Kort door de bocht: Ze stellen voor om nog meer rente te betalen aan de oblihouders om ze rustig te houden, vraag ik mij af waarvan? Voorstel is om 10% aandelen in hun mik te schuiven. Of men daar blij van wordt betwijfel ik, en dat betwijfelt kardan zelf ook als je de laatste regel goed leest.
Amsterdam, September 18, 2014 - Following the press release which was issued on September 16 last regarding entering into discussions with the trustees and the joint representatives of the debenture holders (Series A and B) of the Company ("Debenture Holders"), Kardan N.V. (“Kardan” or “the Company”), active in Real Estate, Water Infrastructure and Financial Services in emerging markets, hereby updates and clarifies that yesterday a first meeting took place with the Debenture Holders in which Kardan presented an initial framework regarding a debt arrangement mainly focussing on postponing or rescheduling the instalments that are payable by the Company, with the commitment to repay the debt in full. In addition, it included elements such as a higher interest payable on the Debentures and allocation of up to 10% of the Company’s shares.
The Company hereby clarifies that the presented framework is only a first proposal of which the principal elements and details could change substantially.
The Company also notes that there is no certainty that discussions with the trustees and the joint representatives of the Debenture Holders will result in an agreement.