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Countries exporting steel pipes to Ukraine use 87%

According to the Ukrainian Economic Development and Trade Ministry, the countries that export steel pipes to Ukraine, namely Russia, Austria and Poland, used their quotas in 2016 by 87%.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tata group profits grew 35% under me – Mr Mistry

Business Standard quoted ousted Tata Sons Chairman Mr Cyrus Mistry as saying that the group's profits grew 35%, compounded annually, during his tenure as chief even as the valuation of Tata Sons' portfolio companies beat the BSE index by five per cent.

In his reply to the National Company Law Tribunal Mr Mistry said the market value of group firms increased by INR 3,26,000 crore between 2013 and October 2016 despite tough economic conditions and legacy issues due to “wrong acquisitions” during Ratan Tata’s tenure as chairman.

Source : Business Standard
Will the new iron ore mine actually get off the ground in WA

The fact that the WA Government is signing State Agreements to encourage the development of new mining projects is undoubtedly a good thing. And if Todd Corporation can build a new port in the Pilbara, and connect it to new iron ore mines with a new railway line, that will also be a good thing.

But it will be debt and commodity markets that will decide whether the Balla Balla project is viable, not merely the enthusiasm of a State Government that is about to fight an election under pressure over its management of the economy and a stubbornly high jobless rate.

Winning a State Agreement is a positive step but Todd Corporation has a long way to go before bulldozers begin clearing ground for a AUD 5 billion-plus project.

Flinders Mines, whose Pilbara iron ore project would underpin the development, entered a trading halt yesterday, but is still to update the market on the feasibility and cost of building a 45 million tonne-a-year mine.

In March, Todd Corp told Flinders shareholders a 45mtpa mine was “unlikely to demonstrate sufficient returns to justify a final investment decision for an integrated project”.

Todd said that Port and rail tariffs, and credit support arrangements required to underpin Todd’s infrastructure development, meant it may not be viable.

Todd may have deep pockets, but WA is littered with mothballed infrastructure projects backed by big players.

Source : The West
Pilbara ore project wants live in workers

The West reported that the company behind a AUD 5 billion iron ore mining project for the Pilbara wants a residential workforce rather than fly-in, fly-out workers. BBI Group chairman Jon Young, signed a State Agreement with the WA Government for the Balla Balla Infrastructure project to service iron ore mines in the central Pilbara, said the business would withstand low points in the economic cycle, including ore prices half the current levels.

Mr Young said the Todd Corporation, owners of BBI Group, wanted to add value back to Pilbara communities by maximising hiring of the estimated 3300 construction jobs and 900 jobs during the operational phase from the region.

He said that “We want local jobs, we want local living, we want to use local contractors this is how Todd does business.”

Mr Young said that “We have made a commitment to those communities that we’re going to find every way we can to give them preferential opportunities to participate in this project. We would hope to be considering a final investment decision on this project in 2018 and within a period of months of making that decision we would start to see people coming back to work.”

Mr Young said the project had to be able to survive the inevitable bottom of the economic cycle, and said the project would be able to continue with iron ore prices at AUD 35 a tonne.

He further added that “We actually think of this project as how do we make sure it can get through the inevitable bottom of the cycle and so we’re focused on the downside scenario rather than the mid-case scenarios. We believe it’s economic right the way through the cycle.”

The company estimated that over the 30-year life of the project the State Government would receive $4 billion in royalties.

Source : The West
BHP Billiton results for 2016
Published on Wed, 25 Jan 2017
0 times viewed

Image Source: BHP Billiton
BHP Billiton Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Mackenzie, said: “We have performed well during a period of higher prices, with record iron ore volumes achieved at WAIO. Our simpler organisational structure has freed our assets to focus on what matters most and to deliver safer and more productive operations. Our consistent delivery of operating and capital productivity, and strict adherence to our capital allocation framework have positioned us to maximise shareholder value. In Petroleum, we will accelerate our counter-cyclical oil exploration efforts this year. Our successful Trion bid leaves us in a leading position to develop the newly opened Mexican acreage in the Gulf of Mexico, where we can leverage our core expertise. We are encouraged by recent positive drilling results at the LeClerc well in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caicos well in the Gulf of Mexico. After the first successful rig, our Onshore US gas hedging program will also be expanded to secure attractive returns.”


Record production for the half year was achieved at Western Australia Iron Ore (WAIO).

Full year production guidance maintained for Petroleum, Iron Ore and Coal.

Production guidance for Copper reduced to approximately 1.62 Mt, two per cent below prior guidance, reflecting lower volumes now expected at Olympic Dam.

In Petroleum, following the successful bid for Trion in Mexico and positive drilling results at LeClerc and Caicos, an US$820 million exploration program is now planned for the current financial year.

All major projects under development are tracking to plan. The Bass Strait Longford Gas Conditioning Plant project achieved initial gas sales in the December 2016 quarter. Mechanical completion was achieved at the Escondida Water Supply project with first water expected in the March 2017 quarter.

Underlying attributable profit(1) in the December 2016 half year is expected to include gains related to asset divestments in a range of approximately US$150 million to US$200 million

Petroleum (MMboe) - 106 (15%) Deferral of development activity in Onshore US for value and natural field decline in Conventional assets.

Copper (kt) - 712 (7%) Reduced volumes at Olympic Dam, maintenance at Pampa Norte and lower copper grades as expected at Antamina.

Iron ore(2) (Mt) - 118 +4% Record WAIO volumes for the half year due to the continued ramp up of additional capacity at Jimblebar.

Metallurgical coal (Mt) - 21 +1% Strong performance at four Queensland Coal mines more than offset the cessation of production at Crinum.

Energy coal (Mt) - 14 (4%) Lower production at NSWEC partially offset by strong performance at Cerrejón.
Production for the December 2016 half year and quarter and guidance for the 2017 financial year are summarised in the table below.

Zie PDF.

Major development projects

During the December 2016 quarter, the Bass Strait Longford Gas Conditioning Plant project achieved initial gas sales, under budget, and production is ramping up to full rate. In December 2016, mechanical completion was achieved at the Escondida Water Supply project with first water expected to be delivered in the March 2017 quarter, on schedule and budget. These two projects will not be reported in future Operational Reviews.

BHP Billiton has two major projects under development in Petroleum and Potash, with a combined budget of US$2.9 billion over the life of the projects. Both projects remain on time and on budget.

Corporate update

BHP Billiton expects Underlying attributable profit(1) in the December 2016 half year to include gains related to asset divestments in a range of approximately US$150 million to US$200 million (Underlying EBITDA(1) impact of US$175 million to US$225 million).

In addition, the Group expects to record an exceptional item of US$164 million (US$115 million post-tax) related to the cancellation of the Caroona exploration licence and subsequent reimbursement received during the December
2016 half year.

On 20 December 2016, Samarco, Vale and BHP Billiton Brasil agreed a non-binding term sheet outlining the general terms and conditions for the use of Vale’s Timbopeba pit by Samarco to deposit its tailings, should Samarco restart. A definitive agreement remains subject to a successful commercial negotiation, due diligence and relevant government approvals. These processes are likely to occur during the 2017 calendar year.

On 18 January 2017, Samarco, Vale and BHP Billiton Brasil have also entered into a preliminary agreement with the Federal Prosecutors’ Office in Brazil in relation to the Fundão tailings dam failure on 5 November 2015(3) (Preliminary Agreement). The Preliminary Agreement outlines the process and timeline for negotiation of a settlement of the BRL 155 billion (approximately US$47.5 billion) Civil Claim relating to the dam failure.

For the December 2016 half year, we are not yet in a position to provide an update to the ongoing potential financial impacts on BHP Billiton Brasil of the Samarco dam failure. Any financial impacts will continue to be classified as an exceptional item.

The above guidance will be updated should material information or events arise as the Group finalises its financial statements.

Marketing update

The average realised prices achieved for our major commodities are summarised in the table below. The majority of iron ore shipments were linked to the index price for the month of shipment, with price differentials predominantly reflecting product quality and market fundamentals. The majority of metallurgical coal and energy coal exports were linked to the index price for the month of shipment or sold on the spot market at fixed or index-linked prices, with price differentials reflecting product quality.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
New US deals send Turkey scrap crashing

Two US-origin bookings by one Turkish mill have sent scrap prices crashing by around $25/tonne on-week, breaking US merchants’ resistance to low Turkish bids and causing shock across the market.

The deals, supplied by two separate US merchants, were each for an unspecified tonnage of HMS 1&2 80:20 at $255/tonne cfr Turkey, shredded scrap at $260/t and bonus at $265/t. Although the purchasing mill could not be contacted for confirmation by deadline, the deals were verified by a wide range of market participants.

Last week saw the first booking of US scrap in 2017, at $282/t cfr Turkey, down around $8/t on the previous deal shortly before Christmas. This represented a discount on the $290/t offers US merchants had been holding out for, using strong demand in their local market as justification.
Following last week’s deal US offers dropped to $280/t, while Turkish mills’ bids collapsed to $260/t on account of weak long products demand. The market had thus anticipated the next US sale at around $270/t, but $255/t has come as a big surprise.

“It’s going down massively,” one Turkish trader tells Kallanish of the latest scrap drop. Sources expect Turkish rebar export prices to drop to below $400/t fob Turkey as a result of the scrap movement. “Everybody will push to buy at below $400/t or wait,” says another trader. “If any mills need to sell, they have to accept $400 levels.”

On the heels of the US deals a second Turkish mill was reported to have booked Baltic-origin scrap at $253/t for 12,000t of 80:20 and $258/t for 3,000t of shredded.

Weak demand for rebar both in Turkey’s domestic and export markets, as well as the sudden weakening of the lira at the beginning of January are widely thought to be behind the drop in prices. Concerns over Turkey’s new constitution infringing on democracy are also said to be dampening the country’s economic climate.

Chinese steel futures rebound as restrictions launched

Chinese steel futures prices soared on Tuesday, after steady trading overnight. The change in minimum trading margins and price limits on Chinese futures exchanges will take effect Wednesday (see Kallanish 20 January), as exchanges prepare for a bullish market after the holiday, Kallanish notes.

The May rebar contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange closed at CNY 3,292/tonne ($480/t), up CNY 118/t from Tuesday, while the same contract for hot rolled coil closed up CNY  124/t at CNY 3,585/t. Other ferrous futures such as iron ore, coke and coking coal all increased sharply over the day. 

Speculators were gaining confidence after the heavy air pollution alerts in Northern China suggested supply disruptions. The spot market however remains quiet as buying activity has almost completely stopped with the approach of the Spring Festival.

Spanish domestic HRC price stabilises, imports remain uncompetitive

Domestic HRC prices in Spain have stabilised at the same level as the end of last year, as the international market has shown the first signs of weakness, Kallanish learns from market sources.

Domestic suppliers of HRC are selling at an average level of €550/tonne ($592/t) ex-works, despite offer levels being slightly higher.

Meanwhile import offers are in the range of €530-540/t cif in the Iberian Peninsula from Turkey and India. Turkish mills are offering March shipment.

“These levels are failing to attract any interest from buyers,” a trader comments. “Korean prices are even higher and buyers are not under pressure to order at the moment, especially given that they expect corrections soon.”

As reported, HRC price levels in Turkey, both for domestic and import transactions, have decreased somewhat during recent weeks. An international trader notes that Turkish mills will become more aggressive in the export market soon, potentially bringing down their offers into Southern Europe.

Meanwhile in Spain the recent announcement by the Gallardo group of the restart of HDG production at its plant has indicated the shortage of availability of CRC and HDG from domestic suppliers. A market source notes nevertheless that the company will need to import HRC to process into HDG, with few competitive sources available in today’s market.

S.EU/US demand supports Turkish CRC prices

Cold rolled coil prices in the Turkish domestic market have remained largely flat over the past week, despite the decline in import prices, market participants tell Kallanish.

Turkish mills' ex-works offer prices stay in the $630-640/tonne range. One mill has raised its asking prices by $10/t on-week with offers of $650-660/t ex-works for end-March delivery. However, the booking price level currently hovers at $620-640/t, according to sources.

Some sources say there is a capacity shortage for CRC in the domestic market at present. "This is because some mills have allotted part of their production for export markets, where prices are better than in the domestic market," a service centre source says. A trader thinks this is influenced by a roughly ten-day production halt at a local mill due to a problem at its electric arc furnace.

The availability of material in the market has reduced, but demand is still somewhat weak after the recent currency exchange rate fluctuations, traders comment.

Still, "... CRC is the best-trading flat product in the market now. HRC is not so good, and HDG is even worse," says one trader.

At the same time, CIS mills have lowered their CRC offers by some $10 on-week to $570-580/t cfr Turkey to attract buyers. This has resulted in bookings for an unknown quantity at $570/t cfr Turkey from Russia, a trader informs.

Demand for Turkish CRC in some export markets has improved recently, sources note. Current export offer prices were suggested at $650-670/t fob Turkey, with good demand from southern Europe and especially the US. "They [... Turkish producers] can easily sell above $660/t, even at $690/t fob in the US where demand is good," a re-roller comments.

There is some uncertainty about the future direction of CRC prices in the Turkish market, with more clarity expected in February or March. "It is difficult to project the price trend now as raw material prices are declining but coil prices from the Far East remain strong," one of the sources notes.

Szczecin deal to form 'Baltic's largest shipbuilding group'

Polish investment fund MARS has acquired Szczecin Industrial Park (SPP), the site of the former Szczecin shipbuilding yard, in a move seen as the first step to creating one of Europe’s largest shipbuilding groups.

SSP was sold by state-owned finance group TF Silesia for PLN 101.5 million ($24.99m). This followed the acquisition by the Industrial Development Agency (ARP) of new shares issued in the same value by Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (PGZ), MARS’s parent company. PGZ is a Polish military equipment manufacturer.

The move will see the return of shipbuilding to Szczecin after it was suspended in 2009 as the global economic crisis curtailed demand for new ships. Attempts by the Polish government to find a private buyer for the shipyard at auction failed.

Last July financing was secured for the construction of two 900-passenger Ro-Pax ferries, the first such vessels to be built in Poland for 15 years. They will be built at SSP, which possesses slipways that allow for the building of large vessels currently outside of MARS’s capability.

SSP’s acquisition by MARS will create the Baltic’s largest shipbuilding group, according to Poland’s development ministry. MARS already owns the Gryfia and Nauta shipyards.

Polish defence minister Antoni Macierewicz observes: “This is a historic day for Polish industry, for Polish security. Today, the Polish shipbuilding industry, which for the last quarter century was destroyed and sold off, is being rebuilt before our eyes.” SSP has purposefully come under PGZ ownership as the shipbuilding sector is strategic for Poland’s security, he adds.

Poland’s bill to stimulate the country’s shipbuilding industry and ancillary industries came into force on 1 January after it received approval from the two houses of parliament last July (see Kallanish 26 July). The bill includes the option of incorporating shipyards into special economic zones and exempting them from paying VAT.

Poland’s shipbuilding industry experienced a sharp decline in orders in the aftermath of the 2008/09 economic crisis, which hampered the performance of plate suppliers such as ISD Huta Czestochowa. While the Gdansk shipyard was restructured in 2009, the Gdynia and Szczecin shipyards were sold at auction. Gdynia remains in liquidation.

Italian rebar price upticks, February remains uncertain

Despite low demand from the construction sector, Italian rebar producers are pushing up prices for end-January and February contracts. Although transaction prices are upticking by €10/tonne ($10.75/t), and sometimes €20/t, compared to December, the new prices being asked by some mills have not yet turned offers into deals, Kallanish learns from market sources.

Local buyers are negotiating from a position of strength as demand is at a minimum level and therefore some are managing to obtain extremely attractive prices. From an average level of €140/t base of December, Italian transactions are now up to €150-160/t base. This including the size extras of €260/t gives a finished ex-works price of €410-420/t, sources suggest. Some producers were talking about €180/t base but this only applies to offers. Other producers have resolved to keep asking €150-160/t base, sources add.

Italian producers are selling “… good quantities at good prices” in Germany. Import licences in Algeria are expected to be published in February. This should allow Southern European producers to resume their export activity which has decreased dramatically over the past months due to the protection-orientated attitude of the Algerian government.

Italian, French, Spanish and German scrap prices are set to decline substantially in February, according to market forecasts gathered by Kallanish. This is in line with the recent steep falls in imported scrap purchases by the Turkish market (see related article). This is expected to have an impact on February rebar prices in each European domestic market, sources believe.

Kinnock blasts UK government over steel-poor industrial strategy

The UK new industrial strategy plan launched for public consultation by Prime Minister Theresa May on 23 January has appeared to ignore the domestic steel sector according to one commentator.

Labour MP Stephen Kinnock has lambasted the government for presenting a 132-page treatise on the new industrial strategy which mentions steel only once. Along with fellow back bench opposition colleague Anna Turley, the MP co-chaired the new All Party Parliamentary Group report on the future of steel in the UK.

“Our 85 page report - Steel 2020 - contains 43 practical recommendations for how the government can ensure that the British steel industry not only survives, but that it thrives. We spell out exactly what the government could be doing to reduce crippling energy costs and business rates, tackle illegal Chinese dumping, get a good Brexit deal for steel, develop a positive procurement policy, and work in partnership with trade unions to build a bright and prosperous future for our steel industry” the MP for Aberavon in South Wales says in a note sent to Kallanish.

“On the same day [… 23 January] that we published our comprehensive masterplan the government published their industrial strategy green paper. I welcome the government’s moves towards an industrial strategy, however, the measures and objectives outlined today show a real poverty of ambition,” Kinnock continues.

“I was astonished to see that in this 132-page document, steel gets just one passing mention. That is simply unacceptable, and serves only to confirm that this government’s approach to the steel industry continues to be characterised by a toxic combination of incompetence and indifference.”

German scrap prices rise in January

Germany’s scrap prices in January have risen on average by €25-30/tonne ($21.5-32.3/t) month-on-month, Kallanish hears from the market.

A differentiation by region provided by steel scrap recycling federation BDSV shows that the highest average increase occurred in the ‘North’ region at €30/t. In the Southwest meanwhile, it was €20/t, with good demand reported for both regions. The large mills in the West region are heard to be slower in placing orders, but partly because of higher order activity already witnessed in December. 

Looking ahead, most players are said to expect prices to remain flat in February, or rise by only €5-10/t, a market observer tells Kallanish. Some sources from the long products sector even say that a slight downwards price correction cannot be discounted.

In a survey of neighbouring countries, BDSV observes that Belgium saw increases of €20/t, while Luxembourg lifted prices by as much as €35/t. France, the Netherlands, and Austria, all saw increases similar to Germany. A smaller increase was seen in Poland, by €14-17/t, and in the Czech Republic, by €10-15/t.

According to BDSV, the price for sort E1 (old scrap) is now on average at €210.8/t. For E2/E8 (new scrap) it is €225.0/t, E3 (old heavy scrap) attracts €226.9/t, for E4 (shredded) it is €235.6 €/t and for E5 (turnings) the price is €184.5/t.

German steelworkers demand bigger salary increase for 2017

Germany’s IG Metall trade union is asking for a 4.5% wage increase for the steelworkers of North Rhine Westphalia (NRW) and eastern Germany, Kallanish learns from the union.

The union met on Tuesday to discuss its claim, and late in the afternoon came up with an announcement to that effect.

“At the end of 2016, the order backlogs were higher than at the end of 2015,” said Knut Giesler, head of the union in NRW and leader of the negotiations for collective wage-bargaining talks for the steel industry. “There are signs that the situation in the industry will improve further somewhat this year, and employees are entitled to a fair share.”

The union referred to forecasts saying that steel processing industries will see a growth of 2.4% in 2017, following 2.5% in 2016. The utilisation of mills was 88%, close to the average in recent years of 91%, and far above the global average of 80%.

Last year, collective bargaining with the mills resulted in a wage increase of 2.3% for steelworkers. The negotiations this year will begin on 22 February. The NRW chapter will negotiate on behalf of the large NRW mills, mostly owned by thyssenkrupp, but also for those in Bremen and Lower Saxony, which includes Salzgitter plants. Around 72,000 employees will be affected by the negotiations.

The eastern German IG Metall chapter for Berlin-Brandenburg-Saxony represents rebar mills belonging to Riva and ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt, among others.

Iron ore strengthens but Rio failing on premium

Seaborne iron ore prices continued to pick up on Tuesday as futures rallied and speculators bet on higher prices after the New Year holidays next week. Chinese steel mills have almost all rejected an attempt by Rio Tinto to impose a $1/tonne premium for its PN fines, reports suggest.

The Kallanish index for 62% Fe Australian fines jumped $1.52/tonne to $81.68/dry metric ton cfr Qingdao. 170,000 tonnes of PB fines was traded in a tender at $81.41/t with a laycan in 11-20 February. That was up from a deal at $80.01/t the previous day and the highest since a tender on 16 January.

Reuters has quoted one mill as saying they were not aware of any steelmaker which had accepted Rio’s $1/t premium on PB fines contracts. Chinese analysts say no major mill has accepted, but some medium-sized players have accepted the premium for just the coming quarter. This is likely to give them time to renegotiate once prices slide again.

Rio believes that PB fines deserve a premium because of their low impurities. Spot prices for PB fines have often been higher than published indices because low impurities help steelmakers reduce emissions. Most mills were outraged by the suggestion that this should be formalised in contracts however, arguing that premia are already revealed through spot trading and are a factor in negotiating contracts.

More major Chinese steelmakers signal profits for 2016

More Chinese steelmakers have published their 2016 annual performance forecasts, including major steelmakers such as Hebei Iron & Steel (Hegang), Anyang Iron & Steel and Jiuquan Iron & Steel (Jiugang). Most of these have benefited from stronger steel prices since last April, Kallanish notes. 

China's Hebei Iron & Steel published its annual performance forecast on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 19 January. It estimates annual profits attributable to shareholders will have reached CNY 1.5-1.6 billion ($218.32-232.87 million), an increase of between 162-179% year-on-year.

Many steelmakers have turned 2015's losses into gains. According to the Jiugang Daily, the Jiugang Group has earned CNY 2.03 billion in profits in 2016. Anyang Group has also turned losses into gains in 2016, achieving earnings of about CNY 30 million last year. Baosteel subsidiary Shaoguan Iron & Steel estimates that it has earned CNY 105 million over the same period.

Tangshan launches steel production restrictions again

Tangshan city in China's Hebei province has again launched its level II heavy air pollution reaction plan effective 00:00 hours on 24 January to 24:00 hours on 26 January, according to the Tangshan local government.

This should theoretically reduce emissions levels from steel production by 30%. With the spring festival holiday however, the influence on actual output is likely to be quite limited, Kallanish notes.

Hebei provincial Environmental Meteorological Centre has also launched a heavy air pollution alert over 24-26 January across the whole province. According to the announcement, steelmakers in Tangshan which supply heating systems for citizens and steel rolling plants that use clean energy can ignore the steel production restrictions.

South Korean exporters to see less Eximbank support

The Export-Import Bank of Korea (Eximbank) has announced another fall in its lending and guarantees in 2017. While it is boosting lending to new growth industries, it expects a larger decline in lending to industries with overcapacity, such as steel and shipbuilding, Kallanish notes.

Eximbank ceo Lee Deok-hoon told a press conference this week that it intends to supply KRW 67 trillion ($45.4 billion) in funding in 2017, KRW 8 trillion less than in 2016. This will be divided into KRW 53 trillion in lending and investment funds, and KRW 14 trillion in guarantees.

New growth industries will take KRW 6.5 trillion, up 44% year-on-year. Investment in overseas construction and manufacturing, which has itself been an important driver of steel demand, will drop to KRW 27.8 trillion, from KRW 32.2 trillion in 2016. That leaves just KRW 18.7 trillion in lending and investment for other industries.

Korea Zinc targets Vietnamese zinc furnace

Korea Zinc has signed an agreement with ZincOx Resources with an aim to build a 100,000 tonnes/year rotary hearth furnace (RHF) to reclaim iron and zinc from EAF dust in Vietnam, the companies report. The project will be 51% owned by Korea Zinc, Kallanish notes.

Korea Zinc will first fund a definitive feasibility study, with an estimated cost of around $2.5 million. Any cost overrun will be funded by diluting ZincOx’s shareholding.

Korea Zinc operates a 200,000 ty RHF in Korea which recycles zinc and other minerals from the dust generated by recycling galvanised steel scrap. Vietnamese HDG production and exports have soared in recent years.

Taiwan joins with Japan in India MIP dispute

Taiwan has asked the World Trade Organization (WTO) for permission to join Japan’s consultations with India regarding a complaint against import restrictions on certain steel products, according to Indian media.

Japan sent a formal request for consultations to India in early January saying it has a problem with Indian import measures on steel, Kallanish notes.

Taiwan has accused the Indian government of not giving a satisfactory response after requesting details about the minimum import price (MIP) on iron and steel products. An Indian official meanwhile said, “We had responded to Taiwan’s queries on the MIP on steel items some time back explaining that it was a temporary measure. However, it says that it is not satisfied and wants to participate in the consultations between Japan and India. We are going to make all efforts to explain our position well at the consultations.”

Taiwan says its exports of the concerned products reached $14 million in 2015. This means that it has a substantial trade interest in these consultations as well as a systemic interest in the interpretation of WTO rules.

“Our negotiating team and the Directorate General of Safeguards are going through the request and preparing suitable replies,” added the Indian official. The number of items on which an MIP is imposed has already been brought down to 19 and may go down further next month as other trade measures take effect. Safeguard duties on hot-rolled steel products are being slowly reduced but will be in place until March 2018 (see Kallanish 20 March 2016).

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