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The FBI has intelligence that the GOP seditionists are planning a violent confrontation in each capital - the the Michigan GOP won't ban guns from its legislature.

Violent insurrection must be put down.

De beste diplomaat van het land @SecPompeo
negerend mijn vragen over wat hij doet om de Amerikaanse reputatie te herstellen en of hij er spijt van heeft dat er een tweede Trump-regering zal komen.

Link Engels.

Grote bedrijven stopten politieke donaties na de belegering van het Capitool

In een schok voor Washington Inc. beperken of schorsen verschillende bedrijven en technische giganten politieke bijdragen na de belegering van het Capitool.

Waarom het ertoe doet: de politiek van toegeven aan de menigte is te gevaarlijk geworden voor veel Amerikaanse zakenleiders.

Wat is er gaande:

Facebook, Microsoft en Google pauzeren allemaal de politieke uitgaven.
BP's medewerker PAC zal alle bijdragen zes maanden onderbreken en de criteria voor kandidaat-ondersteuning opnieuw evalueren, meldt Amy Harder van Axios.
De federale PAC-raad van AT&T besloot de bijdragen op te schorten van leden van het Congres die tegen de certificering van stemmen van het Electoral College stemden.
JPMorgan Chase legt alle giften aan beide partijen zes maanden stil. "Het land wordt geconfronteerd met ongekende gezondheids-, economische en politieke crises", zegt Peter Scher, voorzitter van de Mid-Atlantische regio en hoofd van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen. "Er zal later tijd genoeg zijn om campagne te voeren."
Citi's hoofd van wereldwijde overheidszaken, Candi Wolff, zei in een brief aan collega's dat de bank alle bijdragen in het eerste kwartaal zal onderbreken en dat daarna "[W] e geen kandidaten zal steunen die de rechtsstaat niet respecteren."
Marriott International zei dat de hotelgigant donaties zal onderbreken "aan degenen die tegen de certificering van de verkiezingen hebben gestemd".
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association zei dat het bijdragen aan "wetgevers die hebben gestemd om onze democratie te ondermijnen" zal opschorten door de resultaten van het kiescollege aan te vechten.
Boston Scientific, de fabrikant van medische hulpmiddelen, pauzeert alle federale giften.
Goldman Sachs bevriest donaties via zijn PAC. Het bedrijf vertelde The New York Times dat het "een grondige evaluatie zal maken van hoe mensen zich in deze periode hebben gedragen".
Dow, de chemiegigant, vertelde Bloomberg dat het niet zal doneren aan wetgevers die tegen de certificering hebben gestemd voor één verkiezingscyclus - twee jaar voor degenen in het Parlement en zes jaar voor senatoren.
BlackRock zei dat het alle PAC-donaties zal onderbreken en ondertussen "een grondige evaluatie van de gebeurtenissen zal uitvoeren en zal evalueren hoe we onze politieke activiteiten in de toekomst zullen concentreren", aldus een bedrijfsmemorandum van Axios.
Airbnb zei dat zijn PAC donaties zal onthouden aan wetgevers "die tegen de certificering van de presidentsverkiezingen hebben gestemd."


Josh Margolin, Chief Investigative Reporter at ABC :

FBI, now reports in a bulletin

"Armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from 16 January through at least 20 January, and at the US Capitol from 17 January through 20 January,”

win some...

het zwaard schreef op 11 januari 2021 22:18:


Beetje laat, maar beter laat dan nooit
Arnold was er op tijd bij. Hier zijn tweet uit 2016 mbt Trump:


Dan Bongino ziet zijn investering in "Parler" in rook opgaan.

Dan Bongino: "They have effectively tried to bankrupt me and my investors on Parler. And you know what? They won"

video 0:48 minuut



Parler was tot nog toe een goudmijn met zoveel conservatieve rechts. extremistische volgers.

De hoofdinvesteerder is Rebekah Mercer , dochter van miljardair Robert Mercer.

Google weigerde de apps te steunen en Apple weigerde de apps te steunen plus Amazon weigerde de Web Hosting Service te leveren.
Met de simpele conditie dat Parler zijn beleid zou wijzigen en illegale en terroristische boodschappen zou weigeren.
Wanneer Parler daartoe niet bereid is, hebben zijn de ondergang volledig aan zich zelf te danken.
Zij hebben contact breuk geleverd en moeten zelf de verantwoordelijkheid nemen.
Huilen op Fox News maakt geen indruk

Impeachment Procedure

House Representative Conor Lamb (Democrat Pennsylvania), describing the dangerous actions of Donald Trump, including his ongoing behavior. :

"This isn't about politics right now, it's about public safety... we are in the midst of, not only an ongoing criminal investigation, but an ongoing crime...this is not over."

video 1:25 minuut


win some...
Yes, It Was a Coup. Here’s Why.
What Trump tried is called a “self-coup,” and he did it in slow motion and in plain sight.


01/11/2021 03:15 PM EST

Since last Wednesday, people have been arguing what to call what happened at the U.S. Capitol – was it a riot? An uprising? An insurrection? I’ve been public in calling it a coup, but others disagree. Some have said it’s not a coup because the U.S. military and other armed groups weren’t involved, and some because President Donald Trump didn’t invoke his presidential powers in support of the mob that broke into the Capitol. Others point out that no one has claimed or proved there was a secret plan directed by the President, and that Trump’s efforts to overturn the outcome of the 2020 presidential election could never have succeeded in the first place.

These observations are based on the idea that a coup is a sudden, violent seizure of power involving clandestine plots and military takeovers. By contrast, Trump’s goal was to keep himself in power, and his actions were taken over a period of months and in slow motion.

But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a coup attempt. Trump disguised what he was doing by operating in plain sight, talking openly about his intent. He normalized his actions so people would accept them. I’ve been studying authoritarian regimes for three decades, and I know the signs of a coup when I see them.

Technically, what Trump attempted is what’s known as a “self-coup” and Trump isn’t the first leader to try it. Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (nephew of the first Napoleon) pulled one off in France in December 1851 to stay in power beyond his term. Then he declared himself Emperor, Napoleon III. More recently, Nicolas Maduro perpetrated a self-coup in Venezuela after losing the 2017 elections.

The storming of the Capitol building on Jan. 6 was the culmination of a series of actions and events taken or instigated by Trump so he could retain the presidency that together amount to an attempt at a self-coup. This was not a one-off or brief episode. Trump declared “election fraud” immediately on November 4 even while the votes were still being counted. He sought to recount and rerun the November 2020 presidential election so that he, not President-elect Joe Biden, was the winner. In Turkey, in 2015, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan successfully did the same thing; he had called elections to strengthen his presidency, but his party lost its majority in the parliament. He challenged the results in the courts, marginalized the opposition, and forced what he blatantly called a “re-run election.” He tried again in the Istanbul mayoral election in 2019 but was thwarted.

There’s a standard coup “checklist” analysts use to evaluate coups. We can evaluate Trump’s moves to prevent the peaceful transfer of executive power against it. To successfully usurp or hold power, you need to control the military and paramilitary units, communications, the judiciary, government institutions, and the legislature; and mobilize popular support.

Let’s see how well this applies to what Trump has done.

The Military: During the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, Trump drew Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Mark Esper out of a White House meeting to follow him for a provocative photo op in front of an historic church. Paramilitary forces under the president’s command cleared a passage for his group across Lafayette Square. Trump was testing the military and the Pentagon to see if he could turn the U.S. armed forces into his own “Pretorian Guard.” The blowback from this episode emphasized the non-political position of the U.S. military, but there was sufficient lingering concern that just days before Jan. 6, 10 living former U.S. defense secretaries—including Esper, who had been forced out of his office for insufficient loyalty—felt compelled to issue an unprecedented public letter reminding Defense Department officials of their oath to uphold the Constitution.

Communications: In the old days, coup plotters would seize the Central Telegraph or Post Office, and later, radio and TV towers. Trump put a loyalist in charge of the Post Office. He did not take TV and radio by storm, but he discredited the “mainstream media” who were critical of his actions as the “Enemy of the People” and recruited or pressured FOX news, Newsmax, OAN, and social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook into participants in his efforts to sway public opinion in his favor. Twitter, in essence, was Trump’s equivalent of the TV and radio tower. He directly messaged the 88 million people who “followed” his account. He used social media and cable news to propagate false self-serving narratives, reinforce messages to provide justification for his actions, and mobilize his supporters.

The judiciary: With the help of Republican lawmakers, Trump stacked federal courts with what he kept calling “his judges.” He successfully pushed through the appointments of three new Supreme Court Justices ahead of the presidential election. He made his expectation clear that if the Supreme Court had to settle an election dispute, then “his justices” would tilt the verdict in his favor. Erdogan did the same in Turkey, purging the judiciary and installing loyalists who facilitated his re-run of the 2015 election and sentenced political opponents to long prison terms. Trump frequently called for investigations into his opponents and for courts and law enforcement to “lock them all up!”

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Government institutions: As in Turkey, Trump purged cabinet members and career officials who resisted him. He bypassed Congress and installed acting officials in crucial national security positions like the Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security, and, briefly, the Director of National Intelligence. He made it crystal clear that personal loyalty was the primary factor for candidate selection. He removed Esper after he lost the election. Attorney General William Barr resigned in the same period amidst rumors he would be sacked for failing to declare massive election fraud. Trump wanted officials in place in January 2021 who were entirely beholden to him and likely to support his efforts to stay in power.

The legislature: Finally, Trump usurped the Republican Party. He claimed the more than 74 million who voted for him in November 2020 as his personal base—his popular support. He threatened to destroy the careers of Republican members of Congress who did not favor overturning the election result. At the Jan. 6 rally preceding the storming of the Capitol, Donald Trump Jr. even referred to the GOP as the “Trump Republican Party.” In the end, even after the Capitol was seized by Trump’s violent mob, 147 Republican members of Congress, led by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, did endorse some of Trump’s efforts to challenge the 2020 election results and overturn the constitutional order. So did Sens. Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and six other politically ambitious senators who wanted to tap into Trump’s popular support. In this way, Trump’s control of the legislature and a significant popular mandate was almost within his reach.

The truth is that for the past four years, Trump has been stress testing the U.S. democratic system to see if anyone will rein him in. Consider how many times he stated that he “deserved” two or even three terms in office because he was treated “unfairly” or “cheated” out of first two years of his presidency by the “Russia hoax,” the Mueller investigation, and the January 2020 impeachment trial. Throughout 2020, when his poll ratings faltered, the president laid the groundwork for what would become the Big Lie that he won the election. He said in advance that the ballot was “rigged” that he could only lose if “they” stole the election. “They” was a domestic enemy that he manufactured in broad strokes for his grassroots base to rise up against: Democrats, liberals, globalists, radical socialists, Communists, Antifa leftists, the Black Lives Matter movement, the mainstream media, George Soros, various other “bogey” men and women, deep state bureaucrats, and even congressional Republicans, who he labeled “RINOs” (“Republicans in Name Only”) and “Never Trumpers.”

After the election was declared in favor of Joe Biden, Trump refused to concede. He never stopped lying about the outcome to his base and the rest of America. He deployed Rudy Giuliani and his legal team to contest every single post-election juncture. He harangued state election officials in phone calls and in person to intimidate them into repudiating or even changing the vote tallies. He told Vice President Mike Pence to block the formal election certification process in Congress, which was beyond his constitutional authority. When Pence refused, Trump rallied thousands of his supporters to “stop the steal” on Capitol Hill.

So, what thwarted Trump’s slow motion, in-plain-sight attempt at a self-coup? Fortunately, there was pushback from all the key institutions you need for a coup. First, the military and other parts of the government resisted Trump’s efforts to personalize their power. Second, major media outlets reported the facts truthfully. Social media outlets flagged the president’s lies about the election—albeit belatedly—and Twitter and Facebook ultimately cut off his accounts. Third, the judiciary and courts held firm. “Trump judges,” all the way up to the Supreme Court, respected their oath of office and rejected the president’s appeals to overturn legitimate election results. Fourth, state and local government officials refused to be swayed. They repeatedly called out the lie that Trump had won the election. Finally, in the legislature, the vice president performed his constitutional role, as did the Republican Senate majority leader and most of the Senate. The only two elements that rallied behind the president’s coup attempt were the handful of senators and the majority of House Republicans and his popular support, in the form of an insurgency—the mob that stormed the Capitol.

The good news for the United States is that Trump’s “self-coup” failed. The bad news is that his supporters still believe the false narrative, the Big Lie that he won the election. Trump has not repudiated it, nor have the House and Senate Republicans who voted against the Electoral College results. Millions of people still think the election was stolen. They still support Trump the person, not the Republican Party, and many are prepared to take further action on his behalf.

As in the case of other coup attempts, the president’s actions have put us on the brink of civil war. Trump did not overturn the election results, but, just as he intended, he disrupted the peaceful democratic transition of executive power.

Unless the Big Lie is thoroughly refuted, we can expect more attempts to subvert the constitutional order from Trump’s supporters—and we still have to get through the January 20 Inauguration. The president’s actions and his falsehoods have shattered America’s democratic norms, exacerbated its political divisions, and put people’s lives at risk. Five people died during events surrounding the storming of the Capitol, including a member of the Capitol police force. Many of the members of Congress who backed Trump’s efforts were themselves at risk of injury or death.

If we are to restore democratic norms and make sure this does not happen again, these congressional Republicans will have to take personal responsibility for their actions in support of Trump’s coup attempt. They must tell the truth to their constituents about the election and what the president tried to do in January 2021. They owe it to the people they represent as well as the country they serve.

Acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf stepping down

He’s the latest Trump administration official to step down following last week’s deadly storming of the capitol, egged on by Trump and other Republican lawmakers.

Wolf said he is leaving due to court rulings after several courts found his appointment to be unlawful. After Wolf called the violence at the capitol “tragic and sickening”, urging Trump to condemn supporters who participated, the White House announced that it was withdrawing his nomination to lead the Department of Homeland Security. But he remained the acting secretary of the department.

In an email to staff, Chad Wolf said, “Effective at 11:59 p.m. today, I am stepping down as your Acting Secretary. I am saddened to take this step, as it was my intention to serve the Department until the end of this Administration. Unfortunately, this action is warranted by recent events, including the ongoing and meritless court rulings regarding the validity of my authority as Acting Secretary.”

A federal judge in November found that Trump’s appointment of Wolf was unlawful. In August, the Government Accountability Office said Wolf was illegally appointed to his role. Wolf took the role of his former acting deputy Ken Cuccinelli, who also served in the position without congressional approval.

bron: The Guardian
Poll: Nearly seventy-five percent of Republican voters say Trump is protecting Democracy

After the president incited militant supporters to breach the US Capitol building, leading to five deaths, and persistently tried to undermine the integrity of an election he lost, 73% of Republican voters who participated in the latest Quinnipiac poll still said that Donald Trump was protecting rather than undermining democracy.

In a poll of 1,239 self-identified registered voters, 70% of the Republicans also said that lawmakers. who voted to block electors were protecting rather than undermining democracy. Seventy-three percent of Republican voters said voter fraud was widespread, and 71% approved of Trump.

“When it comes to whether American democracy is under threat, both Republicans and Democrats see a raging five-alarm fire, but clearly disagree on who started it,” said Tim Malloy, a Quinnipiac analyst.

Among all of those polled, including Democrats and Republicans, 56% said Trump was responsible for the storming, and 52 % said he should be removed from office.

bron: The Guardian

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf resigns


Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf resigns; FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor to take over

FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor will be the new acting secretary, taking over in the wake of the US Capitol attack and as the national security apparatus prepares for possible violence leading up to Inauguration Day.

"I am saddened to take this step, as it was my intention to serve the Department until the end of this Administration," Wolf wrote, citing ongoing litigation challenging the validity of his appointment.

"Unfortunately, this action is warranted by recent events, including the ongoing and meritless court rulings regarding the validity of my authority as Acting Secretary. These events and concerns increasingly serve to divert attention and resources away from the important work of the Department in this critical time of a transition of power," Wolf added.

Wolf was in the chief role at the department in an acting capacity for 14 months. His tenure has repeatedly come up in litigation against the Trump administration's immigration actions.

Wolf is the latest Cabinet secretary to resign in recent days, though his letter did not cite last week's riots. Betsy DeVos, who served as education secretary, and Elaine Chao, who was transportation secretary, have also resigned.


two capitol police officers have been suspended and one arrested for their role in the attack on the capitol.

One seen taking selfies and one seen wearing a MAGA hat and directing insurrectionists. Additionally, at least 10-15 officers are under investigation.


''Ik vind dat Twitter ook vrijheid van meningsuiting heeft. Trump komt er bij mij thuis ook niet in''.
jarenlang was die kop niet van de beeldbuis of van het internet weg te branden.
kwam aardig in de buurt van huisvredebreuk.
gelukkig hadden we geen slechte zomer en al helemaal een zonnig voorjaar en kon je
jezelf om de tuin leiden door nergens meer naar te kijken.

maar er waren steeds wat zombies op een of ander IEX forum die de aandacht vroegen...
Twitter, Inc. (TWTR)
NYSE - NYSE Delayed Price. Currency in USD

48.18-3.30 (-6.41%)
dit schiet ook niet op, jammer dat er geen aandelen trump waren.

izdp schreef op 11 januari 2021 14:43:


Zomaar eens eens met je.
Verspilde energie, want hij is totaal vleugellam gelegd en vormt geen risico meer in zijn laatste dagen.
Maar de pijlen zouden meer gericht moeten worden op Ivanka.
Groot gevaar voor 2024.
Er is maar 1 reactie mogelijk op Ivanka' s plannen voor een politieke carrière

zie de tweede tweet ;

Ivanka Trump,
a Political career???

2de tweet, klik op bekijken :


Ivanka plans to attend Biden's inauguration to save political career
"Ivanka is worried that her promising political career is in jeopardy and she's doing whatever she can to save her reputation"

Ivanka has bust up with her dad over her plan to go to Biden's inauguration so she would 'come across as a good sport' and save her 'political career' - which Donald said was the 'worst decision she could make'

>Ivanka Trump had plans to go against her father's wishes and attend Joe Biden's inauguration on January 20, DailyMail.com can reveal

>She worried that her 'promising political career is in jeopardy' and is doing 'whatever she can to save her reputation,' a White House insider says

>President Trump was up in arms about Ivanka's decision, calling it the 'worst decision she could ever make'
'Ivanka is convinced that by attending Biden's inauguration she will come across as a good sport and will gain future supporters,' the source says

>Donald Trump made it clear he wouldn't be attending Joe Biden's inauguration in a tweet last week - before his social media accounts were suspended

>'The White House is being dubbed a circus on steroids with Trump's kids desperately vying for control,' the insider added


Dacht Ivanka Trump nu echt dat ze naar de inauguratie kan gaan van Joe Biden?
Zou Joe Biden een uitnodiging sturen naar iemand die bij de toespraak van haar vader heeft gestaan, waarbij haar vader enkele duizenden mensen opriep het Capitol te bestormen, met. 4 doden tot gevolg en waar gepoogd werd de democratie de nek om te draaien ?
Op welke titel zou zij naar de inauguratie moeten gaan ? Op het feit dat zij de dochter is van een President, die uit nepotistische overwegingen haar een plaats gaf in het Witte Huis, waar ze al 4 jaar lang onbezoldigd niets deed ?

Ivanka Trump heeft het na 20 januari veel te druk met rechtszaken om überhaupt nog aan politiek te denken.

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