First of all, HFC cars are perceived to be a good bridge between fossil fuels and full electric because:
You can still fill up like you do with a gasoline or diesel powered car
The mileage you can get out of hydrogen is perceived to be more adequate than what you get from batteries
Hydrogen fuel cells are thought not to wear out as quickly as batteries (or conversely, batteries are thought to wear out very quickly)
Hydrogen as a fuel is perceived to be a relatively small infrastructural change from gasoline and diesel
Hydrogen is perceived as a cleaner solution than gasoline, diesel or natural gas
In reality,
You cannot fill up like you do with gasoline or diesel. It is actually pretty ridiculous how hard it is to fill up a HFC powered car
You won't even go 100 miles on current tech hydrogen tanks that are still safe to carry around in a car
Fuel cells wear out crazy fast and are hard to regenerate
Hydrogen as a fuel is incredibly hard to make and distribute with acceptably low losses
Hydrogen fuel cells have bad theoretical and practical efficiency
Hydrogen storage is inefficient, energetically, volumetrically and with respect to weight
HFCs require a shit ton of supporting systems, making them much more complicated and prone to failure than combustion or electric engines
There is no infrastructure for distributing or even making hydrogen in large quantities. There won't be for at least 20 or 30 years, even if we start building it like crazy today.
Hydrogen is actually pretty hard to make. It has a horrible well-to-wheel efficiency as a result.
Easy ways to get large quantities of hydrogen are not 'cleaner' than gasoline.
Efficient HFCs have very slow response times, meaning you again need additional systems to store energy for accelerating
Even though a HFC-powered car is essentially an electric car, you get none of the benefits like filling it up with your own power source, using it as a smart grid buffer, regenerating energy during braking, etc.
Battery electric cars will always be better in every way given the speed of technological developments past, present and future