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josti5 schreef op 8 september 2022 11:51:

Rusland is nu ook actiever bezig met het vernielen van de infrastructuur:

Liveuamap Source
Russian army conducted 10 missile strikes and 22 airstrikes across Ukraine. Infrastructure was targeted near Kharkiv, Tsyrkuny, Velyki Prohody, Sloviansk, Sieversk, Kramatorsk, Ivano-Daryivka, Zaitseve, Soledar, Bakhmut, Bohoyavlenka, Kostiantynivka, Vremivka, Velyka Novosilka, Prechystivka, Dorozhnianka, Trudove, Chervone, Vysokopillia, Ternovi Pody, Lozove, Olhivske, Bilohirka, Kostromka, Chervony Yar, Sukhiy Stavok, Bezimenne, Andriivka and Bila Krynytsa , - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the morning report
Te triest voor woorden wat Putin aan het doen is

Zijn leger krijgt enorme klappen en uit kwaadheid over zijn onvermogen om Oekrainse soldaten aan te vallen, gaat Putin het beschieten van dorpen en steden, met weerloze burgers, intensiveren

Met dit als resultaat :


Glasnost Gone :

Major factor indicating Russia's military is largely clueless
Duidelijk te zien dat Putin ten einde raad is :

is their decimation of Ukrainian cities, towns & villages.

So when Russian troops have to defend them, there's no running water, electricity, sewage, shops, food etc. so Russians forced to send in mountains of supplies for its troops.


theo1 schreef op 8 september 2022 13:59:


Ik denk het niet. De voorraden in het westen zijn nog lang niet op. Kan je het je voorstellen, dat de wapens op raken in Amerika? Dat verhaal speelde een beetje toen het over stingers ging. De stinger is een oud systeem dat al werd afgebouwd door het Amerikaanse leger. Daarom was ook de productie al teruggeschroefd. Maar ook daarvan zijn er nog zat.

De oude Sovjet zooi die landen als Polen nog over hadden is inderdaad al naar Oekraïne gedoneerd. Er is in het westen ook amper productiecapaciteit voor de munitie die dat spul gebruikt. Daarom sturen ze nu NATO standaard materiaal. Dat kost tijd om voor te trainen, maar er zijn veel grotere voorraden van en ook productiecapaciteit.

En er is ook nog de industrie. Het westen heeft een grote wapenindustrie en die kan best nog een tandje bijschakelen.

Ik denk eerder dat de Russen in de problemen gaan komen. Dat ze munitie kopen van Noord Korea is wat dat betreft wel een teken.
US has approved nearly $2.7 billion ( miljard ) in new aid for Ukraine and allies, including $675 million in weapons for Ukraine.

Aid includes howitzers, munitions, Humvee vehicles, armoured ambulances & anti-tank systems.

Also today, US Secretary Blinken ( US Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken ) is in Kyiv.


Over aanvals- en verdedigingsverhoudingen:

“We lost five people for every one they did,” said Ihor, a 30-year-old platoon commander who injured his back when the tank he was riding in crashed into a ditch.


luchtschip schreef op 8 september 2022 14:39:

So when Russian troops have to defend them, there's no running water, electricity, sewage, shops, food etc. so Russians forced to send in mountains of supplies for its troops.

Mooie reactie onder die laatste tweet:
With no running water, electricity, sewage, shops, food etc. the Russians most likely feel at home anyway..
Oekraine maakt al dagen melding van grote aantallen gedode Russische soldaten

Gisteren 640
de dag ervoor 350
en de dag daarvoor 450

Dit zijn enorme aantallen dat geen enkel leger zich kan permitteren om dit door te laten gaan

Glasnost Gone :

This morning, Ukraine's military command doesn't mention offensives, but as you see below, does list a lot of Russian stuff hit, inc 2 jets, 2 helicopters, 5 UAV ( Drones ), command post, fuel & ammo supplies etc.
Cumulative total gives more info, incl 640 Russians killed

lijst met aantallen bij + staat het aantal van de afgelopen 24 uur


tekst van Ukraine Armed Forces


UK Ministerie van Defensie

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 8 September 2022


(1/3) In Kherson Oblast, Ukrainian brigades continue to conduct offensive operations. Ukraine has probably destroyed a military pontoon bridge at Darivka, which Russian forces had deployed after the nearby road bridge was severely damaged.

(2/3) The Darivka crossing is one of the main routes between the northern and southern sectors of Russia’s military presence along the Dnipro river.

(3/3) Ukraine’s systematic precision targeting of vulnerable crossing points likely continues to impose pressure on Russian forces as they attempt to contain Ukrainian attacks: it slows their ability to deploy operational reserves and resupply materiel from the east.

Instead of a thousand words.

Volodymyr, 66, injured in a Russian bombardment, sits on a chair in his damaged apartment, in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine. July 7, 2022



Op Russische sociale media wordt al met een vinger gewezen naar de schuldige voor het Kharkov debacle Luitenant Generaal Sychevoy, de bevelhebber van het "West" front


een teken dat de Russen zeer ontevreden zijn over de ontwikkelingen
Vladimir Putin fell asleep during a meeting that was held on Russky Island and was dedicated to the development of tourism. This is reported by The Daily Mail.




luchtschip schreef op 8 september 2022 15:11:

Vladimir Putin fell asleep during a meeting that was held on Russky Island and was dedicated to the development of tourism. This is reported by The Daily Mail.
Toerisme in rusland snap ik wel, het is daar prachtig.
Moskou en dan vooral het Kremlin zijn echt schitterend.
Maar alleen vanuit de cockpit van een bommenwerper gezien.

plusmin schreef op 8 september 2022 15:21:


Toerisme in rusland snap ik wel, het is daar prachtig.
Moskou en dan vooral het Kremlin zijn echt schitterend.
Maar alleen vanuit de cockpit van een bommenwerper gezien.
Meld u aan bij de orcs als bommenwerperpiloot ;)
Elk jaar demonstraties
Van militair materieel
Gelardeerd door militair luchtmachtvertoon.

Freemoneyforever schreef op 8 september 2022 15:31:

Meld u aan bij de orcs als bommenwerperpiloot ;)
Elk jaar demonstraties
Van militair materieel
Gelardeerd door militair luchtmachtvertoon.
Kwam helaas niet door de eerste test-vraag.
Ze vroegen of ik eerlijk en integer was, toe ik "ja" antwoordde kon ik gelijk vertrekken.
Glasnost Gone :

Wow bloody wow.

Ukraine's military command report :

"Currently, Ukrainian military has penetrated the enemy's defense to a depth of up to 50km.
In the course of conducting active actions in the Kharkiv direction, more than 20 settlements were liberated."


Clearly Ukraine's military is pushing hard to take advantage of Russia's demoralised forces.
To have penetrated 50km into occupied territory is damned impressive.

Probably with a dig ( sneer ) at Russia - Ukrainian military add "Filtration operations are ongoing in a number of settlements."


theo1 schreef op 8 september 2022 13:30:

De Oekraïners komen steeds dichter bij Izium. De Russen roepen de bevolking van Kupjansk op te evacueren.


Kaart in de bijlage.

Kupjansk is bij de spijker. Balakliya (waar nu wordt gevochten) is links in het midden. Voloky Yar (dat gisteren is ingenomen)
is op het kruispunt van de weg van Kupjansk naar Balakliya en de weg van Charkov naar Izium (tweede kruispunt boven Izium). Charkov is buiten het screenshot linksboven. Voor het idee: van Izium naar Kunje is ongeveer 10km.
Nog vage berichten :

Some russian sources say they no longer control Shevchenkove and the Ukrainian spearhead is approaching Kupiansk...

If this is correct, the Russian front east of Kharkiv starting to collapse rapidly.

Some sources even say Ukrainian troops are only 2km from Kupiansk.



theo1 schreef op 8 september 2022 13:44:


Het hangt natuurlijk heel erg van de omstandigheden af.

Straatgevechten tegen een vastberaden vijand zijn extreem duur. Dat kost je ontzettend veel manschappen. Daarom hebben de Russen Charkov nooit ingenomen. Ze waren één dag in de stad, kregen klop en trokken zich terug.

Aanvallen tegen een vijand in goed voorbereide posities is lastig. Zeker als het landschap al veel dekking geeft. Tegen haastig gegraven loopgraven in een open vlakte is het al een stuk eenvoudiger. Zeker als je artillerie hebt die op een meter nauwkeurig kan schieten.

Aanvallen tegen gemotiveerde elitetroepen kost natuurlijk veel meer dan aanvallen tegen groene rekruten, of gedwongen gemobiliseerde milities, of gedemoraliseerde semi-dienstplichtigen.

Het maakt natuurlijk ontzettend veel verschil of je zelf goede wapens hebt. En of de vijand goede wapens heeft. En of de vijand genoeg munitie heeft. En net zo snel bevoorraad kan worden als dat ze hun munitie wegschieten. Een leger in actie schiet ontzettend veel munitie weg.

Ik denk dat die 3 op 1 een hele ruwe vuistregel is op basis van "als verder alles hetzelfde is" en een soort van gemiddeld terrein. Ik heb zo het idee dat de Russen bij Cherson er veel slechter voorstaan dan de veronderstellingen waar die 3 op 1 op is gebaseerd.
Het zal wel van veel afhangen.
Denk mogelijk teveel aan nieuwe wapens. In Hiroshima en Nagasaki om een extreem voorbeeld te noemen werd ook een gloednieuw wapen ingezet.
Tevens lees ik vaak dat de vijand omsingelen en van alles afsnijden enorm scheelt in eigen slachtoffers.
Doch in ieder geval bedankt.
‘We have already lost’: far-right Russian bloggers slam military failures

Military pro-war bloggers with frontline contacts offer rare insight into Russia’s performance on ground

“The war in Ukraine will continue until the complete defeat of Russia,” Igor Girkin, a far-right nationalist, grumbled in a video address to his 430,000 followers on Telegram on Monday. “We have already lost, the rest is just a matter of time.”

Girkin, a former Russian intelligence colonel who became a commander of the pro-Russian separatist forces in 2014, is arguably the most prominent voice within an increasingly loud and angry group of ultra-nationalist and pro-war bloggers who have taken to berating the Kremlin for its failure to achieve its tactical objectives as the fighting in Ukraine has entered its seventh month.

After Ukraine’s latest counter-offensive in the south and the north-east of the country, these bloggers – who have so far been granted a public platform denied to many – have intensified their criticism of the Kremlin, slamming the army’s inadequate performance in the war and urging Vladimir Putin to declare a full-scale mobilisation.

“They are certainly getting angrier, and with good and obvious reason, especially as the gap between the official line and the reality on the ground widens,” said Mark Galeotti, an expert in Russian security affairs.

On Wednesday, Ukraine launched a surprise counterattack near the country’s second biggest city of Kharkiv, encircling Balakliia, a strategically important town of 27,000 people, and recapturing several smaller settlements.

The military bloggers, who are often former veterans with contacts on the frontlines, also provide a rare insight into Russia’s real performance on the ground. “Some are very dubious sources but there are also those – like Girkin – who know what they’re talking about and clearly are in touch with people at the front or who otherwise are in the know,” said Galeotti.

The Russian government has not published its own losses since 25 March, when it gave a total of 1,351 killed and 3,825 wounded. Western intelligence believes as many as 80,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded since the start of the war.

Instead, since the onset of the war, the Russian defence ministry has repeatedly issued improbable statements about its successes on the battlefield, boasting of having destroyed more than 40 western-made Himars rocket launchers and claiming to have decimated the Ukrainian air force.

State television, the most popular source of information in Russia, similarly continues to paint a rosy picture of Russian successes in Ukraine. In a combative speech on Wednesday, Putin reiterated that Russia had “lost nothing” in a war he said was going according to plan.

However, that optimism was not shared by others as Ukraine encircled Balakliia on Wednesday, pulling off what has already been labelled as one of the war’s most impressive strategic moves and hailed as “good news” by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, on Wednesday night.

“It must be stated that in Balakliia, the armed forces of Ukraine have completely outplayed our command,” Starshe Eddy, a popular pro-war Russian blogger, wrote on his Telegram channel.

Starshe Eddy’s audience on Telegram, like those of other war bloggers, has ballooned since the start of the invasion, from about 28,000 in January to 500,000, according to Tgstat, an analytics service for Telegram channels.

Pointing to Russia’s non-reaction to the Ukrainian offensive, Aleksandr Kots, a pro-Kremlin war journalist, accused the authorities on Wednesday of hiding “bad news” about the situation on the ground. “We need to start doing something about the system where our leadership doesn’t like to talk about bad news, and their subordinates don’t want to upset their bosses,” he said.

Ukraine’s latest offensive has also led to renewed calls from the far-right nationalist for a general mobilisation, a move Putin has so far opted against despite growing signs the Russian army is facing an acute lack of new soldiers.


Oliegarch schreef op 8 september 2022 11:31:


Officials are suspected of stealing (WARNING):
??22 shipping containers
??389 railway wagons
??220 trucks
Kunt u dit nader toelichten?

Freemoneyforever schreef op 8 september 2022 16:09:

In a combative speech on Wednesday, Putin reiterated that Russia had “lost nothing” in a war he said was going according to plan.
"Lost Nothing" zegt de Opper-Orc.
Dan weten alle ondergeschikte Orc's gelijk wat ze waard zijn voor de grote Opper Orc; Nothing!
De Moskva was slechts een speelgoed bootje en al die Special Forces die rond Kiev werden afgemaakt in de eerste dag(en) kunnen gemist worden als kiespijn natuurlijk, ook niets waard.

Lost Nothing... Weet niet welke drugs ploertin gebruikt maar het lijkt me waanzinnig spul!
Lost Nothing, behalve zijn verstand, zijn Prada en Gucci stores en heel veel poen en belangrijke spulletjes uit het Westen.

Enige dat hij niet kwijt is zijn zijn geweten en integriteit... deze heeft hij nooit gehad.
On the road to victory?

Kaarten / foto's / footage

How clever Ukrainian counter-attacks have pinned down Russia's troops in the south and punched through their frontline in the north - leaving Putin's invasion at risk of collapse

It is an outcome that few dared to hope for. But 10 days after Ukraine's generals announced the start of their first major counter-attack against Russian troops, the road to victory is starting to become clearer.

Clever tactics saw Ukraine's commanders draw Russian troops into the south of the country before pinning them down with a counter-attack around the city of Kherson.

Some of Putin's best men are now all-but trapped in the city, bullied by Ukrainian artillery and with no easy way to retreat back across the Dnipro River after HIMARS strikes destroyed the main bridges.

That gave Ukraine the chance to spring a second - surprise - counter-attack to the east of the city of Kharkiv, with a 'fist' of tanks and infantry punching through thinned-out defences there yesterday.

Those troops are now rapidly advancing, threatening key supply lines into Donbas. As Dr Mike Martin, an ex-British army officer now at King's College, put it on Twitter yesterday: 'If [Ukraine] pulls that off, it's serious rout time.'

Putin is once again staring an embarrassing defeat in the face. If his troops are forced to pull back from Kherson and abandon their assault in Donbas, it will be hard even for him to play off the invasion as a success.

Meanwhile Ukraine is hailing its successes. According to one commander who spoke out today, troops have now recaptured a total of 270 square miles of territory across both fronts - a long way from victory, but no small feat.

Here, MailOnline examines how Ukraine brought the war to this pivotal point...


Ukraine made no secret of its plans to take back this southern city.

The only regional capital captured by Russian troops since February, Kherson spans the Dnipro River - providing Putin's men with their only access to the west bank and keeping his hopes of an assault on the port of Odesa alive.

For weeks, officials told anyone who would listen that they were coming to re-take it and followed up their threats with missile and bomb attacks on nearby bridges, railways, ammo dumps, airfields and command posts.

That convinced Russia the threat was real, and prompted a huge shift of men and materiel into the area. Around a dozen battalions are through to have been shifted from the eastern Donbas to Kherson since May.

By the time Ukraine launched its attack on August 29 - with southern command spokesman Nataliya Gumenyuk saying the first line of defence had been broken - an estimated 30,000 troops were stationed there.

Since late August Ukrainian troops have been advancing along three broad fronts, according to analysis by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

The most-successful push has been south from the city of Davydiv Brid towards Beryslav, a key river crossing, with Ukrainian troops forcing the poorly-armed 109th regiment of the Donetsk People's Republic to fall back.

Kyiv's men have now advanced around eight miles south of their original position, with heavy fighting ongoing.

Another slow but steady advance has also been taking place to the south of Kryvyi Rih, with Ukraine recapturing a handful of small towns and villages while squeezing Russia back towards the Dnipro River.

The third front is between the Ukrainian-held city of Mykolaiv and Kherson itself, where Kyiv's men have met with mixed success.

Analysts at ISW believe they have made some advances along the shore of the Dniprovs'ka Gulf towards the village of Oleksandrivka, but have actually been forced back along the key M-14 highway which connects the two cities.

Unlike the loud build-up to the attack, which seemed designed to put Russia on the alert, Ukraine has said little about the operation now it is underway - and has appealed for people not to post footage of it online.

Both sides claim the other is suffering heavy losses in the fighting without giving any indication of their own.


For months, Kharkiv has been a forgotten frontline. Not since Ukrainian troops reached - and were subsequently pushed back from - Russia's border in mid-May has much attention been paid to fighting here.

But all that changed yesterday when Ukraine launched a surprise attack to the east of the city, punching through Russian lines weakened by the withdrawal of troops to Kherson and storming more than 12 miles in a single day.

ISW estimates they captured some 155 square miles in one fell swoop, with videos showing dozens of dead or captured Russian troops - including one lieutenant-colonel - and overrun positions.

Balakliya, a city that previously housed important Russian bases and ammo dumps, was abandoned late yesterday, sources linked to the Russian military said.

Despondent Russian war bloggers suggested that the city of Izyum, the staging post for Putin's wider assault on the Donbas, would likely be the next target. Dr Martin, of King's College, argued a key railway junction in the city of Kup'yans'k was the real aim of the operation.

Capturing the junction would sever the main rail link between the Russian city of Belgorod and Izyum, depriving Putin's forces in the Donbas of supplies - particularly the thousands of artillery shells they need each day to keep their attacks moving forwards.

Dr Martin, of King's College, wrote: 'Ukraine are taking advantage of the thinned out Russian front lines to try and capture that railway junction which will cut the supplies to Izyum, which will cause most of that front to collapse.'

Should that happen, it would mean Putin having to abandon even his most-modest war aim of capturing the whole of the Donbas. It could also mean troops having to retreat from territory they have already captured to avoid being surrounded and captured.

In his nightly video address on Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also reported success in the Kharkiv region.

'This week we have good news from the Kharkiv region. You have probably already seen reports about the activity of Ukrainian defenders, and I think every citizen feels proud of our warriors,' Zelensky said.

Zelensky's presidential adviser, Oleksiy Arestovych, also spoke of Ukrainian gains near Kharkiv late Wednesday, saying they would help disrupt supplies to Russian forces in the area and potentially lead to their encirclement.

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