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Tesla blow-off

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Here's How Bad It Could Get for Tesla Investors If Elon Musk Fails
Elon Musk was his usually over-the-top self on the company's fourth quarter earnings call Wednesday. So much so, investors deserve to hear the other side.
ByBrian Sozzi
Feb 8, 2018 9:00 PM EST
Watch: Dow Jones Industrial Averages Crashes 2,000 Points From January High

Tesla (TSLA) CEO Elon Musk, per the usual, made some big-time promises on the company's future on an earnings call.

From calling out the potential for profitability this year to hyping a production goal of 100,000 semi trucks in four years, Musk laid it all on the line Wednesday to Wall Street analysts. If he fails to deliver (which has happened in the past), Tesla investors better be prepared for bone-crushing losses.

At least that's the takeaway from analysts at UBS. Here is how Tesla's stock could crash 70% to $56, according to UBS.

"The absolute downside for the Tesla stock is material as we believe any significant problems with the current or future products would likely cripple the company in the early stages of its growth. Our downside scenario assumes vehicles sales of only 500k in 2025 and 8% operating margins. On storage, we assume sales of 5GWh and 10% margins. On solar, we assume sales of 500MW and 5% margins. This implies 2025 EPS of only ~$8/share. Using a 25x P/E multiple, the scenario implies a downside valuation of $56/share."

It should be told that UBS has a sell rating on Tesla with a $195 price target, so clearly they aren't being clouded by Musk Mystique. The team says Tesla is likely to need more capital to fund its ambitious production goals, among concerns such as rising industry competition.
Tesla net als de DOW flink in herstel na dieptepunt 296 USD.
vertrouwen was even weg en de dip was verrassend laag en kwam snel.

koers nadert dat terugkopen verkochte short turbo's weer
erg aantrekkelijk wordt.

323.66+7.93 (+2.51%)
At close:
324.75 +1.09 (0.34%)
Tesla facing standoff with Chinese Government over Shanghai factory - Report
Published on Mon, 19 Feb 2018

Christian Post reported that Tesla is currently embroiled in with the Chinese central government over the construction of its new factory in Shanghai China. This could put the electric automaker's plans in jeopardy as, without a local partner, their vehicles could face a hefty import tax. Seven months after the company announced a deal to build its new factory in Shanghai, an agreement hasn't been finalized.

According to Bloomberg, people close to the situation say that two sides are currently in a deadlock regarding the ownership structure of the proposed factory.

China's central government reportedly wants the plant to be a joint venture requiring Tesla to find a local partner. The Elon Musk-led company, however, wants full ownership of the factory.

Currently, all foreign companies who want to expand their operations in China are required to partner with Chinese companies. Occasionally, this also means sharing their intellectual properties with their partners including patents and proprietary software.

While it seems understandable that a technology company like Tesla would want to protect its intellectual properties, its sluggishness in starting local manufacturing means that it is losing the chance to capitalize on China's hard sell for new-energy vehicles.

With Chinese President Xi Jinping announcing that he wants to scrub pollution and reduce dependence on foreign, China has become a goldmine for manufacturers of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. Being able to manufacture locally also allows a company to forgo the 25 percent import tax being levied on electric vehicles.

Jeffrey Osborne, a New York-based analyst for Cowen & Co. with an underperform recommendation on Tesla, said that "It's a market they need to get a foothold in."

Tesla declined to comment on the state of their negotiations with the Chinese government. However, the fact that they have yet to reach a deal means that a factory won't be going up any time soon.

Source : Christian Post
333.30-1.47 (-0.44%)
At close: ?February? ?21 4:00PM EST

Tesla reageert sterk op de beursindex algemeen...de laatste tijd
dus laag gesloten woensdag na 339usd stand...
357.62+5.57 (+1.58 %)

de hedgefund-boeven van oa. Guggenheim capital

kochten massaal oa. in in Tesla en waardoor moeiteloos ook turbo short 355 om zeep werd geholpen..turbojagen is ook hier populair.

kan nu die koers eindelijk weer langzaam zakken ???

In VS is Tesla-baas Musk het mikpunt als graaier

Aandeelhouders van Tesla vinden dat topman Elon Musk te veel gaat verdienen.
Door: Peter van Ammelrooy 9 maart 2018, 23:25

Tesla heeft in zijn bestaansgeschiedenis alleen nog maar verlies gemaakt en overleeft op geldinjecties van geldverstrekkers en aandeelhouders

Zelfs in de Verenigde Staten, waar ongebreidelde zelfverrijking doorgaans als een deugd wordt gezien, lokken beloningsexcessen steeds meer protesten uit. Alleen zijn het daar niet klanten, werknemers, actiegroepen of boze twitteraars die te hoop lopen tegen loonsverhogingen of bonussen voor topbestuurders, maar investeerders en beleggers.

Het jongste mikpunt van het aandeelhoudersverzet: Elon Musk, de topman van automaker Tesla. Twee grote belangenclubs van aandeelhouders keren zich tegen het voornemen om Musk een aandelenpakket toe te kennen van 2,6 miljard dollar, boven op de 20 procent Tesla-aandelen die Musk al bezit. 'Zelfs als Musk de hoogste prestatiedoelen haalt die aan deze bonus gekoppeld zijn, is die beloning nog niet te rechtvaardigen', stelt Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), 's werelds grootste vertegenwoordiger van aandeelhouders. 'Musks beloningspakket zou hiermee dat van bijna elke andere bestuursvoorzitter van de grootste en winstgevendste bedrijven overvleugelen.'

Tesla heeft in zijn bestaansgeschiedenis alleen nog maar verlies gemaakt en overleeft op geldinjecties van geldverstrekkers en aandeelhouders.

ISS vertegenwoordigt te weinig aandeelhouders om het beloningsvoorstel weg te stemmen. De beleggersclub heeft wel de steun van Glass Lewis & Co, een stemadviesbureau voor aandeelhouders. Beide instanties hopen dat grote beleggers zich ook tegen de exorbitante bonus voor Musk zullen keren. Twee van Tesla's grootste beleggers, Baillie Gifford & Co. en T. Rowe Price Group, hebben laten weten dat ze voor de bonus zullen stemmen. Zij bezitten samen 14 procent van de Tesla-aandelen.
Musk is niet alleen

Walt Disney liep donderdag een blauwtje bij zijn poging bestuursvoorzitter Bob Iger een salarisverhoging en een aandelenpakket toe te kennen. Een nipte 52 procent van de aandeelhouders stemde tegen. Iger zou zijn basissalaris met een half miljoen dollar zien groeien tot 3 miljoen per jaar. Ook had hij kunnen rekenen op een aandelenbonus oplopend tot 142 miljoen dollar (115 miljoen euro) en een extraatje van jaarlijks 20 miljoen als bepaalde doelen worden gehaald. Die jaarlijkse bonus is nu nog 12 miljoen dollar.

De uitkomst van de aandeelhoudersstemming is niet bindend, maar de raad van bestuur van Disney heeft beloofd Igers beloning nog eens onder de loep te nemen.

Eind vorige maand ontstond er ophef over de aandelenbonus die Evan Spiegel van Snap zichzelf heeft toegekend: bijna 673 miljoen dollar. Spiegel hoeft niet bang te zijn voor een opstand van aandeelhouders: hij bezit 48,4 procent van de aandelen en zijn kompaan Robert Murphy 47,4 procent.

Tesla heeft in zijn bestaansgeschiedenis alleen nog maar verlies gemaakt en overleeft op geldinjecties van geldverstrekkers en aandeelhouders.

En laten we de miljoenen aan subsidies niet vergeten die daar mee gemoeid zijn m.a.w. betalen wij als burger aan mee.
Duitsland heeft het bedrag verlaagd voor dit soort auto's naar €60.000
Tesla’s Elon Musk baits Mr Trump to attack China over Tesla factory deal

Auto News - Published on Mon, 12 Mar 2018
Image Source: scmp.com

Tesla’s Elon Musk just engaged in a little lobbying-by-tweet after months of battling Chinese government officials over terms to build a factory in the country. And Trump took the bait. Trump read off Musk’s post just hours earlier noting that China charges a 25 per cent import duty on cars, 10 times the 2.5 per cent levy the US puts on China-built vehicles. “That’s from Elon, but everybody knows it,” Trump said. “They’ve known if for years, they never did anything about it. It’s got to change.”

Musk wrote Thursday to President Donald Trump, in response to a post by the president a day earlier “Do you think the US & China should have equal & fair rules for cars?”.

Musk tweeted “I am against import duties in general, but the current rules make things very difficult. It’s like competing in an Olympic race wearing lead shoes.”

Sources with direct knowledge said that the tweets hint at Musk’s frustration over struggling to get a deal done with Shanghai’s government to assemble cars there. An agreement hasn’t been finalised because the two sides disagree on the ownership structure for a proposed factory. China’s central government is pushing for the plant to be a joint venture with local partners, while Tesla wants to own the factory completely.

Mr Donald Trump signs off on sweeping tariffs, defying trade war warnings
Import duties and the difficulties Tesla has had avoiding them by producing in China is keeping the company from fully taking advantage of the world’s biggest market for cleaner cars. Sales of battery-electric, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell-powered autos could surpass 1 million units this year, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.

China requires overseas automakers to form joint ventures with local manufacturers in which the foreign companies are capped at 50 per cent ownership. The government’s aim was for its then-fledgling auto industry to benefit from technology transfer by operating along with global giants including Volkswagen AG and General Motors Co.

Tesla challenger NIO and car giant SAIC given green light to road test autonomous driving in Shanghai

The National Development and Reform Commission said in June 2016 that China was looking into lifting the 50 per cent ownership cap. The US Chamber of Commerce has criticised the policy for limiting market access. Supporters of the rule say it gives China’s automakers a chance to better develop technology that will be capable of withstanding global competition.

Musk wrote, after tweeting at Trump about both the import duties and joint-venture ownership rules “We raised this with the prior administration and nothing happened. Just want a fair outcome, ideally where tariffs/rules are equally moderate. Nothing more. Hope this does not seem unreasonable.”

Mr Trump and Musk have a rocky history. The Tesla chief executive officer served on two White House advisory councils before stepping down in June after the president announced he would pull the US out of the Paris climate accord.

Source : scmp.com

ze vallen binnenkort over elkaar heen om dit spul te produceren met enorme aantallen en volop budget, als het Tesla aandeel niet binnenkort weer naar 400 USD stijgt (welke gek dat er ook voor wil betalen) dan heeft Musk een enorm financierings probleem en de rente gaat ook nog eens stijgen, elk jaar weer meer kosten voor de schuldenberg...
en hij kan niet meer financieren met steeds weer nwe aandelen uitgeven tegen hogere koersen..

wie lost dit op ???
Tesla electric motor shift to spur demand for rare neodymium

India Today reported that China, which resumed neodymium exports in 2015, imposed strict export quotas across a range of rare earth metal in 2010, saying it wanted to curtail pollution and preserve resources. Tesla's shift to a magnetic motor using neodymium in its Model 3 Long Range car adds to pressure on already strained supplies of a rare earth metal that had for years been shunned because of an export ban by top producer China.

Efforts by governments around the world to cut noxious emissions produced by fossil fuel powered cars is driving demand for electric vehicles and the metals used to make them, such as lithium and cobalt which are key ingredients for batteries.

Now the spotlight is on neodymium. Several auto makers already use permanent magnet motors that rely on the metal because they are generally lighter, stronger and more efficient than induction motors that are based on copper coils.

But it is the switch to neodymium by Tesla, an auto maker that has staked its future solely on the electric vehicle, that is showing the way the industry is moving and the direction of demand for the rare earth metal.

Research group imarc estimates the market for the neodymium-iron-boron magnet used in the motors is now worth more than USD 11.3 billion, with demand for the magnets rising at a compound annual growth rate of 8.5 % between 2010 and 2017.

Mr David Merriman a senior analyst at metals consultancy Roskill said that "Some electric car motors use the permanent magnet technology, probably the most famous is the Tesla Model 3 Long Range. All the other Tesla models Model X and Model 3 standard use induction motors."

Global demand of 31,700 tonnes for neodymium last year already outstripped supply by 3,300 tonnes, he said. Demand was expected to climb to 34,200 tonnes this year and 38,800 tonnes in 2018, leaving larger deficits.

A source at a fund manager that specialises in metals said that "Tesla's decision to switch to permanent magnets has completely changed the dynamics of the market."

The price of neodymium is now about USD 70 a kg, well below the USD 500 hit after China held back shipments to Japan in 2010 during a row over disputed islands but it is still 40 % higher than at the start of 2017.

China, which resumed neodymium exports in 2015, imposed strict export quotas across a range of rare earth metal in 2010, saying it wanted to curtail pollution and preserve resources.

A rare earth trader said that "People seem to have forgotten China's export ban. It could happen again. China is really the main producer, no one else has invested as much in rare earths."

Despite their name, rare earths are found in many places around the world, but the process of extraction is difficult and expensive, as it requires separating multiple different metals from a single deposit. This is unlike the much simpler process, for example, of recovering copper from ore.

China has invested heavily in the rare earth metals process but its crackdown on mining, smelting and other polluting industries is forecast to slow supply. It already helped push the neodymium price to a two-year high of USD 96 in September.

The trader said that "Rare earth production is as bad as you can get in terms of environmental damage." The trader added that "China used its dominant position before, what's to stop it doing so again?"

Such supply concerns are encouraging automakers to search for ways of cutting down neodymium use. Toyota Motor Corp said last month it had found a way to cut use of the metal in electric motors by about a fifth.

The Japanese firm said it had developed a magnet which replaced some of the neodymium with more abundant and cheaper rare earths lanthanum and cerium. Toyota aims to use the magnets in electric vehicle motors within the next 10 years.

Other manufacturers of electric vehicles that use permanent magnets include BMW, Nissan and Geely.

Several companies produce rare earth metals outside China, including London-listed Rainbow Rare Earths, Canada-listed Namibia Rare Earths and Australia's Spectrum Rare Earths.

But, for now, auto makers making permanent magnet motors remain heavily reliant on China, which according to Roskill accounted for 85% of global output of rare earth oxide estimated at 161,700 tonnes in 2017.

Morgan Stanley analysts estimate electric vehicles will total 50,000 units in 2020 or 2.3% of the total, rising to 400,000 in 2025 or 17.4%, and 975,000 in 2030 or 40.9%.

Source : India Today
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