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Conclusion: Climate Policy’s Democratic Deficit. Open debate is as crucial in science as it is in a democracy. It would be contrary to democratic principles to dispense with debate and rely on the consensus of experts. The latter mode of inquiry inevitably produces prepackaged answers. But, as we have seen, relying on “consensus” buttresses erroneous science rather than allow it to be falsified. The scientific consensus on acid rain turned out to be wrong and that on nuclear winter dangerously so. Had the Reagan administration followed the policy prescription of the scientists who were pushing it and backed away from the West’s nuclear arms build-up, the Soviet Union may have prevailed militarily during the Cold War by succeeding in its strategic aim of splitting the Atlantic Alliance.

The IPCC is the institutional embodiment of the third scientific consensus. It was created to persuade, not provide objectivity and air disagreement. By contrast, the APS workshop gave both sides an impartial forum in which they could ask questions and probe the other side’s case. In doing so, it did more to expose the uncertainty, disagreement, and ignorance—to borrow Judith Curry’s words—around climate science than thousands of pages of IPCC assessment reports.

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s proposal for red/blue team assessment is a logical progression from the workshop. The hostile reaction it elicited from leading consensus advocates strongly suggests that they fear debate. Climate scientists whose mission is to advance scientific understanding have nothing to fear and much to gain. Those who seek to use climate science as a policy battering ram have good reason to feel uncomfortable at the prospect. The biggest winner from a red/blue team assessment will be the public. If people are to buy into policies that will drastically alter their way of life, they should be fully informed of the consequences and justifications. To do otherwise would represent a subversion of democracy.
Wat het hele nare van het belastingplan van Trump is, dat het indirect de armen nog veel harder treft en met name in de democratische staten.
Expres is de mening van veel Amerikanen.
De verlaging wordt mede bereikt door het afschaffen van veel lokale en federale belastingen. Die inkomsten worden besteed aan onderwijs wegen en sociale programma's. Die komen op de tocht te staan en leveren zonder twijfel begrotingstekorten op.

Voorts is er een gevaar voor de huizenmarkt door de reductie van hun 'HRA".
Doemdenkers voorzien een herhaling van de huizencrisis. In het algemeen wordt wel een daling van de prijzen verwacht tussen de 0 en 10%

Als er een referendum zou worden gehouden over het belastingplan zou dat met een overweldigende meerderheid van stemmen worden weggestemd.
De lagere inkomens en ook de middeninkomens geloven vrij massaal dat ze er niet op voorruit zullen gaan en dat ze uiteindelijk de rekening zullen moeten betalen.
Apple bespaart door de belastingverlaging van Trump 47 MILJARD...dit moet door de doorsnee Amerikaan weer opgehoest worden en levert geen enkele extra baan op.
Dit laat zien door welke idioot de V.S. geregeerd wordt.

fred12345 schreef op 17 december 2017 11:52:

Apple bespaart door de belastingverlaging van Trump 47 MILJARD...dit moet door de doorsnee Amerikaan weer opgehoest worden en levert geen enkele extra baan op.
Dit laat zien door welke idioot de V.S. geregeerd wordt.
dit laat zien door welke idioot de VS geregeerd WERD namelijk de ramp OBAMA.

nu komen er waarschijnlijk door de nieuwe belasting plannen triljarden dollars terug de VS in.
daarom knallen de amerikaanse beurzen.

Ed Verbeek

@realjohnnywalker schreef op 17 december 2017 13:12:

dit laat zien door welke idioot de VS geregeerd WERD namelijk de ramp OBAMA.

nu komen er waarschijnlijk door de nieuwe belasting plannen triljarden dollars terug de VS in. daarom knallen de amerikaanse beurzen.
Dat laat zien door welke idioten de amerikaanse beurzen nu nog gekocht worden.

Ed Verbeek schreef op 17 december 2017 13:41:

Dat laat zien door welke idioten de amerikaanse beurzen nu nog gekocht worden.
waarschijnlijk wordt straks een groot deel van dit belastinggeld weer gebruikt om eigen aandelen in te kopen met als gevolg nog hogere koersen.
hoe lang dit nog kan voortduren is een vraag,die als je hem weet te beantwoorden veel geld kan opleveren :-)))

Tax Reform Pushes Markets To Unseen Levels
As stated last week:

“The surge last week keeps the ‘bulls in the driver’s seat’ which keeps portfolio allocations at target levels for now.”

Such remains the case this week, but as noted in the 401k allocation chart above, we are now at the top of the long-term bullish trend channel. As noted by the arrows, with the markets extremely overbought and extended, it suggests there is little upside from here.

Importantly, note the orange horizontal lines I have added in the two bottom buy/sell signal indicators. The market has never been this overbought since I began tracking our model in 2006. (Just for the record, it hasn’t been this overbought since the turn of the century when I began running this model in the newsletter.)

This analysis remains consistent with an early-2018 tax selling correction in January. Such a correction would likely be confined to a pullback to the 200-dma, but could evolve into something larger depending on other macro-conditions.

Given the inability to hedge 401k-plans, I continue to recommended rebalancing risks in portfolios by trimming overweight equity exposure but adding to fixed income exposure.

Such actions will likely provide dividends as we move into the next couple of weeks as well as mutual funds ramp up capital gains distributions for the year. A pick up in volatility into the end of the year would not be surprising.

All NEW contributions to plans should currently be adjusted to cash or cash equivalents like a stable value fund, short-duration bond fund or retirement reserves. We will use these funds opportunistically to add to weightings when corrections occur.

Dan kan zeker waar zijn, zover de verwachting niet al in de koersen verwerkt is.
Echter het gevaar schuilt in hoe hun economie zich gaat ontwikkelen.
Dat hele gunstige betwijfel ik.
Europa lijkt mij gezonder, al is het zeker zo dat wij qua beurzen aan de lippen van Wall Street hangen.
Jaap van Duijn had het over een k/w-verhouding in de USA van 32x.
Dat is historisch gezien in ieder geval hoog.

Vanaf 1881 tot en met 2013 was de prijs van Amerikaanse aandelen gemiddeld ruim 15x de winst, met pieken van 30x in 1929 en 44x in 1999 en we weten wat er na die twee jaren is gebeurd.
Belegde boterham

hirshi schreef op 17 december 2017 21:07:

Jaap van Duijn had het over een k/w-verhouding in de USA van 32x.
Dat is historisch gezien in ieder geval hoog.

Vanaf 1881 tot en met 2013 was de prijs van Amerikaanse aandelen gemiddeld ruim 15x de winst, met pieken van 30x in 1929 en 44x in 1999 en we weten wat er na die twee jaren is gebeurd.

Welke P/E?

Shiller cape p/e wordt berekend over de afgelopen 10 jaar en tijdens de start van de recessie waren de earnings not so good. Dat de K/W (neem aan P?E) nu hoog is, is niet zo vreemd. Neem daarbij de low interest rates.

Zou me niet zo druk maken.

In de jaren 1999 verdubbelde de Nasdaq in vijf maanden!

Zo gek is het 'nog' niet ;) maar wat niet is kan nog komen.

Tax verlaging US kan weer een boost geven..

Belegde boterham schreef op 18 december 2017 01:02:


Welke P/E?

Shiller cape p/e wordt berekend over de afgelopen 10 jaar en tijdens de start van de recessie waren de earnings not so good. Dat de K/W (neem aan P?E) nu hoog is, is niet zo vreemd. Neem daarbij de low interest rates.

Zou me niet zo druk maken.

In de jaren 1999 verdubbelde de Nasdaq in vijf maanden!

Zo gek is het 'nog' niet ;) maar wat niet is kan nog komen.

Tax verlaging US kan weer een boost geven..
K/W-verhouding staat voor koers/winstverhouding.
Hoezo welke P/E?
De Shiller graadmeter is een heel ander verhaal.
Ook in jaren niet zo hoog geweest maar daar had ik het niet over.

Maak jij je nu maar niet zo druk om wat ik schrijf boterham.
Iedereen trekt zijn eigen conclusies.
Mijn voorkeur gaat in ieder geval duidelijk uit naar Europa en niet naar de V.S.
nog weinig over isis in de media.
waar obama een propaganda oorlog voerde,voerde Trump en zeker Putin een echte oorlog.
Isis binnen een jaar in puin.
8 jaar Obama het hele M.O. in puin.


A War Trump Won.

@realjohnnywalker schreef op 18 december 2017 15:01:

nog weinig over isis in de media.
waar obama een propaganda oorlog voerde,voerde Trump en zeker Putin een echte oorlog.
Isis binnen een jaar in puin.
8 jaar Obama het hele M.O. in puin.


A War Trump Won.
zomaar een opinie stuk positief in de nyt over Trump.....

Something is happening in the final days of 2017. People are noticing that Donald Trump has gotten a lot done in his tumultuous first year in the White House.
Assume that tax reform passes and is signed into law. If in, say, 2014, a Republican, of either the conservative or moderate variety, predicted that in 2017 a newly-elected GOP president and Congress would —
1)Cut corporate and individual taxes.
2)Repeal the Obamacare individual mandate.
3)Appoint a highly-respected conservative to the Supreme Court.
4)Appoint a one-year record number of judges to the circuit courts.
5)Get rid of reams of unnecessary regulations.
6))Destroy ISIS.
7)Approve pipeline projects and new oil drilling.

then a lot of Republicans would probably have cheered. Loudly.
Punt 1 tot en met 7 vertelt de wereld dat het één en al verlies is.
En die man roept God aan.
Jezus kom aub terug!
Trump reconsiders rules protecting miners from black lung
Coal News - Published on Tue, 19 Dec 2017

Herald Dispatch reported that president Donald Trump's mining regulators are reconsidering rules meant to protect underground miners from breathing coal and rock dust the cause of black lung and diesel exhaust, which can cause cancer. An advocate for coal miners said Friday that this sends a "very bad signal."

The Mine Safety and Health Administration has asked for public comments on whether standards "could be improved or made more effective or less burdensome by accommodating advances in technology, innovative techniques, or less costly methods."

Some "requirements that could be streamlined or replaced in frequency" involve coal and rock dust. Others address diesel exhaust, which can have health impacts ranging from headaches and nausea to respiratory disease and cancer.

The agency said that "Because of the carcinogenic health risk to miners from exposure to diesel exhaust, MSHA is requesting information on approaches that would improve control of diesel particulate matter and diesel exhaust.”

The Trump administration has said many federal regulations, including pollution restrictions, have depressed the coal industry and other sectors of the economy.

Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta said Thursday in releasing his agency's regulatory and deregulatory agenda that "President Trump made clear the progress his Administration is making in bringing common sense to regulations that hold back job creation and prosperity. The Department of Labor will continue to protect American workers' interests while limiting the burdens of over-regulation."

The notices on coal dust and underground diesel exhaust had few details. Both were described as "pre-rule stage."

Attorney Tony Oppegard, who represents miners in safety cases said that "I think it's a very bad signal for coal miners that MSHA is wanting to revisit the issue of coal dust and rock dust as well as diesel exhaust. I don't think the Trump administration has coal miners' best interests at heart. They're aligned with coal mine operators as opposed to miners, and the only reasons they would want to reopen these rules or revisit these rules are to weaken them."

The Obama administration, through a lengthy rulemaking process, lowered the allowable limit for miners' dust exposure three years ago, Oppegard said. The industry and its mine operators opposed that for years, he said.

At the National Mining Association, which represents mine operators, spokesman Luke Popovich said Friday they believe a review of the dust-exposure rule "might shed valuable information on ... ways it might be improved to provide further protection for miners while eliminating unnecessary implementation requirements for operators."

Source : Herald Dispatch
Lawsuit challenges Trump Administration on Colorado Coal Mine Expansion

Biological Diversity reported that Conservation groups sued the Trump administration to stop imminent expansion of the West Elk coal mine into roadless wildlands on the Gunnison National Forest. The lawsuit seeks a court order to prevent St. Louis-based Arch Coal from starting exploratory drilling and road construction as soon as today on pristine public lands on Colorado’s West Slope.

The coal mine expansion required approval from the US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management. The Forest Service on Monday approved Arch Coal’s lease to mine 17 million tonnes of coal on 1,700 acres about 40 miles southwest of Aspen. With its decision today, the Department of Interior’s fast-track approval circumvented the usual BLM process that would have provided interested citizens an opportunity to appeal.

Mr Matt Reed, public lands director for Gunnison County-based High Country Conservation Advocates said that “The foundation and future of our West Slope economy are healthy public lands. Bulldozing roadless forests to release staggering amounts of climate change pollution will impact wildlife, water and recreation, directly undermining public lands.”

Arch Coal plans to carve nearly six miles of roads and scrape nearly 50 drilling pads with vents to release the potent greenhouse gas methane into the Sunset Roadless Area, adjacent to the West Elk Wilderness. The mine expansion will destroy habitat for black bear, elk, beaver and Canada lynx, and industrialize a landscape currently enjoyed by hunters and hikers.

Allison Melton, an attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity said that “The Trump administration’s dangerous decision will harm public health and destroy some of Colorado’s most pristine forests. Arch Coal already has a decade’s worth of coal under lease at this mine. It’s senseless to sacrifice these public lands so more carbon pollution can be spewed into the atmosphere.”

“The federal government is giving away our spectacular forests to Arch Coal so they can squeeze more profit out of Colorado’s shared public resources before the coal industry completely collapses,” said Roger Singer, senior organizing manager with the Sierra Club. "This decision allows Arch Coal to bulldoze public lands, endanger wildlife, and wreck our air quality. The West Elk mine is already the state’s biggest methane polluter, and now the Trump administration is giving Arch Coal free rein to waste more of our valuable resources while also worsening climate change that is already hurting Colorado."

The lawsuit filed today challenges the Forest Service’s failure to comply with environmental disclosure laws. The Forest Service’s analysis of the project:

1. Down-played the climate pollution impacts of coal mining while inflating the economic benefits,
2. Ignored the impacts to wildlife caused by fragmenting the forest with miles of road and dozens of drilling pads,
3. Ignored a proposal to require the mine to flare methane to reduce its climate impacts, ignoring a study from the Grand Junction-based Raven Ridge LLC showing Arch Coal could actually make a profit from flaring.

For years, Arch Coal has refused to capture or burn off methane vented from the West Elk mine. The Forest Service has not required Arch Coal to mitigate, minimize or avoid the release of the potent greenhouse gas, even though the agency promised in 2008 that it would “lead the charge” on finding ways to reduce the mine’s methane pollution.

Sloan Shoemaker, executive director of Wilderness Workshop said that “The West Elk mine expansion will dump more pollution into the atmosphere and contribute to more brown, snowless Decembers. It will torpedo Colorado’s resort economies and lead to drier, more fire prone summers. Keeping Colorado’s roadless forests intact increases our chances of snowy winters, provides water for summer agriculture and reduces the chances of catastrophic wildfire.”

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has also failed to require Arch Coal to reduce or capture methane emissions, though the state has authority to do so.

Shannon Hughes, climate guardian at WildEarth Guardians said that “What progress Colorado has made regulating methane emissions from oil and gas production is completely negated when West Elk Mine freely vents this potent greenhouse gas into our air. Colorado’s clean air and clean energy future depend on the confrontation of senseless plans such as this.”

Ted Zukoski, an attorney at Earthjustice said that “The Forest Service here made almost exactly the same mistake they made when a court threw out Arch’s lease in 2014 – touting the economic benefits of keeping the mine open for a few more years while ignoring millions if not billions of dollars in climate costs. Putting on blinders to the mine’s greenhouse gas pollution is the opposite of the ‘hard look’ at environmental impacts that the law requires.”

Source : Biological Diversity

Is Trump Making America Great Again?
Kind Of.
By Bloomberg News
December 20, 2017
President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan has been the driving vision of the federal government since January 2017. But how can we measure just how great America is becoming?

Before Trump’s inauguration, we picked the best indicators to judge the impact of his policies and determine whether the economy is living up to Trump’s pre-election promises. Now, almost a year later, we return to see if they’re doing great, just all right, or worse.

Beyond gross domestic product growth and better-known figures such as wages and the trade deficit, other metrics worth watching include the percentage of the population on food stamps and the share of prime-age workers in the labor force. With the help of Carl Riccadonna, chief U.S. economist for Bloomberg Economics, we’ve divided the indicators into three groups: those improving, the ones staying about the same and figures that are going in the wrong direction. We’ll also tell you how he expects them to perform in the years ahead.

So, is Trump making America great again? Riccadonna’s answer: “Kind of.” “The economy is strengthening of its own merit,” and outgoing Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen put the U.S. firmly on the path to being great again, he says. “That being said, business confidence has soared under Trump—and animal spirits are a critical ingredient of capitalism.”

Amerikaans Congres geeft definitieve goedkeuring voor belastingwet Trump
Gepubliceerd: 20 december 2017 20:05

De goedkeuring is een grote overwinning voor Donald Trump, die de belastinghervorming als een belangrijk punt had gemaakt in zijn campagne voor de presidentsverkiezingen.
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