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RonS schreef op 28 april 2022 15:13:


In oktober 2021 kreeg je ca 80 roebels voor 1 euro.
Heden krijg je ca 76 roebels voor 1 euro.

Zie bijv: wise.com/nl/currency-converter/eur-to...

Een doel van de sancties, destabilisatie roebel, lijkt niet echt te werken. Na snelle verzwakking in het begin van de oorlog, is de roebel nu meer waard dan voor de oorlog.......maw, je eerste stelling lijkt inderdaad niet te kloppen.
De IEX-website vermeldt: www.iex.nl/Valuta-Koers/610195038/EUR... EUR/RUB = 117.
Pas je eenvoudige wiskunde toe dan is EUR = 117 x RBL

Als jij gelijk hebt dan heeft IEX ongelijk.
(Er zijn misschien wel 1 miljoen mensen die op IEX vertrouwen.)

Ik denk dat jij gelijk hebt:
Euro - Russischer Rubel (EUR-RUB)

Iemand bij IEX denkt dat EUR-RUB (omruilen tegen) hetzelfde is als EUR/RUB... (gedeeld door).

Bowski schreef op 28 april 2022 16:14:

De IEX-website vermeldt: www.iex.nl/Valuta-Koers/610195038/EUR... EUR/RUB = 117.
Pas je eenvoudige wiskunde toe dan is EUR = 117 x RBL

Als jij gelijk hebt dan heeft IEX ongelijk, of omgekeerd....
(Er zijn misschien wel 1 miljoen mensen die op IEX vertrouwen.)
De jaargrafiek spreekt duidelijke taal:

Afgeluisterd gesprek tussen een Russische soldaat en zijn vader in Rusland

Iedereen steelt van elkaar bij de Russen zelf
Vader vraagt een pistool mee te nemen of een Kalashnikov voor zijn vader

Nee, die hebben wij niet, wel een raket of een landmijn, maar daarin heeft de vader geen interesse
Spreekt over zijn nachtvisie kijker die van de soldaat gestolen is
Is van levensbelang, maar alleen de waarde van die kijker interesseert hen

Gesprek in het Engels tussen s, soldaat en F, father


Paul Ronzheimer, Stv. Chefredakteur @ BILD-Zeitung, reporter :

We were inside trenches in Donbas wirh Ukrainian soldiers just some hundred meters away from russian positions. Sometimes it looks so relaxed. Until it starts.

video 0:15 mminuut


josti5 schreef op 28 april 2022 16:21:


De jaargrafiek spreekt duidelijke taal:

Dat komt niet van IEX.
IEX zegt www.iex.nl/Valuta-Koers/610195038/EUR... (Voluit: "https://www.iex.nl/Valuta-Koers/610195038/EUR-RUB.aspx)
Valuta EUR/RUB NBB:EUR13597,

Laatste koers (rub)
117,2010 1-mrt-2022 00:00:00

De stommelingen van IEX!!! hebben het liggend streepje (-) uit de link in de weergave vervangen door een deelteken (/) !!!
A RussianArmy intercept ( onderschept whatsapp en een audio gesprek )

- My soldiers don’t want to fight. I even shoot them - no use. Especially the new ones coming. Cowardly. All I want is go back home to family, wife, children. And then… To hookers. Many, many hookers. Nothing else.

en een audio gesprek

Rough translation of the audio part:

how is the progress?
Ok. Full apathy. all people are demoralized. Each infantry has 10-15 people left. Officers are in full panic.

They all want it to end. For the last 1.5 months, every day we constantly either attack or defend. 3 days ago we panicked. We began our assault, got ahead half way and suddenly got attacked, badly, from all the sides possible. Panic. Meanwhile we sit on the defensive

audio video 1:17 minuut

3 uur geleden
Door het massale vertrek van buitenlandse bedrijven uit Rusland vanwege de oorlog in Oekraïne staan ongeveer 600.000 Russische banen op de tocht. Dat zei een functionaris van de Russische regeringspartij tegen persbureau TASS. Economen verwachten dan ook dat de werkloosheid in Rusland flink zal stijgen.

Vanwege de westerse sancties tegen Rusland hebben grote bedrijven als bijvoorbeeld McDonald's, Adidas en BMW de activiteiten in Rusland stilgelegd. Veel buitenlandse bedrijven betalen de lonen van Russisch personeel nog wel voor enige tijd door. Volgens de secretaris van regeringspartij Verenigd Rusland waren bedrijven uit "onvriendelijke landen" voor het uitbreken van de oorlog goed voor ongeveer 2 miljoen arbeidsplaatsen.
REVEALED: US spies have been helping Ukraine military with intelligence to track Russian movements in the country where at least eight of Putin's generals have died

The US has been providing real-time intelligence to Ukrainian forces since Russia invaded the country in February, former and current U.S. officials said
On Tuesday, an analysis by independent Russian outlet revealed that 317 officers of junior lieutenant rank and above have been killed in Putin's invasion
A third of the casualties came from the most senior grades - major or above - including eight generals and the deputy commander of Russia's Black Sea fleet
Last week, in one of the most recent blows to Russia's army, Moscow admitted another officer, Col. Mikhail Nagamov, had been killed in battle April 13
His death was announced hours after the death of Alexander Chirva, captain of the Caesar Kunikov tank landing ship - which was blown up by a Ukraine air strike

By Alex Hammer For Dailymail.Com

Published: 19:43 BST, 27 April 2022 | Updated: 13:16 BST, 28 April 2022

US spies have been helping Ukraine's military with intelligence about the movements of its Kremlin invaders, and at least eight generals have been killed.

Officials reaveled to NBC News on Tuesday that American intelligence played a crucial role in the country's successful campaigns so far, and have helped the Ukranian government by repeatedly flagging the time and location of Putin's planned strikes.

'From the get-go, we leaned pretty heavily forward in sharing both strategic and actionable intelligence with Ukraine,' an unnamed US official who agreed to speak to the outlet under the condition of anonymity said.

'It's been impactful both at a tactical and strategic level. There are examples where you could tell a pretty clear story that this made a major difference.'

A former senior intelligence official also told NBC News of the de facto alliance: 'There has been a lot of real-time intelligence shared in terms of things that could be used for specific targeting of Russian forces.'

The ex-official revealed that much of the funneled information consists of commercial satellite images, 'but also a lot of other intelligence about, for example, where certain types of Russian units are active.'

On Tuesday, an analysis by independent Russian outlet MediaZona revealed that 317 officers of junior lieutenant rank and above have been killed in Putin's so-far failed invasion, in a little over two months of fighting. At least eight generals have been killed.

Almost a third of the casualties came from the most senior grades - major or above - including a slew of generals and the deputy commander of Russia's Black Sea fleet.
Mikhail Nagamov, 41
Alexander Chirva

Mikhail Nagamov, 41 (left), and Alexander Chirva (right), are two of the most-recent officers Russia has admitted died in its war on Ukraine. US officials said Tuesday that it's been providing intelligence to Ukraine's government that has helped their military in several operations

Major General Andrei Sukhovetsky, the deputy commander of Russia's Black Sea fleet, is one of the highest-ranking commanders that Russia has acknowledged were killed fighting in Ukraine. He was shot dead in February by a sniper. The US provided intel to Ukraine before the battle

Last week, in one of the most recent blows to the larger and better equipped Russian war machine, Moscow admitted yet another officer, Col. Mikhail Nagamov, had been killed in action, on April 13 - reportedly the 35th colonel to do so.

His death was announced just hours after the death of Alexander Chirva, captain of the Caesar Kunikov tank landing ship - which was blown up by a Ukrainian air strike in in the port of Berdyansk.

Major General Vladimir Frolov, meanwhile, the deputy commander of the 8th Combined Arms Army and one of Putin's most senior officers, was also killed earlier this month - the eighth general to die in the conflict.

The steady stream of high-ranking soldier deaths comes as it's been estimated that between 15,000 and 22,000 Russian troops have been slain in combat by Volodymyr Zelenskyy's army - with Moscow only owning up to a fraction of those deaths.
het zwaard
asti: Maar er wordt hier niet gesproken van het Russische volk dat achter Poetin staat. Er wordt hier gesproken over het Russische volk dat denkt zoals de vrouw uit het filmpje die kwaadaardige, racistische uitspraken doet.

Er wordt hier wel gesproken over het volk dat achter Poetin staat. Namelijk dat ze achterlijk, barbaars en oliedom zijn.
Maar dat mag je blijkbaar van sommigen niet zeggen. Het is Poetin die deze oorlog begon en de wereldvrede in gevaar brengt; en niet door de steun van de NAVO of de Amerikanen aan de Ukraine .Hoe dom (of achterlijk) kan je dan zijn als je een oorlog wil starten om een stuk grond dat zelfs niet het jouwe is. En gelukkig zijn er nog Russen die dit inzien
Moedig is hij of zij die deze barbaren willen stoppen.
M;V.G Het Zwaard
Russia orders 174,000 new diplomatic passports 'in suspected scam to allow Putin's top officials, spies and their spouses to bypass sanctions and infiltrate the West'

The foreign ministry in Moscow has demanded 174K fresh diplomatic passports
But the ministry has just 15,000 employees, of which only one in three should qualify as a diplomat, prompting speculation over the reason for the extras
Opposition media outlet SOTA said FSB agents qualify for diplomatic status when on a foreign mission under Russian law, suggesting spies may be sent
Ukraine war hardliner Sergei Lavrov heads the Russian foreign ministry

By Will Stewart for MailOnline

Published: 18:20 BST, 27 April 2022 | Updated: 18:20 BST, 27 April 2022

Russia has ordered tens of thousands of new diplomatic passports in a suspected scam to allow officials and spies - and their spouses - to bypass Western sanctions.

The foreign ministry in Moscow has suddenly demanded the rapid printing of almost 175,000 of the elite travel documents at a cost of £3.3million.

Yet the ministry - headed by Ukraine war hardliner Sergei Lavrov - has no more than 15,000 employees of which only one in three should qualify for diplomatic status.

Sergei Lavrov heads the foreign ministry in Moscow, which has demanded the rapid printing of almost 175,000 of the elite travel documents at a cost of £3.3million. But the ministry has only 15,000 employees, of which only one in three should qualify for diplomatic status

A report by opposition media outlet SOTA said that under Russian laws employees of the FSB security service - the largest successor to the Soviet-era KGB - qualify for diplomatic passports when on foreign missions.

So do officers of the FSO, a protection service which guards Vladimir Putin and other top officials.

MPs, judges and prosecutors can all claim the prestigious passports, which can speed travel and avoid visas in some countries.

Spouses may also qualify, but so do thousands of civil servants working for Putin’s Kremlin bureaucracy.

The new order by the Foreign ministry comes amid unprecedented sanctions by the West restricting the travel options of many among the Russian elite.
Opposition media outlet SOTA said that employees of the FSB, the Russian security service, qualify for diplomatic passports. The order sparked fears that many agents may now be on their way into the west under the guise of diplomacy

Opposition media outlet SOTA said that employees of the FSB, the Russian security service, qualify for diplomatic passports. The order sparked fears that many agents may now be on their way into the west under the guise of diplomacy
het zwaard
Duitsland bereidt zich voor op dichtdraaien gaskraan door Rusland
Duitsland bereidt zich voor op een scenario waarin Rusland de gaskraan binnenkort dichtdraait. Dat zegt de Duitse bondskanselier Olaf Scholz, vandaag op bezoek in Tokio. Aangezien niet te voorspellen is wat het Kremlin gaat doen, moet Duitsland zich volgens Scholz op het ergste voorbereiden.

‘Je moet je erop voorbereiden. Daar zijn we voordat de oorlog uitbrak al mee begonnen en we weten wat we moeten doen’, aldus Scholz. Eind vorige maand kondigde Duitsland de eerste fase van een noodplan voor een acuut gastekort af.
Video of a heavy fire in Kherson is being posted from residents on Telegram.

Kherson, door Russen bezet, een havenplaats aan de Zwarte Zee in het zuiden van Oekraine

video 0:23 minuut


glasnost Gone :

The fire is big & dramatic, but it's trees & reeds etc. burning. However, it's on eastern side of the Dnipro river & nearby shipping yards & associated buildings may suffer damage. Unclear if Russia's navy has any presence there. Occupied city of Kherson, southern Ukraine.



het zwaard
Rusland stuurt nieuwe waarschuwing naar Westen: "Stel ons geduld niet verder op de proef"
Rusland heeft opnieuw een waarschuwing naar het Westen gestuurd. "Stel ons geduld niet verder op de proef", maakt de woordvoerster van het Russische ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken duidelijk.

In de voorbije dagen zijn er verschillende aanvallen uitgevoerd op Russische doelwitten die niet zo heel ver van de Oekraïense grens liggen. Oekraïne eiste de verantwoordelijkheid niet officieel op, maar noemde de incidenten wel "gepaste wraak". De Britse minister van Defensie Ben Wallace voegde er nog aan toe dat Oekraïne het recht heeft om strategische doelwitten in Rusland te bombarderen.

"In het Westen moedigen ze Kiev openlijk aan om Rusland aan te vallen met wapens die ze van NAVO-landen gekregen hebben", aldus Maria Zakharova. "Als dit zo doorgaat, zal er een stevig antwoord van ons komen. Ik zou willen aanraden om ons geduld niet verder op de proef te stellen." Zakharova noemde de Oekraïense president Volodymyr Zelensky tot slot nog een "poppetje dat gebruikt wordt door het Westen."
Irish Emergency Logistics Team, twitteraccount :

I remember watching numerous documentaries about NAZI Germany. And how did those Germans ever support an obvious monster such as Hitler?

Well, wonder no longer folks.

This is happening again in real time.


This madness is being televised

Anton Shekhovtsov, Director of the Centre for Democratic Integrity :

Ordinary Russian mother (ORM) to her son in Ukraine: You’re doing a great job!
Son: A job? We’re killing civilians and kids.
ORM: No! You’re not killing civilians and kids, but fascists!

Illia Ponomarenko, Defense reporter with The Kyiv Independent. :

And of course, Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev was very quick to equate German lawmakers endorsing the defense of Ukraine with Nazis.



Dmitri Anatoljevitsj Medvedev is een Russisch politicus en leider van de partij Verenigd Rusland. Hij was premier van Rusland van 2012 tot 2020 onder president Vladimir Poetin, daarvoor was hij president van Rusland van 2008 tot 2012.
Deportatie van de Oekrainse bevolking naar Rusland

Rusland zet het openlijk op een overheids website

The Kyiv Independent :

Russia claims to have deported over a million Ukrainians to its territories since Feb. 24.

183,168 of those allegedly deported to Russia are children, reads the statement posted on Russia’s Defense Ministry website

Stealing and looting ( plunderen ) are orc ( Russische ) culture

Russian invaders steal over 2,000 exhibits from Mariupol museums

The invaders took more than 2,000 exhibits from Mariupol museums to the temporarily occupied Donetsk, including the 1811 Gospel and more than 200 unique medals.

This was announced on Telegram by the Mariupol City Council, Ukrinform reports.

“The Ruscists have confirmed the theft and removal to Donetsk of more than 2,000 unique exhibits from Mariupol museums. These are original works by Arkhip Kuindzhi and Ivan Aivazovsky. Ancient icons and a unique handwritten Torah scroll. The Gospel of 1811 made by the Venetian printing house for the Greeks of Mariupol, and more than 200 medals from the Harabet Museum of Medallion Art,” the statement reads.

It is noted that the City Council is preparing a report to law enforcement to initiate criminal proceedings and appeal to Interpol.

As reported, the Russian invaders removed all valuable exhibits from besieged Mariupol’s Museum of Local Lore and Kuindzhi Art Museum.

US has proposed making it easier to seize & sell Russian oligarchs' assets & transfer the proceeds to Ukraine.

President Biden has also asked Congress for $33bn in military, economic & humanitarian assistance to support Ukraine "for the next 5 months".

OUT OF CONTROL Russia-Ukraine war LIVE – Monster Putin ‘shaking uncontrollably’ in new video as fears grow over state of his health

EVIL Vladimir Putin's health has come under speculation after a new video shows the Russian strongman "shaking uncontrollably".

The Russian tyrant's hands trembled violently in a clip showing him greeting Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko at the Kremlin.

the footage shows a frail-looking Putin - who in recent weeks has been plagued by claims he has Parkinson's or terminal cancer - holding his hand out to greet Lukashenko before retracting and walking around the room.

His knees then buckle as he walks to embrace his Belarusian counterpart in the undated footage - which has now been viewed more than 1 million times.

It's the latest video calling the monster's health into question after recent footage showed Putin biting his lips and fidgeting distractedly at a church service on Sunday further stoked claims the autocrat has a terminal illness.

And in a separate video, a dishevelled Putin, 69, was seen gripping a table and tapping his foot in video that Kremlin watchers claimed showed a drastic decline in his physical state.

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