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Al Kipone

Leaving the closed Sondland deposition, Adam Schiff told us of Mulvaney’s comments: “I think Mr Mulvaney’s acknowledgement means that things have gone from very very bad to much much worse.”

He declined to answer further questions including whether he wants to speak to Mulvaney.
Al Kipone
Mulvaney confirms Ukraine aid was held up in part due to Trump’s request to investigate DNC server

At a combative session in the White House briefing room, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney acknowledged Thursday that the Trump administration held up U.S. military aid to Ukraine in part because of the president’s request for that country to investigate a Democratic National Committee server.

“We do that all the time with foreign policy,” Mulvaney said when asked about criticism that the administration’s dealings with Ukraine amounted to a quid pro quo.

He later added: “Did [Trump] also mention to me, in the past, the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that. But that’s it. And that’s why we held up the money. . . . The look back to what happened in 2016 certainly was part of the thing that he was worried about in corruption with that nation. And that is absolutely appropriate.”

People familiar with the president’s thinking have told The Washington Post that Trump has come to suspect that the DNC server hacked by Russian intelligence agents in 2016 may have been hidden in Ukraine.

Mulvaney maintained Thursday that Trump’s request of Ukraine was unrelated to the Bidens, even though Trump mentioned the former vice president in his July phone call with Zelensky.

Al Kipone
een korte samenvatting van trump's Oekraiense probleemje:

Nothing happened

Ok it happened

The whistleblower is lying

Here’s a “transcript”

Uh-oh, you think that’s impeachable?

But it’s not what the whistleblower said!

Ok, fine, it’s exactly what the whistleblower said

But no quid pro quo!

Ok there was a quid pro quo

Get over it
Al Kipone
Sen. Mitt Romney calls on Senate investigation into Turkey-Syria-Kurds agreement: “It is imperative that public hearings are held.”

Akkoord Mike Pence met Erdogan

Heeft Pence geen consessies moeten doen aan Erdogan?

Er waren al Congress leden die waarschuwden dat :
Turkey is not longer truly an ally or no longer fit for NATO.

Via print pool reporter Eli Stokols deze joint statement

October 17 2019
Joint Turkish-US statement on North East Syria

1. The US and Turkey reaffirm their relationship as fellow members of NATO. The US understands Turkey's legitimate security concerns on Turkey's Southern border.

2. Turkey and the US agree that the conditions on the ground, North East Syria in particular, necessitate closer coordination on the basis of common interests.

3. Turkey and the US remain committed to protect NATO territories and NATO populations against all threats with the solid understanding of "one for all and all for one."


Joint Turkey-US statement :

Al Kipone schreef op 17 oktober 2019 21:15:

Mulvaney confirms Ukraine aid was held up in part due to Trump’s request to investigate DNC server

At a combative session in the White House briefing room, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney acknowledged Thursday that the Trump administration held up U.S. military aid to Ukraine in part because of the president’s request for that country to investigate a Democratic National Committee server.

“We do that all the time with foreign policy,” Mulvaney said when asked about criticism that the administration’s dealings with Ukraine amounted to a quid pro quo.

He later added: “Did [Trump] also mention to me, in the past, the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that. But that’s it. And that’s why we held up the money. . . . The look back to what happened in 2016 certainly was part of the thing that he was worried about in corruption with that nation. And that is absolutely appropriate.”

People familiar with the president’s thinking have told The Washington Post that Trump has come to suspect that the DNC server hacked by Russian intelligence agents in 2016 may have been hidden in Ukraine.

Mulvaney maintained Thursday that Trump’s request of Ukraine was unrelated to the Bidens, even though Trump mentioned the former vice president in his July phone call with Zelensky.

US militaire hulp aan Oekraïne tegenhouden en pas geven onder voorwaarde dat Oekraine onderzoek doet naar een DNC server.
Dat riekt naar corruptie.

Het Department of Justice moet dan aangeven van niets op de hoogte te zijn.

ABC reporter Alex Mallin :

A senior DOJ (Department of Justice) official has now provided this statement to reporters further distancing him from Mulvaney's comments :
"If the White House withholding aid in regards to the cooperation of any investigation at the Department of Justice, that is news to us."


Twee maal Donald Trump.

Welke van de twee spreekt de waarheid.

Welke van de twee stelt zich verkiesbaar voor de 2020 presidential elections.

Dit keer zal Trump minimaal 289 en maximaal 351 stemmen halen, stelt Moody’s, genoeg voor de overwinning mits de economie blijft draaien.
Momenteel waarschuwt de hoofdeconoom Mark Zandi van Moody’s Analytics dat het risico op een wereldwijde recessie momenteel „onaangenaam hoog” is.
Moody’s zelf speelde tijdens de kredietcrisis een twijfelachtige rol. Vrijwel waardeloze hypotheekbeleggingen bestempelde de Amerikaanse kredietbeoordelaar lange tijd nog als kredietwaardig.......

'kredietbeoordelaar' ???
nou als er iemand dagelijks inlevert op zijn nog resterende krediet
...vul zelf maar in.
als je het moet hebben van oorlogsretoriek met een misplaatst vredessausje
over een gebied waar je net al je troepen hebt weggehaald en zo de strijd hebt aangewakkerd...nee uitgelokt
...vul zelf maar in.
als de intimidatie, de ontslagen en de onbeschofte uitlatingen en het negeren van alle gebruikelijke democratische spelregels dagelijks toenemen
...je raadt het al

en hier op het forum, als populistische amateurguru Jensen jouw leidraad
is hoe de realiteit en de echte feiten eruit zien

nou, dan helpt niets meer en ben je net als de banken in de
aanloop naar de crisis oorverdovend blind en op weg naar een
voorspelbare anti-climax

wie gaat je dan redden ?
Al Kipone

Stock Exchange Monkey schreef op 17 oktober 2019 23:11:

’Trump wint herverkiezing met gemak’
„Als de kiezers voornamelijk stemmen op basis van hun portemonnee, dan zou de president als een stoomwals over de concurrentie heen gaan”, aldus de cijferaars van Moody’s.

Da's een grote ALS

gbakl schreef op 18 oktober 2019 12:06:

Dit keer zal Trump minimaal 289 en maximaal 351 stemmen halen, stelt Moody’s, genoeg voor de overwinning mits de economie blijft draaien.
Momenteel waarschuwt de hoofdeconoom Mark Zandi van Moody’s Analytics dat het risico op een wereldwijde recessie momenteel „onaangenaam hoog” is.
Moody’s zelf speelde tijdens de kredietcrisis een twijfelachtige rol. Vrijwel waardeloze hypotheekbeleggingen bestempelde de Amerikaanse kredietbeoordelaar lange tijd nog als kredietwaardig.......

'kredietbeoordelaar' ???
nou als er iemand dagelijks inlevert op zijn nog resterende krediet
...vul zelf maar in.
als je het moet hebben van oorlogsretoriek met een misplaatst vredessausje
over een gebied waar je net al je troepen hebt weggehaald en zo de strijd hebt aangewakkerd...nee uitgelokt
...vul zelf maar in.
als de intimidatie, de ontslagen en de onbeschofte uitlatingen en het negeren van alle gebruikelijke democratische spelregels dagelijks toenemen
...je raadt het al

en hier op het forum, als populistische amateurguru Jensen jouw leidraad
is hoe de realiteit en de echte feiten eruit zien

nou, dan helpt niets meer en ben je net als de banken in de
aanloop naar de crisis oorverdovend blind en op weg naar een
voorspelbare anti-climax

wie gaat je dan redden ?

De Democraten gaan Trump redden door een weinig overtuigende tegenkandidaat naar voren te schuiven.

Kees1 schreef op 18 oktober 2019 14:04:


De Democraten gaan Trump redden door een weinig overtuigende tegenkandidaat naar voren te schuiven.
Joe Kennedy ( 38jaar) kleinzoon van Robert Kennedy zou een goede kandidaat zijn, wellicht in 2024 :-)
Al Kipone
Here's a new ad from Republicans for the Rule of Law, responding to Trump's putting the G7 at the (sadly bedbug-infested) #Doral in order to enrich himself. The ad will run digitally this weekend and air on Fox and Friends Monday.

Al Kipone
President Trump has awarded the 2020 Group of Seven summit of world leaders to his private company, scheduling the summit for June at his Trump Doral golf resort in Miami, the White House announced Thursday.

That decision is without precedent in modern American history: The president used his public office to direct a massive contract to himself.


Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General of the US of A, 2017:

It is no coincidence that crime syndicates and authoritarian rulers use corruption to enrich themselves. They engage in corruption to consolidate political power and defeat legitimate political adversaries.


The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) that generally prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives. The clause provides that:No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

The Constitution also contains a “domestic emoluments clause” (Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 7), which prohibits the president from receiving any “Emolument” from the federal government or the states beyond “a Compensation” for his “Services” as chief executive.

Al Kipone
A career State Department official overseeing Ukraine policy told congressional investigators this week that he had raised concerns in early 2015 about then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son serving on the board of a Ukrainian energy company but was turned away by a Biden staffer, according to three people familiar with the testimony.

George Kent, a deputy assistant secretary of state, testified Tuesday that he worried that Hunter Biden’s position at the firm Burisma Holdings would complicate efforts by U.S. diplomats to convey to Ukrainian officials the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of confidentiality rules surrounding the deposition.

Kent said he had concerns that Ukrainian officials would view Hunter Biden as a conduit for currying influence with his father, said the people. But when Kent raised the issue with Biden’s office, he was told the then-vice president didn’t have the “bandwidth” to deal with the issue involving his son as his other son, Beau, was battling cancer, said the people familiar with his testimony.


Nail, meet coffin.

(gelukkig maar dat de zoon van de huidige president te jong is om te profiteren van zijn vader's naam.....)

Vidoque schreef op 12 oktober 2019 10:04:


Het draait allemaal om de olie bij Trump. Dat er door zijn toedoen nu onschuldige burgers (vrouwen en kinderen) sterven in Koerdenland maalt hij niet om. Gelukkig bestaat er nog zoiets als Karma. Die dikke opgeblazen pad zal zijn treurige lot niet ontlopen.
"We have taken control of the oil" Trump tells reporters in the oval.

Zijn er alleen nog vraagtekens.
Wie is "we"?
Waar vindt zich die olie?

De reacties op deze tweet over Trump's uitspraak hinten daar ook op.

Al Kipone
Donald J. Trump

Just spoke to President @RTErdogan of Turkey. He told me there was minor sniper and mortar fire that was quickly eliminated. He very much wants the ceasefire, or pause, to work. Likewise, the Kurds want it, and the ultimate solution, to happen. Too bad there wasn’t.....

The Ultimate Solution klinkt nog beter dan de Final Solution....


Daniel Dale, reporter CNN:

Trump this afternoon : "We've taken control of the oil in the Middle East, the oil that we're talking about, the oil that everybody was worried about. We have--the US has control of that."


Hoop dat hier snel meer duidelijkheid over komt, waar Trump precies op doelt.

Al Kipone
Associates of a Ukrainian oligarch fighting extradition to the U.S. were working to dig up dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden last summer in an effort to get Rudy Giuliani’s help in the oligarch’s legal case, according to three people familiar with the exchanges.

Dmitry Firtash, charged with conspiracy by the U.S. and living in Vienna, shuffled lawyers in July to add Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing, vocal supporters of President Donald Trump who had worked with Giuliani. Around that time, some of Firtash’s associates began to use his broad network of Ukraine contacts to get damaging information on Biden, the people said.

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