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DeZwarteRidder schreef op 24 oktober 2022 13:45:

Het vertrek van de Russen uit Kherson kan niet lang meer duren.
Wat een blamage voor Poetin de Grote.
Mag hopen dat hij er een hartwip van krijgt.
Na Leningrad en Stalingrad wil{de} de grote almachtige leider van Rusland, Kiev omdopen in Putingrad. Of dat hem lukt is nog maar de vraag.

matad schreef op 24 oktober 2022 13:53:

Wat een blamage voor Poetin de Grote.
Mag hopen dat hij er een hartwip van krijgt.
Ja, echter ook:
Independent observers predict that the Kremlin plans to fight a battle on its terms inside the city by attempting to draw better-armed and motivated Ukrainian army units into a bloody urban battle.

Veel bloedvergieten in het vooruitzicht

Freemoneyforever schreef op 24 oktober 2022 14:08:

Ja, echter ook:
Independent observers predict that the Kremlin plans to fight a battle on its terms inside the city by attempting to draw better-armed and motivated Ukrainian army units into a bloody urban battle.

Veel bloedvergieten in het vooruitzicht
De Russen in de stad worden afgesneden van bevoorrading.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 24 oktober 2022 14:10:


De Russen in de stad worden afgesneden van bevoorrading.
niet de stad intrekken maar totaal isoleren. eenheden middeleeuws uithongeren. de bewoners zijn weg vlgs berichten.
het zwaard
Volgens Boris Bondarev, een diplomaat die deel uitmaakte van de Russische delegatie bij de Verenigde Naties, zou de Russische president Vladimir Poetin “20 miljoen soldaten opofferen voor de zege in Oekraïne en zijn eigen politieke overleven”.
Bondarev, een expert in nucleaire ontwapening die ontslag nam bij de Russische diplomatieke VN-missie in Genève en sindsdien in ballingschap leeft in die Zwitserse stad, heeft Poetin “twintig jaar lang veel geluk gehad”. “Hij is niet slim, hij heeft gewoon lang geluk gehad. Maar dat geluk is nu op.” Poetin is volgens de diplomaat dan ook wanhopig, en bereid om meer dan een tiende van de Russische bevolking op te offeren. “Twijfel daar geen seconde aan: hij zou tien of twintig miljoen Russen opofferen om alle Oekraïeners af te slachten, enkel om deze oorlog te winnen. Want voor hem is het een princiepskwestie, en een zaak van politiek overleven.”

“Je moet begrijpen: als hij deze oorlog verliest, is dat zijn einde”, aldus Bondarev. “Want bij een nederlaag moet hij aan de elite in Moskou en aan de hele Russische bevolking uitleggen waar deze oorlog nu weer goed voor was. En dat zou wel eens problematisch kunnen zijn.”
Bron: Sky News
het zwaard
‘Opblazen dam vertraagt Oekraïense opmars met slechts twee weken’

Als Rusland besluit om de Nova Kachovka-dam in het Zuiden van Oekraïne op te blazen, zal dat de opmars van de Oekraïense strijdkrachten met slechts twee weken vertragen. Tegelijkertijd zal er een gebied overstromen dat onder controle staat van Moskou, en zal Rusland een kanaal verliezen dat belangrijk is voor de watervoorziening op het geannexeerde schiereiland de Krim. Die waarschuwing komt van Kyrylo Boedanov, het hoofd van de Oekraïense militaire inlichtingendienst.

De Oekraïense president Zelensky zei vorige week dat Rusland van plan zou zijn om de dam op te blazen. "Volgens onze informatie zijn er explosieven aangebracht bij de waterkrachtcentrale en de dam." Moskou zou van plan zijn om de dam te vernietigen als het Russische leger zich genoodzaakt zou zien zich terug te trekken uit de strategische havenstad Cherson. Bewijzen voor zijn bewering leverde Zelensky niet. Wel waarschuwde hij voor een "catastrofe op enorme schaal" als Rusland daadwerkelijk zo ver zou gaan.

Rusland op zijn beurt beschuldigt Kiev ervan de dam, die op zo’n zeventig kilometer van Cherson ligt, te willen vernietigen.
The War With Ukraine is Coming Home to Russians

As Russia's army falters on the battlefield in Ukraine, President Putin has announced a 'partial' mobilisation of citizens with military experience. But in reality— students, pensioners and people with no army training have been called up. Hundreds of thousands of Russians have fled the country. VICE News asks if Russia's 'special operation' has finally become a real war.

Retreating Russian troops leave death and destruction in villages of Kherson Oblast (photo report)

Ukrainian villages occupied by Russian soldiers – whether in Kherson and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts or the Donbas – are almost totally destroyed. Nevertheless, life continues as residents evaluate the losses and wonder how to restore their homes and fields.

Ukrainian photojournalist Andriy Dubchak followed the early days of the Kherson offensive, talking with locals and reporting from the battle zone and the newly liberated villages.


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closer schreef op 24 oktober 2022 12:23:

Dat zou misschien kunnen als de critici zich volwassen zouden gedragen, dus nadrukkelijk NIET: provoceren, confrontatie zoeken, eindeloos herhalen, off-topic gaan en het steeds op de man spelen.
Beste, waarvan akte...

Als eerder gemeld heb ik niets tegen enig persoon (behalve poetin, die mag direct bij het grofvuil).

Als het benoemen van foutieve of discutabele aannames een provocatie is, in uw ogen, dan is dat uw interpretatie.
Het benoemen van een foutieve en/of discutabele aanname in een post is nu eenmaal per definitie een confrontatie naar de poster.
Deze poster verzorgt toevallig wel 80% van de dagelijkse vulling in dit draadje, vnl eenzijdige berichtgeving én van de 1 op de andere dag worden 2 volstrekt tegenstrijdige beweringen geuit.
U mag dit normaal vinden, ik vind zoiets nogal bedenkelijk. En dát heb ik benoemd en daar naar doorgevraagd voor verheldering.
U noemt dit eindeloos herhalen, ik noem het dapper volhouden... zo kunnen we alles een gewenst sausje geven maar de kern wordt steeds troebeler in dat proces.

M.b.t. de inhoudelijke kwaliteit van dit draadje kan en mag zoiets dan toch minimaal benoemd worden en geadresseerd worden aan de betreffende poster, of vindt u van niet?
Dat de betreffende poster dan in stilte zwijgt is m.i. een vorm van arrogantie zoals ik dat inderdaad noemde. Dat is waarom ik de vraag herhaalde en kunt u dus net zo goed de aanschurende partij aanrekenen..

U mag mijn kritisch geluid off-topic vinden, als het om de inhoud en kwaliteit in dit draadje gaat is het m.i. juist volledig on-topic.
Daarnaast was de toon en inhoud van uw laatste bericht aan mij gericht nu niet bepaald van een nivo dat een waardige reactie verdient, toch hoop ik u hiermee verheldering te hebben gegeven in mijn verder geenszins verkeerde bedoelingen.

Een fijne middag nog
The Netherlands is sending the second group of investigators to Ukraine to investigate war crimes

The investigative team from the Netherlands will work in the interests of the International Criminal Court. This will be the second team of investigators who will be assisting in the investigation of war crimes committed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

NOK reported about this.

A forensic medical group of experts is coming to Ukraine at the request of the Ukrainian government. The investigators will visit the places of mass burials and determine what exactly happened there.

The experts conduct DNA examinations and study digital traffic, which may indicate the commission of war crimes. This regards sending photos or messages through instant messengers, such as WhatsApp.

The results of the research will be forwarded to the International Criminal Court to be used during trials.

They stress that Russia does not recognize the International Criminal Court, so it will be difficult to bring the perpetrators to justice for war crimes against Ukraine, but the investigation will be conducted anyway. It is emphasized that this is just as important for the victims of Russian atrocities.

Polish and French experts are also working in Ukraine, studying the circumstances of the crimes committed by the Russian military in Ukraine.

As previously reported, the Justice Initiative Foundation (JIF) was established in Ukraine. This is a non-governmental organization which in cooperation with the special services will be collecting detailed information about Russians who committed war crimes in Ukraine, and thus contribute to their conviction and punishment.

After struggle, Ukraine claims success in downing drones

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian authorities on Monday tried to dampen public fears over Russia's use of Iranian-built drones on its neighbor by claiming increasing success in shooting down the small aircraft, while talk of a “dirty bomb” attack has added another worrying dimension to the conflict that's entering it's ninth month.

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian authorities on Monday tried to dampen public fears over Russia's use of Iranian-built drones on its neighbor by claiming increasing success in shooting down the small aircraft, while talk of a “dirty bomb” attack has added another worrying dimension to the conflict that's entering it's ninth month.

Ukrainians are bracing for less electric power this winter following a sustained Russian barrage on infrastructure across their country in recent weeks. Meanwhile, citizens in the southern city of Mykolaiv lined up for water and essential supplies as Ukrainian forces continued their advance on the nearby Russian-occupied city of Kherson.

Ukraine's forces have shot down more than two-thirds of the approximately 330 Shahed drones that Russia has fired through Saturday, the head of Ukraine’s intelligence service, Kyrylo Budanov, said in a published interview on Monday. Budanov said that Russia's military had ordered about 1,700 units of various types of drones, and a second batch of about 300 Shaheds is currently being rolled out.

“Terror with the use of ‘Shaheds' can actually last for a long time,” he was quoted as saying in Ukrainska Pravda newspaper adding: “Air defense is basically coping, 70% are shot down."

Both Russia and Iran deny that any Iranian-built drones have been used in the war.

Budanov also played down speculation that Russian forces are preparing an immediate exit from Kherson, even though an evacuation of civilians and others including banking personnel and teachers is underway. Budanov said statements to that effect by Russia’s newly appointed commander in Ukraine, Gen. Sergei Surovikin, were aimed at “preparing the ground” in case a full pullout does take place which the Ukrainian official predicted would happen by year's end.


Lees verder:
Russian soldier complains about old equipment, lack of winter uniform, in intercepted call

A Russian soldier complains about the old age of the equipment he’s been issued, and the lack of a winter uniform, in a new intercepted conversation between the soldier and his mother, released by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (HUR) on Telegram on Oct. 23.

According to the Russian invader, the Russians “can’t even hope to get a winter uniform.”

The soldier says that they’ve already spent one winter in Ukraine, and will spend another one without warm clothes. The mother can be heard assuming that at least the military equipment would be new.

“The oldest junk, nothing new in terms of technology,” the soldier replies.

“T-62 tanks. Yesterday, they brought the shells for Grad that look fifty-ish years old.”

Corruption in the Russian military is endemic, and the chaos of their logistics chains, aided by precision Ukrainian strikes on supply hubs, has further damaged their ability to properly equip their soldiers.

Germany to deliver three more IRIS-T systems to Ukraine as soon as possible - Scholz

Germany will deliver three more IRIS-T air defense systems to Ukraine as soon as possible, and each of them can protect a large city.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said this in a speech at the opening of the 5th German-Ukrainian Business Forum on the reconstruction of Ukraine in Berlin on Monday, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

Scholz noted that the Russian invasion on February 24 became a terrible point in history in general and, first and foremost, in the history of Ukraine and Ukrainians.

"We support your country politically, financially, economically, humanitarianly, and with weapons. Yes, we are also talking about this at the economic conference. [...] Russia's attacks on civilian infrastructure show that everything must be done to rebuild and protect Ukrainian cities, villages, bridges, streets and railroad tracks. Therefore, I am very glad that our anti-aircraft missile systems and anti-aircraft self-propelled units, and now also IRIS-T, are in Ukraine. [...] This [IRIS-T] system can protect a large city. We will deliver three more such systems to Ukraine as soon as possible," Scholz said.

He said that Germany, together with its partners, would support Ukraine for as long as it takes.

"This applies to wartime as well as reconstruction. You can rely on Germany, the EU and other friends in the world," he said.

On October 11, Germany supplied Ukraine with the first IRIS-T air defense system. On October 14, the Ukrainian Air Force said the system was already on combat duty.

The IRIS-T SLM is the most advanced German-made air defense system. It is not even in service with the German Armed Forces yet. The system was developed by Germany's defense company Diehl Defence.

The system is designed to destroy cruise and ballistic missiles, as well as aircraft, helicopters and UAVs.

Two Alligator helicopters are shot down in half an hour in Kherson Oblast

Anti-aircraft gunners of the Ukrainian Air Force shot down two Russian Ka-52 Alligator helicopters in Kherson Oblast on Monday.

Source: press service of the Air Force Command

Details: On 24 October, between 13:00 and 13:30, units of the Odesa- and Kherson-based anti-aircraft missile brigades of Air Command Pivden (South) shot down two Ka-52 attack helicopters in the Beryslav district, Kherson Oblast.

European Investment Bank supports TUMO Centre for IT learning in Ukraine

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has announced that it will support TUMO Centre Ukraine together with KfW, the German national promotional bank.

A donation totalling €125,000 (€50,000 from the EIB and €75,000 from KfW) will enable a large number of young Ukrainian refugees to continue their participation in the TUMO education programme. It is now conducted online after the TUMO Centre in Kyiv was closed in March 2022.

TUMO was launched in 2011 by the Simonian Educational Foundation in Armenia. It is an inclusive digital education programme that teaches creative digital skills like programming, animation, game development, music, film, 3-D modelling and graphic design to 12-18 year olds. There are already 11 TUMO centres in seven countries worldwide, including one in Berlin.

“The courses in Ukrainian make it easier for young people to prepare for their choice of work and career despite the burdens of war and being refugees,” EIB President Werner Hoyer said.

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