Sir Chanticleer schreef op 27 juni 2018 13:56:
En als laatste post, een opinieartikel in de New York Times van vandaag. Ik laat u uw eigen conclusie trekken.
(als u denkt 'wat een rare woorden', dat komt omdat het in de engelse taal is geschreven. Sorry)
On June 17, the political commentator Ann Coulter, appearing as a guest on Fox News, asserted that crying migrant children separated from their parents are “child actors.” Does this groundless claim deserve as much airtime as, for example, a historically informed argument from Ta-Nehisi Coates that structural racism makes the American dream possible?
Jordan Peterson, a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, has complained that men can’t “control crazy women” because men “have absolutely no respect” for someone they cannot physically fight. Does this adolescent opinion deserve as much of an audience as the nuanced thoughts of Kate Manne, a professor of philosophy at Cornell University, about the role of “himpathy” in supporting misogyny?