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Gold Manipulation

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B_B schreef op 10 oktober 2014 10:25:

Did Today's "Satan Signal" In S&P Futures Give The 'All-Clear' For Selling To Begin?
Thu, 10/09/2014 - 19:07 ED

Even Bob Pisani knows by now that the European Close seems to create a trend-reversal moment intraday that few machines (and even fewer humans) are willing to fight. Whether this is remnants of short-term cycles found due to POMO or just a drop in liquidity is unclear; but what is clear, it happens, and all too regularly... except today. After a notably weak start to the day, the machines were just getting revved up for the 1130ET reversal to kick in and lift the market back to VWAP when a curious thing happened...

"someone" canceled-and-replaced orders for 666 contracts 26 times in the 1130ET to 1200ET period... and selling accelerated lower, no reversal, to close at the lows on heavy volume. Thanks to the incredibly detailed work of Nanex's Eric Hunsader, we
can see the 'secret' signal that only the HFTs would have been capable of seeing... In the last 20 minutes, someone has placed/canceled a 666 contract order in eMini 26 times $ES_F — Eric Scott Hunsader (@nanexllc) October 9, 2014 For a sense of how out of place this was, here is the quote size histogram for that period: We are sure this is nothing... just pure coincidence that on the 4th most active trading day in history and on following a huge surge day in stocks not trusted by any other asset class, someone would send 26 separate times in a few minutes orders for 666 contracts. Only a tin-foil-hat-wearing digital dickweed would see anything odd about that: for everyone else this is merely yet another market anomaly that is best left unmentioned. * * * Oh, one more thing, this all happened just after VIX 'fat-fingered' spike down and VXX volume surged, launching today's selloff.

“Non-Official Cover” – Respected German Journalist Blows Whistle on How the CIA Controls the Media
Michael Krieger | Posted Wednesday Oct 8, 2014 at 11:38 am
Screen Shot 2014-10-08 at 11.28.27 AM

“I was bribed by billionaires, I was bribed by the Americans to report…not exactly the truth.”
Door de loop der eeuwen komen er dingen en gaan er dingen. Zo ook met goud. Wat vroeger was met goud is er niet meer. Goud is er niet meer om monetair evenwicht te creeeren op de balans van het land. De bulk van de regeringen gelooft daar nog in. Goud zal afglijden of jarenlang doelloos bewegen tussen de 900 en 1300. Met zilver zal het hoop ik anders gaan. Dat eens de chinesen hun woestijnen vol zetten met zonnepanelen waar veel zilver in verwerkt wordt.
SGE Chairman: 2013 Chinese Gold Demand Was 2000t
10-10-2014 18:23

This is the final blow for the ones who still couldn’t comprehend, after all evidence presented, the amount of Chinese non-government gold demand in 2013. At the LBMA forum in Singapore June 25, 2014, one of the keynote speakers was chairman of the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) Xu Luode. In his speech he made a few very candid statements about Chinese consumer gold demand, that according to Xu reached 2,000 tonnes in 2013.


Bijna net zoveel als de jaarlijkse wereldproductie.
Chinese gold buying picks up after holiday; Indian premiums rise
October 10, 2014 7:30 AM

SINGAPORE/MUMBAI (Reuters) - Buying activity in China's physical gold exchange ticked up this week, indicating retailers in the top consumer of the metal saw good sales during the week-long National Day holiday.

Prices on the Shanghai Gold Exchange - the platform for all physical trades in China - were about $5-$6 an ounce higher than the global benchmark (XAU=), compared with about $3 before Chinese markets closed for the holiday.


Als de premium meer dan 50 dollar stijgt, dan zal papiergoud verliezen.

B_B schreef op 30 mei 2014 03:07:

Het einde van de financiële wereld zoals wij die kennen.

Doordat de centrale banken de markten te vaak en teveel manipuleren, geven de economische indicatoren een vertekend beeld. Hierdoor is het bijna onmogelijk om te beleggen.
Het is blind beleggen in deze tijd. Daarom doen de particulieren beter dan de professionals.
A Stunned Wall Street Reacts To Today’s Epic Move
October 15, 2014 in Financial-Blogs by Tyler Durden

The first report summarizing today's stunning market action comes from FBN's Jeremy Klein, who is out with this blurb: In the first 15 minutes of trading the S&P 500 E-Minis traded below the S&P 500 cash index despite a fair basis, according to Bloomberg, of -6.72. This is unheard of and something I have never witnessed in my near fourteen year career on the Street. I can only conclude that many large institutions threw in the towel on the Open in wake of the dislocations in not only stocks but also treasuries

B_B schreef op 7 oktober 2014 14:17:

Bijna elke dag zakt de goudprijs rond 10:00 uur en 16:00 uur.
Gisteren steeg de goudprijs juist rond deze tijden.

Is China begonnen met positieve manipulatie?
3 hours ago
Hong Kong Head Blames ''External Forces'

Hong Kong Chief Executive C.Y. Leung blasted the pro-democracy protests in the territory as having gotten "out of hand" and claimed they are being driven by "external forces."

China neemt weer wraak (positieve goud manipulatie).
Gold demand still running high, so where’s the turning point?
Chinese gold demand as recorded by the SGE hit 227 tonnes in October while Indian buying also strong for wedding season.
Author: Lawrence Williams
Posted: Monday , 10 Nov 2014

As can be seen from Nick Laird’s (www.sharelynx.com) excellent ongoing chart of gold withdrawals from the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), a further 47.5 tonnes were withdrawn during the week ended October 31. Thus the total figure for October comes to a fraction over 227 tonnes – a monthly figure which would suggest an annual withdrawal rate of some 2,724 tonnes – or close to global new mined supply.
It appears that the only seeming certainties out there are that some major financial interests and short position holders in gold are keen to keep the price suppressed through dumping big levels of gold futures on the markets to drive the price downwards at weak trading hours. But the end game, if these moves are purely financial, will be to stock up on physical gold and then turn the gold market sharply positive again thus making mega profits on the gold offloaded by tired gold investors. And if this is the case, once gold starts a serious upwards move it could just keep on going. The question is: Are we nearly there yet? – as my children would ask repetitively on long car journeys. Maybe we are. We shall soon see.

Hot economic news items from top-rated market timer for precious metals
Published: 1 hour ago

The last time there was a systemic physical gold shortage was in July 2013. It is then that, for the first time in 5 years, the 1-month Gold forward offered rate, or GOFO, went negative.

Fast forward to today, when as noted over the past week there has been a massive shortage of precious metals – most notably silver which as of this moment is indefinitely unavailable at the U.S. Mint. As a result of the tumble in the paper price, and following eight days of sliding and negative one month GOFO rates, today the physical metal shortage surged, as can be seen by not only the first negative six month GOFO rate since last summer’s much publicized gold shortage when China was gobbling up every piece of shiny yellow rock available for sale, but a 1 month GOFO of -0.1850 percent: the most negative it has been since 2001.

Said otherwise, the physical shortage is the worst it has been in over a decade, even as the price of paper gold continues to drop!

And for those for whom the topic of GOFO inversion is new, here is how we described the situation last time:

GOFO stands for Gold Forward Offered Rate. These are rates at which contributors are prepared to lend gold on a swap against U.S. dollars. Quotes are made for 1-, 2-, 3-, 6- and 12-month periods.

The reality is that one can’t know for sure until after the fact. It may be one of many things:

An ETF-induced re-pricing of paper and physical gold

Ongoing deliverable concerns and/or shortages involving one (JPM) or more Comex gold members.

Liquidations in the paper gold market

A shortage of physical gold for a non-bullion bank market participant

A major fund unwinding a futures pair trade involving at least one gold leasing leg

An ongoing bullion bank failure with or without an associated allocated gold bank “run”

All of the above

The answer for now is unknown. What is known is that something very abnormal is once again afoot at the nexus of the gold fractional reserve lending market.

Banks On The Run
By Turd Ferguson | Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 10:22 pm

The latest CFTC Bank Participation Report brings the usual horrors and it confirms our "inherently unfair" thesis. However, there's also a bigger picture that gold investors everywhere need to consider.

Before we begin, the usual background:

The CFTC's Bank Participation Report is issued monthly from a survey taken at the Comex close on the first Tuesday of every month. The report summarizes the combined positions of the four largest U.S. banks (primarily JPM, MorganStanley, Citi, Goldman but occasionally others) and the twenty largest non-U.S. banks (Scotia, HSBC, DeutscheBank, UBS, Barclays and others).
These reports might be utter nonsense and complete falsifications. Just last year, JPMorgan was fined by the CFTC for "repeatedly submitting inaccurate reports relating to the required reporting of positions". See here: www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/...
I will leave it up to you, dear reader, to assign or withhold legitimacy to/from the data. My job is simply to report to you on what the data shows...and it's sickening.

Ole Turd has written volumes over the past few weeks, describing the inherent unfairness of the Comex paper derivative market structure. (An example: www.tfmetalsreport.com/blog/6566/inhe... Unlike other "markets", The Bullion Banks simply create new paper contracts whenever speculative demand increases. They do this to blunt momentum and stall price. Then, as price invariably retreats, The Banks use Spec liquidations to cover and withdraw these very same contracts.

For example, during January's price rally of over $100, total Comex gold open interest rose from a low of 371,000 contracts to a high of 451,000. Now that price has fallen back $70, total Comex gold open interest has drawn back down to 403,000. Near round-trip in price, near round-trip in open interest, too. Neat trick, huh? It's good work if you can get it.

We've documented this along the way by monitoring the daily open interest changes as well as the CFTC's weekly Commitment of Traders Report. Therefore, last Friday's Bank Participation Report was not surprising but it was grotesque, nonetheless.

I'll save you the gory details this time of how the BPR has changed, month over month, for the past two years. I just wrote about this again last month and you can check it out here if you'd like: www.tfmetalsreport.com/blog/6520/how-...

Instead, this time I'd simply like to focus on how the 24 banks have changed their positions over the past month and the past year. It's pretty remarkable stuff.

A little over a month ago and with price at $1219, the January BPR survey was taken. When the report was released three days later, it looked like this:

____________________GROSS LONG_____GROSS SHORT_____TOTAL

U.S. Banks______________11,728____________37,321________-25,593

Non U.S. Banks__________32,985____________80,227_________-47,242

TOTAL _________________44,713___________117,548_________-72,835

What this shows is that, as of January 5 2015, the combined position of the 24 largest banks in the world that trade paper gold was 72,835 contracts NET SHORT. That's 7,283,500 ounces or about 226 metric tonnes. It's interesting to note, of course, that the entire Comex gold vaulting system only holds 8,166,900 troy ounces (registered and eligible) or about 254 metric tonnes.

Over the next four weeks, price and open interest both rose and by the time this most recent BPR survey was taken last Tuesday, gold was up $41 to $1260 and total OI was up 25,000 to 419,524 contracts. The report, released late last Friday showed this:

__________________GROSS LONG_____GROSS SHORT_____TOTAL

U.S. Banks_____________9,163_____________65,901_______-56,738

Non U.S. Banks_________20,009_____________96,264_______-76,255

TOTAL ________________29,172____________162,165______-132,993

As you can see, as of last Tuesday the 24 largest gold banks were now NET SHORT 132,993 Comex gold contracts. That's the equivalent of 13,299,300 troy ounces of paper gold or about 414 metric tonnes.

More startling and in confirmation of our "inherent unfairness" storyline, over the past four weeks:

Price rose by $41 or 3.37%
Total Comex gold open interest rose by 25,503 contracts or 6.46%
The total 24 bank NET SHORT position rose by 60,158 contracts or 82.6%
Oh my goodness. Just typing those numbers makes me want to vomit. And to think that there are still Cartel Shills and Apologists out there that claim that "the banks are just making a market" and/or "hedging for miners". If you believe that, I've got an Idaho potato farm to sell you.

Anyway, draw you own conclusions. If you'd like to persist in a belief that these "markets" are "free and fair", knock yourself out. As we end this month's exercise though, I'd like you to consider the implications of one more BPR survey data table. First, check out the data, itself:

__________________GROSS LONG_____GROSS SHORT_____TOTAL

U.S. Banks_____________68,658____________24,937_______+43,721

Non U.S. Banks__________18,752 ___________48,860_______-30,108

TOTAL _________________87,410___________73,797_______+13,613

So, now you're wondering...when was this survey taken? And at what price and open interest? Well, I hope you're sitting down. I also hope that you haven't recently eaten.

The data listed above was from the BPR survey taken exactly one year ago, on February 4, 2014. Price that evening was $1252 and total open interest was 368,279.

Therefore, with price nearly unchanged YoY and with total open interest up by about 51,000 contracts, the 24 largest gold-trading banks have massaged their NET position by 146,606 contracts. A NET change of 14,660,600 troy ounces or 456 metric tonnes....






And this is where I will leave you. Ponder that bit of information for a while. You might ask yourself..."Self, what in the world are The Banks so afraid of? Why would they go to such great lengths to keep price from rising? How is this even legal?"

Those are certainly good questions to ask and I look forward to pondering the answers and addressing the implications in the days ahead.

China plans yuan-denominated gold fix this year
27 Feb4:15 PM

[SINGAPORE] China plans to launch a yuan-denominated gold fix this year to be set through trading on an exchange, sources familiar with the matter said, as the world's second-biggest bullion consumer seeks to gain more say over the pricing of the precious metal.

The Chinese benchmark would be derived from a new 1 kg contract to be launched on the state-run Shanghai Gold Exchange, a senior source directly involved in the process told Reuters.

China, also the top producer of gold, feels its market weight should entitle it to be a price-setter for bullion and it is asserting itself at a time when the established benchmark, the century-old London fix, is under scrutiny because of alleged price-manipulation.

If the Chinese fix takes off, it could add to the pressure on the London benchmark, which is used worldwide by producers, refiners and central banks to price holdings and contracts, although the two could exist side-by-side.
Just this week, Switzerland's competition commission said it was looking into possible gold price manipulation, while the Wall Street Journal reported the US Department of Justice and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission were investigating at least 10 major banks for possible rigging of precious metals markets.

However, the fact that the Chinese price-setting would be done through an exchange could comfort some as it would be more transparent, the first source said. "There won't be any chance of malpractice on this platform," he said.

Others in Asia have also launched exchange-traded contracts recently with the aim of coming up with a price benchmark.

CME Group launched a physically deliverable gold futures contract in Hong Kong earlier this year, while the Singapore Exchange launched a 25 kg contract last year.

Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:37am BST Related: MARKET ANALYSIS
New York sell orders in thin trade trigger Shanghai gold rout

In early Asian trading hours on Monday, when typically only tens of contracts of gold are traded, investors dumped more than $500 million worth of bullion in New York in four seconds, triggering the market's biggest rout in years.

The sell-off began when one or more massive sell orders hit the price of gold on the CME Group's Comex futures in New York a tenth of a second after 9:29 a.m. in Shanghai, triggering turnover of almost 5,000 lots of gold in a blink of an eye. (Graphic: reut.rs/1KjLJ7H)

That equates to 13 tonnes of gold, more than typically trades in hours during this time of day, and the selling knocked the price almost $20 to $1,100 per ounce during those four seconds. It marked the first leg of a dramatic 60-second sell-off that saw prices sink more than 4 percent to five-year lows.

The rout astonished even veteran traders and followed months of calm ensured by competing forces, from the Greek debt crisis, the stronger dollar and expectations of a U.S. interest rate increase.

"I was stunned that 8,000 lots moved the market by $50," said Tai Wong, director of base and precious metals trading for BMO Capital Markets in New York.

"It was an illiquid time, but nevertheless the impact was outsized to say the least."

Within seconds of the New York sell-off, turnover picked up in the Far East where morning trading on the Shanghai Gold Exchange had just started, though prices did not immediately reflect the selling pressure.

Many dealers, rattled by the recent stock market crash in China, which knocked commodities prices lower, were quick to blame Chinese funds for the selling.

But a Reuters analysis of trade data from New York and Shanghai exchanges shows that it was New York which recorded far heavier volumes and a bigger downdraft on prices.

While Chinese investors participate in the U.S. market, it was not immediately clear who the sellers were.

"Whoever wanted to sell and get out, got out. It looks like a big hedge fund or producer decided to move an order," said Doug Cifu, Chief Executive of Virtu Financial Inc, an electronic market maker.

The selling triggered stop loss orders, pushing prices through technical support levels and leaving bullion teetering on the brink of $1,000 per ounce.

The trade statistics also underscore the U.S. market's role as the center of liquidity for global bullion trading, even as secretive Chinese funds have caused big swings in base metals prices this year.

To be sure, low liquidity in both markets accelerated the drop.

It was late Sunday evening in New York and 2:30 a.m. in London. Japan was closed for a national holiday, removing a big chunk of liquidity from the Tokyo commodity exchange, TOCOM, where average daily turnover is about 23 tonnes, a sizeable portion of the average global daily turnover.

By the end of the New York trading session on Monday evening, prices had recouped about half of the lost ground.

But while the sell-off only lasted a minute, the depth of the rout and the weak rebound signaled long-term damage to bullion sentiment.

"The magnitude of the drop showed low interest in the gold market even at current levels was exacerbated by a toxic combo of a potential Fed rate hike and a regulatory environment reducing trading interest," said Wong.


The episode was the biggest in a string of sell-offs during Asian hours that have plagued the illiquid market in the past few years and stirred memories of the 2013 rout that wiped hundreds of dollars off the price of gold.

And it only took one minute.

First, CME circuit-breakers stopped trading after the main contract sunk $20 in just four seconds to prevent cascading stop orders that could exaggerate price movements in illiquid markets.

When trading resumed, another 1,554 lots changed hands over the course of nine seconds, pushing prices down a further $29, or 2.7 percent, to hit five-year lows of $1,080 an ounce at 9:29:32, triggering the second circuit breaker.

As of 10:46 p.m. EDT (0246 GMT), spot gold traded at $1,096.4 per ounce, down 0.5 percent, teetering close to Monday’s lows, suggesting there is more pain to come.

"Although the (gold) complex attempted such a reversal on Monday, the effort was rather halfhearted, leading us to conclude that we are not out of the woods just yet," said INTL FCStone analyst Edward Meir.

Gold ETF Market Breaks: BlackRock Suspends ETF Issuance Due To “Surging Demand For Gold”
Posted on March 4, 2016

BlackRock’s Gold ETF (IAU) has seen fund inflows every day in 2016 (no outflows at all) and with the stock trading above its NAV for most of the year, the world’s largest asset manager has made a significant decision: It has suspended issuance of Gold Trust shares due to “surging demand for gold.” It appears the huge demand for physical gold (and lack of supply) is finally catching up with the manipulation of paper prices.


ALERT: Andrew Maguire – Western Central Planners Have Finally Lost Control Of The Gold Market
March 04, 2016

Today whistleblower and London metals trader Andrew Maguire told King World News that Western central planers have finally lost control of the gold market.
Big Money Is Flowing Into Physical Gold…
Andrew Maguire continues: “However, this time there is a difference. Institutional money is flowing into allocated physical gold globally, and this is changing the dynamics. The usual synthetic market wash-and-rinse cycle is breaking down as its drivers are anchored upon a fractional reserve unallocated bullion market structure, which is the equivalent of a Ponzi scheme.

What this is telling us is that the price drivers are now coming from the physical markets. Whereas up until now it has been Comex speculators that have heavily influenced global prices, this is now changing. The Comex tail wagging the much larger spot or physical market dog’s days are over.

And The Physical Market Is Now Dominating
Trendlines anchored on historical pivots have entered a phase where fundamentals will start to dictate future price movements as well as the technicals. This is because the structural price drivers have seen the paper/synthetic leveraged markets migrate to Asia, where gold is simply viewed as money and all gold accounts are physically delivered.

Financial journalists tend to look at gold with a US-centric view. However, gold is a global currency, trading as one component (pairs cross), of a $5 trillion a day foreign exchange market. OTC FX trading volumes far surpass Comex volumes. Some 500-600 tonnes of gold is cleared by the London Precious Metals Clearing (LPMCL) every day in London, whereas only 5-7 tonnes per day of gold are delivered at the AM and PM London fixes.

So what we are seeing are the synthetic gold markets giving way to a fundamentally driven global physical market, and fundamentals dictate much higher prices to come.

In mijn vrije tijd heb ik een tool in elkaar gesleuteld om verdachte trades op de goud markt te spotten: www.market-magnify.com (laden van grafiek kan wel enkele seconde duren)

Hopelijk zijn jullie er iets mee!
Compliment voor het werk, maar kun je iets meer uitleg daarbij geven? Hoewel interessant thema, kan ik er nog niet zoveel mee (of ik ben een beetje dom).
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