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Electric Buses Are Hurting the Oil Industry

- About 279,000 barrels a day of fuel won’t be needed this year
- China adds a London-sized electric bus fleet every five weeks

The numbers are staggering. China had about 99 percent of the 385,000 electric buses on the roads worldwide in 2017, accounting for 17 percent of the country’s entire fleet. Every five weeks, Chinese cities add 9,500 of the zero-emissions transporters—the equivalent of London’s entire working fleet, according Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

Cuba sees 2018 nickel plus cobalt output topping 50,000 tonnes
Metal News - Published on Thu, 26 Apr 2018

Reuters reported that Cuba forecasts nickel plus cobalt sulfide production will exceed 50,000 tonnes this year even as prices rise, the head of the country’s state monopoly Cubaniquel was quoted by local media as stating on 24 April.

Nickel is one of the cash-strapped Communist-run country’s most important exports, but revenue from it has suffered in recent years due to a decline in production and prices. The country was ranked 10th in world nickel production in 2016 and sixth in cobalt.

The government forecast last year’s output at 54,500 tonnes, but business sources with knowledge of the industry said final tonnage was under 50,000, the lowest in decades.

Cuba does not report up to date production figures.

The director of Cubaniquel, Eder Manuel Olivero Garcel, was quoted by the official Cubadebate website as stating that “Cuba estimates it will achieve a production of more than 50,000 tonnes of nickel and cobalt in 2018.”

Cubaniquel is the sole operator of the Che Guevara processing plant at Moa, eastern Holguin province, and also has a joint venture with Canadian miner Sherritt International at the Pedro Soto Alba plant in the same area.

Cubadebate said the Che Guevara plant planned to produce 19,000 tonnes this year, while according to Sherritt the Pedro Soto Alba will produce between 31,500 tonnes and 32,500 tonnes.

Cuba produced on average 74,000 tonnes of nickel plus cobalt during the first decade of this century, but the oldest of three plants was shuttered in 2012 and the Che Guevara has suffered from obsolescence and hurricane damage.

Nickel is essential in the production of stainless steel and other corrosion-resistant alloys.

Cobalt is critical in production of super alloys used for such products as aircraft engines. Prices have been rising in large part because cobalt is used in electric car batteries.

Source : Reuters
Er is een bod gedaan op Cobalt blue holdings voor 1,11 per aandeel. Het enige nieuwsitem wat ik hierover kan vinden is in de link hieronder. Iemand die hier meer van weet? Het aandeel is in ieder grval hard onderuit gegaan
ASX/TSX Announcement

3 May 2018

Clean TeQ Sunrise Project Update

• Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) for Clean TeQ Sunrise Project remains on track for delivery in June 2018

• Targeting substantially increased metal production over the first 10 years (compared to 2016 Pre-Feasibility Study and NI 43-101 Technical Report1)

• Nameplate refinery capacity increased substantially to 7ktpa cobalt and 25ktpa nickel to maximise production optionality

• Higher revenue from increased metal production and stronger price outlook is expected to offset any larger investment in capacity

• Early works program underway preparing for the installation of water pipeline, power infrastructure and construction camp

• Strong ongoing engagement with government and community stakeholders

Kobalthausse biedt beleggers kansen

Kobalt was tot voor kort een bij investeerders relatief onbekend metaal dat als bijproduct van andere basismetalen werd gedolven. Daar lijkt verandering in te komen, nu de prijs explosief stijgt. Begin 2016 kostte een ton kobalt nog 25.000 dollar. De prijs van het metaal liep vorig jaar op naar 70.000 dollar en er lijkt nog geen einde aan de klim.

Kobalt werd wegens zijn specifieke eigenschappen lange tijd hoofdzakelijk in vliegtuigmotoren, gasturbines en staallegeringen gebruikt. Deze toepassingen zijn er nog steeds, alleen is er de voorbije jaren nog een snel groeiende markt bijgekomen. In 2017 werd meer dan 40 procent van alle gemijnde kobalt gebruikt in lithium-ion batterijen, zowel de kleinere varianten voor mobiele toestellen als de grote voor hybride en elektrische voertuigen. Vanaf 2020 zullen lithium-ion batterijen naar verwachting meer dan de helft van de totale vraag uitmaken. China wil dat tegen 2025 minstens een vijfde van de nieuw verkochte wagens hybride of elektrisch is.

In Effect 6 stipt grondstoffenexpert Koen Lauwers enkele aandelen aan van bedrijven die zouden kunnen profiteren van de kobalthausse.

Er bestaan verschillende types batterijen voor elektrische voertuigen, afhankelijk van de chemische samenstelling van het kathodepoeder dat wordt gebruikt. Kobalt speelt in de technologieën die momenteel de dienst uitmaken een belangrijke rol. De batterijen van het type NCA (nikkel, kobalt en aluminium) bestaan al sinds 1999 en worden door Tesla gebruikt en door Panasonic en Tesla zelf geproduceerd. Alle andere constructeurs gebruiken de NMC-variant (nikkel, magnesium en kobalt). Het Belgische Umicore is marktleider in de productie van het kathodepoeder voor NMC-batterijen.

Glencore is de grootste producent van kobalt ter wereld. Het Zwitserse bedrijf bezit mijnen in Congo, Canada en Australië en produceerde vorig jaar 27.400 ton kobalt, goed voor bijna een kwart van de wereldproductie. Glencore heeft de voorbije jaren fors geïnvesteerd in de Katanga-mijn in Congo. Daardoor zal de productie dit jaar met ruim 40 procent toenemen naar 39.000 ton. Het wereldmarktaandeel van de mijngroep zal daarmee klimmen naar ongeveer een derde. Voor 2019 wordt zelfs op 65.000 ton gerekend. Daarna zou de productie stabiliseren. Op grote afstand van Glencore volgt China Molybdenum met vorig jaar een productie van 9.300 ton. Ook het Braziliaanse Vale en Gécamines spelen nog een rol van betekenis. De rest van het aanbod zit gespreid over een groot aantal kleinere spelers.

Lees het volledige artikel over de kobaltindustrie in Effect 6, die in de laatste week van deze maand verschijnt.

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Het zal bij de meesten wel bekend zijn, maar toch nog maar even:

MELBOURNE – A burgeoning risk of a supply crunch in cobalt – a key battery metal that’s more than tripled in price in two years – poses one of the biggest threats to forecasts for rising electric vehicle adoption.
Cobalt price hitting high as supply fears reported that the price of cobalt has been drifting after hitting near 10 year peaks in March to exchange hands for USD 91,000 a tonne on May 18. Cobalt is still up nearly fourfold since hitting multi-year lows at the beginning of 2016 as worries about supply of the metal, a crucial element in batteries, combine with expectations of booming demand from the electric vehicle sector.

Supply risks for cobalt are centred on the Democratic Republic of the Congo which is responsible for nearly two-thirds of world output. And the country’s share will only increase over the next five years.

Fears of disruption from the conflict ridden central African country has intensified after an outbreak of the deadly ebola disease and the possibility of a return to civil war in the run up to long-postponed national election now set for December.

On 18 May, the world health organization raised the the DRC's ebola health assessment risk to "very high."

The WHO said in a statement noted that "The risk of international spread is particularly high since the city of Mbandaka is in proximity to the Congo river, which has significant regional traffic across porous borders."

On 20 May, the DRC recorded its 26th death in the northwest Equateur province. The disease is named after the Ebola river in the country.

Troubles are also mounting for top cobalt producer Glencore.

The Swiss commodities giant is in a bitter fight with its former partner in the DRC, Dan Gertler, who is seeking up to USD 3 billion in unpaid and future royalties.

The Israeli businessman, under sanctions from the US Treasury dept over allegations of bribery, is a close confidant of DRC president Joseph Kabila, in power since 2001.

It was also reported on Friday that Britain’s Serious Fraud Office is planning to open a formal bribery investigation into the company’s dealing with Gertler.

In turn, state-owned Gecamines which is a shareholder in Glencore’s Katanga operations in the country, is accusing the company of “draining” money from the joint venture. Gecamines, which has powerful political backing, has threatened unspecified action to ensure a greater share of profits from the venture.

With some of the frothiness gone from the spot market, a new report argues that anything below USD 100,000 per tonne is a buy.

Citi, a US investment bank, says prices for the raw material are set to rise by a further 20% over the next two years hitting USD 100,000 a ton by the fourth quarter this year, and average USD 110,000 by 2020.

Citi calculates that Katanga together with Glencore’s Mutanda mine in the DRC are expected to contribute 35,500t or 27% of global supply during 2018. Those figures are set to rise to 59,300t and 39% next year.

The bank believes any disruption from these mines would see cobalt hit six figures sooner than than expected.

Mr Ivan Glasenberg, CEO of Glencore told a conference in Lausanne in March that the auto industry is "waking up too late" to the fact that China will hold most of the world's supply of cobalt "If cobalt falls into the hands of the Chinese, yeah you won't see EVs being produced in Europe etc. They are waking up too late. I think it's because the car industry has never had a supply chain problem before."

Source :
China's Jinchuan Int'l to double African copper, cobalt output

Reuters reported that China’s Jinchuan Group International Resources plans to double its African copper and cobalt production in the next two to three years. Its chief executive officer said that the company currently produces around 50,000 tonnes of copper and 5,000 tonnes of cobalt a year, Gao Tianpeng said at the LME Asia Week conference in Hong Kong.

Mr Tianpeng said that “In the next to two three years we will double our capacity.”

Miners are boosting copper and cobalt production to meet demand from an expected boom in electric vehicles.

Jinchuan’s mining unit, Metorex Group, is headquartered in South Africa and controls the Ruashi Mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo that produces copper and cobalt and in Zambia, the Chibuluma South copper mine.

Metorex produced 42,512 tonnes of copper last year, steady from the year before, and 4,638 tonnes of cobalt, up from 3,391 tonnes in 2016.

Source : Reuters

Electric vehicles seen driving cobalt crunch by mid-2020s
More than 100 companies mining or exploring for cobalt are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange, up from fewer than 30 in 2015, according to SNL Financial.
Veel van deze bedrijven zullen verdwijnen tzt wegens te kleine vondsten en onrendabel.
First Cobalt Further Extends Kerr Target to 350 Metres

First Cobalt Corp announced that results of recent drilling have further extended the strike length of the mineralized zone in the Kerr area to over 350 metres. Results to date from this recently-identified mineralized zone located south of Kerr Lake in the Cobalt North area of the Canadian Cobalt Camp confirm the area hosts a near-surface network of cobalt veins and disseminated mineralization associated with silver and nickel, as well as copper, zinc and lead.


1. New assay results have extended strike length of mineralized zone from 200 metres to 350 metres
2. Majority of mineralization intercepted between 25 and 100 metres below surface and is believed to extend to surface
3. Drilling continues to intersect a network of cobalt veins and disseminated mineralization associated with silver and nickel within wider intervals containing elevated copper, zinc and lead including:
a). 0.11% Co, 28.1 g/t Ag and 0.99% Cu over 3.3m
b). 0.21% Co, 89.2 g/t Ag and 0.96% Pb over 1.8m

Mr Trent Mell, President & Chief Executive Officer, commented that “These results have reinforced our confidence in the geological model we have developed for drill targeting in the Cobalt Camp. The Kerr area results support our thesis for the Camp that there is considerable potential for near-surface cobalt mineralization. We have extended the strike length of mineralization and established a more robust understanding of the geologic controls to cobalt mineralization that can be applied to future targeting.”

Recent drilling in the Kerr #2 target in Cobalt North has extended the length of the zone of cobalt mineralization initially recognized by First Cobalt to more than 350 metres. A network of multiple veins at various orientations containing cobalt and several other metals has been intersected along with disseminated mineralization.

To date, 13 drill holes have been completed targeting the Kerr #2 mineralized zone with assay results now received from eight holes. The initial drill holes were planned using a 3D geological model based on digital compilation of historic mine workings, integrated with exploration drilling and surface bedrock geology maps of the entire Kerr area compiled by First Cobalt. At the Kerr #2 target, elevated silver was intersected by historic drilling but not developed by underground mining, so the cobalt potential in the area remains high.

Assay results from the first two holes returned, FCC-18-0021 and FCC-18-0023 collared over 160m apart, showed cobalt mineralization occurs with elevated silver including 10.4m of 0.15% Co and 44 g/t Ag. Mineralization in these two holes is considered continuous and was extended by two additional holes, FCC-18-0022 and FCC-18-0032, based on oriented drill core interpretation. The two most recent holes, FCC-18-0033 and FCC-18-0034, extend the mineralized zone from Kerr #2 an additional 150m to 350m and may be part of the vein networks developed at the Drummond Mine

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Ik wil via degiro aandelen kopen van kobalt 27. Ik kan ze echter alleen van de Franse beurs kopen. Zit hier veel verschil in?

PSL010 schreef op 2 juni 2018 19:40:

Ik wil via degiro aandelen kopen van kobalt 27. Ik kan ze echter alleen van de Franse beurs kopen. Zit hier veel verschil in?
Je hebt dus geen keus, maar je bedoelt waarschijnlijk Frankfort.
Dat klopt. In kan alleen de Duitse kiezen excuses. Zit er veel verschil in ten opzichte van de Canadese? Of kan ik beter in een andere partij investeren?

PSL010 schreef op 2 juni 2018 19:59:

Dat klopt. In kan alleen de Duitse kiezen excuses. Zit er veel verschil in ten opzichte van de Canadese? Of kan ik beter in een andere partij investeren?
Het is niet verstandig om dit soort aandelen in Frankfurt te kopen vanwege de zeer incourante handel.
Jammer het leek me een leuke investering. Blijkbaar zit de Canadese beurs niet in de giro
Wat raad je aan dezwarteridder om toe te voegen aan mijn portefeuille, cobalt gerelateerd?

PSL010 schreef op 2 juni 2018 20:27:

Wat raad je aan dezwarteridder om toe te voegen aan mijn portefeuille, cobalt gerelateerd?
Je mag zelf kiezen uit de aandelen die op dit draadje genoemd worden.
Het aandeel met de grootste cobalt-productie is tevens het meest riskante aandeel.
De rest is allemaal klein grut of nog ver van productie.
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