Accoya Forum in Japan
Accsys Technologies PLC (U.K.) and
IKEGAMI & CO., LTD. (Fukuyama,
Hiroshima) co-hosted a symposium
regarding Accoya, acetylated wood,
titled Accoya Forum in Japan 2014
at Mokuzai Kaikan in Shinkiba,
Tokyo on March 6. About 300
people, who are mainly designers and
others including wood processors and
distributors, attended the symposium.
They learnt use of Accoya that
possesses excellent durability by
safe chemical technologies using
acid, while utilization of wood for
various buildings besides houses is
increasingly attracting interest.
The symposium started with an
opening address of Mr. John
Alexander, Head of Products
Development of Accsys Technologies
PLC, followed by these lectures:
Explanation on wood acetylation and
verification of Accoya’s performance
by Emeritus Professor Roger Rowell
of University of Wisconsin, the
world’s leading expert on wood
acetylation, an explanation on
Accoya as substrate for coating by
Teknos (UK) Ltd., a world-famous
paint company, the resource situation
of New Zealand pine as a material
for Accoya and presentation on
buildings using Accoya by a wood
distributor in New Zealand, an
explanation on Accoya’s features
and use of wood for construction
and engineering work by Arup, the
world’s leading consulting firm
on structure, facility, and building
design, an explanation on case
examples of Accoya by a design and
manufacturing company of largedimensional
laminated lumber
constructions, which has built Sneek
Bridge that can represent Accoya,
and presentation of buildings using a
plenty of Accoya by the designer of
Moses Bridge, a sunken bridge built
in the Netherlands.
Mr. Tomoshige Ikegami, President
and CEO of IKEGAMI & CO.,
LTD., gave a closing address, saying
that he would like the audience to
make use of Accoya, which has the
performance that can overturn the
image of conventional wood, through
consideration with a different
perspective from the past. Mr. Paul
Clegg, CEO of Accsys Technologies
PLC, attended a party after the
forum, at the party hall on the sixth
floor of the building, expressing
his gratitude to the attendees of the
successful symposium, as well as
hoping for further use of Accoya for
various purposes.