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Rio Tinto releases first quarter production results

Pilbara iron ore shipments were 76.7 million tonnes in the first quarter (100 per cent basis). Ship loading was impacted by cyclone activity during the period, and sections of the rail network were affected by significant rainfall. Despite these disruptions, shipments were in line with the first quarter of 2016 and guidance for 2017 remains at 330 to 340 million tonnes.

First quarter bauxite production of 11.3 million tonnes and aluminium production of 889 thousand tonnes were both two per cent higher than the corresponding quarter of 2016.

Mined copper production was 37 per cent lower than the first quarter of 2016 due to a 43 day labour strike at Escondida. This strike, combined with the curtailment of production at Grasberg, has led to revised 2017 mined copper guidance of 500 to 550 thousand tonnes.

Titanium dioxide slag production increased by 35 per cent compared to the first quarter of 2016, reflecting higher market demand. 2017 production guidance has slightly increased to between 1.2 and 1.3 million tonnes.

On 24 January 2017, Rio Tinto announced that it had reached a binding agreement for the sale of Coal & Allied to Yancoal Australia for up to $2.45 billion. The sale is subject to certain conditions being satisfied, and is expected to complete in the second half of 2017. Yancoal announced receipt of Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) approval on 13 April 2017.

Rio Tinto chief executive J-S Jacques said “Despite challenging weather conditions at our West Australian and Queensland operations, we delivered solid production in the first quarter of 2017. Our strategy is unchanged. Our number one priority is safety. We maintain our disciplined approach to capital management and maximising cash flow, with a focus on managing costs and enhancing productivity across the business. These actions support the delivery of strong cash returns to shareholders in the short, medium and long term.”

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Source : Strategic Research Institute
Caterpillar’s driverless dumpsters drive disruption in Australian mines

While much of the media is focused upon driverless cars, industrial vehicle makers have forged ahead, developing autonomous vehicles capable of delivering significant benefit to business. During Australia’s recent mining boom school teachers, cleaners and plumbers quit their jobs in the big cities to become highly paid truck drivers in the country’s remote and massive iron and coal mines.

Now the mining boom is over and Australia’s formerly well paid mining truck drivers have headed back to their old jobs as driverless dumpsters take over. How the resource companies are deploying automated vehicles is instructive for other industries.

Caterpillar, one of the world’s biggest suppliers of mining equipment, has been working on self driving trucks since the 1990s and its Australian dealer, Westrac, boasts they were the first organisation to deploy autonomous vehicle technologies into open cast mines.

At the recent AWS Summit in Sydney James Scott, the Group Executive Director of Technology and Innovation of Westrac’s parent company the sprawling Seven Group Holdings conglomerate explained how autonomous vehicles are part of rethinking both their and their clients’ businesses.

While driverless trucks may be revolutionary for the truck drivers that used to steer them, Scott sees them as more an incremental change.

Fortescue Mining Group’s Solomon Hub comprises the Firetail and Kings Valley iron ore mines in the Pilbara region of Australia’s North West which together have a production capacity of over 70 mega tonnes each year. When the project was scoped in 2010, the initial feasibility study called for 75 manned trucks but in July 2011 FMG ordered 12 autonomous 793F vehicles as a pilot. Now with the mines up and running, FMG operates 54 driverless dumpsters which alone results in a $100 million capital saving on twenty trucks. The operational benefits are also substantial claims Scott.

There were implementation costs to deploying the driverless vehicles such as solving for the vehicles stopping for puffs of dust on the road, something extremely common in Outback Australia let alone an open cast mine. Despite initial gotchas, the cost and productivity benefits were compelling.

By replacing the drivers, Westrac and Caterpillar also found they can make further cost savings by eliminating some comfort and safety features on the trucks with weight savings of up to four tonnes per vehicle.

While the ongoing direct labor savings are obvious, it’s not all bad news for workers in West Australia’s mining industry. Westrac now has a technology workforce of over 100 people with specialist skills in robotics, data analytics, radio networks and GPS technologies to support the autonomous vehicles.

Mining data is something Scott sees as an opportunity across the entire Seven West Group, which sprawls across disparate industries ranging from mining to newspapers.

Despite Scott’s view on incremental change, this story demonstrates how economic pain is the mother of accelerated innovation. The downturn in demand across the Australian extractive industries was dramatic and sudden so the reported savings were critical to survival.

The problem, both politically and for business, is what happens when traditional jobs are re-imagined for the automated age. Commenters like to talk about job elimination but it is really a shift in skills requirements. As automation in industry supporting segments like transportation and logistics become feasible, policy makers will need to help business steer towards training the next generation of skills. So far, that has not been top of mind.

Source :
Trump to revive 1962 law to investigate steel imports

Apr. 20, 2017 10:46 AM ET|By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor
Steel stocks are higher as Pres. Trump is expected to meet with industry executives today at the White House and sign a directive asking for a probe into whether imports of foreign-made steel are hurting U.S. national security.

Trump reportedly will sign the memorandum authorizing a probe under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, a rarely used law that allows emergency trade sanctions based on reasons of national security.

Meanwhile, the U.S. International Trade Commission today will hear an antitrust complaint from U.S. Steel (X +3.8%) that rival Chinese manufacturers colluded to fix prices to undercut competitors in the U.S. market; in November, a trade judge rejected the claim, saying the agency did not have legal authority to hear the allegations.

Other steel-related stocks (SLX +2.2%) also are higher: AKS +4.4%, STLD +2.7%, NUE +1.7%, CLF +4.1%, MT +3.3%, RS +1.1%, WOR +1.6%.
Trump wil onderzoek import buitenlands staal

Gepubliceerd op 20 apr 2017 om 20:27 | Views: 2.809

ArcelorMittal 14:37
7,27 +0,20 (+2,77%)

WASHINGTON (AFN) - De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump laat onderzoek doen of de import van staal uit het buitenland de nationale veiligheid in gevaar kan brengen. Trump ondertekende daarvoor donderdag een decreet in het Witte Huis.

Volgens Trump is staal van groot belang voor de Amerikaanse economie en het leger en is het daarom onverstandig afhankelijk te zijn van buitenlands staal. Het onderzoek kan mogelijk leiden tot importhefifngen op staal van buiten de Verenigde Staten. Vooral China wordt ervan verdacht goedkoop staal te dumpen in Europa en de VS.

Trump heeft in zijn verkiezingscampagne gezegd de binnenlandse industrie te willen stimuleren, waaronder de Amerikaanse staalsector. Met behulp van een wet uit 1962 kan de Amerikaanse overheid importbeperkingen opleggen in verband met de nationale veiligheid.
Amerika begint omvangrijk onderzoek naar import staal

Onderzoek zou snel tot maatregelen moeten leiden.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Amerikaanse regering is een grootschalig onderzoek begonnen dat moet uitwijzen of de import van staal in de Verenigde Staten aan banden moet worden gelegd. Dit maakte de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump donderdag bekend.

"Staal is essentieel voor onze economie en het leger", zei president Donald Trump in een ceremonie in het Witte Huis waar ook topmannen uit de staalindustrie en vakbondsleiders bij aanwezig waren. "We kunnen het ons niet veroorloven om op dit vlak afhankelijk van andere landen te zijn".

De regering Trump wil onderzoeken of de import van staal de nationale veiligheid van Amerika in gevaar brengt en hangt het onderzoek op aan een handelswet die al sinds 1995 niet meer gebruikt wordt, sinds destijds de Wereldhandelsorganisatie werd opgericht.

Het blijft vooralsnog onduidelijk hoe ver Trump zal gaan om de invoer van staal in Amerika tegen te houden. De handelswet die hij gebruikt houdt in dat een onderzoek moet worden uitgevoerd door een agentschap van het ministerie van Handel, dat onafhankelijk moet beoordelen of de nationale veiligheid in gevaar is geraakt. Dit agentschap heeft een eerder verzoek om de invoer van staal aan banden te leggen in 2001 naast zich neergelegd.

Sommige analisten vroegen zich af waarom dit onderzoek nodig is, aangezien de Amerikaanse regering reeds maatregelen heeft genomen om de invoer van staal, uit met name China, aan banden te leggen. China is de grootste boosdoener op het gebied van dumping, wat betekent dat staal wordt verkocht onder de kostprijs. Per december waren er volgens de Wereldhandelsorganisatie 113 maatregelen actief om Amerika te beschermen tegen het dumpen van staal. Uit een onderzoek van Census Bureau bleek dat hierdoor de invoer van staal in 2016 met 26 procent werd teruggebracht tot 22,3 miljard dollar.

Maar de Amerikaanse regering zei dat deze conventionele maatregelen niet voldoende zijn en gemakkelijk te omzeilen zijn door staal via andere landen, waar geen maatregelen tegen zijn genomen, alsnog naar Amerika te brengen. Het nieuwe onderzoek inzake de nationale veiligheid zou hardere maatregelen mogelijk maken.

Trump beloofde een snel onderzoek dat 30 tot 50 dagen zou duren, terwijl een dergelijk onderzoek normaal gesproken 270 dagen in beslag neemt.

Amerikaanse grote staalbedrijven zoals Steel Dynamics, AK Steel en anderen sloten donderdag flink hoger in reactie op de aankondiging van het onderzoek.

Op de Amsterdamse beurs noteerde ArcelorMittal vrijdag 3,2 procent hoger op 7,30 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
ArcelorMittal verkoopt staalfabriek in VS

Gepubliceerd op 21 apr 2017 om 12:40 | Views: 1.898

ArcelorMittal 14:54
7,28 +0,20 (+2,85%)

LUXEMBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - ArcelorMittal verkoopt een staalfabriek in de Amerikaanse staat South Carolina aan Liberty House. Er werden geen financiële details over de transactie gemeld.

De verkoop van de faciliteit in Georgetown is nog wel afhankelijk van de afronding van het boekenonderzoek door Liberty House. Dat zou binnen enkele weken klaar moeten zijn. In 2015 besloot ArcelorMittal om de fabriek te sluiten vanwege de moeilijke marktomstandigheden. Daardoor verloren meer dan tweehonderd werknemers hun baan.
Vraag naar staal neemt toe

Gepubliceerd op 21 apr 2017 om 15:00 | Views: 156

ArcelorMittal 14:59
7,28 +0,20 (+2,81%)

BRUSSEL (AFN) - De vraag naar staal zal de komende jaren wereldwijd gestaag stijgen. Dat zegt de World Steel Association (WSA) vrijdag in een rapport. De verwachte stijging volgt op een jaar waarin de vraag naar staal met 1 procent steeg. Dat was overigens meer dan waar eerder rekening mee werd gehouden.

Voor dit jaar voorziet de WSA een stijging van de staalvraag met 1,3 procent. In 2018 zal wereldwijd 0,9 procent meer staal nodig zijn. Volgens de WSA zal er met name een grotere vraag naar staal zijn vanuit opkomende economieën. In meer ontwikkelde economieën zal volgens de associatie sprake zijn van ,,aanhoudend herstel".

In 2016 was er vooral een duidelijkere vraag naar staal vanuit China. Deze staalhonger zal voor de komende jaren iets minder zijn. Toch blijft China goed voor circa 45 procent van de wereldwijde staalvraag.

Bij de WSA zijn zo'n 160 staalproducenten aangesloten, waaronder 9 van de 10 grootste staalconcerns ter wereld. Zij zijn gezamenlijk verantwoordelijk voor zo'n 85 procent van de wereldwijde productie.
Captive iron ore mines must for steel industry - JSPL ED

Odisha Sun Times reported that Mr Manish Kharbanda, Executive Director & Head of Mines & Minerals, Jindal Steel & Power Ltd, while speaking in ‘India Steel 2017’ Conference today at Mumbai said that steel Industry should get priority and ‘must be integrated with captive iron ore mining for sustainable growth.

He stressed on preferential treatment to Steel Industry in mining auction and said that “Auction of Iron ore blocks for merchant mining should be done after the steel plants are equipped with captive mines.”

In auction, most iron and steel plants cannot compete with merchant miners on account of their heavy debt, worsened by low demand and price in the past years.

Speaking on pricing of Iron ore, Kharbanda said that since more than 75% of the Steel plants do not have captive mines and are dependent on merchant miners, the government should take step to make iron ore available at competitive price. The royalty rate of Iron ore is one of the highest in the World and should be reduced. The government should take steps to ensure iron ore prices to be as competitive as possible for steel companies. He said “A price band may be set within which iron prices would be allowed to fluctuate or a cost plus formula may be adopted such that all iron­ ore miners would have to adopt in setting their market selling price.”

Source : Odisha Sun Times
Tata Steel board approves raising of INR 9000 crores via debt securities

PTI reported that Tata Steel board has given its approval for issuing debt securities worth up to INR 9,000 crore to meet working capital requirements and general corporate purposes. It said in a BSE filing "The Board of Directors, based on the review and pursuant to the existing shareholders approval, approved issue of debt securities of up to INR 9,000 crore in the form either of Non-Convertible Debentures on private placement basis or Foreign Currency or Rupee Denominated Bonds or a combination thereof in one or more tranches.”

The funds will primarily be deployed towards re-financing the existing debt, capex and working capital requirements and general corporate purposes.

Source : PTI
Karnataka approves Mukand plan to expand Koppal steel plant

The Hindu Business Line reported that the Karnataka government has approved specialty steel maker Mukand Ltd’s application for extension of time and additional land for its INR 2,892 crore investment in the State. The State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) which met under the leadership of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah approved Mukand’s proposal which has plans to expand its plant at Koppal district

Recently, Mukand had signed a joint venture agreement with Sumitomo Corp of Japan to set up a rolling mill in Karnataka.

The company is planning to produce alloy steel long products and has plans to procure raw materials locally at Hospet.

Source : The Hindu Business Line
Tata Steel seeks export opportunities in SE Asian market

DNA India reported that TATA Steel was looking at higher exports this year and seeking opportunities in South East Asian market following strong prices. The report quoted Mr T V Narendran MD of TATA Steel on the sidelines of India Steel Expo as saying that "We are looking at higher exports in the current year as the South East Asian market is growing quite well and there is no reason why we should not participate in that.”

He said that international prices were also very strong till very recently.

Source : DNA India
SAIL adds rail capacity to retain key business

Hindu reported that faced with the prospect of losing exclusivity in the supply of rails to the Indian Railways, the Steel Authority of India Ltd’s Bhilai Steel Plant has added a Universal Rail Mill as part of its effort to scale up capacity at BSP to 7 million tonnes of crude steel per annum.

Mr Vijay Mairal, BSP’s deputy general manager (public relations) said that “The URM, which has the capacity to produce 1.2 million tonnes of rails per annum, would help the company to meet the increasing demand of Indian Railways for more volume of 260-metre rails. SAIL would be in a position to supply about 2 million tonnes of rails to the railways annually which will be the largest rail production capacity in any steel plant globally.”

The Indian Railways has invited global expressions of interest for the supply of rails as part of its plan to renovate the track network and improve operational safety. The vast state rail operator, which is undergoing a USD 130 billion, five year overhaul to modernise the world's fourth-largest network, is set to open up annual purchases worth up to USD 700 million to the private sector, Reuters reported last month, citing sources.

Source : Hindu
Usiminas Q1 profit totals USD 34 million

Reuters reported that Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA, Brazil's largest listed flat steelmaker unaudited net income totaled 108 million reais (USD 34 million) in the first quarter.

In a securities filing, Usiminas said the result remains subject to changes because of potential accounting adjustments and auditing revisions. The company was originally slated to present quarterly results on Thursday.

Source : Reuters
UAE rebar mills asked to ramp up production to counter talks of insufficient supply

Gulf News reported that all steel rebar mills in the UAE have been asked to ramp up production and thus counter any talk of a lack of supply, according to an industry source. Current demand for steel in the UAE is estimated at 3.6 million tonnes annually, and could see a significant spike in demand as the construction sector starts on mega projects. Mr Bharat Bhatia of Conares and a member of the local steelmakers’ grouping Magnet said that “We are hearing the trade talk about insufficient supply from domestic manufacturers. Domestic manufacturers need to counter such motivated talk, which is being done to make a case for suppliers to import steel, primarily from Turkey.”

As per Magnet’s estimates, the biggest rebar manufacturers, including Emirates Steel Industries, are running their production at optimum capacity. If all members push theirs to optimum capacity, the need of the local markets can be met easily, according to Bhatia.

UAE producers have in recent years been fighting a battle of supremacy with importers of cheaper steel from overseas. Recently, the ministry stepped in and removed some of the duty benefits local traders used to have. Magnet had also been calling on the ministry to raise the import duties further, but the ministry is yet to take a call on that. But it has stipulated that in all major domestic contracts, local steel mills should be given preferential treatment in tenders. Based on conservative estimates, demand could see a 10 per cent gain this year. Prices by and large have not been volatile.

Mr Bhatia said that “With all these favourable factors, local manufacturers fail to see why traders have to make a commotion about inadequate supplies. It’s factually incorrect. UAE steel mills have an installed capacity of 5 million tonnes annually, and if we strike optimum production, the whole of the local requirements can be met easily. If we need sudden additional supply, there are the Omani mills that can deliver just as easily. There is no need to source from Turkey or anywhere else. The quality steel is available right here.”

But producers need to walk a fine line with utilizing capacities. Sudden increases in supply could leave a big dent on prices if stocks build up. And then it can turn into a bitter price based battle of attrition to liquidate stocks.

According to Omar Al Mashour, General Manager of Abu Dhabi based Union Iron & Steel Company, we are now receiving sufficient support from the Government to protect the local steel manufacturing sector. We are optimistic for the next couple of years with the projects in Dubai, and Abu Dhabi is following the path with mega projects and major infrastructures. Our current annual production capacity is 320,000 tonnes.

Source : Gulf News
AISI applaudes investigation into national security implications of unfair steel imports into US

Mr Thomas J. Gibson, president and CEO of the American Iron and Steel Institute, applauded the executive memorandum signed by President Trump today which begins an investigation by the Department of Commerce into the implications of foreign steel imports on America’s national security, called a “Section 232” investigation.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
US cold drawn mechanical tub makers petition for AD and CVD on imports from China, Germany, India, Italy, Korea and Switzerland

Published on Fri, 21 Apr 2017
0 times viewed

Petitions for the Imposition of Antidumping Duties and Countervailing Duties on Imports of Certain Cold-Drawn Mechanical Tubing of Carbon and Alloy Steel from Six Countries. Antidumping Duty - China, Germany, India, Italy, Korea and Switzerland, Countervailing Duty - China and India;

The scope of this investigation covers cold-drawn mechanical tubing of carbon and alloy steel ("cold-drawn mechanical tubing") of circular cross-section, in actual diameters less than 13 inches (less than 331 mm), and regardless of wall thickness, surface finish, end finish or industry specification. The subject cold-drawn mechanical tubing is a tubular product with a circular cross-sectional shape that has been cold-drawn or otherwise cold-finished after the initial tube formation in a manner that involves a change in the diameter or wall thickness of the tubing, or both. The subject cold-drawn mechanical tubing may be produced from either welded (e.g., electric resistance welded, continuous welded, etc.) or seamless (e.g., pierced, pilgered or extruded, etc.) carbon or alloy steel tubular products. It may also be heat treated after cold working (annealed, normalized, quenched and tempered, stress relieved or finish annealed). Typical cold-drawing methods for subject merchandise include, but are not limited to, drawing over mandrel, rod drawing, and sink drawing.

Date of Filing: April 19, 2017

Petitioners: ArcelorMittal Tubular Products, Michigan Seamless Tube, LLC, PTC Alliance Corp., Zekelman Industries, and Webco Industries, Inc.

Alleged Dumping Margin:
China: 88.82%-188.88%
Germany: 70.53%-148.32%
India: 25.48%
Italy: 37.23%-69.13%
Korea: 12.14%-48.61%
Switzerland: 52.41%-57.82%
Source :
Steel industry retirees protest in front of pension fund in Tehran

NCR-Iran reported that a group of Steel Industry retirees held a rally in front of the Steel Pension Fund in Tehran this morning, Tuesday, April 18th, 2017. They were protesting the discontinuation of their health insurance benefits. Participants in this rally were chanting the slogan, “If there is one embezzlement less, our insurance problems will be resolved.”

With this protest, they were also announcing their disgust against the officials of Hassan Rouhani’s administration.

It is worthwhile to mention that approximately two years ago during Rouhani’s administration, without any previous notice, about 30,000 retirees’ health insurance booklets were suddenly invalid. The hospitals and healthcare centers, which used to offer services to retirees, wouldn’t accept their insurance booklets anymore and they had to pay full medical expenses for their treatments out of pocket. Retirees, who during their careers have paid toward their health insurance for 30 years, were faced with a situation where they had to pay in full for healthcare services of themselves and their families.

The steel pension fund officials and steel corporation were accusing each other and were trying to escape from their responsibilities toward retirees by placing the blame on one another.

According to the retirees and their families of steel industries of Isfahan, numerous ones are not getting medical treatment for their illnesses, hoping their health insurance issues will be resolved. In some cases, their illnesses had worsen or even resulted in retirees’ death.

Source : NCR-Iran
Liberty House and SIMEC hires Nyrstar executive Mr Morley to lead buyout bid for Arrium

Australian Financial Review reported that British industrial company Liberty House and stablemate SIMEC have hired a key executive from European metals company Nyrstar to lead its buyout bid for the Arrium Australia business which includes the Whyalla steelworks. As per report the two companies have appointed Michael Morley to the role of development director for the firm's bidding vehicle known as the GFG Alliance.

Mr Morley was formerly the senior vice-president for metals processing at Nyrstar where he was in charge of 3000 people across seven sites in Europe, the US and Australia. The Australian operations include the Port Pirie lead smelter which has undergone a AUD 660 million overhaul. The Port Pirie smelter is in the Iron Triangle region in northern South Australia which is also the location of the Whyalla steelworks and a nearby iron ore mining operation in the Middleback Ranges.

The other Australian assets being sold off by Arrium administrators KordaMentha include a large steel distribution operation and mini-mill facilities on the eastern seaboard of Australia. KordaMentha is in the final stages of the sale process with Liberty House/SIMEC one of two final bidders, the other being an entity led by South Korea's POSCO.

Earlier in his career, Mr Morley was a corporate lawyer with Clayton Utz and the in-house legal counsel for Smorgon Steel and played a central role in the AUD 1.2 billion merger between Smorgon Steel and OneSteel a decade ago. OneSteel changed its name to Arrium in 2012 so Mr Morley is very familiar with the assets being sold off.

Mr Morley said the GFG Alliance had ambitious plans but said opportunities abounded for those with the right strategy and vision. Liberty House and SIMEC have spent USD 620 million buying metals and energy businesses in the United Kingdom in 2016. He said that "There are big opportunities in Australia for metal producers who have ambition and innovative business models.”

He said Liberty and SIMEC had a bold vision for a vertically-integrated and sustainable steel business that encompassed mining, liquid metal production, engineering and distribution. It would also include metal recycling and the use of renewable energy.

He added that "It's an exciting strategy that they are already pursuing successfully in the United Kingdom.”

Liberty House executive chairman Sanjeev Gupta said it was a big plus for the GFG Alliance because Mr Morley had a long list of achievements in the metals sector. Mr Gupta said that "We're looking forward to working with him to establish a firm foothold in Australia and grow a market-leading business there. Mr Morley has been working behind the scenes with Liberty House, and his appointment was officially announced on Thursday. Nyrstar is listed on the stock exchange in Belgium and has its corporate headquarters in Switzerland.”

Source : Australian Financial Review
Sault MP Terry Sheehan talks steel to Chamber members

Sault Star quoted Sault MP Terry Sheehan as saying that support and assistance with Canada's steel industry has signaled to investors that government is behind steel and has helped Essar Steel Algoma in their restructuring process. Mr Sheehan was quizzed on the importance of steel to the Liberal federal government and what the government is doing to help the industry and communities like Sault Ste. Marie.

He said that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been on top of the steel file since both were elected over a year ago just weeks prior to Essar Steel Algoma filing for bankruptcy protection under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act.

Mr Sheehan told Chamber members that “The first time we met at a national caucus I brought up the steel issue.” He said it was shortly afterwards that the Minister of Finance Bill Morneau got involved.

Mr Sheehan said that “The trade system in place for decades didn't work. We needed to modernize it . . . and it's now in black and white.”

Mr Sheehan said he's cognizant that environmental requirements in Canada cost steel producers more but the carbon footprint that is 10 times less than the steel produced in China, makes it one of the best in the world, he boasts.

The federal government's announcement that sees the approval of pipelines to the western provinces has also resulted in more jobs and stability in the industry, he said.

He said that Tenaris Tubes, which just a year ago had curbed local operations now has 425 people working in the Sault Ste. Marie plant.

He said that infrastructure program money will also boost the need for more steel and being cognizant of the anti circumvention issue with steel importing small valued added steel parts is also on the radar and will be handled through the trade remedy process.

Mr Sheehan said he'll be part of an industry committee travelling to Washington in early May to talk to officials there about the importance of trade partnerships between the two companies. He said that with 50 per cent of Canadian steel exported, the United States counts on about nine million jobs related to that export.

Mr Sheehan said that “We also need to look at the new markets for all products to diversify our trade opportunities.”

He said that but while steel is important, the federal government is also creating opportunities and resources in other areas, including educational and training opportunities, strategic innovation, clean tech industry and a new Northern Ontario Growth and Prosperity Strategy.

Mr Sheehan was also asked about concerns businesses are having with FedNor and lining up FedNor applications with their provincial counterpart, the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp.

Source : Sault Star
New technique for investigating the action of molybdate on carbon steel

In the search for corrosion-resistant treatments for carbon steel that are non toxic, A*STAR researchers have developed a technique for investigating the effectiveness of a corrosion inhibitor that is safer and environmentally friendly.

Carbon steel, an alloy made from iron and carbon, is the single largest class of alloys in use today. It's used to make a range of products from fences and springs to steel wires and pipelines, and for structural support in buildings, bridges, as well as nuclear power and fossil fuel power plants.

The corrosion of carbon steel, however, is a huge cost to industry and is of enormous practical importance. One common corrosion inhibitor used in the construction industry, calcium nitrite, is quite toxic to humans, impairing the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen.

Seeking safer corrosion inhibitors, Mr Yong Teck Tan and colleagues from the National University of Singapore and Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology investigated molybdate as a potential alternative and developed a technique to determine its suitability.

Molybdate is non-toxic and protects the carbon steel from corrosion by competitive adsorption against chloride on the passive film surface, and, in the presence of calcium cations, can also deposit a layer of calcium molybdate.

Mr Tan said that "Our aim was to first determine the suitability of molybdate as a corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in alkaline environments, and then to investigate its effect on the passivation of carbon steel.”

He said that "Previous studies using electrochemical techniques have focused on corrosion inhibition efficiency at a particular time, which provides a snapshot of the level of corrosion at that instant. Depending on whether it was assessed over short or long timescales, different conclusions were drawn."

So the research team took a longer look. They used an electrochemical method for estimating the extent of corrosion over the entire duration of the investigation, and could assess the overall effectiveness of molybdate.

Mr Tan said that "Even though molybdate resulted in a slightly higher passive current in the later stages, faster passivation in the early stages resulted in a lower overall level of corrosion.”

The researchers found that incomplete coverage of the carbon steel by the calcium molybdate led to slightly higher corrosion rates compared with untreated surfaces. By controlling the composition of the molybdate solution, however, the calcium molybdate film covered the entire surface, resulting in improved corrosion resistance.

He said that "Overall, molybdate proved to be an effective corrosion inhibitor. We will now explore its effectiveness in solutions containing other ions."

Source :
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