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NOVO Resources: Grootste goudvondst OOIT?!

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mill kan 1800 000 ton verwerken per jaar

oresorters kunnen lowgrade-ertsen opwaarderen met faktor 100 !!! vb 1 ton erts met 2g goud per ton wordt na uitsorteren 10 kg erts met die 2 g in!!! Dus 1 ton uitgesorteerd erts bevat 200 g goud afkomstig uit 100 ton erts van 2g/ton !!! de mill moet 100 keer minder stenen verwerken dus kostreductie theoretisch ook faktor 100!!
meest winstgevende goudmijn ter wereld!!!!



oresortersspecialisten ter wereld : Tomra of Steinert

Steinertmachine: steinertglobal.com/magnets-sensor-sor...

1800 000 x 2 / 31.1 = 115755 oz / jaar (minimum opbrengst aan goud/jaar)

1800 000 x 200 / 31.1 = 11 575 500 oz / jaar (maximum opbrengst aan goud/jaar)

Kost per oz minder dan 500$!!!!

1500$ winst /oz als goud 2000$ staat

$/cad = 1.3

Aantal uitstaande aandelen van Novo resources

115755 x 1500 x 1.3 / 213 000 000 = 1.05 cad winst/ aandeel

11 575 000 x 1500 x 1.3 / 213 000 000 = 105 cad winst/aandeel

Huidige koers is 3.42 cad!!!

kwinton schreef op 27 september 2020 08:47:


mill kan 1800 000 ton verwerken per jaar
oresorters kunnen lowgrade-ertsen opwaarderen met faktor 100 !!! vb 1 ton erts met 2g goud per ton wordt na uitsorteren 10 kg erts met die 2 g in!!! Dus 1 ton uitgesorteerd erts bevat 200 g goud afkomstig uit 100 ton erts van 2g/ton !!! de mill moet 100 keer minder stenen verwerken dus kostreductie theoretisch ook faktor 100!!
meest winstgevende goudmijn ter wereld!!!!



oresortersspecialisten ter wereld : Tomra of Steinert

Steinertmachine: steinertglobal.com/magnets-sensor-sor...

1800 000 x 2 / 31.1 = 115755 oz / jaar (minimum opbrengst aan goud/jaar)

1800 000 x 200 / 31.1 = 11 575 500 oz / jaar (maximum opbrengst aan goud/jaar)

Kost per oz minder dan 500$!!!!

1500$ winst /oz als goud 2000$ staat

$/cad = 1.3

Aantal uitstaande aandelen van Novo resources

115755 x 1500 x 1.3 / 213 000 000 = 1.05 cad winst/ aandeel

11 575 000 x 1500 x 1.3 / 213 000 000 = 105 cad winst/aandeel

Huidige koers is 3.42 cad!!!
Ik vermoed dat rekenen niet je beste vak is.
drulletje drie

easy56 schreef op 26 november 2020 22:02:


Kirkland Lake Gold Announces Sale of Novo Shares and Warrants

Ik heb gebruik gemaakt van deze daling en een paar aandelen binnen!
Q1 productie we gaan is kijken wat het gaat worden volgend jaar.

Kirkland Lake To Sell Off Majority Of Stake In Novo Resources For $45.3 Million
November 26, 2020 8:23 AM Jay Lutz 0 Comments Gold, Kirkland Lake Gold, Novo Resources

Kirkland Lake Gold (TSX: KL) this morning announced that it is looking to dispose of the vast majority of its ownership in Novo Resources Corp (TSXV: NVO). The company intends to do so via what essentially amounts to a private placement that is being facilitated through Stifel GMP and Clarus Securities. The transaction is expected to generate cash of approximately $45.3 million for the issuer on a gross basis.

The transaction will see 18,500,000 units of Novo held by Kirkland sold at a price of $2.45 per unit. Each unit is to consist of one common share and one half purchase warrant, with each warrant valid for a period of twelve months from the date of issue. Warrants can be exercised at a price of $2.80 per common share. Warrants issued will be subject to a four month hold period as well.

In total, the financing will see Kirkland dispose of an initial 18,500,000 common shares of the issuer immediately, and if all warrants are fully exercised, an additional 9,250,000 shares of the issuer will be disposed of. Given that the company currently holds 27,885,168 Novo shares, if completed in full, only 135,168 shares will remain in its possession, dropping its stake in the issuer from 12.1% to 0.05%.

Proceeds from the asset sale are to be used for general corporate purposes. The company expects the sale to be completed by December 3, 2020.

Notably, at least a portion of the transaction will represent a loss to the issuer, whom acquired 14.0 million units of Novo at a price of $4.00 per share in 2017. A further 4.0 million shares were acquired in May 2018 at a price of $5.00 per share, representing an even larger loss for the operator.

Novo Resources last traded at $2.77 on the TSX Venture.
drulletje drie
Novo Confirms Delivery of Steinert KSS Mechanical Sorter and Provides Operational Update From Beatons Creek

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Novo Resources Corp. (“Novo” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: NVO & NVO.WT; OTCQX: NSRPF) is pleased to announce it has taken delivery of its Steinert KSS mechanical sorter and provides an operational update from its Beatons Creek gold project (“Beatons Creek”) and Nullagine processing facility (“Golden Eagle Mill”).

Mechanical Sorting Update:

The Steinert KSS mechanical sorter has arrived into the port of Fremantle (Perth) and is currently being delivered to Steinert’s test facility;
Orders have been placed for all long lead items (feeder hopper, feeder conveyor, discharge conveyors). Pre-assembly will occur at Steinert / OPS facility in Bibra Lake (Perth) prior to mobilization to site;
Planning is well advanced with design of support infrastructure – compressed air, power, cyclone rated shelter / offices; and
The Comet Well / Purdy’s Reward mechanical sorting trial remains on track to commence in April 2021 subject to receiving requisite approvals from the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation, and Safety and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation approval has been granted.
Beatons Creek and Nullagine Gold Project Update:

Development at Beatons Creek and refurbishment at the Golden Eagle Mill continue to progress safely, on schedule and within budget. Recent key milestones achieved include:

Mining contractor systems alignment and pre-mobilization works proceeding to plan to support arrival of first plant and personnel from December 14th;
Grade control drilling now operating day and night shifts as planned; and
Site personnel (including contractors) now totaling 80.
Please see the Company’s news release dated November 18, 2020 for the Company’s previous operational update.

Mining Contractor Mobilization:

Senior Iron Mine Contracting Pty Ltd (“IMCPL”) personnel have attended site post contract award and are in advanced stages of planning to support the arrival of first plant and equipment from December 14th.
Development activities at Beatons Creek:

Grade control program:

Grade control reverse circulation drilling by Castle Drilling continues to progress well across the Edwards and Grant’s Hill areas, with high density drilling underway (10m x 10m drill hole spacing and 0.5m sample interval) (see figure 1);
Grade control drilling has now shifted to day and night shifts as planned to accelerate works ahead of mining; and
Sample dispatches continue to be transported to MinAnalytical in Kalgoorlie for gold PhotonAssay.
Mine development works

Australian Aboriginal Heritage Act Section 18 removal and relocation of Aboriginal artefacts from around the Grant’s Hill area completely successfully under the supervision of custodians of the land at Beatons Creek;
Topsoil stripping of Grant’s Hill waste dump location has commenced (see figure 2);
Office and laydown pads have been established at Beatons Creek, with office buildings being relocated from the Golden Eagle Mill location commencing on December 10, 2020; and
Lacy Contracting Services P/L have been retained to conduct preliminary haulage works from Beatons Creek to the Golden Eagle Mill, with haulage starting immediately with a single truck to relocate historical stockpiles of ore to the Golden Eagle ROM pad.
Refurbishment works on the Golden Eagle Mill:

Plant refurbishment:

Works continue with refurbished key componentry returning from Perth for installation – all continues according to schedule;
Work in the leach tanks and launders continues to plan, with 6 tanks fully refurbished ahead of reinstallation of trash screens, carbon pumps and agitators, with refurbishment works in the remaining 3 tanks due for completion prior to year’s end (see figure 3); and
Burgess BLA (specialist mill contractors) have attended site to inspect all operational aspects of the mill, including alignment, motor, gearbox, girth gear, pinion, lubrication systems and feed and discharge end bearings. Bearings and girth gear have been assessed and ready for operations. Seals have been replaced with final components being manufactured in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia ready for installation next month. Final motor and gearbox alignment will be undertaken immediately prior to commissioning in mid-January 2021.
Civil works:
Foundations have now been completed for the upgraded Acacia reactor unit along with new elution tank footings in the gold room. The mining contractor’s workshop slab is nearing completion. The GR Engineering Services (“GRES”) scope currently stands at approximately 50% complete, with works continuing on schedule and within budget with no material issues or problems encountered thus far.

Long lead items have all been ordered and arrival dates remain within the refurbishment schedule.

Other major tenders:

A 3-year camp management and catering services contract has been awarded to Cater Care Services P/L. Cater Care’s experience as the previous camp operator stands them in good stead for delivering an excellent service at the site; and
The permanent surface haulage contract package is out for tender, with solid progress being made with numerous other commercial agreements for fuel supply, processing reagents, assay laboratory services and flights.
Novo CEO and director Rob Humphryson commented, “GRES and their key subcontractors Duratech P/L and Northfields WA P/L continue to perform outstanding work. The further we move through plant refurbishment works without encountering major operational issues, the more we de-risk the start-up and commissioning phases of the project. On the people front, Novo is assembling an outstanding team across all facets of the operation, with observable levels of enthusiasm, commitment and communication auguring well for the future success of the operation.”

Dr. Quinton Hennigh (P.Geo.) is the qualified person pursuant to NI 43-101 responsible for, and having reviewed and approved, the technical information contained in this news release. Dr. Hennigh is President, Chairman, and a director of Novo.

About Novo Resources Corp.

Novo is advancing its flagship Beatons Creek gold project to production while exploring and developing its highly prospective land package covering approximately 14,000 square kilometres in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. In addition to the Company’s primary focus, Novo seeks to leverage its internal geological expertise to deliver value-accretive opportunities to its shareholders. For more information, please contact Leo Karabelas at (416) 543-3120 or e-mail leo@novoresources.com

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,

Novo Resources Corp.

“Quinton Hennigh”
Quinton Hennigh
President and Chairman
drulletje drie
Novo Identifies Numerous Oxide Targets for Follow Up in 2021 at Its Newly Consolidated Nullagine Gold Project
Tue December 15, 2020 9:33 AM|Globe Newswire - Canada|About: NSRPF
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Novo Resources Corp. (“Novo” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: NVO; OTCQX: NSRPF) is pleased to announce it has identified a series of highly prospective oxide gold targets within its newly consolidated tenure comprising its 100% controlled Nullagine Gold Project (“NGP”) which includes the recently acquired Golden Eagle processing facility (“Golden Eagle Mill”). These gold targets add to the significant exploration potential the Company has recently discussed at Beatons Creek (please refer to the Company’s news releases dated October 6, 2020 and November 5, 2020 for further details).

With the Company’s recent acquisition of Millennium Minerals Limited (“Millennium”) and additional tenure from the Creasy Group, Novo now controls over 1,250 km sq of broadly contiguous tenements covering most of the prospective ground within the Nullagine mining district. This represents the first time the Nullagine mining district has come under the control of one Company and provides an exciting opportunity to discover additional gold resources for the NGP.

Novo’s exploration team recently undertook detailed analysis of the holistic dataset across the NGP. This data was generated over the past two decades by the Creasy Group, Millennium, and Novo and has been merged into a single, comprehensive database providing Novo a unique opportunity to evaluate all known areas of gold mineralization with the aim of developing a pipeline of opportunities for further discovery of resources potentially suitable for production at the Golden Eagle Mill.


Novo has recently undertaken a comprehensive review of combined exploration data set covering some 1,250 km sq of broadly contiguous ground holdings focussed around the Golden Eagle Mill.
Novo employs key personnel giving it in-house geological expertise and prior exploration experience across the Mosquito Creek Basin.
Numerous targets have been identified ranging from drill-ready extensions to known mineralization, to emerging oxide targets, to newly-delineated anomalous gold and pathfinder trends.
Exploration opportunities include the following (see figure 1 and figure 2 below):

Camel Creek / 20 Mile Sandy
Numerous targets for shallow oxide exploration and potential resource development (e.g. Captains, Cutlass, Mountain Maid). Numerous soil anomalies along trend with no drilling and minimal mapping or rock chip sampling.

Parnell, a currently permitted Mining Lease acquired by Millennium just prior to entering into administration and with no drilling completed since 1997. Several mineralized structures identified with rock chip sampling and follow up historical drilling provide promising oxide targets.

Blue Spec East
Blue Spec East presents the opportunity to develop numerous oxide targets and potential to link Millennium prospects (Kestrel, Goshawk) with Novo prospects (Apex, Napa Valley East) along the Blue Spec Trend.

Footrot Flats / Golden Eagle NNE
This exploration opportunity presents three 2-4km trends of high grade rock chips parallel to Golden Eagle, with wide-spaced historic reverse circulation drill traverses, providing mineralized drill-ready intercepts. A mining lease application has recently been submitted for the central area with the main target extending onto granted mining leases.

Sayshell Trend
The Sayshell trend is newly identified and under-explored, a potentially basin-scale mineralized corridor, delineated by Au-As in soils over 16kms and open to the east and west. This corridor is located parallel to, and 3.5kms north of, the Blue Spec Line. Potential exists for shallow oxide along the entire trend, with numerous discrete targets now emerging from combined Novo, Millennium, Creasy Group data.

Golden Eagle
Novo is undertaking initial geological and geo-metallurgical review to delineate any non-refractory mineralization remaining at Golden Eagle. The Company aims to develop a new 3D geological model of the deposit to target extensions to mineralization and to better model mineralization with favourable metallurgical characteristics allowing for acceptable recoveries.

Novo has identified significant oxide potential along strike from the Bartons deposit in addition to under-explored parallel trends designated by soil anomalies across newly merged tenure. Some of these anomalies have associated high grade rock chip results and prospector workings.

“Upon consolidation of the NGP, Novo’s exploration team quickly set about collating huge datasets from the Creasy Group and Millennium and combining it with our in-house database,” commented Quinton Hennigh, Chairman and President of Novo. “This has resulted in the rapid identification of numerous exploration opportunities across our newly consolidated tenure in the Nullagine mining district. These targets add to the already exciting potential we have recently discussed at Beatons Creek. We see ability to put together a very large pipeline of opportunity to support our goal of making Nullagine a long-lived mining centre for Novo for many years to come.”

Dr. Quinton Hennigh (P.Geo.) is the qualified person pursuant to NI 43-101 responsible for, and having reviewed and approved, the technical information contained in this news release. Dr. Hennigh is President, Chairman, and a director of Novo Resources Corp.

About Novo Resources Corp.

Novo is advancing its flagship Beatons Creek gold project to production while exploring and developing its highly prospective land package covering approximately 14,000 square kilometres in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. In addition to the Company’s primary focus, Novo seeks to leverage its internal geological expertise to deliver value-accretive opportunities to its shareholders. For more information, please contact Leo Karabelas at (416) 543-3120 or e-mail leo@novoresources.com

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,

Novo Resources Corp.

“Quinton Hennigh”

Quinton Hennigh

Chairman and President
Heb Novo altijd het voordeel van de twijfel gegeven maar als het management er zo van overtuigd is, waarom hebben ze maar 1,5% van de aandelen?? Dat zegt voldoende

easy56 schreef op 25 december 2020 13:56:


Oh of course NVO.v isn’t a scam…
All stock is a gamble and you've got to have the courage to be able to approach the table knowing you could lose, otherwise, it's best not to approach the table.
drulletje drie

easy56 schreef op 25 december 2020 13:56:


Oh of course NVO.v isn’t a scam…
Ach ja er zijn mensen die er in geloven en mensen die het niet doen...
en die schrijven beide stukjes op nietszeggende internet sites ;)

Ik geloof er wel in en kijk het met een paar aandeeltjes aan! We gaan wel zien wie er gelijk krijgt toch.

drulletje drie schreef op 25 december 2020 18:54:


Ach ja er zijn mensen die er in geloven en mensen die het niet doen...
en die schrijven beide stukjes op nietszeggende internet sites ;)

Ik geloof er wel in en kijk het met een paar aandeeltjes aan! We gaan wel zien wie er gelijk krijgt toch.

hoop dat jullie gelijk kryge,zit echt niet tegenieten van iemans verliezen.

Maar t is gewoon uitkijken in deze sector met al die vaak temooie verhaaltjes.


Pinpointing Scams in the Precious Metals Mining Sector-
lange zit maar goed verhaal

Warren Irwin | Discerning Mining Stock Scams from Bre-X until Today
Bre-X scam gouwe ouwe in deze sector.
drulletje drie
Jayant Bhandari joins me today to share his thoughts on the Novo Resources. We discuss the Company’s current market cap of around $550million CND balanced with some estimated production numbers form Beatons Creek. We also discuss the recent sale of shares by Kirkland Lake.


Hier weer een positief stukje over Novo. We wachten het maar af en het duurt niet zo langs als we ze moeten geloven. Q1 schiet nu wel heel hard op ;)

Gaan het beleven!
Ben iets minder enthousiast geworden als je deze twee bedenkingen maakt: Quinton Hennigh zit wel in meer dan 12 verschillende bedrijfjes op een bestuurspost. Is er dan geen werk genoeg bij Novo alleen? Daarnaast doet hij niks anders dan promotie. Het aandeel verwatert steeds meer maar zijn belang in het bedrijf is maar 1,5%. Als het goud toch voor het rapen ligt waarom investeert hij dan niet meer? Toentertijd ging het om miljoenen ounces die daar voor het grijpen lagen, ondertussen al veel minder noten op zijn zang. Bekijk steeds je beleggingen rationeel. Dat was ik wat vergeten.

easy56 schreef op 26 mei 2020 15:29:

[...]En waarom die Hennigh dan ook nog bezig met ander Goud bedrijf opzetten als Novo t beste van de wereld zou zijn?

Zou zeggen zorg eerst dat NOVO zn verwachtingen waar maakt.

Bij Artemis in Pilbara beloofden ze ook van alles,Fabriek zou bijna gebruiks klaar zijn!

Vele pumpverhaaltjes door de bekende nwsletter writers verder nog niks.

Hele Wits verhaal totnu veel beloftes en mooie verhaaltjes.

Maar wieweet,hoop dat iedereen wat verdient.
intussen die Q.H nog veel meer bijbaantjes:-)
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