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Nokia HERE te koop

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rjohnson schreef op 13 mei 2015 08:58:

Even een vraag die wellicht al eerder is beantwoord. Weet iemand of TomTom nu ook HD kaarten heeft zoals Nokia Here? Ik begreep in een recent interview bij Bloomberg dat alleen Google en Here deze kaarten in hun bezit hadden om de autoindustrie te voorzien van de juiste kaarten voor autonomous driving.
Tomtom zegt zelf inmiddels verder te zijn dan de concurrentie en werkt met meerdere partijen, waaronder VW en Bosch samen om die kaarten te maken.
Deal Talks for Here Mapping Benefit Expose Reliance on Location Data

An engineer for Nokia’s Here unit makes adjustments in a mapping vehicle in Warwick, England.Credit Rob Stothard for The New York Times

When people look up a companionship’s Facebook page on their smartphones, the take up is overlaid on a digital map provided by Here, Nokia’s mapping unit, which is for sale.

The same goes for the mapping services offered by Amazon and Yahoo. The tech giants are just three of the many companies, including SAP, Verizon Wireless and Baidu, the Chinese search engine,? that rely heavily on Nokia’s geospatial data.

Companies are grappling to stay relevant in a world where smartphones — and people’s geographical information — are at the heart of nearly every tech leader’s plans. That is why companies like Uber, the ride-booking benefit, and an alliance of German automakers have submitted rival bids of up to $ 3 billion to buy the Nokia division.

A deal is widely probable by the end of the month. If one happens, here is likely to be a lot of angst to go around in the tech industry.

Nokia’s mapping benefit is the main global competitor to Google Maps. But if a new owner decides to restrict access to Here’s vast, 30-year-ancient trove of mapping data, some of the largest tech companies could find themselves relying on Google’s mapping services once more.

That could place companies like Amazon and Yahoo in a hard position, potentially requiring them to impart valuable location and routing data with one of their most powerful rivals in Silicon Valley.

“Here are too many businesses out here that want an independent benefit,” ?said Harold ?Goddijn, chief executive of TomTom, the Dutch digital mapping companionship that licenses data to Apple for its mapping benefit. ?“They don?’?t want to impart customer data with ?Googl?e. ?They want users to stay within their domain.”

As part of the German automakers’ bid, the companies, which include BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz, want to give access to Nokia’s mapping benefit, under licensing agreements, so others can still use its global geospatial data, according to a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity. It remains unclear whether Uber would follow suit if it bought the unit.

Representatives for Uber, the German automakers and Nokia declined to comment on the deal talks.

“Mapping is an extremely hard thing to do and takes years to imitate,” said Shyam Kumar, a senior analyst whose firm, TT Focus Fund, is an investor in both TomTom and Nokia. “If you cannot get access to a further independent map, you might end up having to license from one of your major competitors. Here’s observably an inherent tension here.”

The sudden interest in Here belies its often overlooked position in the equipment world. While Google Maps is used in more than one billion smartphones worldwide, the Nokia unit, which until recently was somewhat hampered by the Finnish companionship’s close relationship with Microsoft, has instead focused primarily on offering mapping services to other companies, instead of frankly to patrons.

FedEx, for example, has used Here’s mapping data to manage its fleet of delivery trucks worldwide. Deutsche Telekom, the German carrier that owns T-Mobile, has built smartphone apps with Nokia’s services that allows people to impart their locations with friends and family tree through their cellphones.

But it’s the automotive industry, where Here holds up to an 80 percent global market impart for built-in car navigation systems, that has become a main focus.

The mapping benefit has becoming a crucial component for the automakers pursuing driverless car projects. In 2013, for instance, Mercedes-Benz teamed up with Here to test an autonomous car around 60 miles of German roads. The trial included instant 3-D modeling of nearby cars and constant corrections from the car’s computer.

So far, many automakers have preferred to use Nokia’s services over those provided by Google because of the search giant’s own ambitions in the nascent driverless car industry. Yet Nokia’s mapping equipment may become unavailable if a new owner of the mapping unit decides to regulate what other companies can do with the data.

“Here are really only a handful of comprehensive mapping data sets for navigation and local search,” said Marc Prioleau, managing director of Prioleau Advisors and a former executive at deCarta, the mapping start-up bought by Uber this year. “The real question is, what do these companies lose out on if someone else buys Here?”



famel schreef op 13 mei 2015 09:04:


Tomtom zegt zelf inmiddels verder te zijn dan de concurrentie en werkt met meerdere partijen, waaronder VW en Bosch samen om die kaarten te maken.
Als het gaat om ontwikkeling autonoom rijden, ligt Mercedes voor op alle andere autobedrijven(Die Zetsche).

Girakian2 schreef op 13 mei 2015 08:18:


Ik denk, dat wat wies van de week al zei, dat de shorters begonnen zijn met coveren, en geen heil meer zien, om hIer mee door te gaan.....vandaag verder?

Wies, jij een fijne vakantie, en geniet er van......
Ook het koersverloop van vandaag lijkt er op te wijzen dat er nog koersbeheersingspogingen worden gedaan, maar nu zonder het lef om een diep duik te nemen (ik lig er klaar voor, hihi!). Later vandaag wellicht weer verder spiken.

We gaan wel weer richting expiratie en tegenwoordig beginnen de games vaak al op woensdag.

Wies, ik wens jou een ruk-vakantie omdat, terwijl jij zalig en verdiend ligt te genieten in het zonnetje, jouw veel te grote blok op tien binnen één minuut aan gruzelementen wordt geschoten, om linea recta door te schieten naar 15. We hebben je nog zo gewaarschuwd ;-) !!!

rjohnson schreef op 13 mei 2015 08:58:

Even een vraag die wellicht al eerder is beantwoord. Weet iemand of TomTom nu ook HD kaarten heeft zoals Nokia Here? Ik begreep in een recent interview bij Bloomberg dat alleen Google en Here deze kaarten in hun bezit hadden om de autoindustrie te voorzien van de juiste kaarten voor autonomous driving.
Dat je deze vraag durft te stellen hier..

Chiddix schreef op 13 mei 2015 09:24:


Als het gaat om ontwikkeling autonoom rijden, ligt Mercedes voor op alle andere autobedrijven(Die Zetsche).
gooi deze 2 ook ff niet weg,misschien doen ze ook een bad,

Toyota, Mazda to announce new partnership to expand fuel-efficient technology
Nieuw New York Times artikel


Deal Talks for Here Mapping Service Expose Reliance on Location Data

picture: An engineer for Nokia's Here unit makes adjustments in a mapping vehicle in Warwick, England.



MAY 12, 2015

When people look up a company’s Facebook page on their smartphones, the address is overlaid on a digital map provided by Here, Nokia’s mapping unit, which is for sale.

The same goes for the mapping services offered by Amazon and Yahoo. The tech giants are just three of the many companies, including SAP, Verizon Wireless and Baidu, the Chinese search engine,? that rely heavily on Nokia’s geospatial data.

Companies are grappling to stay relevant in a world where smartphones — and people’s geographical information — are at the heart of nearly every tech leader’s plans. That is why companies like Uber, the ride-booking service, and an alliance of German automakers have submitted rival bids of up to $3 billion to acquire the Nokia division.

A deal is widely expected by the end of the month. If one happens, there is likely to be a lot of angst to go around in the tech industry.

Nokia’s mapping service is the main global competitor to Google Maps. But if a new owner decides to restrict access to Here’s vast, 30-year-old trove of mapping data, some of the largest tech companies could find themselves relying on Google’s mapping services once more.

That could put companies like Amazon and Yahoo in a difficult position, potentially requiring them to share valuable location and routing data with one of their most powerful rivals in Silicon Valley.

“There are too many businesses out there that want an independent service,” ?said Harold ?Goddijn, chief executive of TomTom, the Dutch digital mapping company that licenses data to Apple for its mapping service. ?“They don?’?t want to share customer data with ?Googl?e. ?They want users to stay within their domain.”

As part of the German automakers’ bid, the companies, which include BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz, want to give access to Nokia’s mapping service, under licensing agreements, so others can still use its global geospatial data, according to a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity. It remains unclear whether Uber would follow suit if it acquired the unit.

Representatives for Uber, the German automakers and Nokia declined to comment on the deal talks.

“Mapping is an extremely hard thing to do and takes years to replicate,” said Shyam Kumar, a senior analyst whose firm, TT Focus Fund, is an investor in both TomTom and Nokia. “If you cannot get access to another independent map, you might end up having to license from one of your major competitors. There’s obviously an inherent tension here.”

The sudden interest in Here belies its often overlooked position in the technology world. While Google Maps is used in more than one billion smartphones worldwide, the Nokia unit, which until recently was somewhat hampered by the Finnish company’s close relationship with Microsoft, has instead focused primarily on offering mapping services to other companies, instead of directly to consumers.

FedEx, for example, has used Here’s mapping data to manage its fleet of delivery trucks worldwide. Deutsche Telekom, the German carrier that owns T-Mobile, has built smartphone apps with Nokia’s services that allows people to share their locations with friends and family through their cellphones.

But it’s the automotive industry, where Here holds up to an 80 percent global market share for built-in car navigation systems, that has become a main focus.

The mapping service has becoming a crucial component for the automakers pursuing driverless car projects. In 2013, for instance, Mercedes-Benz teamed up with Here to test an autonomous car around 60 miles of German roads. The trial included instant 3-D modeling of nearby cars and constant corrections from the car’s computer.

So far, many automakers have preferred to use Nokia’s services over those provided by Google because of the search giant’s own ambitions in the nascent driverless car industry. Yet Nokia’s mapping technology may become unavailable if a new owner of the mapping unit decides to limit what other companies can do with the data.

“There are really only a handful of comprehensive mapping data sets for navigation and local search,” said Marc Prioleau, managing director of Prioleau Advisors and a former executive at deCarta, the mapping start-up acquired by Uber this year. “The real question is, what do these companies lose out on if someone else buys Here?”

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die enthousiaste man van TT international blijkt met zijn eigen fund toch een long investor

kingwoep schreef op 13 mei 2015 09:06:

Deal Talks for Here Mapping Benefit Expose Reliance on Location Data

An engineer for Nokia’s Here unit makes adjustments in a mapping vehicle in Warwick, England.Credit Rob Stothard for The New York Times

When people look up a companionship’s Facebook page on their smartphones, the take up is overlaid on a digital map provided by Here, Nokia’s mapping unit, which is for sale.

The same goes for the mapping services offered by Amazon and Yahoo. The tech giants are just three of the many companies, including SAP, Verizon Wireless and Baidu, the Chinese search engine,? that rely heavily on Nokia’s geospatial data.

Companies are grappling to stay relevant in a world where smartphones — and people’s geographical information — are at the heart of nearly every tech leader’s plans. That is why companies like Uber, the ride-booking benefit, and an alliance of German automakers have submitted rival bids of up to $ 3 billion to buy the Nokia division.

A deal is widely probable by the end of the month. If one happens, here is likely to be a lot of angst to go around in the tech industry.

Nokia’s mapping benefit is the main global competitor to Google Maps. But if a new owner decides to restrict access to Here’s vast, 30-year-ancient trove of mapping data, some of the largest tech companies could find themselves relying on Google’s mapping services once more.

That could place companies like Amazon and Yahoo in a hard position, potentially requiring them to impart valuable location and routing data with one of their most powerful rivals in Silicon Valley.

“Here are too many businesses out here that want an independent benefit,” ?said Harold ?Goddijn, chief executive of TomTom, the Dutch digital mapping companionship that licenses data to Apple for its mapping benefit. ?“They don?’?t want to impart customer data with ?Googl?e. ?They want users to stay within their domain.”

As part of the German automakers’ bid, the companies, which include BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz, want to give access to Nokia’s mapping benefit, under licensing agreements, so others can still use its global geospatial data, according to a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity. It remains unclear whether Uber would follow suit if it bought the unit.

Representatives for Uber, the German automakers and Nokia declined to comment on the deal talks.

“Mapping is an extremely hard thing to do and takes years to imitate,” said Shyam Kumar, a senior analyst whose firm, TT Focus Fund, is an investor in both TomTom and Nokia. “If you cannot get access to a further independent map, you might end up having to license from one of your major competitors. Here’s observably an inherent tension here.”

The sudden interest in Here belies its often overlooked position in the equipment world. While Google Maps is used in more than one billion smartphones worldwide, the Nokia unit, which until recently was somewhat hampered by the Finnish companionship’s close relationship with Microsoft, has instead focused primarily on offering mapping services to other companies, instead of frankly to patrons.

FedEx, for example, has used Here’s mapping data to manage its fleet of delivery trucks worldwide. Deutsche Telekom, the German carrier that owns T-Mobile, has built smartphone apps with Nokia’s services that allows people to impart their locations with friends and family tree through their cellphones.

But it’s the automotive industry, where Here holds up to an 80 percent global market impart for built-in car navigation systems, that has become a main focus.

The mapping benefit has becoming a crucial component for the automakers pursuing driverless car projects. In 2013, for instance, Mercedes-Benz teamed up with Here to test an autonomous car around 60 miles of German roads. The trial included instant 3-D modeling of nearby cars and constant corrections from the car’s computer.

So far, many automakers have preferred to use Nokia’s services over those provided by Google because of the search giant’s own ambitions in the nascent driverless car industry. Yet Nokia’s mapping equipment may become unavailable if a new owner of the mapping unit decides to regulate what other companies can do with the data.

“Here are really only a handful of comprehensive mapping data sets for navigation and local search,” said Marc Prioleau, managing director of Prioleau Advisors and a former executive at deCarta, the mapping start-up bought by Uber this year. “The real question is, what do these companies lose out on if someone else buys Here?”


Shyam Kumar is de analist die tijdens webcast van TT m.i. de beste vragen stelt. Zie bv:

De short positie in TT was/is een hedge tegen de long in Nokia. Laatste melding was van 11 februari: afbouw short van 0,54 naar 0,41. Wellicht is hij deze positie verder aan het draaien of heeft dat al gedaan.
Klopt en we dachten hoe kan het nou dat die enthousiaste vent short zit (TT international in short register), maar ze hebben misschien onder 1 paraplu ook long posities en daar is deze man verantwoordelijk voor.

Hij vraagt altijd naar dingen die met de assets, de technologie, de relaties (met fabrikanten) en de schaarste te maken hebben. Leuk dat zowel hij en Harold in het stuk voorkomen en ik weet genoeg: het is nu echt out in the open aan het raken hoe schaars tomtom assets zijn. Ik durf geen voorspellingen meer te doen wat dit voor het aandeel betekent, dan zit ik waarschijnlijk te laag omdat je anders van luchtfietserij beticht wordt. Hoe zou het zijn met Maurice?

xynix schreef op 13 mei 2015 09:48:

Ook het koersverloop van vandaag lijkt er op te wijzen dat er nog koersbeheersingspogingen worden gedaan, maar nu zonder het lef om een diep duik te nemen (ik lig er klaar voor, hihi!). Later vandaag wellicht weer verder spiken.

We gaan wel weer richting expiratie en tegenwoordig beginnen de games vaak al op woensdag.

Wies, ik wens jou een ruk-vakantie omdat, terwijl jij zalig en verdiend ligt te genieten in het zonnetje, jouw veel te grote blok op tien binnen één minuut aan gruzelementen wordt geschoten, om linea recta door te schieten naar 15. We hebben je nog zo gewaarschuwd ;-) !!!
allen, bedankt
laat de zon maar goed op t TT aandeel schijnen

persoonlijk denk ik dat we zeker de 9 gaan zien, voor 10 lijkt mij nog iets te vroeg, NOK gaat eerst samen met Morgan alles analyseren voordat ze ook maar iets voor informatie of confirmatie naar buiten brengen, ook de eventuele bieders gaan een confidentiality clause tekenen, dus het zal uit de geruchtenstroom moeten komen en dat zal de Brokers/analisten nog even weerhouden hun rapporten aan te passen
( denk wel dat de blue prints klaarliggen voor waardebepaling TT eens dat ze weten wat HERE zou kunnen opbrengen, maar ja dit zijn serieuze mensen en die willen zekerheid voor onderbouwing en terecht )

het ziet er zonder twijfel goed uit voor 10 euro, ik realiseer me ook wel dat er wellicht 12,50 of misschien zelfs 15 inzit, kan door overname zijn ( geheel/gedeeltelijk) of op eigen kracht als er echt 1 euro wpa aan zit te komen, maar dat zie ik nog niet zo snel.


dus als ik t mag zeggen voor Mei nog een 8 @ 9 noterend aandeel, Juno is alles mogelijk

*Justin* schreef op 13 mei 2015 10:11:

die enthousiaste man van TT international blijkt met zijn eigen fund toch een long investor
Mag je daaruit concluderen dat hij aan zichzelf de aandelen kan verkopen om te coveren? Dat is dan een ingenieus systeem waarbij je wel een goed model moet hebben dat jouw laat ook daadwerkelijk in jouw ' biedhanden' komt.
@Wies: heb je onlangs nog iets over een al of niet stijgende leenvergoeding gehoord?

Voor nu eerst een fijne vakantie (week).

Groet uit Grunn.
san marco
TomTom is net een hoge drukpan met de shorters die de deksel dicht houden. Wellicht hebben de shorters een ruggespraak met als deal dat geen 1 short er gaat coveren ( want dan is het hek van de dam). Zo'n afspraak is net zo sterk als de zwakste schakel.....en wie is dat (meestal diegene met een zwak financieel boekje).

Meryntje schreef op 13 mei 2015 10:52:

@Wies: heb je onlangs nog iets over een al of niet stijgende leenvergoeding gehoord?

Voor nu eerst een fijne vakantie (week).

Groet uit Grunn.
neen, die Yanken hebben daar als laatste een aanbod op gedaan van dacht ik 1%, availability 1,7 mio

maar je ziet het " the short-play " is echt over, volgens mij nu NUL interesse.

shorts denken echt maar aan één ding en dat is indekken.
je ziet het netto effect vaak pas na verloop van tijd, want fondsen handelen nu eenmaal in multiple accounts

wat wel echt belangrijk is zou die Highclere verder afbouwen en waarom nu , die ziet toch ook wat er gebeurt in de sector ?

Meryntje schreef op 13 mei 2015 11:02:

Dank voor je antwoord Wies.

Groet uit Grunn.
Ja, ik denk echt verleden week Donderdag , dat was echt een ongelofelijke dag, iemand schreef hier nog het slot voelde aan als een key-reversal , alhoewel technisch het aandeel niet zo sloot die dag, hij had wel gelijk, want die dag was echt make or break for the shorts, een laatste poging, het is echt over

TT heeft die dag echt vriend en vijand verbaasd met zulk een veerkracht, dat was t signaal en dan kan je terecht spreken van een ommekeer in sentiment en trend, nogmaals " the short-play is over"
en dat zien we nu.

dus om nu echte verkoopdruk op het aandeel te zien ( heb het niet over de daghandelaren) moet het aandeel een niveau opzoeken waar mensen bereid zijn winst te nemen, ik denk 9 euro zeker wel iets, maar 10 euro gaat magisch werken, dan ga je naar dubbele cijfers voor TT, hoe lang is dat geleden ?
dus daar gaat winst genomen worden of er moeten aanpassingen zijn op koersdoelen van de analisten/brokers, maar zowel SNS op 9,75 en BNP op 10 gaan voor hun klanten er uit. ( deze 2 volg ik dan maar t meest intensief voor lezen, omdat ik die Maarten bij SNS ook erg hoog heb zitten )


Marie Trottoir schreef op 13 mei 2015 10:52:


Mag je daaruit concluderen dat hij aan zichzelf de aandelen kan verkopen om te coveren? Dat is dan een ingenieus systeem waarbij je wel een goed model moet hebben dat jouw laat ook daadwerkelijk in jouw ' biedhanden' komt.
Je kunt onder een moederbedrijf twee dochters hebben. Stel de een is 2% long en de ander 3% short, dan rapporteert de moeder een 1% short.

Over ingenieuze systemen gesproken: deze link postte ik ooit in de wist u dat draad. Gaat over die Tiger hedgeclubs die zo vertakt zijn dat ze soms onder de radar (verplichte melding) kunnen komen. Dat zijn de echte piranhas.

Plaatje spreekt voor zich:

wiesje 9333 schreef op 13 mei 2015 10:42:


NOK gaat eerst samen met Morgan alles analyseren voordat ze ook maar iets
Men zal ook moeten kijken naar al die licensies en samenwerkingsverbanden. Mercedes werkt al vanaf 2013 met Nokia aan 3D kaarten en ontwikkelt het framewerk voor Here Connecting Driving. Aan kaarten die je alle mogelijke informatie bieden die op dat moment relevant is.

*Justin* schreef op 13 mei 2015 10:09:

Nieuw New York Times artikel


Deal Talks for Here Mapping Service Expose Reliance on Location Data

picture: An engineer for Nokia's Here unit makes adjustments in a mapping vehicle in Warwick, England.



MAY 12, 2015

When people look up a company’s Facebook page on their smartphones, the address is overlaid on a digital map provided by Here, Nokia’s mapping unit, which is for sale.

The same goes for the mapping services offered by Amazon and Yahoo. The tech giants are just three of the many companies, including SAP, Verizon Wireless and Baidu, the Chinese search engine,? that rely heavily on Nokia’s geospatial data.

Companies are grappling to stay relevant in a world where smartphones — and people’s geographical information — are at the heart of nearly every tech leader’s plans. That is why companies like Uber, the ride-booking service, and an alliance of German automakers have submitted rival bids of up to $3 billion to acquire the Nokia division.

A deal is widely expected by the end of the month. If one happens, there is likely to be a lot of angst to go around in the tech industry.

Nokia’s mapping service is the main global competitor to Google Maps. But if a new owner decides to restrict access to Here’s vast, 30-year-old trove of mapping data, some of the largest tech companies could find themselves relying on Google’s mapping services once more.

That could put companies like Amazon and Yahoo in a difficult position, potentially requiring them to share valuable location and routing data with one of their most powerful rivals in Silicon Valley.

“There are too many businesses out there that want an independent service,” ?said Harold ?Goddijn, chief executive of TomTom, the Dutch digital mapping company that licenses data to Apple for its mapping service. ?“They don?’?t want to share customer data with ?Googl?e. ?They want users to stay within their domain.”

As part of the German automakers’ bid, the companies, which include BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz, want to give access to Nokia’s mapping service, under licensing agreements, so others can still use its global geospatial data, according to a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity. It remains unclear whether Uber would follow suit if it acquired the unit.

Representatives for Uber, the German automakers and Nokia declined to comment on the deal talks.

“Mapping is an extremely hard thing to do and takes years to replicate,” said Shyam Kumar, a senior analyst whose firm, TT Focus Fund, is an investor in both TomTom and Nokia. “If you cannot get access to another independent map, you might end up having to license from one of your major competitors. There’s obviously an inherent tension here.”

The sudden interest in Here belies its often overlooked position in the technology world. While Google Maps is used in more than one billion smartphones worldwide, the Nokia unit, which until recently was somewhat hampered by the Finnish company’s close relationship with Microsoft, has instead focused primarily on offering mapping services to other companies, instead of directly to consumers.

FedEx, for example, has used Here’s mapping data to manage its fleet of delivery trucks worldwide. Deutsche Telekom, the German carrier that owns T-Mobile, has built smartphone apps with Nokia’s services that allows people to share their locations with friends and family through their cellphones.

But it’s the automotive industry, where Here holds up to an 80 percent global market share for built-in car navigation systems, that has become a main focus.

The mapping service has becoming a crucial component for the automakers pursuing driverless car projects. In 2013, for instance, Mercedes-Benz teamed up with Here to test an autonomous car around 60 miles of German roads. The trial included instant 3-D modeling of nearby cars and constant corrections from the car’s computer.

So far, many automakers have preferred to use Nokia’s services over those provided by Google because of the search giant’s own ambitions in the nascent driverless car industry. Yet Nokia’s mapping technology may become unavailable if a new owner of the mapping unit decides to limit what other companies can do with the data.

“There are really only a handful of comprehensive mapping data sets for navigation and local search,” said Marc Prioleau, managing director of Prioleau Advisors and a former executive at deCarta, the mapping start-up acquired by Uber this year. “The real question is, what do these companies lose out on if someone else buys Here?”

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