Eva1960 schreef op 3 juni 2016 06:53:
Over de 15 jarige uitspraak op de open dag wordt in het filmpje van Goddijn het volgende gezegd (Bron HIK andere draadje). Dat rijmt overigens met andere uitspraken tijdens de open dag (echte knelpunt is FLEXIBELE wetsinterpretatie) en andere uitlatingen van Goddijn dat de laatste 1% heel lastig wordt (om overal en en zonder stuur te kunnen rijden).
Uitspraak Goddijn (bron HIK andere draadje)
So. If you ask me for timelines. My guess is that within 5 years from now, we'll have it working. Basically.
We will deploy that technology under controlled conditions: Parking spaces, non public spaces. We will learn from that.
We'll have user feedback. Adapt, improve, harden.
I think 5 years later, we will see the first commercial deployments of selfdriving cars. And as a result of that we will see a flurry of new businesses evolving. Trying to commercialize the new technology. Trying to build new businesses around that.
What are we gonna do with TomTom:
We are building technology and we are bulding data that allows software developers to pin-point a car on the road within 5 cm of accuracy. We're building datasets for softwaredevelopers and carmakers to test their technology at a large scale. And we are building the simulation tools that softwaredevelopers need to get those cars working without killing anyone.
Dus even resumé: over 10 (!) jaar pas commerciële voertuigen?
Dan wordt het tijd dat het eerste nieuws over samenwerking van Tom2 met taxi/ride-hailing/public transport/whatever naar buiten komt!