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Cannabis aandelen

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Hi Chappie, goede morgen,
Ik denk niet dat ik je iets spectaculairs kan bieden hoor....alleen geduld!
Mijn redenering is als volgt: Canopy sinds 2014 kent een verdubbeling in revenue met een huidige waardering van ca.6.3 billion Dlrs of >90 x revenue....
De huidige koerswaarde van CAD 32.49 verdubbelen zie ik niet zo gebeuren dit jaar, zelfs met de recreatieve legalisering midden dit jaar...aldus nu reeds dik winst genomen met het doel van uitbreiding in Emblem.
Ik blijf dik LONG met Aurora, Aphria,CBW , Emblem.

De fundamenten van Emblem zijn sterk (beneden meer detail) met de huidige focus op "medicinale produkten" inclusief CBD oils.
Hogerop 12/03-09.23h "Emblem Corp CEO Nick Dean Talks about their Game Plan for 2018".
In het algemeen zijn de sentimenten bullish en de consensus CAD 2.75.

Als IPO is Emblem niet als een "petty stock" uit de startblokken geschoten met 100den % (in tegendeel).Ik voorzie eerder een verdubbeling van dit aandeel einde 2018/begin 2019....of een overname door 1 van de 2 Unicorns.

QCTrader samenvatting:
"Ticker: $EMC.v

Shares outstanding: 90m
Market cap: 160m$
Cashed up position: roughly 90m$ in the bank.
Warrants: 30m shares
Options: 6m shares

Prior to IPO raises:23.7m$ @ 1.15$
Raise after IPO: 15m$ Special warrants convertible @ 3.63$ half warrants 4.75$
Recent raises: 26m$ @ 1.75$ half warrants @ 2.15, 50m$ @ 2.05$ half warrants @2.30$
Facility size: 23 500 sqrft + 4 800 sqrft offices
Land size: 3 acres + 1.2 acre + 80 acres(short walk distance)
Expansion: 30 000 sqrft GMP extraction/lab (expected completion june/july)
Expansion 2: starts second Q of 2018, 120k sqrft greenhouse + 50k facility expansion planned.
Licenses: production+sales + oils

GrowWise Health Limited
Clinic business, Emblem owns 50% with option to acquire remaining 50%
GrowWise operated multiple clinics in partnership with the White Cedar Medical Cannabis Doctors clinic chain.
GrowWise has 14 locations and has registered 4000 patients with licensed producers (doesnt mention Active Patients versus Registered)

Canntab Therapeutics Limited
EMC and Canntab has an agreement for r&d for the purpose of an oral sustained release pills or capules targed for early 2019 (under Emblem Brand)

Ongoing R&D
Vape pens and the related concentrate technology, pills, gel caps, sub-lingual applications and measured dose nasal sprays

Expansion land advantages:
Natural gas infrastructure available to these lands will allow Emblem to "go off the grid", generating electricity and cogenerating heat and CO2 and allowing the Company to become a low-cost producer.

Recent change in CEO, Nick Dean is the new captain, has over 12 years of consumer marketing and leadership experience. Previously worked in pharmaceuticals and healthcare brands, including LCBO.

Emblem, had a rough year, when first came to market it was extremely hyped due to the John H. Stewart connection and his past with Oxycotin and Pharma industry. So EMC came down and down, never really executed on expansions, their revenues went down, their share price took a dive, bleeded the hell out of it, EMC was also the only tax-loss candidate of the marijuana sector for 2017, so that didnt help the December run.

Why invest in Emblem?
Well we, investors, are always looking at a share price opportunity (valuation) versus peers.
And most often those gap in valuation versus comparables are created by mistakes by management. Recently management has changed, 75m$ was raised, they are slowly executing behind the scene and not flashing the pump news releases.

The biggest reason to invest in Emblem at this moment would be their cash position versus market cap, how often can you invest in a marijuana company with half their valuation in cash in the bank? not very often.

The second biggest reason to invest in Emblem is the recent canadian sector went up roughly 250% from low levels, EMC is at its lowest despite their biggest cash position.

I could go on and compare multiple marijuana company that had a cash position close to half their market cap and 100% of those company received a more than 50% share price appreciation in the coming weeks/months. (HVST,MARI,EMH,CMM,)

market cap is roughly 170m$ they have roughly 90m$ in the bank, add roughly 30m$ for their land, facility, extra land, GrowWise clinic, ongoing agreements. not much downside at this level versus 99% of Canadian marijuana companies"


Empros schreef op 13 maart 2018 11:20:

Hi Chappie, goede morgen,
Ik denk niet dat ik je iets spectaculairs kan bieden hoor....alleen geduld!
Mijn redenering is als volgt: Canopy sinds 2014 kent een verdubbeling in revenue met een huidige waardering van ca.6.3 billion Dlrs of >90 x revenue....
De huidige koerswaarde van CAD 32.49 verdubbelen zie ik niet zo gebeuren dit jaar, zelfs met de recreatieve legalisering midden dit jaar...aldus nu reeds dik winst genomen met het doel van uitbreiding in Emblem.
Ik blijf dik LONG met Aurora, Aphria,CBW , Emblem.

De fundamenten van Emblem zijn sterk (beneden meer detail) met de huidige focus op "medicinale produkten" inclusief CBD oils.
Hogerop 12/03-09.23h "Emblem Corp CEO Nick Dean Talks about their Game Plan for 2018".
In het algemeen zijn de sentimenten bullish en de consensus CAD 2.75.

Als IPO is Emblem niet als een "petty stock" uit de startblokken geschoten met 100den % (in tegendeel).Ik voorzie eerder een verdubbeling van dit aandeel einde 2018/begin 2019....of een overname door 1 van de 2 Unicorns.

QCTrader samenvatting:
"Ticker: $EMC.v

Shares outstanding: 90m
Market cap: 160m$
Cashed up position: roughly 90m$ in the bank.
Warrants: 30m shares
Options: 6m shares

Prior to IPO raises:23.7m$ @ 1.15$
Raise after IPO: 15m$ Special warrants convertible @ 3.63$ half warrants 4.75$
Recent raises: 26m$ @ 1.75$ half warrants @ 2.15, 50m$ @ 2.05$ half warrants @2.30$
Facility size: 23 500 sqrft + 4 800 sqrft offices
Land size: 3 acres + 1.2 acre + 80 acres(short walk distance)
Expansion: 30 000 sqrft GMP extraction/lab (expected completion june/july)
Expansion 2: starts second Q of 2018, 120k sqrft greenhouse + 50k facility expansion planned.
Licenses: production+sales + oils

GrowWise Health Limited
Clinic business, Emblem owns 50% with option to acquire remaining 50%
GrowWise operated multiple clinics in partnership with the White Cedar Medical Cannabis Doctors clinic chain.
GrowWise has 14 locations and has registered 4000 patients with licensed producers (doesnt mention Active Patients versus Registered)

Canntab Therapeutics Limited
EMC and Canntab has an agreement for r&d for the purpose of an oral sustained release pills or capules targed for early 2019 (under Emblem Brand)

Ongoing R&D
Vape pens and the related concentrate technology, pills, gel caps, sub-lingual applications and measured dose nasal sprays

Expansion land advantages:
Natural gas infrastructure available to these lands will allow Emblem to "go off the grid", generating electricity and cogenerating heat and CO2 and allowing the Company to become a low-cost producer.

Recent change in CEO, Nick Dean is the new captain, has over 12 years of consumer marketing and leadership experience. Previously worked in pharmaceuticals and healthcare brands, including LCBO.

Emblem, had a rough year, when first came to market it was extremely hyped due to the John H. Stewart connection and his past with Oxycotin and Pharma industry. So EMC came down and down, never really executed on expansions, their revenues went down, their share price took a dive, bleeded the hell out of it, EMC was also the only tax-loss candidate of the marijuana sector for 2017, so that didnt help the December run.

Why invest in Emblem?
Well we, investors, are always looking at a share price opportunity (valuation) versus peers.
And most often those gap in valuation versus comparables are created by mistakes by management. Recently management has changed, 75m$ was raised, they are slowly executing behind the scene and not flashing the pump news releases.

The biggest reason to invest in Emblem at this moment would be their cash position versus market cap, how often can you invest in a marijuana company with half their valuation in cash in the bank? not very often.

The second biggest reason to invest in Emblem is the recent canadian sector went up roughly 250% from low levels, EMC is at its lowest despite their biggest cash position.

I could go on and compare multiple marijuana company that had a cash position close to half their market cap and 100% of those company received a more than 50% share price appreciation in the coming weeks/months. (HVST,MARI,EMH,CMM,)

market cap is roughly 170m$ they have roughly 90m$ in the bank, add roughly 30m$ for their land, facility, extra land, GrowWise clinic, ongoing agreements. not much downside at this level versus 99% of Canadian marijuana companies"

Thanks !!
Aurora Cannabis Exports Dried Cannabis Flower and Oils to Australia for Novel Nose-to-Brain Drug Delivery Research by PreveCeutical
"Steel tariffs,blocking of Qualcomm Inc. takeover,fear for China retaliation,firing of the U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson,..." een US-cocktail die de meeste beurzen rood deed aanlopen vandaag.
Hopelijk morgen beter!

Investeringsfonds Snoop Dogg haalt $45 mln op voor cannabis

Casa Verde Capital, het investeringsfonds van rapper/entertainer en zakenman Snoop Dogg — geboren als Calvin Broadus — heeft in zijn eerste investeringsronde $45 mln opgehaald. Het geld zal worden geïnvesteerd in de cannabisindustrie en komt voornamelijk van kleine firma's en individuele investeerders.

Snoop Dogg heeft met zijn investeringsfonds $45 mln opgehaald die zal worden geïnvesteerd in de cannabisindustrie.
Op dit moment heeft Casa Verde geïnvesteerd in acht bedrijven. In de komende tijd komen daar nog meer bij. Het bedrijf investeert in bedrijven die zich bezighouden met cannabis, van hulpmiddelen voor het kweken tot mediabedrijven. Alleen bedrijven 'die daadwerkelijk planten aanraken' vallen buiten de boot.

Grote kansen met cannabis
Casa Verde ziet veel mogelijkheden in de cannabissector. Een woordvoerder zegt tegen Techcrunch dat de industrie in de kinderschoenen staat en nog niet wordt geplaagd door bureaucratie en logge bedrijfsstructuren. Dat maakt het ideaal voor jonge ondernemers om een bedrijf te beginnen en groot te worden.

Een probleem is dat cannabis in de Verenigde Staten officieel nog illegaal is. Het bedrijf verwacht dat dit geen stand zal houden. De vraag is of dit zo is. In januari kondigde minister van justitie Jeff Sessions aan dat hij het huidige gedoogbeleid, waardoor in verschillende staten van de VS ongestraft marihuana kan worden aangeschaft, wil terugdraaien.

Begin deze maand kwam hij deels op zijn woorden terug. Tijdens een speech in Georgetown gaf hij toe dat de Amerikaanse justitie zich niet zal bezighouden met kleine marihuana gerelateerde zaken.

Verschillende investeringen
Tot op heden is de grootste investering van Casa Verde er een in Leaflink, een online marktplaats voor cannabisbedrijven, verkopers en distributeurs. Een andere prominente investering is in Merry Jane, een mediaplatform dat zich focust op marihuana en aanverwante zaken.

Overigens houdt Snoop Dogg zich bij Casa Verde niet bezig met de investeringen. Zijn rol bestaat vooral uit het verlenen van geloofwaardigheid aan het bedrijf en het vergroten van de zichtbaarheid ervan. Daarnaast heeft hij als ervaringsdeskundige een adviserende rol.

Bron: FD
TGOD / The Green Organic Dutchman

Dear Shareholders & Friends,

March 14, 2018 – Toronto, ON – The Green Organic Dutchman Holdings Ltd. (the “Company” or “TGOD”) today announced that it has filed an amended and restated preliminary long form prospectus (the “Prospectus”) with the securities regulatory authorities in each of the provinces of Canada in respect of its previously announced initial public offering of units of the Company (the “Units”). The Prospectus contemplates a minimum offering of $75,000,000 and a maximum offering of $100,000,000 through the issuance of a minimum of 20,547,945 Units and a maximum of 27,397,260 Units (the “Offering”) at a price of $3.65 per Unit.
Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company (a “Unit Share”) and one-half of one common share purchase warrant of the Company (each whole warrant being a “Warrant”). Each Warrant is exercisable into one common share of the Company (a “Warrant Share”) at the price of $7.00 per Warrant Share, subject to adjustment, on or prior to 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the date that is the earlier of (i) 24 months after the Closing Date and (ii) the date specified in any Warrant Acceleration Notice (as hereinafter defined). If, at any time, the volume-weighted average trading price of the common shares of the Company is equal to or greater than $9.00 for any 10 consecutive trading day period, the Company may provide written notice to Computershare Trust Company of Canada as warrant indenture trustee and the registered holders of Warrants (a “Warrant Acceleration Notice”) that the expiry time of the Warrants shall be accelerated to the date which is 30 days after the date of such Warrant Acceleration Notice, subject to TSX approval.
The Offering is being led by Canaccord Genuity Corp. as sole bookrunner and co-led with PI Financial Corp. (collectively, the “Co-Lead Agents”), together with Industrial Alliance Securities Inc., INFOR Financial Inc., Echelon Wealth Partners Inc. and Mackie Research Capital Corporation as agents (collectively, the “Agents”).
The amended and restated preliminary prospectus contains important information relating to TGOD and the Units and is still subject to completion or amendment. Copies of the amended and restated preliminary prospectus are available from the Agents. There will not be any sale or any acceptance of an offer to buy the Units until a receipt for the (final) long form prospectus has been issued.
No securities regulatory authority has either approved or disapproved of the contents of this news release. The Units have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws. Accordingly, the Units may not be offered or sold within the United States unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or pursuant to exemptions from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities of TGOD in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors,
The Green Organic Dutchman Holdings Ltd.
Robert Anderson
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Chairman
The Company is licensed under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (“ACMPR”) to cultivate medical cannabis. The Company carries out its principal activities producing cannabis from its facilities in Ancaster, Ont., pursuant to the provisions of the ACMPR and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada) and its regulations.
The Company grows high quality, organic medical cannabis with sustainable, all-natural principles. The Company’s products are laboratory tested to ensure patients have access to a standardized, safe and consistent product.
The Company has a funded capacity of 116,000 kg and is situated on approximately 175 acres of land between two of the most populated areas of Canada; Ontario & Quebec.. The Company has negotiated favourable power rates and is building a combined 970,000 sq. ft. facility capable of producing 116,000 kg of premium, high- quality, organic cannabis. To date, the Company has raised approximately $160 million dollars and has over 4,000 shareholders.

Wij zijn nieuw in de aandelenmarkt en we hebben Aurora-aandelen gekocht. Cannimed aandeelhouders hebben nu 14 dagen om hun aandelen in te wisselen voor Aurora-aandelen of voor cash. Ik zie het volume aandelen van Aurora aangroeien. Ik zou denken dat de prijs dan ook zou omhoog gaan maar nu al derde dag op rij lichte daling. Kan iemand dit verklaren? Wordt er wel stijging verwacht?

Katykevin schreef op 15 maart 2018 17:11:

Wij zijn nieuw in de aandelenmarkt en we hebben Aurora-aandelen gekocht. Cannimed aandeelhouders hebben nu 14 dagen om hun aandelen in te wisselen voor Aurora-aandelen of voor cash. Ik zie het volume aandelen van Aurora aangroeien. Ik zou denken dat de prijs dan ook zou omhoog gaan maar nu al derde dag op rij lichte daling. Kan iemand dit verklaren? Wordt er wel stijging verwacht?
Wacht zelf nog even met aurora totdat de omwisseling voorbij is.

Low costs have been one of OrganiGram's strengths, which have been improving. For example, gross margins at the company increased from 27 percent to 40 percent sequentially in the last quarter.
With yields projected to be sustainably much higher, those gross margin numbers are only going to get better. Taking into account the low hydro power costs where it operates in New Brunswick, this should be a significant catalyst as it boosts production through 2020, as will lower labor costs in the region.

Mooi uitgebreid artikel.

rider13 schreef op 15 maart 2018 17:35:

Low costs have been one of OrganiGram's strengths, which have been improving. For example, gross margins at the company increased from 27 percent to 40 percent sequentially in the last quarter.
With yields projected to be sustainably much higher, those gross margin numbers are only going to get better. Taking into account the low hydro power costs where it operates in New Brunswick, this should be a significant catalyst as it boosts production through 2020, as will lower labor costs in the region.

Mooi uitgebreid artikel.
AB & Top artikel!
P/E ratio < 30 ! & Nice yields
Goed management die het internationaal kunnen gaan maken.
Hier ga ik beslist met mee & Morgen shoppen!
We zijn nog niet aan de nieuwe patatjes vrees ik !

Ik hoop dat Mr.T de volgende passagier is in de Tesla dat Musk afschiet!

Osho schreef op 16 maart 2018 15:06:

Zijn de openingstijden van de CAD beurs veranderd?
Zomertijd misschien ??

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