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Ousted vaccine director Dr. Rick Bright filed a whistleblower complaint today, saying he was reassigned after he resisted to promote hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment for the virus.

video 3:12 minuut
Al Kipone
De aandacht in de VS gaat uit naar NY, NJ, MI, FL, CA. New York City, DC, Miami, Detroit, Seattle.
Maar het virus slaat ook elders toe. Buiten de grote steden.

In Georgia gingen de scholen dicht op 16 maart. Algehele stay-at-home verordening op 2 April. Heropening op 23 April. In een persconf zie trump dat hij het niet met Governor Kemp eens was, maar dat Kemp vooral moest doen wat hem het beste leek.

In Georgia is 1 brandhaard, in een landelijk district. Een verslag:

As Georgia and other states rush to reopen, some out-of-the way places might believe that the virus won’t find them. Many here thought that, too. But it arrived, quietly at first then with breathtaking savagery.

The cemetery on the edge of town staggered graveside services, one an hour, all day. The county coroner typically works between 38 and 50 deaths a year; they reached No. 41 by mid-April. They ordered an emergency morgue.

Of the 10 counties with the highest death rate per capita in America, half are in rural southwest Georgia, where there are no packed skyscraper apartment buildings or subways. Ambulances rush along country roads, just fields and farms in either direction, carrying COVID-19 patients to the nearest hospital, for some an hour away. The small county seats are mostly quiet, the storefronts shuttered, some long ago because of the struggling economy, and some only now because owners are too afraid to reopen.

These counties circle the city of Albany, which is where authorities believe the outbreak began at a pair of funerals in February. Albany is also home to the main hospital in the region, Phoebe Putney Memorial, which serves an area of 800,000 people spanning more than 50 miles in every direction, many of them with little other access to care.

The hospital saw its first known coronavirus patient on March 10; within a few days, it had 60 and the ICU was full. Two weeks later, patients began flooding in from farther-flung rural communities. Helicopters buzzed from the top of the parking garage, flying patients to other hospitals that still had room to take them. They burned through six months of masks and gowns in six days, said Phoebe Putney president Scott Steiner. Then they were competing for supplies against wealthier, more politically powerful places; they paid $1 each for surgical masks that typically cost a nickel and were losing about $1 million each day.

The patients were very sick. Some died within hours. Some died on the way, in the back of ambulances. The region is predominantly black, but still African Americans died disproportionately, Steiner said. African Americans accounted for about 80% of the hospital’s deaths.

Black people have been dying at alarming rates across the country: the latest Associated Press analysis of available data shows that African Americans represent about 14% of the population in the areas covered but nearly one-third of those who have died.

By nearly every measure, coronavirus patients are faring worse in rural Georgia than almost anywhere else in America, according to researchers at Emory University in Atlanta. Although New York City had thousands more deaths, the per capita death rate in these Georgia counties is just as high.

“They are vulnerable people living in vulnerable places, people who are marginalized on a variety of measures, whether we’re talking about race, whether we’re talking about education or employment, in places that have fewer resources,” said Shivani Patel, an epidemiologist at Emory. Then COVID-19 arrived: “It’s like our worst nightmare coming true.”


"The past few years have been beyond challenging. Time after time I was pressured to ignore or dismiss expert and scientific recommendations and instead to award lucrative contracts based on political connections."

— Ousted HHS official Dr. Rick Bright



Geestelijk onstabiele 'beleggers' denken vaak dat turbo's hun verliezen goed zullen maken. Meestal gaat het dan van kwaad tot erger.

jaja, aannames en insinuaties, zoals gebruikelijk.
want dat gaat niet op als je al lang geen aandelen meer had, alleen wat goudmijn speelgoed,
en op tijd inzag dat de markt het virus niet de baas zou kunnen blijven.

trump zag dat niet, natuurlijk.
en zijn fanclub volgt de grote leider, die heel lang de zaak gesust heeft.

ook dat is een aanname :o)

gbakl schreef op 6 mei 2020 19:16:


Geestelijk onstabiele 'beleggers' denken vaak dat turbo's hun verliezen goed zullen maken. Meestal gaat het dan van kwaad tot erger.

jaja, aannames en insinuaties, zoals gebruikelijk.
want dat gaat niet op als je al lang geen aandelen meer had, alleen wat goudmijn speelgoed,
en op tijd inzag dat de markt het virus niet de baas zou kunnen blijven.

trump zag dat niet, natuurlijk.
en zijn fanclub volgt de grote leider, die heel lang de zaak gesust heeft.

ook dat is een aanname :o)

De ene aanname is aannemelijker dan de andere. Stel dat iemand bijvoorbeeld beweerde dat 99 procent van de veroordeelde moordenaars na vrijlating weer een moord pleegt, dan is degene die die aanname maakte waarschijnlijk geestelijk onstabiel of in ieder geval niet al te snugger, en over het algemeen niet in staat om kloppende aannames te maken, was(/is) mijn conclusie. Gaandeweg krijg je steeds meer signalen dat zo'n aanname klopt, en dan kun je het met enige zekerheid stellen.
dat laatste is een geweldige constatering en klopt precies met mijn conclusie dat al
bij de kwestie van de Central Park jongeren (en de reactie daarop van trump met zijn idiote
megalomane advertentie in de pers) bleek dat hij compleet geestelijk
onstabiel was, toen al.

Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman says evidence suggests coronavirus was not man-made or released from lab


The Pentagon’s top uniformed official on Tuesday maintained that available evidence indicates the virus that has caused a global pandemic was natural and not man-made or released purposely from a Chinese lab.

“The weight of evidence — nothing’s conclusive — the weight of evidence is that it was natural and not man-made,” Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Army Gen. Mark Milley said of the coronavirus.

“The second issue is, was it accidentally released, did it release naturally into the environment or was it intentional? We don’t have conclusive evidence in any of that, but the weight of evidence is that it was probably not intentional,” he told reporters at the Pentagon.

Milley added that “various agencies, both civilian and U.S. government, are looking at” the issue of where the virus originated.

The Trump administration this month stepped up efforts to blame China for the pandemic, with top officials including President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pushing the unverified theory that the virus was created by Chinese researchers or accidentally released by a lab in Wuhan, China, where it was being studied.

Trump, who has come under consistent scrutiny for his own slow response to the virus domestically, has repeatedly accused China of covering up the outbreak and claimed there is significant evidence that the virus emanated from a Wuhan lab — though has not actually provided any evidence.

But Milley since last month has maintained that while the U.S. intelligence community was taking "a hard look" at the theory, it's inconclusive, and “the weight of evidence seems to indicate natural [origin].”

And Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert and a member of the White House coronavirus task force, has dismissed theories the virus was man-made or released accidentally from a Chinese lab. He said available research indicated the virus evolved naturally.

Milley on Tuesday did push for the Chinese government to “open up and allow inspectors and investigators” to go into Wuhan “so that the world can know the actual original source of this [virus] so that we can apply the lessons learned and prevent outbreaks in the future.”


JOHN ROBERTS: Will the nation just have to accept the idea that by reopening there will be more death?

TRUMP: "We have to be warriors. We can't keep our country closed down for years ... hopefully that won't be the case, John, but it could very well be the case."

video 1:14 minuut

2de tweet
REPORTER: What kind of message does it send if you're surrounded by nurses who are not social distancing and not wearing masks?

TRUMP: "Well I can't help that. I mean look, I'm trying to be nice, I'm signing a bill, and you criticize us."


2de tweet
"This virus is going to disappear," says Trump, who adds that "this is worst attack we've ever had. This is worse than Pearl Harbor ... and it should've never happened."


2de tweet
"We've done substantially more testing than the entire world together." -- this claim has quickly become one of Trump's standard lies. It is not even close to true. I don't think any reporter has challenged him on it even though he's said it many, many times.


1ste tweet
Trump rebukes a nurse who says "PPE has been sporadic, but it's been manageable."

"Sporadic for you, but not sporadic for a lot of other people," Trump replies. "That was fine, but I have heard we have a tremendous supply to almost all places."

2de tweet
"There are a lot of people that don't believe in such big testing," Trump says, making stuff up (nobody believes lots of testing isn't necessary for businesses to safely reopen)


Russian Oligarch Dmitry Bosov Buys $30 Million Beverly Hills Mansion

In October, the house shocked onlookers when it sold for $30 million in an all-cash deal — $11 million more than the Glosmans were asking in 2013 and one of the biggest sums ever paid in this particular pocket of Beverly Hills.

As it happens, the buyers — shielded behind an LLC — are also Russian. They are powerful businessman Dmitry Bosov and his fashionista wife Katerina, a hardcore fan of haute couture. Bosov controls the Siberian Anthracite company, Russia’s largest producer of coal and the world’s largest exporter of ultra-high-grade anthracite (among other precious metals.) According to Forbes, he has amassed a personal fortune of $950 million.


Russian billionaire Dmitri Bosov reportedly committed suicide in a village in Moscow Oblast.



Putin's People by Catherine Belton review – a groundbreaking study that follows the money
A fearless, fascinating account of the emergence of the Putin regime also shines a light on the current threats posed by Russian money and influence

Het Russische zwarte geld wordt in het Westen geïnvesteerd en ontregelt de markten, bedrijven en politiek

A renowned business journalist who spent years covering Russia for the Financial Times, Belton follows the money. She has an unrivalled command of the labyrinthine history of share schemes, refinancing packages, mergers, shell companies, and offshore accounts that lay bare the stealthy capture of the post-Soviet economy and state institutions by a coterie of former KGB officers, or siloviki. Belton combines this financial history with testimony from a dazzling array of Kremlin insiders, diplomats, intelligence officers, prosecutors, mobsters and oligarchs. The result reads at times like a John le Carré novel.

They learned sophisticated techniques for washing money through fake companies abroad in order to finance Kremlin-friendly political movements and developed illicit networks for smuggling sanctioned western technology back into the Soviet Union. They sowed disinformation to discredit western leaders, perfected the use of kompromat to blackmail businessmen and officials and forged alliances with terrorist groups and organised crime. Updated for an era of globalisation and the internet, this toolkit now supports the Kremlin’s grip on power at home and its long political reach abroad.

Yet Putin does not emerge from these pages as an evil, cat-stroking mastermind plotting his moves years in advance. Rather he appears an unscrupulous and resourceful operator, ready to deploy any weapon, break any rule and subvert any system to consolidate his power, wealth and international prestige. The siloviki worked things out as they went along. As the Soviet Union began to unravel, they siphoned off vast sums from the dwindling economy to ensure the survival of their networks at home and abroad. The 1990s saw them shut out of power as pro-western oligarchs such as Khodorkovsky held sway in the Kremlin. But they bided their time, and they plotted.


Ed Verbeek
Een serieuze vraag aan luchtschip en kipone: wanneer denken jullie dat de rellen/brandstichtingen/plunderingen/bestormingen onder de bevolking zullen beginnen?
Al Kipone

Ed Verbeek schreef op 6 mei 2020 21:45:

Een serieuze vraag aan luchtschip en kipone: wanneer denken jullie dat de rellen/brandstichtingen/plunderingen/bestormingen onder de bevolking zullen beginnen?
Zo lang er geld blijft vloeien, hoe slecht georganiseerd ook, blijft de burger mak.

Al Kipone
trump pers con geeft Biden weer: reasons to be cheerful, part 7823:

"What we are doing is we wanna terminate health care, for ... under Obamacare, because it's bad."

Al Kipone

Al Kipone schreef op 6 mei 2020 22:45:

trump pers con geeft Biden weer: reasons to be cheerful, part 7823:

"What we are doing is we wanna terminate health care, for ... under Obamacare, because it's bad."

dat duurde niet lang: email 4:49 PM...

BREAKING: Moments ago, Trump told reporters in an interview “we want to TERMINATE healthcare under Obamacare.”

Kip, Trump just confirmed to the White House press pool that his administration will continue their efforts to eliminate the Affordable Care Act despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Right now, the battle to eliminate the ACA is with SCOTUS, even though Trump has no plan to replace it. This is just another attempt by Trump to score political points to help his reelection campaign.

Trump should be focused on developing a national testing regimen and contact tracing plan, yet he’s focusing all of his energy on repealing the ACA while 1.2 million Americans are infected with COVID-19 and 72,000 have died.

He doesn't care how many lives are lost as long as he gets reelected.

We must hold Trump accountable for his failure to protect lives during the COVID-19 pandemic and stop him before he rips healthcare away from millions of Americans. Chip in $3, $5, or more and stand with the Committee today.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

luchtschip schreef op 6 mei 2020 12:54:

Mitch McConnell, Republikeins senate majority leader, wil de bedrijven vrijwaren van aansprakelijkheid voor het openen van hun bedrijf en de mogelijke gevolgen van ziekte uitbraak bij personeelsleden

McConnell says liability protection for businesses is Republicans' "red line" in negotiations for the next relief bill, and he wants to prevent "an epidemic of lawsuits"

video 1:28 minuut
Schandalig. En racistisch, want onder de arbeiders waar het om gaat zijn relatief veel Afro-Americans en Hispanics.

Wij hebben onze arbeidsinspectie. De VS hebben McConnell...
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