Ja ach een hoge short is ook een voordeel. Als je het goed hebt gezien in een bedrijf met een hoge short positie, dan kan je enorm profiteren van de squeeze. Geen lange termijn gedachte, maar puur een stukje voor de trade.
Dex Media bijvoorbeeld, heeft eens 70% short gehad, ik weet het courante cijfer niet.
Over Hydrogenics, uit de CC transscript, het volgende gezegd door de CEO
Now turning to our Power Systems business on Slide 5. I’d like to update on our mobility applications. While we continue to impressively market back the Power Systems as well, our mobility markets are showing a good deal of traction lately, even aside from our multiyear $90 million propulsion order. Our limitations in batteries are becoming very evident across numerous applications and I suddenly passed [ph] our automotive OEMs are gearing for mass-produced skill software close within the next model year. Hydrogen is clearly gaining traction within the mobility’s base for efficiency, energy capacity, variability, low environmental impact and of course driving range. Although not announced, we recently won business with a few new customers in this area. For example, we completed the sale of 10 fuel cell power modules for a Chinese company this quarter for both applications and we anticipate additional systems going forward.
We also provided fuel cells for some hybrid electric capturing [ph] material, which were being used to extend the range on these vehicles beyond just single charge. Similarly, we supplied power modules for airport support equipment. All these customers are new for Hydrogenics and we believe they represent sole potential for future business. All in all, we see further growth across the number of mobility end markets where our niche remains high technology applications requiring complex integration and long-term derivability. We’re well known by our customers and partners alike for having reliable skill capabilities to match exact things system requires.