Belegde boterham schreef op 26 augustus 2015 20:07:
Heb even 2 quotes gecombineerd excusez:
Grappig dat je Buffet aanhaalt, die doet dit nu net niet, sterker nog hij zegt dat je de markt niet kunt timen, hij investeert in bedrijven ;)
Net het cliche buy low sell high" The man known as America's greatest investor isn't bothered by stock market volatility.
"I have no idea what the stock market's going to do tomorrow or next week or next month or next year," said Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett.
"If you own your stocks as an investment—just like you'd own an apartment, house or a farm—look at them as a business," Buffett advised. "If you're going to try to buy and sell them based on news or something your neighbor tells you, you're not going to do well. Find a good bunch of businesses and hold them." "