Echte beleggers lezen dit soort dingen niet in de krant trouwens, maar krijgen er een mail over van hun broker.
Dear Client,
You are receiving this notice as you maintain permissions to trade one or more markets impacted by the MiFID II directive through which the smallest permitted trading increment or, tick size, will be subject to a mandatory regime starting 2 January 2018. This change, which is intended to ensure an orderly market, applies to all EEA traded stocks, depository receipts and certain equity based ETFs with the tick size for a given security based upon its price and liquidity band.
As a result of these changes, exchanges will be cancelling any GTC or GTD orders effective with the 29 December close of business. IBKR, in turn, will look to simulate any cancelled orders for 2 January 2018 after which they will be carried natively at the relevant exchange(s), however, the prices of such orders will be rounded away to comply with the mandatory tick increments. We there recommend that you review and make any necessary changes to GTC and GTD orders prior to the 2 January 2018 market open.