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Gold Manipulation

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Daily gold fix could be scrapped to stop price manipulation risk
July 8, 2014, 1:48am

The gold price fix could become a continuous process, rather than a single daily event, to stop traders manipulating the benchmark, the World Gold Council (WGC) said yesterday.

And the banks who set the price could lose their position with more firms brought in to join them.

Currently the fix, the price used in transactions around the world is based on a short period of trading.

As a result, it is open to traders moving the price around artificially.

The WGC’s meeting of banks, exchanges, funds and regulators yesterday suggested introducing more continuity into the process to get rid of this weakness.

The five banks which currently set the fix are set to lose their position, in favour of a wider group of interested parties.

A new arrangement could include more banks, as well as gold buyers and sellers, such as funds, to rep­resent more market participants.

But London’s position is likely to be protected ­– as a deep, liquid, mature market it has a good chance of offering a fair price for the fix.

“We are at the start of a process that will lead to a reformed and modernised gold benchmark, which attracts a broader range of market participants,” said the WGC’s Natalie Dempster.

“It should be based on executed trades and a tradeable price, it should have highly transparent input data, should be calculated from a deep and liquid market, and represent a deliverable price.”

Fed independence questioned anew as Republicans ramp up pressure
50 Mins Ago

A surge of Republican pressure is bringing the Federal Reserve's long-held independence into question again, as conservative lawmakers seek to place the U.S. central bank under tougher scrutiny.

With Democrats controlling the Senate since the 2008 financial crisis, the bank and its supporters have had the luxury of shrugging off Fed-related laws from the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

But a Republican takeover of the Senate in November's midterm elections would increase the chances of some of those measures hitting the Senate floor, and changing the way the Fed functions.

Two Republican congressmen proposed a new bill on Monday that would force the Fed to disclose information it has historically kept private. That bill will be discussed at a hearing on Thursday by the House Financial Services Committee, which is convening a panel to discuss reforming the Fed.

De FED kan straks niet meer heimelijk manipuleren.

B_B schreef op 27 februari 2014 01:50:

Aan het einde van elke maand proberen "ze" de goudprijs te onderdrukken om fysieke levering van goud door investeerders te ontmoedigen.

Not this month!
Goud gaat omhoog vliegen.
Goud. Zekerheid voor onzekere tijden. Geloof er niets meer van. De tijden zijn nu zo onzeker als het maar kan. Vele brandhaarden. Dat was in het verleden. Vandaag interesseert niemand in het westen nog voor goud. Het beetje wat de prijs nog overeind houdt zijn de aankopen in Azie maar binnenkort zijn ze ook uitgekocht. Anno 2014 goud heeft geen kracht meer. Beter is het om zilver te hebben
Gold Lockdown Until Options Expiry - New Singapore Gold Contract Threatens Price Manipulation
Jul 25, 2014 - 04:44 PM GMT
Gold was badly impacted by what appears to be high frequency trading (HFT) or programme trading again yesterday with another bout of concentrated selling on two occasions. First, when Asian markets commenced trading and then just as U.S. stock markets started the trading day.

It is estimated that $1 billion worth of gold futures were sold in a matter of seconds yesterday at the U.S. open. The fact that gold remains resilient and only saw marginal losses suggested there are eager buyers at these levels.

Gold may remain in lock down near the $1,300 level into the Comex August gold futures options expiration on Monday. Sharp price falls in the days immediately before expiration have been a common occurrence in the gold and silver markets in recent years.

This appears to be happening again as seen in the ongoing unusual trading activity. Yesterday, and in recent weeks, gold has been frequently hammered lower by unknown, large financial entities selling futures contracts in a very sudden and concentrated manner.

Gold and silver are likely to be pinned to these levels until after expiration - providing there is no major breaking news or geopolitical event that rears its head and propels prices higher.

As gold moves East, western institutions are gradually losing their grip on the precious metals markets. The advent of new gold exchanges with physical gold settlement such as the new gold exchanges in Dubai, Shanghai and of course Singapore (more below) will make price discovery more efficient and render price manipulation more difficult. The physical market and the natural forces of supply and demand will likely soon overcome the paper and digital gold markets.
In het verleden schiet de goudprijs omhoog als de beurzen omlaag gaan.
Door manipulatie is de goudprijs dit jaar later en minder hard omhoog gegaan.

Een voordeel hiervan is dat de goudprijs minder last zal krijgen van een "margin call crash".
Positieve beleggingen (zoals goud) worden dan verkocht om aan de margin requirement te voldoen.
Hedge funds hit by RMBS margin calls
2 hours ago
By Joy Wiltermuth

NEW YORK, Aug 8 (IFR) - Several hedge funds have received margin calls in recent days on their holdings of risk-sharing RMBS bonds from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, market sources told IFR.

The sources said the margin calls were met, but the event still unnerved the structured finance market, which has again become reliant on cheap leverage to sustain momentum.

pmsbutternutter schreef op 8 augustus 2014 14:01:

Nou Bennie zilver is helemaal een drama deze week vergeleken met goud.
Zilver zal komende weken met goud meestijgen.
The "price" is being "made"
-- Posted Monday, 15 September 2014

By Bill Holter

I wrote an article titled "Kill Switch" a couple of weeks back where I hypothesized the Chinese are the ones behind the very high (and very curious) open interest in COMEX silver, I want to revisit this. I want to revisit this because of the action this past week and this past Thursday in particular.

Silver dropped almost 50 cents on Thursday and broke through the $19 level to the downside. Please remember that silver has a global "all in cost" of production somewhere near $25 per ounce so these prices will only augur for much less supply. "Supply" in this case is REAL supply of raw silver to be used for electronics, solar panels, jewelry, investment etc.. Common sense tells you if you must sell your product for a loss you will either sell less of it, not sell any of it, or sell all that you can for cash flow and go bankrupt ...supply will dry up.

I mention "supply" in the above paragraph to give you some perspective of what was wrong with the action in silver on Thursday. As a reminder, the open interest in gold and silver could not be more opposite. Gold has very low open interest while silver now has virtually record open interest and at levels last seen 3 years ago while it was trading at nearly $50. Silver has now dropped in price by more than 60% yet the amount of contracts outstanding is as high or higher. As a refresher of the laws of supply and demand, price should rise when there is either more demand or less supply, price should drop whenever there is less demand or more supply. This is simple right? The answer is "yes, simple" but let me explain what has been and is happening.

The total open interest in silver ROSE on Thursday a whopping 6,268 contracts. This represents more than 31 million ounces of silver in one day! Does this "silver" even exist? I am going to say "no way, not even a chance", let me explain why in a minute. The total inventory of silver registered and available to deliver is roughly 60 million ounces. Do you see the problem here. The price of silver dropped over 2.5% because there were "more sellers than buyers" ...but, the sellers were selling paper "contracts", not real, touchable and usable silver. Explaining a little further, if there was a panic to sell real silver the "longs" would sell to "close" their position and open interest would decline. This clearly did not happen as the open interest rose, the sellers "sold" to OPEN positions...31 million ounces worth of positions!
For a little more perspective, the total open interest in silver is now over 172,000 contracts, this represents over 860 million ounces. The December contract alone is nearly 140,000 contracts or 700,000,000 ounces... and remember, there are only 60 million ounces currently registered and available for delivery. First notice day is now only 75 days away and there are more than 10 paper ounces "sold" for every 1 real ounce supposedly available to deliver? "What if?" these contract owners actually do ask for delivery?

One more point on this from a different angle, in the past whenever there was a major price decline ...physical silver became very hard to find. And especially at the so called "market price" as any and all silver changed hands at a premium above the so called market price. This is proof that the declines were caused by paper derivative contracts rather than real selling of metal. Were it real silver that was being sold, it would have been plentiful. Silver became scarce on every single "dump" in price because the lower price brought out new physical demand which was not offset by any supply other than that of naked contracts. This is easy to understand, take a desirable food like beef for example. Let's say that "XYZ" broker (or central bank) decided they wanted the price of beef to drop and then sold cattle futures to suppress the price. They sold so many cattle futures that the price dropped so low it was the cheapest of all meats, cheaper than poultry, pork and fish. What would you expect to happen? You could probably expect not to find ANY beef as it would be scooped up and hoarded with each new shipment. This is supply and demand where the "price" acts as the deciding factor ...the price went too low and consumers increased their demand without any increase (and probably a decrease by ranchers withholding supply while waiting for higher prices) in supply. ...Thus a shortage.

Harvey Organ and I have a hypothesis that China through proxies are the owners of a large part of these silver contracts. This makes sense because the open interest has risen for close to a year now, who else would (could) "hang on" and lose billions of dollars on this trade? Who would (could) have the intestinal fortitude to lose this kind of money? Who has deep enough pockets to absorb the type of losses that have been incurred? There is only one answer, China. First, China is a "silver nation" and have been for over 2,000 years. We know the U.S. ran out of official silver over 10 years ago ...which is about the same time China became a "most favored trade nation". Is this a coincidence? ... or a quid pro quo? Did China lease their silver hoard to the U.S. just after the turn of the century? We believe they did, we also believe this "lease" has run out after 10 years but China did not receive their silver back. This is not provable one way or the other until there is a force majeure or some sort of default. This does however "connect" as to why China has been such a voracious buyer of gold over the last 5 years, gold has been held "officially" by Western central banks and thus available to be delivered (pilfered) whereas no large and deliverable silver hoards exist. The dollar amounts of gold that China has imported over this time completely dwarfs any and all silver hoards and production combined. Access to cheap gold is the reason we believe China has so far not "rocked the silver boat" as this would have (and will) blow up the gold side of the equation.

For more perspective, the 60 million ounce registered inventory has a dollar value of just over $1 billion. There are over 1,200 individuals in the world who are worth $1 billion or more. Think about what $1 billion is today and how often you now hear the term $10 billion, $100 billion or even more ...my point is this, $1 billion ain't what it used to be!

Clearly this past Thursday showed us how blatant the manipulation really is. Over 30 million "extra" ounces of silver were "created" in just one day... and I would say "magically". This is an amount equal to what every silver producer on the planet combined mines in 15 days. Who could have "produced" 31 million ounces of silver? For your information, there are only 4 companies in the entire world who produce 30 million silver ounces or more per YEAR! I capitalized "YEAR" because it takes an entire year for these companies to produce this much silver, NOT one trading day. The apologists will say, "oh, this was just some company hedging their production". Really? Would any company (there are only 4) be so stupid as to hedge their entire year's production in one day and smash the price they will receive for their product by another 2.5%? It's OK, even if you are a paid troll you do know the answer to this one.

My point is this, there are no possible sources anywhere on the planet to have sold an "extra" 31 million ounces of silver on Thursday, they just simply do not exist. What also does not exist are "the" 31 million ounces that were purportedly sold. They were paper, pure, simple, logically, and not even much common sense needed to understand and grasp this. But, it is what it is right? Your "real silver" which you hold for savings and insurance is "worth" less today than it was, right? Is it really? "They" say it is, just look at the "price". Do you understand my exercise in writing this piece? I am showing "how" the price is "made". With enough (unlimited) cash and no rule of law or regulators doing their job, the "price" can and is being "made". Simple! But why?

I will leave the answer to "but why" for tomorrow's writing, "why" is just as simple and just as obvious as "how". Let me just say I cannot believe there is any sane or logical person on the planet who could look at Thursday's action and not conclude the trading is outright bogus not to mention illegal.


Bill Holter

(Papieren) goud manipulatie is heel sterk.
China gaat binnenkort het tekort aan goud onthullen.
Price-fixing on gold, oil and financial products to become criminal offence
Government publishes consultation on extending rules after the Libor-rigging scandal, to be introduced by the end of 2014
theguardian.com, Thursday 25 September 2014 13.15 BST

Fixing the price of gold, oil, and other financial products will become a criminal offence by the end of the year, the government announced on Thursday as it published a consultation on extending rules already introduced for Libor rigging.

Seven financial instruments are included in the consultation following recommendations by a review body being chaired by Bank of England deputy governor Minouche Shafik.

In his Mansion House speech in June, the chancellor, George Osborne, said he wanted to extend the regime introduced for Libor rigging to other benchmarks which were not directly regulated. After the Libor scandal erupted in 2012, the government made fixing the interest rate benchmark an offence that could lead to a seven-year jail term.

Of the seven benchmarks now being consulted on, three are linked to interest swaps - the so-called ISDA fix, and two rates known as Sonia and Ronia – while the others are gold, silver, the Brent oil futures contact and the currency benchmark known as WM which prices foreign exchange rates at 4pm London time. The currency markets are currently subject to a wide-ranging investigation by regulators, and a number of banks have warned they face fines, including Royal Bank of Scotland, which has said it could have a “material impact” on its profits.

Economic secretary to the Treasury, Andrea Leadsom, said: “The integrity of the City matters to the economy of Britain. Ensuring that the key rates that underpin financial markets are robust, and that anyone who seeks to manipulate them is subject to the full force of the law is vital.”

The seven benchmarks were picked by the “fair and effective markets review” headed by Shafik which will publish its final report in June 2015. The consultation will run until 23 October during which time the government will hold “targeted industry roundtables with affected parties”.

Golden Rule
Why Beijing Is Buying
By Alan Greenspan SEPTEMBER 29, 2014

If China were to convert a relatively modest part of its $4 trillion foreign exchange reserves into gold, the country’s currency could take on unexpected strength in today’s international financial system. It would be a gamble, of course, for China to use part of its reserves to buy enough gold bullion to displace the United States from its position as the world’s largest holder of monetary gold. (As of spring 2014, U.S. holdings amounted to $328 billion.) But the penalty for being wrong, in terms of lost interest and the cost of storage, would be modest. For the rest of the world, gold prices would certainly rise, but only during the period of accumulation. They would likely fall back once China reached its goal.

The broader issue -- a return to the gold standard in any form -- is nowhere on anybody’s horizon. It has few supporters in today’s virtually universal embrace of fiat currencies and floating exchange rates. Yet gold has special properties that no other currency, with the possible exception of silver, can claim. For more than two millennia, gold has had virtually unquestioned acceptance as payment. It has never required the credit guarantee of a third party. No questions are raised when gold or direct claims to gold are offered in payment of an obligation; it was the only form of payment, for example, that exporters to Germany would accept as World War II was drawing to a close. Today, the acceptance of fiat money -- currency not backed by an asset of intrinsic value -- rests on the credit guarantee of sovereign nations endowed with effective taxing power, a guarantee that in crisis conditions has not always matched the universal acceptability of gold.
10/06/2014 @ 11:06PM 1,542 views
Greenspan Lets His Hair Down; Talks Up Gold

Forbes is de enige maistream media die bericht over Greenspans positieve visie over goud.
De Chinezen hebben sinds dit jaar een "controlling stake" in Forbes.

Bijna elke dag zakt de goudprijs rond 10:00 uur en 16:00 uur.
Gisteren steeg de goudprijs juist rond deze tijden.

Is China begonnen met positieve manipulatie?

B_B schreef op 7 oktober 2014 14:17:

Bijna elke dag zakt de goudprijs rond 10:00 uur en 16:00 uur.
Gisteren steeg de goudprijs juist rond deze tijden.

Al 3 dagen
Nu gaat het juist als een raket naar beneden na 16.00. Zal het in de gaten houden een nieuwe trend misschien??
Ze proberen de Chinezen te ontmoedigen.
Alvast bang maken voor de FED minutes vanavond.
Wed, Oct 8, 2014, 3:49pm EDT
US STOCKS-Wall St jumps 1 pct after Fed minutes

NEW YORK, Oct 8 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks rallied 1 percent on Wednesday, jumping in a volatile session after the Federal Reserve reassured investors that the first interest rate hike would not come before the economy could support it.

Dollar en Bond Yield omlaag.
Goud omhoog.

Zonder de negatieve manipulatie (-13 dollar) tussen 16:00 uur en 20:00 uur, zou de goudprijs nu rond de 1250 zijn.
Bij 1280 is het afgelopen voor de shorters (door te hoge leverage).
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