impose new duties on steel imports, according to ICANA news agency affiliated to the parliament.

The measure may cover imports of billets, beams, flat products, tubes and pipes, and is likely to come in force in the second half of 2017. A market source told Metal Expert that “There is at least a 5 million-ton surplus in production capacity in billet and longs segments in Iran…When import declines, these volumes may be consumed by domestic customers.”

The new duty will be an additional measure to the current import tax, which is 15% on billets, 26% on longs, 20 to 26% on flats, depending on size and type. Market players estimate the new tariff could be around USD 25 per tonne.

Iran’s steel imports declined in the first nine months of the current fiscal (March 20-December 20, 2016) by 20% to 2.5 million tonnes year on year, according to the Iran Steel Producers Association.

The decline was a result of the increase in import duties up to the current level as well as low domestic consumption.

Source : Financial Tribune
ArcelorMittal in zetel

Door Nico Inberg op 30 jan 2017 om 10:15 | Views: 3.374 | Categorie: Beurs vandaag

De cijfers van ArcelorMittal worden op 9 februari gepubliceerd. Het bedrijf zelf doet alvast een rondje bij de analisten van dienst en maakte vorige week de consensus inzake de Ebitda bekend. Helaas zet het haar eigen opvattingen er niet bij, zodat we voorlopig het nog hier mee moeten doen.

Daggrafiek coal Index

Maar liefst 26 analisten leverden een voorspelling in en het gemiddelde daarvan is 6,156 miljard dollar. We gaan het zien de negende. Zou leuk zijn als Mittal de winnaar bekendmaakt, en misschien ook degene die er het verst (en hoe ver) vanaf zit.
Het worden sowieso spannende cijfers want ArcelorMittal zat de sterke koersbeweging van het afgelopen jaar toch enigszins moeten boekstaven. En getuige de waarschuwende woorden bij de KW3-cijfers wordt dat nog een hele klus.

Mittal waarschuwde toen, half november, namelijk dat de winst in KW4 zou tegenvallen. Als reden gaf men op dat de staalprijzen in de VS daalden, en de prijzen van metallurgische metalen aan het stijgen waren.

Het zou dan met name gaan om prijzen van coking coal, een soort steenkool dat gebruikt wordt om het ijzererts voldoende te kunnen verhitten. Voor 1 ton staal is ongeveer 0,6 ton cokes nodig, dus dat kan aardig in de papieren lopen.
Onderaan dit artikel ziet u een video met uitleg hoe staal gemaakt wordt en hier leest u daar meer over. Hier ziet u de prijsontwikkeling van dat 'coking coal', gehaald van

Daggrafiek coal Index

Coking coal is dus en belangrijk ingrediënt voor staal, net als ijzererts (heeft Mittal zelf) en schroot, oftewel oud ijzer. Mittal waarschuwde op 8 november dat de coking coal prijs hard was opgelopen.

Dat klopt helemaal, en die prijs bleef hoog tot in december. Dus dat zal het vierde kwartaal behoorlijk aangetast hebben. Maar kijk eens wat er daarna gebeurd is. Na enige stabilisatie begon richting dit jaar de prijs hard te dalen.
Momenteel verwacht men een bodem neer te zetten, ook omdat de Chinezen deze week nieuwjaar vieren, en de boel daar min of meer stil ligt.

Meer vraag naar staal

De vraag naar staal zit in de lift nu het economisch beter lijkt te gaan. De opleving van de beurzen bijvoorbeeld leek aan Trump toe te worden geschreven, maar het is eerder andersom.

Al die verkiezingen, met de daarbij horende onzekerheid, afgelopen jaar konden de economische groei niet afremmen. Mittal heeft, net als andere staalmakers, de prijs voor staal al enige keren verhoogd het afgelopen jaar. Dat is natuurlijk de snelste manier om meer geld te verdienen.

Extra stimulans Trump?

Of Trump dan de economie nog een extra zetje zal geven staat nog in de sterren geschreven. Ik zou er niet teveel van verwachten. Anderzijds moeten we de man ook niet onderschatten.
Zeker niet nu hij in de wittebroodsweken blijkt dat zijn krasse campagnetaal gewoon wordt omgezet in beleid. Zelfs die muur voor Mexico maakt ie haast mee, al denken sommigen dat het zo'n vaart niet loopt....

Daggrafiek coal Index

We gaan het meemaken allemaal. Voor Mittal zijn de staalprijzen uiteindelijk het belangrijkst. Die zitten in de lift, omdat er enerzijds meer vraag is, maar anderzijds ook minder aanbod.

Minder aanbod?

Dat heeft te maken met de importheffingen die de VS en Europa inmiddels aan de Chinezen hebben opgelegd. Daarbij zijn de Chinezen zelf ook van plan veel minder rendabele fabrieken uit produktie te halen.

Volgens Casper Burgering van ABN Amro op zou circa 4% van de Chinese produktie van staal op die manier rond juni moeten verdwijnen. Dat heeft natuurlijk zijn weerslag op de staalprijzen (omhoog) én op de grondstofprijzen coal en ijzererts (omlaag).

Uberhaupt interessant om te lezen want er gebeurt een hoop. Veel Europese bedrijven beginnen zenuwachtig te worden nu de Chinese staalleveranciers steeds meer onder druk komen te liggen door importheffingen, en bestellen voorzichtigheidshalve alvast bij de Europese staalboeren.

Mittal na de emissie

Nu gaat het bij Mittal ook en vooral om naar de toekomst te kijken. U weet dat het de staalgigant de afgelopen jaren niet meezat. De jarenlange tocht door de woestijn werd bezegeld met een kapitaalemissie, precies op het moment dat de markt draaide.

Gevoel voor timing valt Lakshi Mittal niet te ontzeggen. Gelukkig nam de brave borst zelf een flink deel van de emissie voor zijn rekening, zodat hij en zijn familie optimaal profiteerden van de phoenix-achtige stijging van de grondstoffensector.

U ziet onderstaand twee grafieken van het aandeel ArcelorMittal. De eerste is van de afgelopen 10 jaar. Klap omlaag, wat nastuiteren en aan de monitor, zeg maar.

Voor grafieken etc. ,zie link:
Nucor voldoet ruimschoots aan eigen verlaagde verwachtingen

Staalgigant rekent op aantrekkende winstgevendheid in 2017.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Nucor heeft in het vierde kwartaal weer zwarte cijfers geschreven en overtrof daarmee de eigen neerwaarts bijgestelde verwachtingen. Dit maakte de Amerikaanse staalgigant dinsdag voorbeurs bekend.

De nettowinst kwam in het afgelopen kwartaal uit op 159,6 miljoen dollar, tegen een verlies van 187,5 miljoen dollar in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder. De aangepaste winst per aandeel kwam uit op 0,50 dollar, flink meer dan de verwachting van de staalgigant. In het laatste kwartaal van 2015 resteerde een aangepast verlies per aandeel van 0,59 dollar.

Medio december liet Nucor weten voor de laatste drie maanden van het jaar te rekenen op een aangepaste winst per aandeel van 0,30 tot 0,35 dollar. Aanvankelijk mikte het bedrijf nog op een winst per aandeel van 0,84 dollar. Vooral lagere marges in de staalfabrieken drukte volgens Nucor op de resultaten.

De omzet steeg met 14 procent van 3.457 miljoen naar 3.957 miljoen dollar, wat zich vertaalde in een bedrijfsresultaat van 255,0 miljoen dollar, tegen een min van 195,0 miljoen dollar in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder.


De winstgevendheid zal in 2017 "significant" verbeteren ten opzichte van 2016. De prijzen voor de staalfabrieken trokken in het afgelopen kwartaal aan, wat een vervolg krijgt in het lopende eerste kwartaal. Dit zal volgens Nucor resulteren in een stijging van de winst.

Het aandeel Nucor sloot maandag 1,5 procent lager op 60,10 dollar. In de elektronische handel voorbeurs noteerde het aandeel dinsdag 0,2 procent hoger.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

voda schreef op 30 januari 2017 17:04:

ArcelorMittal in zetel

Door Nico Inberg op 30 jan 2017 om 10:15 | Views: 3.374 | Categorie: Beurs vandaag

Extra stimulans Trump?

Of Trump dan de economie nog een extra zetje zal geven staat nog in de sterren geschreven. Ik zou er niet teveel van verwachten. Anderzijds moeten we de man ook niet onderschatten.

Zelfs die muur voor Mexico maakt ie haast mee, al denken sommigen dat het zo'n vaart niet loopt....

AB, Voda

Die muur die Clinton gebouwd had in de jaren negentig, bevat heeeeeeel veel staal dat gerecycled kan worden.

De Dow Jones lijkt toe aan een adempauze en neemt vaak de rest van de indices met zich mee naar beneden.

Ben benieuwd hoe de economie gaat verlopen.

Success iedereen

US plate pricing hovers near $660/st despite increase

US plate transactional pricing has not yet been affected by the outstanding $50/short ton increase, Kallanish reports.

“Business conditions remain decent but not enough to sustain that kind of an increase after all the previous ones,” says one buy-side source, who notes that plate list prices haven risen $230/st since October.

“Imports remain down significantly and mill lead times remain at four-to-six weeks,” he says.

Kallanish held plate Monday at $660-680/st. All prices are ex-works, domestic mill.

Russian demand boosts Metalloinvest Q4 steel sales

Metalloinvest increased steel product shipments by 6.6% on-year in the fourth quarter of 2016 to 1.13 million tonnes, while pig iron sales soared 25.6% to 564,000t. This was thanks to a 34% rise in sales of these products in Russia to 552,000t, while sales to Europe and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) dropped.

Sales in Russia rose in Q4 mainly as a result of pig iron demand growth following an increase in scrap price, the Russian steelmaker says in a report seen by Kallanish. Shipments to MENA fell as they were redirected to meet increased domestic demand.

The Russian steelmaker’s iron ore and hot briquetted/direct reduced iron shipments rose 3.8% and 13.8% respectively on-year in Q4 to 2.78mt and 658,000t. However, iron ore pellet sales dropped -2.7% to 3.86mt. Shipments of these products to Europe surged 86.2% to 1.96mt, but Russian and Asian deliveries slumped.

In full-year 2016 Metalloinvest achieved annual records for production of iron ore, pellet, HBI/DRI and hot metal. Iron ore output rose 3.1% on-year to 40.7mt, while pellet output grew 5.9% to 25.2mt and HBI/DRI production increased 4.8% to 5.7mt. Hot metal output rose 20.2% to 3mt due to the launch of blast furnace no.4 and pig iron casting machine no.5 in late 2015. Crude steel output rose 3.6% to 4.7mt.

Steel shipments in 2016 grew 3.1% on-year to 4.33mt, while pig iron deliveries rose 28.5% to 2.36mt. MENA bought 9.8% more at 1.91mt and Asia 6.9% more at 186,000t. Sales to Russia declined due to reallocation of product to exports, while to Europe they declined because of increased shipments to the US, United Arab Emirates and Morocco.

Shipments of iron ore fell -0.4% in 2016 to 10.74mt, but sales of HBI/DRI and pellet rose by 5.4% and 0.7% respectively to 2.51mt and 14.54mt. Europe and MENA bought 33.5% and 16.8% more respectively at 6.95mt and 1.18mt, but deliveries to Russia and Asia slumped. European demand was driven by the Netherlands, Slovakia and Italy.

APPG steel report urges action on energy costs

The impact of inflated energy prices for UK steelmakers was clearly emphasised in last week’s Steel 2020 report from an all-party group (APPG) of the UK parliament.  The report was chaired by opposition Labour party MPs Stephen Kinnock and Anna Turley (see Kallanish 23 January).

In a UK steel sector beset by problems caused principally by a clear lack of strategic government planning for decades, the main current problem is that of energy price policy, no puns intended. This topic took up pole position in the APPG report, researched by Leeds Business School’s Dr Ian Greenwood.

“That the UK’s industrial electricity prices are uncompetitive is well-known…” the report says. The most recent statistics published by Eurostat show that UK prices for extra-large users are 84% higher than the EU average (see Kallanish passim). This is bad enough, but it gets worse.

Research by the industry carried out in 2016 further illustrated the effect of this. “Taking into account all respective government interventions in the UK and Germany to specifically reduce industrial electricity prices, it was found on average that UK electric arc steel producers paid £17/MWh [... $21.4/MWh] (or 50%) more for their electricity than their German counterparts. This amounts to an additional cost of some £50 million/year for the UK steel sector.”

There are several reasons for the national price differential, spanning all elements of the electricity bill, including wholesale, network and climate change policy costs. “Electricity costs are, to a significant extent, the result of political and policy decisions,” the report adds. Because of some of these decisions, UK industrial and business users have had to bear a larger proportion of the costs of so-called decarbonisation policies.

The report highlights that the confusion in UK industrial energy ‘strategy’ is even illustrated by carbon pricing policy within the sector itself. The carbon tax/ton of CO2 for primary steel is £0.30 but for EAF recycling it is £8.00. This appears to illustrate an acute lack of understanding of how the sector operates, Kallanish notes. And, as the future of the UK sector will potentially rely more and more on electric melting, this remains something that requires urgent attention, the report adds.

“The German government has taken a more strategic approach, as part of its industrial strategy, by supporting and shielding certain key and foundation industries,” the document says.

That is where the major difference lies. UK governments of every political shade over recent decades appear never to have had any apparent industrial strategy for “… key and foundation industries” such as steel, Kallanish observes.

JSPL secures 0.5 mtpa coal supply for sponge iron units

Jindal Steel and Power Ltd said it has secured long-term coal linkage of 0.5 million tonnes per annum for its sponge iron units. JSPL in a statement said that "The company has secured long-term coal linkage of a total quantity of 0.5 million tonnes per annum for the next 5 years in the recently-concluded coal linkage auction under sponge iron sub-sector, conducted by Coal India Ltd.”

The company said that "This sourcing of coal will help the company secure fuel requirements and smoothen operations of its sponge iron units."

The company, in August 2016, had secured long-term coal linkage of 1.18 mt per annum (mtpa) for power plants in Chhattisgarh.

It added that "...with this linkage in sponge iron sub-sector, the total coal linkage capacity of the company will be 1.68 mtpa.”

Source : Economic Times
SBI looks to SC to recover loans from JSPL

Financial Express reported that in another attempt to recover its outstanding dues of INR 7,400 crore, a consortium of eight banks, led by State Bank of India (SBI) has urged the Supreme Court to implead it as a party in the mining case related to Jindal Steel and Power saying any direction to refuse permission to the firm to lift and transport iron ore lying at its long time supplier Sarda Mines Private Ltd (SMPL) plant in the Keonjhar district of Orissa will bleak its chances of recovery.

This is not the first time SBI has approached the SC to help it recover money from defaulters. Earlier this month, a SBI-led consortium of 12 PSU banks had sought intervention in the Aircel-Maxis case, saying it apprehended that if the telcom company was restrained from earning revenue by using the 2G spectrum, all the lenders would be severely affected due to non-payment of their outstanding dues to the tune of INR 20,000 crore.

The consortium of 17 banks led by SBI has also sought recovery of over INR 9,000-crore dues from Kingfisher Airlines. All the pleas are pending in the SC. The present case relates to processed iron ore stocks lying at the dispatch point of SMPL for onward delivery to JSPL. The mining department in March 2014 had directed SMPL to stop all mining activities on the ground that its environment clearance had expired. And on this basis, the department had refused to give transit permit to JSPL for transportation of procured and processed iron ore.

The SBI-led consortium’s application is coming up for hearing on Monday.

The Odisha government has challenged the high court’s April 2016 order that allowed JSPL to lift 12 million tonne of iron ore from Sarda Mines, whose mine is currently non-operational for want of clearances. The HC had also directed the state government to issue necessary orders for lifting and transport of iron ore from the mines.

The state government has told the apex court that transporting of extracted ore would also count as mining, and this could not be allowed as the miningoperations have been suspended. Besides, there may be irregularities in the deal between the two companies, as Sarda Mines is selling iron ore to JSPL way below the market rate. However, JSPL has claimed that lifting already extracted iron ore is not a mining-related activity.

Source : Financial Express
PSM employees oppose proposal to lease out PSM for 30 years

The employees of Pakistan Steel Mills have opposed a government proposal to lease out the country’s largest industrial unit for 30 years and urged that those who brought this national asset to its knees be held accountable.

In a letter sent to the ministries of finance, privatisation and industries, the PSM Workers Union also questioned a suggestion for the imposition of regulatory and anti-dumping duties or a ban on steel imports for the future private operator, wondering why such protections were never granted to the PSM while it was in public hands, despite repeated requests.

The union alleged that the PSM’s financial position had gone from bad to worse over the past three years; loss and liabilities stood at PKR 200 billion on June 30, 2013, but increased to PKR 415 billionn on Dec 31, 2016, because of “a failure of government policies and priorities”.

The Privatisation Commission’s board of directors recently approved a proposal by financial advisers and the commission to lease out the PSM for 30 years under a revenue-sharing arrangement and offer a voluntary separation scheme to about 5,000 employees. It was agreed that the government would take care of about PKR 166 billion liabilities and offer VSS to at least 4,835 employees about half of the mill’s existing strength and outsource services of some of the remaining workforce to the new operator. The proposal also envisaged protection to the incoming operator from steel imports through regulatory and anti-dumping duties.

Although the Cabinet Committee on Privatisation, headed by Finance Minister Mr Ishaq Dar, has not yet approved the proposal, the privatisation board agreed on the bidding to be held on the basis of revenue-sharing with the government over the tenor of the lease.

The deal was approved with a commitment that the government would convert its PKR 33 billion in financing/loans and guarantees into equity and issue interest-bearing coupons to the Sui Southern Gas Company for PKR 35 billion dues and Rs50bn to banks for interest/loan repayment and bear about PKR 17 billion of the employees’ severance cost.

Under the plan, a major portion of the PSM land would remain with the government, while its plant and machinery would be handed over the new company for 30 years. The mill’s core assets such as land and plant, machinery and building will be leased to the new firm. “No assets or land would be sold,” the original proposal stated, but it was later changed to give some land to the National Bank of Pakistan to settle outstanding loans.

It was in this background that the CBA Union alleged that the “PSM was forcibly shutdown in June 2015 by the government”, but its employees were being victimised by the government.

The workers said that somebody should be held accountable for causing Rs215bn additional losses to the exchequer in three years, on top of the $1.5bn additional burden on the country’s foreign exchange due to the steel import bill following the halt of PSM production.

Claiming that the PSM staff was still capable of reviving the mill that was currently bleeding Rs3 million per hour, the union said the losses were “due to non-availability of raw material, gas supply disconnection and other logistic issues being the responsibility of the government”.

The letter said that serving and retired employees were currently suffering due to non-payment of salaries, medical bills and retirement benefits while the ministries concerned remained silent spectators.

The union alleged that 157 acres of core PSM land had been transferred to the Port Qasim Authority at a rate of Rs9m per acre, against its valuation at PKR 30 millionn per acre.

Moreover, a special audit was carried out by the Auditor General from July to December 2015 on the request of the Privatisation Commission. The audit reportedly unearthed financial irregularities, but no action was taken against the persons found to be at fault.

Source : Dawn
Bangkok steelmakers urged to keep tabs on cash

Bangkok Post reported that steel firms are advised to carefully analyse their cash conversion cycle and indebtedness level to prevent defaults that could damage the reputation of the Thai steel industry.

The SCB Economic Intelligence Centre said that the recent 806 million baht debt default of SET-listed Rich Asia Corporation Pic a maker and distributor of steel pipes, has led the company to seek talks with its creditors and restructure its finances.

RICH also has bills of exchange worth 105 million baht owed to five small investors that are due between February and April for which the company has not yet provided a plan to repay. Although this case is viewed as an outlier amid the strong liquidity of the overall Thai steel industry, the EIC is advises all Thai steel companies should be careful about incurring debt in order to maintain secure financial statuses, especially as the Thai steel sector needs to compete with cheap Chinese steel that is being dumped into the Thai market.

Most Thai steelmakers are encouraged to upgrade their machinery to use more advanced production technologies in order to increase their competitive advantage and gain economies of scale to compete with other steelmakers, particularly those in China.

The EIC said RICH's debt default was caused by the company's lack of liquidity, compounded by a high debt to equity ratio (D/E ratio) of 2.5. The average D/E ratio of the Thai steel industry is around 1.3.

The EIC suggests Thai steelmakers manage their cash conversion cycles by making their inventories more efficient to prevent concentrating funds in stocks, which have low liquidity.

The company should order raw materials to match new orders to avoid stocking up on inventory, which leads to rising costs.

Thai steelmakers should compared their D/E ratio to other companies in the same field in order to evaluate whether their debts are repayable.

The EIC said in a report that "At this stage, we see the debt default of a Thai steelmaker as an individual case that does not reflect the entire Thai steel industry.”

Source : Bangkok Post
Steel rolling again in Mingo

Weirton Daily Times reported that almost eight years after Russian firm OAO Severstal shuttered the former Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp mill in Mingo Junction, new hot metal should soon roll out of the facility that is now known as ACERO Junction.

Mr Jateen Kapoor a senior management member of ACERO Junction said that “We are working on it. We hope to start making our products available to the customer the first week of February.”

A video posted to Facebook seems to show new hot steel rolling through the mill, while an accompanying photo appears to show a new coil being moved on a crane. The images posted may have depicted a test prior to an official restart.

Jefferson County Port Authority Executive Director Evan Scurti said that “I am in frequent interaction with the company. They are still in the ramp-up stage. Hopefully, they can have an opening and sell the products soon.”

Officials have said the new steel operation could ultimately employ as many as 350 workers. The plant includes an 80-inch (width) hot strip mill and a USD 115 million electric arc furnace that was installed in 2004.

The Mingo facility was part of the former Wheeling-Pitt, which Sewickley, Pa.-based Esmark Inc. acquired in 2006. Severstal closed the Mingo mill in 2009 after purchasing it and the other Wheeling-Pitt properties from Esmark in 2008.

Severstal later sold the Wheeling-Pitt assets to RG Steel, which declared bankruptcy shortly thereafter. This allowed Buffalo, N.Y.-based Frontier Industrial to purchase the entire Mingo plant including the electric arc furnace for USD 20 million in 2012. Frontier has since demolished most of the older portions of the plant to sell the metal as scrap.

Craig Slater Frontier vice president and general counsel said that “We saw the potential in the Mingo site beyond just asset recovery, demolition, scrapping or leveling the site for redevelopment. A sale was always at the center of our strategy.”

Source : Weirton Daily Times
AISI update on raw steel production in US in Week 04

In the week ending on January 28, 2017, domestic raw steel production was 1,736,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 73.3 percent.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Hierros Anon buys Kloeckner & Co Spanish unit

Steelmaker Hierros Anon SA has signed a deal to buy the Spanish activities of Kloeckner & Co which generated revenues of EUR 120 million (USD 128 million) in the past fiscal year, accounting for about 2% of Kloeckner's group sales.

Kloeckner said that the pre-tax profit (EBT) of Kloeckner Metals Iberica was most recently negative due to the continued difficult economic environment in Spain.

No purchase price was disclosed, but Kloeckner said it expected its net debt to come down significantly due to the cash inflow from the sale.

Source : Reuters
Japan domestic makers prioritize high grade steel amid glut

The Japan Times reported that amid the current worldwide slump in the price of steel, Japanese steelmakers are looking to survive through sales of high-end steel that requires advanced technology to produce, as well as the demand for building material for the 2020 Olympic Games.

Even so, prospects of China cutting back overproduction are bleak, while U.S. President Donald Trump’s “America first” policy is feared to generate harmful effects on the Japanese steel and iron industry. A series of risks regarding steel materials seem to be weighing down the domestic industry.

The World Steel Association announced that world crude steel production reached 1.63 billion tons in 2016, up 0.8 percent from 2015. The rise was mainly due to China increasing crude steel production by 1.2 percent. Excess supply has pulled down the price of steel.

Japanese steelmakers have focused on light, high-tension and high-grade steel used mostly in automobiles. A high degree of skill is required to produce high-grade steel, making it difficult for overseas companies to easily produce. In addition, steelmakers can expect stable demand for this type of steel from automakers that must maintain product quality in order to meet high safety standards.

Steelmakers have deemed it relatively easy to gain the acceptance of automakers and other industries for passing rising raw material costs along to them in the form of higher steel prices.

Expectations are high that demand for construction material for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics will increase starting this year. The boost in demand has been delayed due to confusion over the venues for some sporting events.

Japan Iron and Steel Federation chairman Mr Kosei Shindo, who is president of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp, predicts domestic demand in 2017 will “remain strong.”

However, the glut in steel supply is expected to continue, according to observers. The Chinese government has promoted decreasing the production of domestic steel, but it is unclear to what extent its efforts are impacting steel producers. “A vicious cycle” has been evident in which small and mid-sized makers increase steel production in response to leading makers scaling back production to raise the price of steel.

Political trends in the United States are also cause for concern. If the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement causes automakers to reconsider their production in Mexico, steelmakers that have branched out to the country to supply steel to the automakers may have no choice but to reduce production.

Source : The Japan Times
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