De reactie van AbbVie op FINCH2 (gisteren op de MS conferentie): ... art=single
"Certainly, why don't we go ahead and start with the theme to data and what, I've always got to be careful about talking about someone else who is single study. To sum up what I'll say is based on what we saw from the Phase 2 data in the public domain, I took a Phase 3 data from this first trial or are consistent with that data set? On the efficacy side both filgotinib and upadacitinib, as I said before directionally appear to provide the potential for improved efficacy relative to baricitinib or tofacitinib. We got to be a careful about our cross-study comparisons here of course especially since we don't know the baseline characteristics of the filgotinib population in total. I would say if you look at the ACR scores, there is puts and takes looking between upa and filgotinib. If you look at some of the DAS scores, which are a high stringent measure of disease control, low disease activity and clinical remission, I can certainly say that, again, all the caveats across study comparisons taking into account that for low dose of upadacitinib is performing every bit as well, if not maybe directionally better than what we see with filgotinib. So, not seeing clear points of differentiation on the efficacy side, safety is harder to compare because we've got different bits and pieces of what's been shared. I'm glad no patients have venous thromboembolism on the filgotinib trial. But as we know, even patients on background therapy can see VTE. So I think before we can say exactly what that means, we need to see their whole program it's in context. And certainly, we've shared some information on infections, last year so on. I think at this point, it's too early to say that there is any kind of clear signal what differentiation on these low incidence events. The one thing I do want to point out is that we will be filing an RA with upadacitinib before the end of this year, actually one of the things I must point out, before the end of this year, again, I don't know if Gilead had spoken to their timing when they were just in here. As I understand, the critical path for them is to complete the man-to-male reproductive study to de-risk the 200 milligram dose to see exactly what the benefit risk on that dose is. As I understand that that may put them more than a year behind our current filing timeline."
Zulke farma-toplui zijn net politiekers . Die hebben het ook altijd wel in een bepaalde regio goed (of minder slecht) gedaan en daar wordt dan de nadruk op gelegd. Zo werkt het spelletje nu eenmaal. En als je het nakijkt heeft hij natuurlijk gelijk. Op het vlak van DAS scoort de laagste dosis upadacitinib het best na 12 weken. Zelfs beter dan de hoogste dosis upadactinib wat eigenlijk misschien niet zo goed is. Maar los van die opmerking heb ik wel de indruk dat AbbVie toch al iets gematigder geworden is ten opzichte van filgotinib.
Dank aan Pate