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Praten over het sluiten van een luchtruim in oorlogssituatie, lijkt verboden bij NOS en hun commentatoren(verslaggevers). In Belgie praat men wat makkelijker daarover.
Ukrainian Steel Making Slips by 1% in 2019

According Ukraine’s Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture, mkranian Metallurgical enterprises cut steel smelting by 1% in 2019 compared with 2018, to 20.848 million tonnes, output of total rolled metal also decreased 1%, to 18.387 million tonnes and pig iron production fell by 2%, to 20.064 million tonnes.

Scrap metal supplies to metal enterprises last year fell by 10% to 3.011 million tonnes.

In 2019, pipe production fell by 9%, to 1.005 million tonnes, coke by 7%, to 10.059 million tonnes

Mining enterprises last year increased iron ore production by 4%, to 75.710 million tonnes, production of iron ore concentrate grew by 5%, to 63.084 million tonnes, but they reduced prepared iron ore by 3%, to 51.675 million tonnes, including sinter production that decreased by 2%, to 30.911 million tonnes, and pellets that fell by 3%, to 20.764 million tonnes.

Source : Open 4 Business
Ukraine Seeks Abolition of Duty on Steel Imports from US

Ukraine President Mr Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine is counting on the abolition of duties on steel imports on the part of the United States. During a joint briefing with US Secretary of State Mr Mike Pompeo said "We expect the United States to lift trade restrictions, such as the 25% safeguard duty on steel imports. This is a sensitive issue for our metallurgical exports. We are also looking forward to abolishing this duty for Ukraine.”

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo came to Kyiv on a working visit. He said “Good to be in Kyiv today. US support for Ukraine is unwavering, and I am intent on underscoring this as I meet with Ukrainian government leaders to discuss ways we can advance our strategic partnership and reinforce Ukraine's position as a free and democratic state.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Ukrainian Coking Coal Imports From Russia Shrink by 24% in 2019

Ukraine News reported that in 2019, imports of coking coal from Russia decreased by 24.2% or 1.6 million tons year over year to 5.015 million tonnes. The Ukrkoks association said “In 2019, imports of coking coal concentrate from Kazakhstan increased by 88.5% or 352,000 tonnes to 749,800 tonnes, from the United States and other countries decreased by 6.2% or 300,000 tons to 4.57 million tonnes, from the Czech Republic increased 9 times to 93,500 tonnes.”

At the same time, the supply of Ukrainian coal increased by 30.2% or 812,000 tonnes to 3.497 million tonnes, of imported coal decreased by 12.3% or 1.467 million tonnes to 10.428 million tonnes.

Source : Ukraine News
President Mr Zelensky Plans to Modernize Coal Mines in Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has promised to develop modernize coal mines. He stated this at a meeting with employees of the Mezhyrichanska coal mine of the Lvivvuhillia state enterprise in Chervonohrad. He said "First there will be plans, then we will discuss them with the public, and then we will talk to the miners. We will discuss what mine should be modernized, what mine, unfortunately, is no longer being modernized, and then it will be necessary to find jobs for people.’

He recalled that wage arrears to employees of the Mezhyrichanska mine were UAH 22 million and promised the funds would be paid to the miners by the end of February.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Gisteren verscheen een ongelooflijk bericht in het nieuws, dat Rusland de drie Russische personen zelf wilde berechten i.v.m het neerhalen van de MH17 terwijl Poetin tot op vandaag ontkend dat er een BUKinstallatie vanuit Rusland de Oekraine is ingereden (zomer van 2014).
Daarnaast is het aannemelijk, dat het doelwit(MH17) een grote vergissing was maar daar kom je pas achter als betrokkenen het woord voeren.
Minister Blok heeft Rusland gevraagd het eventueel vonnis van de rechtbank over te nemen. In Maart gaat de rechtzaak van start in een beveiligde locatie bij Schiphol.
Oekraïens gasbedrijf verhoogt claim Rusland vanwege verliezen Krim

Het Oekraïense staatsenergiebedrijf Naftogaz heeft de claim ten aanzien van Rusland voor de verliezen op de Krim verhoogd tot $8 mrd.

Dat schrijft Naftogaz maandag op zijn website. Rusland bezette het schiereiland in de Zwarte Zee in het voorjaar van 2014 en sneed het daarmee af van Oekraïne, aan wie de Krim internationaal rechterlijk nog altijd toebehoord.

Daarom wil Naftogaz al een aantal jaren compensatie voor de verliezen in infrastructuur op de Krim en de inkomstenderving die het door de occupatie oploopt. Het maakte de zaak in september 2016 aanhangig bij het Arbitragetribunaal in Den Haag.

Een jaar geleden had Naftogaz-directeur Joeri Vitrenko nog gezegd dat zijn bedrijf recht had op een schadevergoeding van $5 mrd van de Russen. Naftogaz geeft nu geen exact bedrag op, maar schrijft op de site dat 'de omvang van de verliezen plus rente geschat wordt op ongeveer $8 mrd.'

Volgens het Oekraïense gasbedrijf zal er in mei een mondeling gehoor over het compensatiebedrag worden gehouden bij het Arbitragetribunaal in Den Haag. De finale beslissing over het bedrag verwacht Naftogaz halverwege 2021.

Volgens het bedrijf geeft Rusland — dat in 2017 nog vertegenwoordigers naar de arbitrage stuurde — inmiddels geen blijk van interesse meer in de zaak en ontwijkt het deelname aan het proces.

Het Arbitragetribunaal in Den Haag heeft Rusland een jaar geleden al verantwoordelijk gesteld voor de verliezen van Naftogaz op de Krim. De Haagse rechter concludeerde dat de acties van Rusland ten aanzien van Naftogaz illegaal waren.

Het is niet het eerste gasconflict dat Oekraïne en Rusland onderling uitvechten. Eind vorig jaar eindigde een tienjarig contract tussen beide landen over de doorvoer van Russisch gas via Oekraïne naar Europa. Beide partijen sloten te elfder ure een nieuwe overeenkomst, nadat het Russische staatsgasbedrijf Gazprom beloofde een door de Zweedse rechter opgelegde compensatie van $3 mrd aan Naftogaz te betalen.

Ook sloot Gazprom het contract voor vijf jaar, terwijl het zelf had geopteerd voor slechts één jaar. Op de achtergrond speelt dat Gazprom erop hoopt dit jaar nog gas naar Europa te kunnen vervoeren via Nord Stream 2, een gaspijpleiding vanuit Rusland naar Duitsland over de bodem van de Oostzee.

Gevechten in het oosten van Oekraïne zijn weer opgelaaid
Vanochtend vroeg hebben de pro-Russische rebellen de Oekraïense stellingen met zwaar beschut bestookt. De Oekraïense president Volodimir Zelenski roept de Oekraïense veiligheidsraad bijeen.

Vanochtend om vijf uur zijn pro-Russische separatisten een aanval begonnen tegen de Oekraïense troepen in het oosten van Oekraïne. Ze hebben met zwaar geschut de Oekraïense stellingen bestookt. Volgens de Oekraïense president Volodimir Zelenski is daarbij een Oekraïense soldaat omgekomen en vier gewond. Een Duitse journalist van Bild tweet dat de separatisten een Oekraïense verdedigingspost hebben ingenomen. Het zijn de zwaarste beschietingen in de laatste twee jaar.
Zelenski roept een van de komende uren de Oekraïense veiligheidsraad bijeen. Hij ziet in de aanval een provocatie die bedoeld is om de onderhandelingen over vrede in de Donbass regio te ondermijnen.
Op 9 december vorig jaar hebben Rusland en Oekraïne tijdens een meeting in Parijs afgesproken dat ze een wapenstilstand zouden implementeren. De strijdende partijen zouden zich op drie plekken in de Donbass regio tegen het einde van maart terugtrekken. Volgens de planning zou een volgende bijeenkomst in Berlijn plaatsvinden, ergens in de maanden maart-april.
Het was de bedoeling om na vijf jaar burgeroorlog in Oekraïne een einde aan de gevechten te krijgen. Meer dan 13.000 slachtoffers zijn in de regio gevallen, bijna vier miljoen mensen worden door de oorlog bedreigd. (dS)
Ukraine Produced 2.5 Million Tonnes of Coal in February

The Coal Miners Union of Ukraine reported that Ukraine produced over 2.55 million tonnes of coal In February 2020, which is 0.2% less than planned. In February 2020, coal mining enterprises of Ukraine of all forms of ownership produced 2,550,125 tonnes of coal. The plan was fulfilled by 99.8%

It noted that since the start of the year, coal mining enterprises of all forms of ownership have produced 5,204,410 tonnes of coal, which is 103% of the target.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Gisteren is de rechtzaak begonnen in Nederland tegen de vier verdachten van het neerhalen van de MH17.
Het OM zei gisteren, de bukinstallatie had daar(Donetsk) nooit mogen zijn en nooit een raket mogen afvuren. Was er dan geen conflict gaande tussen Rusland en de EU over de Oekraine?
Het openhouden van het luchtruim door Oekraine en vliegen over een conflictgebied staat los van het neerhalen van de MH17, zegt het OM.
Het OM zegt wel, het is denkbaar, dat het de bedoeling was van de verdachten om een vliegtuig van de Oekrainse strijdkrachten uit de lucht te schieten maar dat heft de strafbaarheid niet op. Met het eerste ben ik het eens.
Een van de verdachten Girkin(commandant rebellen Donetsk) heeft gezegd, wij hebben de MH17 niet neergehaald.
Hij wil daarmee zeggen, de bukinstallatie hebben we niet bediend. Dat lijkt mij geloofwaardig.
Ukraine Imposes 65% Duty on Russian Coal

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to impose a special duty amounting to 65% upon coal, except for anthracite and coking coal. Ukraine’s Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture Ihor Petrashko said "It is proposed to introduce a special duty on certain goods from the Russian Federation that are imported into the customs territory of Ukraine, namely on electricity according to codes and all types of coal, except for anthracite and coking coal, in the amount of 65% from April 1, 2020.”

Ukraine in April 2019 updated the list of Russian goods prohibited for import into the country. Russia retaliated by prohibiting the supply to Ukraine of certain goods machinery, light industry, metal processing, pipe products, paper, cardboard, clothing and shoes.

Since June 2019 Russia has banned the supply to Ukraine coal, gasoline, diesel fuel, and liquefied gases. Delivery is possible only by individual permission of the government of Russia and exports of oil, ethane, butane, bitumen, ethylene and propylene is totally prohibited.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Ukraine Reports YoY Increases in Steel Production in Q1 of 2020

Ukrmetallurgprom association announced that Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises increased the production of total rolled products by 3.5% in January-March 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, to 4.7 million tonnes, steel production decreased by 3%, to 5.342 million tonnes, pig iron by 2%, to 5.105 million tonnes.

In March, Ukrainian metal enterprises produced 1.560 million tonnes of rolled products (92.1% compared to March 2019), some 1.789 million tonnes of steel (90.9%), some 1.750 million tonnes of pig iron (95.4%).

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vandaag heeft de verdediging van één van de aangeklaagde Russen haar twee dagen onderbouwing van nadere onderzoeksvragen afgerond.

Opvallend was de genuanceerde en goed onderbouwde argumentatie.
Duidelijk is dat de "race" voor het OM en de Nederlandse Staat nog lang niet gelopen is.

auteur info

Metinvest Delivers Humanitarian Aid from China to Fight Coronavirus in Ukraine

Metinvest Group financed the delivery of humanitarian supplies from China with protective equipment and medical equipment to fight the coronavirus pandemic in Ukraine. During three months, the Embassy of Ukraine in China received equipment worth over USD 1 million from Chinese state and provincial authorities, private organizations, associations, foundations, companies and ordinary citizens of the country. Ukrainian military IL-76 aircraft delivered coronavirus test kits, medical protective masks, respirators, protective suits, gloves and goggles, ventilators, disinfectants and infrared thermometers.

The state enterprise Ukrvaktsina will distribute the medical supplies to local authorities, medical institutions and universities of Kyiv and Kyiv region, Kharkiv, Odessa, Lutsk, Lviv, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, Zhitomir and Sumy regions.

Metinvest Group spent USD 250,000 to organize the flight from Beijing to Borispol. The plane landed in Borispol on the morning of June 24. The humanitarian cargo was met by Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Yevgeny Yenin, Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine Ihor Ivashchenko, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Ukraine Fan Xianrong and Metinvest Group CEO Yuriy Ryzhenkov.

Rinat Akhmetov was the first to come to the country's aid back in February. He pooled the resources of his Charitable Foundation, FC Shakhtar, DTEK, Metinvest and other SCM assets to help Ukraine and allocated UAH 300 million to fight COVID-19 as part of Rinat Akhmetov’s Foundation's "Fight against COVID-19 in Ukraine" project. They are aimed at addressing the country's most important medical needs, which have been identified in coordination with the Ministry of Health. The "Fight against COVID-19 in Ukraine" project became the part of Rinat Akhmetov’s Foundation’s “Save Lives Program”.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Ukraine Plans to Close Coal Mines in Stages

Ukrainian Energy Acting Minister Ms Olha Buslavets said that Energy Ministry plans to close mines in stages. She said 'We are finalizing the methodology for assessing coal enterprises. The closure process should be phased. The order of priority of cities and regions most in need of the support program is being determined. We have analysed the social and economic situation in the regions subject to transformation. Approaches are being developed to diversify the local economy to create new jobs." the acting minister said.

She noted that work is underway to reduce the dependence of local communities in such regions on the coal industry.

According to her, all this is happening within the framework of the development of the National Program for Fair Transformation of Coal Regions. She said "The Energy Ministry has been entrusted with the task of developing a program for reforming the coal industry. A concept and a plan of measures for reforming the coal industry need to be approved. The concept is being developed and will be presented in the near future.”

Also, according to her, there should be a plan for the transformation of coal regions until 2030.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Ukrainian Coal Imports in Jan-Sept 2020 Reduce by 15% YoY

According to the State Customs Service, Ukraine reduced imports of coal and anthracite (in January-September 2020 by 14.9%or 2.234 million tonnes compared to the same period in 2019, to 12.717 million tonnes. Coal imports amounted to USD 1.322 billion, which is 36.7% less than in January-September 2019. At the same time, coal was imported from the Russian Federation for USD 796 million accounting for 60% of total imports, the United States for USD 401 million 30%, Kazakhstan for USD 87.431 7%, other countries for USD 38 million 3%.

Ukraine’s coal export for the eight months of 2020 amounted to 2,024 tonnes for USD 163,000 versus 13,157 tonnes for USD 508,000 in January-September -2019.

Primetals Receives FAC for HSM Coiler at Ilyich Steel

In late February, 2021 Primetals Technologies has received the final acceptance certificate for a new downcoiler installed at PJSC Ilyich Iron and Steel Works of Mariupol in, Ukraine. With this new hydraulic downcoiler Ilyich Steel extended its product range while improving coil telescopicity and winding density. The maximum coil weight was increased from 27 to 32 tonnes and the strip thickness from 8 to 16 mm at a hot yield stresses up to 400 MPa. This opens the future opportunity to expand the production range to high-strength steel grades and grades for gas and oil industry. Primetals Technologies was responsible for basic and detail engineering, supply of all mechanical, hydraulic and electrical equipment for the new carry over table, side guides, pinch-roll unit, 3-roller type downcoiler and coil stripper car inclusive level 1 automation. The supervision of installation and commissioning as well as training of the operation and maintenance personnel was also done by Primetals Technologies.

This project was the next milestone in the long-term partnership between Metinvest and Primetals Technologies to further improve competitiveness of the plant in Mariupol, after implementation of continuous casting machine No. 4 at MMKI in 2018 and the major upgrade of the roughing and finishing mill of HSM 1700 in 2020. The hot strip mill has a rated capacity of 2.5 million metric tons per year and processes slabs in a thickness range of 170 to 250 mm, producing strips which thicknesses between 1.2 and 16 mm.

Ilyich Steel is a part of the Metinvest Group and one of the largest iron and steel works in Ukraine. The company produces a wide range of flat products made of carbon, low-alloyed and alloyed steel grades for various applications. These include heavy plates for pipelines, shipbuilding, pressure vessels and the construction industry, as well as hot and cold rolled plates and coils. It is the largest producer of cold rolled galvanized sheets in Ukraine.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Metinvest Establishes Mining & Metallurgical University in Ukraine

Metinvest Polytechnic is a full-fledged university with a teaching staff, modern educational programs and technologies, as well as the right to issue state diplomas. The University was founded in June 2020 by Metinvest Group. The new university is faced with the task of creating a scientific and educational complex, which will include secondary education with a technical bias, special education before higher (junior bachelor), higher education (bachelor and master), second higher education and advanced training. In the future, it is planned to create a research and production center, which will be engaged in scientific, innovative and international activities. Metinvest Polytechnic University is open to all young people who want to get engineering and technical professions in demand in the Ukrainian industry, as well as for Metinvest employees who want to improve their qualifications.

The university will train specialists in materials science, metallurgy, computer science, automation of production processes, economics, ecology, chemical technology and engineering, architecture and civil engineering, labor protection and mining. The University has already received a license from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to conduct advanced training courses in the specialties Metallurgy, Computer Science, Economics, Labor Protection and Mining. This means that the trainees of such courses will receive state-recognized certificates.

The university receives licenses only for current and promising technical specialties. Curricula are developed taking into account modern business requirements and the best world practices. 11 doctors and 18 candidates of sciences are working on them. The European Community for Safety at Work participates in the development of the programs. Training is based on the principle of dual education: from the third year, theoretical knowledge is supported by practical training and internship at Metinvest enterprises.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Ukraine Imposes Sanctions on 19 Mining Companies

Unian reported that Ukrainian President Mr Volodymyr Zelensky has enforced a resolution by the National Security and Defense Council dated March 19, 2021, to apply personal special economic and other restrictive measures against 19 companies engaged in mining because they had received licenses for reduced payments, which caused great losses to the state. National Security and Defense Council made a decision to impose sanctions on Geo Connect LLC, Global Geo Invest LLC, Trans Set Geo LLC, Geo Post LLC, Geo Vertikal LLC, Geo Target LLC, Nadra Pride LLC, GeoForce LLC, Geo Stance LLC, Nadra West Group LLC, Best Oil LLC, Nadraprostir LLC, Info Geo Trend LLC, Adgein Macro LLC, Eco Gas Alliance LLC, Epival Energy LLC, Yunolit Oil LLC, Profi Naft LLC and Best Geo Tech LLC.

President instructed National Security and Defense Council Secretary Mr Oleksiy Danilov to monitor the implementation of the decree on sanctions against the said legal entities.

On March 19, the National Security and Defense Council decided to audit all licenses for extracting minerals that have been issued in Ukraine since 1994.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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